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If Being Gay is alright in the eyes of God then.....

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posted on Nov, 30 2003 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by jrod
I have friends that are gay. One friend use to go to church, participate in youth group activities, talk in front of everyone about his life, ect... He is gay and when people started finding out he gave up the whole church thing because he had to. Most of them who pretended to be his friend gossiped and turned ugly against him after they found out about his sex life. The "Christian way" should not be so mean against those who seek the lord. After this incident I saw the light and I now stay away from organized religion because I know way better, I gave it a chance and their actions and system of beliefs is too cultish for me. I rather be free.

That's lowsy. And that's why so many people feel the way they do about religion I think.

posted on Nov, 30 2003 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by AngelaLadyS

Originally posted by Sapphire
Your kids are going to make that choice whether or not it's a choice you condone or condemn. There are many diseases in our world however, The most frightening of all disease is Religion. Most of these plagues / diseases are caused by ignorance, some are synthetically manufactured most of which done purposely. Ever hear the Presidents live speaking on how the Population of our world is growing too quickly and if half of it died off how much better it would be? I have! It's a sad day when those sworn to protect you are doing the exact opposite. I don't personally know anyone thats gay, but even if i did, although i don't personally agree with it, i also don't see it as a threat, and, it's not my right to tell anyone how to live, thats what Hitler did and look where his hate got him? And it's not like they're going to take over and populate the earth!

I agree with everything you said (except the religoun part. I'll add that I'm non-denominational and not some fanatic cult or side wing group or these other denominations that like to make up their own rules as they see fit.)
I do know several gay people. They are decent normal people like you and I and you'd never know it. I respect them as individuals and they respect me. It has nothing at all do do with who they are with when they go home. But they are, as I said, regular normal people. They are not out to change the laws and the land and make the world a 'gay friendly palce'. They live and let live and don't try to change my views - as I don't try to change theirs. I don't make out on thier couch and they don't make out on mine. We're all happy. It's called cooth. Not choice of partener but basic down to earth good manors.

AngelaLadyS, Ok i can understand where you're coming from, it's like smoking in someones house against their wishes etc. That's cool but still, i really think we need to redfine what 'Sin' is. Jesus died for the sins of the whole world supposedly, if he didn't succeed, then it would be safe to say that sin still in fact exists.

[Edited on 30-11-2003 by Sapphire]

posted on Nov, 30 2003 @ 04:48 PM

Originally posted by AngelaLadyS

You cannot equate thievery with homosexuality.
Thievery is an act which negatively affects another person without that person's consent, the physical expression of homosexuality is a consensual act between two people (if it isn't consensual then it is rape, homosexual or no, rape is wrong).

Yes, true enough. Good point. BUT, they are spreading disease and solisiting the sin non the less. Although I do believe the act does negatively effect the other, and I think alot of the 'first timers' are somewhat 'helped' into making there desicion.


Africa has the largest AIDS problem in the world and homosexuality there is NOT accepted in any way shape or form.

Explain that.

posted on Nov, 30 2003 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by jrod
I have friends that are gay. One friend use to go to church, participate in youth group activities, talk in front of everyone about his life, ect... He is gay and when people started finding out he gave up the whole church thing because he had to. Most of them who pretended to be his friend gossiped and turned ugly against him after they found out about his sex life. The "Christian way" should not be so mean against those who seek the lord. After this incident I saw the light and I now stay away from organized religion because I know way better, I gave it a chance and their actions and system of beliefs is too cultish for me. I rather be free.

That's so evil. I really dislike those who tell people that God doesn't love them the way they were born because of what they do. It's the Spirit that is saved, the flesh is meaningless. How long is it going to take Human Beings to wake up and begin accepting people as they are?

posted on Nov, 30 2003 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by Sapphire
AngelaLadyS, Ok i can understand where you're coming from, it's like smoking in someones house against their wishes etc. That's cool but still, i really think we need to redfine what 'Sin' is. Jesus died for the sins of the whole world supposedly, if he didn't succeed, then it would be safe to say that sin still in fact exists.

Well, because I was raised in the family I was in, my idea of 'sin' is basicaly the 10 commandments. But for those who don't believe in the bible, sin wouldn't really be something to even be discussed as a rational reason for following that set of rules.
If I were a non-believer I guess I would not call it sin, but instead morals and kindness ect to others. It still pretty much follows the whole 10 commandment thing accept the sex part I guess. You can certainly be a 'nice person' and do the sex thing ;-)

But yes - sin exsists, in all of us because we are still of the flesh and not spiritual being yet.

What is ment by Jesus dieing for our sin is this...
See in the old testament they had all these crazy things they had to do (sacrifices, fasting, giveing animals and crop ect)...but Jesus became the 'ultamate sacrifice', meaning that when he died 'for our sin', we no longer had to follow the ways of asking for forgiveness by sacrifices of our own. So, the old testamate is kid of a history lesson of sorts then the new testamate is once Jesus died we no longer have to do all that stuff. I hope that makes sence.
Anyway - sin is very much a part of all of us, but because Jesus died for our sin we are able to be forgiven for it.
(Sorry to those who find this offencive in any way. I didn't mean to sound like a sermon, but as usual, I can't help but to answer a question.)
OMGosh - please forgive the tag on here....but this is a perfect example of what I was all fizzed up about before. That little bit of information I just typed about the reason why we do still have sin ect, THAT would be prime reason/targot for someone to scream and hollar about 'religious this and that'. BUT anything else, anything else at all is ok to talk about.

....Can you tell I'm going through a chocolate withdrawl?

posted on Nov, 30 2003 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by �any

Originally posted by AngelaLadyS

You cannot equate thievery with homosexuality.
Thievery is an act which negatively affects another person without that person's consent, the physical expression of homosexuality is a consensual act between two people (if it isn't consensual then it is rape, homosexual or no, rape is wrong).

Yes, true enough. Good point. BUT, they are spreading disease and solisiting the sin non the less. Although I do believe the act does negatively effect the other, and I think alot of the 'first timers' are somewhat 'helped' into making there desicion.


Africa has the largest AIDS problem in the world and homosexuality there is NOT accepted in any way shape or form.

Explain that.

Wow. That's interesting. Now when the aids thing first 'came out' so to speak, there was a big thing about how it was spread from and came from the gay men, then they added in needle drug users.
I also heard that the virus origonated from men having sex with monkies (suposedly the viruses origonal origon), and that the men who did this 'monkey thing' were gay men - therefore the spread so rapidly.
Now the thought of many (the steriotypical thought - NOT MY OWN) is that gay men are 'nastier' as far as sex and anything/everything/everybody is prime time.

I haven't ever heard any other sorce besides the whole masquitoe scar back in the 90's.
Of course it wouldn't suprise me at all if it weren't some biohazard weapon made by our very own government.

posted on Nov, 30 2003 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by AngelaLadyS
I also heard that the virus origonated from men having sex with monkies (suposedly the viruses origonal origon), and that the men who did this 'monkey thing' were gay men - therefore the spread so rapidly.

I haven't ever heard any other sorce besides the whole masquitoe scar back in the 90's.
Of course it wouldn't suprise me at all if it weren't some biohazard weapon made by our very own government.

That's disgusting.
You can't really believe that, can you?
Do cases of anthrax in humans come from those humans having sex with cows?? C'mon now.

Since the virus can only be transmitted through blood or mucous, scientists theorize the AIDS epidemic started when hunters in Africa came across contaminated blood in chimps.

And it's been around a lot longer than the 1981 San Fran population.

If AIDS is a gay man's disease, why are half the cases in women?
Why has the number of women with HIV/AIDS virtually exploded?
In fact, African American and Hispanic women are showing more cases of AIDS than any other group.
And since 1995, heterosexual transmission has been, by far, the largest factor in AIDS cases.
Link (.pdf format)


posted on Nov, 30 2003 @ 07:43 PM
There is a bit of evidense that points to HIV origianally being a monkey virus.
News article

You are right to say it has been around a lot longer than mostwould think. The origin of HIV/AIDS is a different thread though.

[Edited on 30-11-2003 by jrod]

posted on Nov, 30 2003 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by darklanser

Originally posted by THENEO

is there any part of this debate you have been missing?

gays openly admit to the following:

excessive drug use,
unprotected sex,
general lack of stability,
and excessive decadence in general

I fear though that soon they will be the majority and thus your arguement will be valid by force rather than logic.

Heterosexuals do all of the things on your list as well, in percentages higher than homosexuals. Your argument is not very solid neo. I think you rely on what the media says too much. Do you know any gay people, or does the idea of knowing one offend you as well? I bet you know at least one (if not more) who know that your view of gays would not be alright in your morally correct world vision.

Sorry but you are WRONG!

Many surveys in Western countries would dispute your arguement.

FURTHERMORE! just heterosexuals that do this are also sliding down a slippery slope.

'Be a rock and not to roll' should be one's motto and not,

do what is hip and trendy and keep doing it till it kills me or until they change the fashion....

posted on Nov, 30 2003 @ 07:55 PM

Originally posted by �any

Originally posted by THENEO

you made some good points.

but morality is not just reflected in the law or what is right or wrong in the whole realm of the universe, it is what goes against a good and productive society.

society matters when you live in this realm. What attacks society or can attact society or what decays society is also deemed immoral.

How does homosexuality attack society?
How are gay people equasive with Hitler?
How does having a gay person living at the end of your street, make your street a worse place to live?

you did not read nor understand nor accept the premise of my previous post did you?

I do know why though, it is not in your agenda to do so.

gays admittedly do not for the majority live a typical nor stable life,

the glorification and multiplication of their fashion, habits, and beliefs is DESTRUCTIVE to western society and in fact any society. This is obvious. Again, someone that goes by SATAN as their identifier is interested in destruction and would deny it at every opportunity. Do you deny that?

posted on Nov, 30 2003 @ 07:58 PM

Originally posted by �any

Originally posted by THENEO

is there any part of this debate you have been missing?

gays openly admit to the following:

excessive drug use,
unprotected sex,
general lack of stability,
and excessive decadence in general

now to a satanist,
these are holy attributes and to be commended,
but not everyone is a satanist,
nor are the majority as of yet.

I fear though that soon they will be the majority and thus your arguement will be valid by force rather than logic.

but everything action has reaction,

every choice has a cost.

Neo, you talk complete rubbish.
I know gay people and straight people and by percentage a lot more of my straight friends do all of the things in your list than my gay friends.
Oh and, it's not only Satanists who think those things are acceptable, you talk bollocks.

Really, well what kind of people do those that call themselves SATAN, hang out with Dany?

BTW, I will repeat this ONCE AGAIN, based upon gay parades, TV shows depicting Gays and their general portrayal in the media, GAYS THINK THEY are decadent themselves even if you DO NOT!

Why do you lie like this?

Oh I know why. You have to win right? No matter the cost. But you know Satan that if you win everyone loses, even you.

posted on Nov, 30 2003 @ 08:02 PM

Originally posted by Zzub
It's threads like this that make me hate this forum. How so many stupid people can be allowed to pollute the world with thier foul beliefs astounds me.

I though your god told you to love your brother.

theNeo, you have proved what an idiot you are, as have half the people in this thread.

#, I hate people sometimes.


[Edited on 30-11-2003 by Zzub]

Don't worry ZZub,

your hatred will come back to you.

I do not hate gays, nor do I care what they do,

but they are NOT mainstream,

they are not poster boys for everything that is good in civilized society,

nor do I want to live in a world where they and every other minority group with an agenda of self-promotion rule the majority.

that is where I am coming from and I think it is a fair and reasonable request.

posted on Nov, 30 2003 @ 08:02 PM

Originally posted by THENEO

Originally posted by darklanser

Originally posted by THENEO

is there any part of this debate you have been missing?

gays openly admit to the following:

excessive drug use,
unprotected sex,
general lack of stability,
and excessive decadence in general

I fear though that soon they will be the majority and thus your arguement will be valid by force rather than logic.

Heterosexuals do all of the things on your list as well, in percentages higher than homosexuals. Your argument is not very solid neo. I think you rely on what the media says too much. Do you know any gay people, or does the idea of knowing one offend you as well? I bet you know at least one (if not more) who know that your view of gays would not be alright in your morally correct world vision.

Sorry but you are WRONG!

Many surveys in Western countries would dispute your arguement.

FURTHERMORE! just heterosexuals that do this are also sliding down a slippery slope.

'Be a rock and not to roll' should be one's motto and not,

do what is hip and trendy and keep doing it till it kills me or until they change the fashion....

THENEO, AIDS is a Manufactured Disease. The Virus Itself feeds off Victims who are already immune deficient, such as Drug Abusers.

[Edited on 30-11-2003 by Sapphire]

posted on Nov, 30 2003 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by THENEO

Originally posted by �any

Originally posted by THENEO

is there any part of this debate you have been missing?

gays openly admit to the following:

excessive drug use,
unprotected sex,
general lack of stability,
and excessive decadence in general

now to a satanist,
these are holy attributes and to be commended,
but not everyone is a satanist,
nor are the majority as of yet.

I fear though that soon they will be the majority and thus your arguement will be valid by force rather than logic.

but everything action has reaction,

every choice has a cost.

Neo, you talk complete rubbish.
I know gay people and straight people and by percentage a lot more of my straight friends do all of the things in your list than my gay friends.
Oh and, it's not only Satanists who think those things are acceptable, you talk bollocks.

Really, well what kind of people do those that call themselves SATAN, hang out with Dany?

BTW, I will repeat this ONCE AGAIN, based upon gay parades, TV shows depicting Gays and their general portrayal in the media, GAYS THINK THEY are decadent themselves even if you DO NOT!

Why do you lie like this?

Oh I know why. You have to win right? No matter the cost. But you know Satan that if you win everyone loses, even you.

You know what Neo.
Think whatever the # you want.
I don't give a #.
I'll just live my life happy with the way I am, I'll have lots of fun and when I die I will have no regrets because I will have jumped at the opportunity to have new experiences.
So think and do what you want because your life makes no difference to mine.
Condemn whomever you please, I'm sure that in your bigoted mind you'll be righteous and virtuous.
In my mind you're a bigot, and that's all.

posted on Nov, 30 2003 @ 08:08 PM
By the way, look at the little titles under my name, I changed it to something more fitting of who I am.
The name Satan was just to piss off fundamentalists like you.

posted on Nov, 30 2003 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by �any
By the way, look at the little titles under my name, I changed it to something more fitting of who I am.
The name Satan was just to piss off fundamentalists like you.

Cool another Brit!!! LONG LIVE THE BRITS

posted on Nov, 30 2003 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by Sapphire

Originally posted by �any
By the way, look at the little titles under my name, I changed it to something more fitting of who I am.
The name Satan was just to piss off fundamentalists like you.

Cool another Brit!!! LONG LIVE THE BRITS

Is your avatar a Night Elf?

posted on Nov, 30 2003 @ 08:17 PM

I do agree with you about aids.

but in the final analysis does it matter where it comes from?

no body forces anyone to have unprotected sex do they?


in the world of light,

freedom of choice led to the creation of your master,

the only beef I have with the dark side is that your boss thinks he has the right to interfere with MY FREE CHOICE!

that is why I do not like him.

what allowed his or hers for that matter, creation is that which it ignores in order to further its agenda.

now Dany,

be honest here,

do not all the moths think they can hover in the light of the lovely flame and not be instantly vapourized?

it does happen.

posted on Nov, 30 2003 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by THENEO

I do agree with you about aids.

but in the final analysis does it matter where it comes from?

no body forces anyone to have unprotected sex do they?


in the world of light,

freedom of choice led to the creation of your master,

the only beef I have with the dark side is that your boss thinks he has the right to interfere with MY FREE CHOICE!

that is why I do not like him.

what allowed his or hers for that matter, creation is that which it ignores in order to further its agenda.

now Dany,

be honest here,

do not all the moths think they can hover in the light of the lovely flame and not be instantly vapourized?

it does happen.

Neo shut up, I don't have "A boss", you've decided that I do and that his name is Satan, it's getting boring now.
In fact, # it, I'm putting you on ignore.

posted on Nov, 30 2003 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by THENEO

I do agree with you about aids.

but in the final analysis does it matter where it comes from?

no body forces anyone to have unprotected sex do they?

THENEO, Aids doesn't come from having sex though, it only attacks those with weak immune systems. I don't buy it for a moment that it derives from some monkey, thats ridiculous. Thats like saying People never caught Aids that supposedly came from some ape for millions of years, but suddenly now its just appeared? Plus, Aids 'is' curable contrary to Medical belief.

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