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I support the New World Order/Global Elite!

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posted on Dec, 19 2006 @ 02:51 AM
Any 'World Order' is doomed to failure. It couldn't be simpler, Order is a temporary state, it can't be permanent.

If you build something, the universe will knock it down for you at no extra charge.

There's nothing that can be built that cannot be torn down by time and chance.

So, let the children have their castles in the sand. Befriend the ocean, not the deluded fools trying to hold it back.

As far as Muslims wanting to kill everyone - where do people get this crap? :shk:

posted on Dec, 19 2006 @ 08:19 AM

Originally posted by VladTheImpaler

Originally posted by golddragnet

Originally posted by VladTheImpaler

Originally posted by golddragnet
Vlad the Impaler was one of the Illuminati family bloodlines, the Royal monarchy in Britian and the Bush and Kerry families can all trace part of their family bloodlines back to Vlad the Impaler

Do you have any kind of evidence to support your claim or did you simply pull this one out of the rabbits hat?

There is evidence of this, you can easily find it yourself if you search the net, there are many search engines, it is probably even documented elsewhere on this website, it is for you to do your own searching

I'm sorry, I did not know that I was the one responsible to provide the evidence. You made the claim, but I guess I'll have to do the research for you (to prove your point). But oh well, I guess that's fair.

Don't be a twerp. I am not asking YOU to prove anything, I don't care what research you do or what you know, it is many years since I took interest in such things, and I don't need to PROVE anything to anyone. However, if you do your own research for your own amusement you will realise that I was correct, depsite what a few of the other misinformed posters may suggest.
It shouldn't surprise you either, knowing that most of the noble families in europe were related, it is especially true of the royalty themselves, most of the royal families in europe through the ages were related and married among themselves, even today the english queen is of german heritage and is married to a man of greek noble heritage. The Bush family are dstantly related to the queen, and Vlad the Impaler is also a distant relative.

posted on Dec, 19 2006 @ 10:02 AM
Here's my question, if this guy wants :
-other religion believers
dead, then what the hell is he? A humanist that believes he is God?
Or maybe he's a... satanist.

Please, this kid is obviously delusional if he writes in on a forum.
He obviously wants attention, the bad kind. Nothing you say will change his mind about a worldwide genocide. Infact, if he had a chance, I'm sure he'd kill some people, he only writes that he wouldn't because this is a public forum and he can get in trouble. Well, I say, good luck to you buddy, just don't forget that you're not the one that chooses whose on the death list, the elite do. And I'm sure they have no use for you, they have enough of their own. Just because you have a supperiority complex doesn't mean you gonna get saved. Realise this instead of dreaming about decomposing corpses.

posted on Dec, 19 2006 @ 12:07 PM
I've seen really good threads get much less play than this obviously very bad one. Perhaps attention or more accurately postings are what this thread is all about. Is it worth it? Should it have simple been ignored? In the early part of post each responce was picked apart by Vlad almost requiring another post. I quess if you want responces just post something outrageous and watch the posting flutter in, this thread should have been impaled.

[edit on 19-12-2006 by polanksi]

[edit on 19-12-2006 by polanksi]

posted on Dec, 19 2006 @ 01:11 PM
Vlad should be impaled the same way his idol liked to do it. A wooden spike up the anus that kills you as your weight makes you slowly slide down. Then maybe he'd actually UNDERSTAND WHAT SUFFERING IS, and show some compassion for humanity.

posted on Dec, 19 2006 @ 02:07 PM
this is a bit off topic but...

Everybody has a problem with Vlad the impaler (the REAL person), when there were/are people even worse than him...

I forgot their names, but they were the worst murderers ever:

-There was a man who raped a girl then cut off the girl's head, brought it home, his wife put make-up on the face and then had oral sex with the head... I think thats more disturbing than Vlad

-There was also a guy who molested children and ate them afterward (can't remember why, there was a particular reason). he was german I think.

-(one name ,or nickname, I remember) what about the DC sniper? shooting innocent people?

just my 2c

[edit on 19-12-2006 by The_unraveller]

posted on Dec, 19 2006 @ 02:11 PM
That was quite graphic ^ but I suppose it's time to cut to the chase.


posted on Dec, 19 2006 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by 7Ayreon
That was quite graphic ^ but I suppose it's time to cut to the chase.


That's nothing, I read it in a book (forgot the name, its somethiing in the line of worst serial killers ever), and in the book they go into greater detail... which can be quite disturbing.

It let's one wonder how people can do such a thing.

BUT... you've got a point, it is time to cut to the chase... AND... go.

posted on Dec, 19 2006 @ 02:24 PM
sorry, delete THIS post...

[edit on 19-12-2006 by The_unraveller]

posted on Dec, 19 2006 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by manchurian_candidate
HAHAHA tell me boy what good is your NWO if the earth,sun and time and the damm universedosen't exist??

Check this website out to see your real NWO progress

I am sorry but NWO wont be happening on this planet.Your times up the true light beings will triump over darkness

[edit on 18-12-2006 by manchurian_candidate]

espousing theories with absolutely no physical evidence and labeling them as "truth" is ridiculous. it's amazing to me how quickly people will ascribe to an interesting story when they're told it's the truth. ie. the bible.

posted on Dec, 19 2006 @ 07:32 PM
You better watch out

You better not cry

Better not pout

I'm telling you why

NWO is coming to town

NWO will take care of all its opponents, the Patriot Act serves well, and it's only the beginning.

posted on Dec, 19 2006 @ 08:04 PM
I almost fell out of my chair laughing when I ran across this thread and was going to flush it down the toilet but I have to respond at least once.

Vlad and laiguana,

You are but a heartbeat and perhaps a breath away from eternity and the thread between this life and hell is very tenous and fragile for you. Funny how you say that the NWO is coming to administer 'justice' to mankind... You two are under a strong dilusion just as God said you would be because you have turned your back against him. I'm not going to disagree about the NWO coming into power, it's all mapped out in scripture, but where you are WRONG is that power is 'given' to the NWO only for a short time until God himself shows up with the keys and says "GAME OVER". The NWO is God's final instrument of judgement and you are nothing but a diluted reprobate minded ignorant pawn for this purpose. The NWO as you call it is not coming to administer justice but to bring TYRANNY. After the NWO's LIMITED and God GIVEN time in power, He Himself will show up and show everyone whos really in charge and I guarantee anyone and everyone who fought for the wrong side and is unsaved will get a quick rude awakening about what the bad side of eternity is all about.

So go ahead, spew and bleet your 'lucerferian' ignorance.. just remember one thing.. You are NO THREAT to God' chosen and the saved.

Some not so humble advice for you luceferian morons:

Mt 10:28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are NOT ABLE to kill the soul: but rather fear HIM which is able to destroy BOTH SOUL AND BODY IN HELL.

Go ahead,,,, take your chances and like someone here said earlier, you better live it up while you have the chance because this life is ALL your going have and it's going to mean absolutely nothing when your done here.

Oh and one more thing.. you can not condone murdering people and still have a clean concious even if you don't physically do the murdering yourself.. to think such a thing is clear evidence that you are spritually blind. If you don't like that then argue with God.. I didn't make those rules.

Go ahead NWO, try and kill me and enslave me but remember, even if you succeed in doing the aformentioned, my SOUL is in God's hands and OUT OF YOUR REACH. When the book slams shut on the sea of time and we are all washed onto the shore of eternity it will be just the beginining for me and the END for YOU.

[edit on 19-12-2006 by ViewFromTheStars]

posted on Dec, 19 2006 @ 08:56 PM
Some of you really need to get a sense of humor. Like you are so perfect you've never thought the world could do without certain people. Whatever. Get off the moral high horse and laugh a little with us not-so-holy-as-thou types. Maybe I should write up my own wish list and send it to Santa. La.

posted on Dec, 19 2006 @ 09:36 PM
Asher, I actually do have a pretty good sense of humor.. At least I think so.

What I refuse to find humor in is the condonement of murder, especially in the context portrayed by the initial post.

Forgive me if I got a little irritated and I definitly don't mean to come across 'holier than thou' but the simple truth if you decide to believe it is God, our creator is Holy... If you don't like that take the matter up with Him. Try not to get bent out of shape with me because I have decided to base my life on God's Word. If you don't want to believe His Word for whatever reason that's ultimately going to be between you and Him.

As far as supporting the NWO? According to what I believe, God is going to use the antichrist spirit and it's NWO followers for his purpose of judgement and then he's going to flush the whole thing down the toilet into hell. Don't believe me? Read the Bible.

I will fight this ignorance to my grave and if it means being enslaved and killed then I'll be enslaved and killed in the name of Jesus praising His name to the bloody end.

De 30:19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore CHOOSE LIFE, that both thou and thy seed may live:

Now GEE.. I wonder why God said that?

Mt 16:26 For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

Don't you guys get it?

Jas 4:14 Whereas ye KNOW NOT what shall be on the MORROW. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a LITTLE TIME, and then VANISHETH AWAY.

It amazes me how people are so nonchelant about their very soul. I guess it was easy for me way back when, when I was an anihilationists but later it became clear to me that this life is just the 'beginning' and a chance to choose our Creator.. Like I said earlier.. God himself said that he lays before us LIFE AND DEATH and told us to CHOOSE LIFE... He's a God of LIFE. When you die it's too late, why take chances? What if eternity really exists? Jesus said I am the truth, the way and the life. NO ONE comes unto the Father except through ME. Ok.. so there are a million different ways according to the 'world' for salvation.. who are you going to listen to.. the world or Him? Jesus didn't mince words.. He said MEMEMEMEMEME.. I"M the way.. NOT Allah, NOT Buddah, NOT whatever masonry want's to embody at any given moment. Who you gonna' believe?

Who you going to follow.. You going to follow Jesus or are you going to follow the antichrist spirit, it's NWO system and it's new world "religion"?

The choice is yours to make but the consequences are NOT going to be your choice.

[edit on 19-12-2006 by ViewFromTheStars]

posted on Dec, 20 2006 @ 12:49 AM
Vlad and laiguana, are perfect examples of those who will believe,at least initially, that the plan will be a great idea. They will also be amongst those who will yell, "Hey, it wasn't supposed to be like this." Alas, it will be too little too late. The only thing to do then will be to hide and wait.


posted on Dec, 20 2006 @ 01:51 AM
I suspect Vlad and laiguana love violence - thats all i know about people like those kind.

I hate them...

I H a t e T h e m

Small stinky animals on two feet - with no soul or exsistence - They love to break ribs and bones on other people....

hate them forever - because they are useless trash.

[edit on 20-12-2006 by Ram]

posted on Dec, 20 2006 @ 04:18 AM
Hahahaha, this post gave me a good laugh. Thanks!

Originally posted by ViewFromTheStars
I almost fell out of my chair laughing when I ran across this thread and was going to flush it down the toilet but I have to respond at least once.

Vlad and laiguana,

You are but a heartbeat and perhaps a breath away from eternity and the thread between this life and hell is very tenous and fragile for you. Funny how you say that the NWO is coming to administer 'justice' to mankind... You two are under a strong dilusion just as God said you would be because you have turned your back against him. I'm not going to disagree about the NWO coming into power, it's all mapped out in scripture, but where you are WRONG is that power is 'given' to the NWO only for a short time until God himself shows up with the keys and says "GAME OVER". The NWO is God's final instrument of judgement and you are nothing but a diluted reprobate minded ignorant pawn for this purpose. The NWO as you call it is not coming to administer justice but to bring TYRANNY. After the NWO's LIMITED and God GIVEN time in power, He Himself will show up and show everyone whos really in charge and I guarantee anyone and everyone who fought for the wrong side and is unsaved will get a quick rude awakening about what the bad side of eternity is all about.

To start, don't associate me with 'laiguana', I don't share his views.

Yes, I've turned my back against your God, just as I have turned my back to Zeus, the Pink Unicorn, the flying spaghetti monster and other fictional characters.

So you're saying NWO is god's final instrument, huh? Well, in that case that means god is as a result Evil. Right? God will kill and murder 'those whom turn their backs to him' to prove a point? Way to go god! I would be proud.

I'm sorry, you are mistaken, my fairy tale NWO will not bring about tyranny, rather happy candy land for everyone (not already dead).

And please, provide proof that this is "mapped out in scripture" before making such statements.

Originally posted by ViewFromTheStars
So go ahead, spew and bleet your 'lucerferian' ignorance.. just remember one thing.. You are NO THREAT to God' chosen and the saved.

Some not so humble advice for you luceferian morons:

Mt 10:28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are NOT ABLE to kill the soul: but rather fear HIM which is able to destroy BOTH SOUL AND BODY IN HELL.

I'm not lucerferian. I don't believe in your fantasy imaginary friends, Jesus or Satan for that matter. You pretend that the characters which you refer to are actually real, where is the proof?

Originally posted by ViewFromTheStars
Go ahead,,,, take your chances and like someone here said earlier, you better live it up while you have the chance because this life is ALL your going have and it's going to mean absolutely nothing when your done here.

When I'm done here? I'm sorry, I am not planning to go anywhere after "I'm done here" (also known as dead).

Originally posted by ViewFromTheStars
Oh and one more thing.. you can not condone murdering people and still have a clean concious even if you don't physically do the murdering yourself.. to think such a thing is clear evidence that you are spritually blind. If you don't like that then argue with God.. I didn't make those rules.

Nu-huh! I can too!

Originally posted by ViewFromTheStars
Go ahead NWO, try and kill me and enslave me but remember, even if you succeed in doing the aformentioned, my SOUL is in God's hands and OUT OF YOUR REACH. When the book slams shut on the sea of time and we are all washed onto the shore of eternity it will be just the beginining for me and the END for YOU.

Do you enjoy being delusional? I urge you to seek mental help as you're obviously suffering from a Christ psychosis.

posted on Dec, 20 2006 @ 04:29 AM

Originally posted by ViewFromTheStars
Forgive me if I got a little irritated and I definitly don't mean to come across 'holier than thou' but the simple truth if you decide to believe it is God, our creator is Holy... If you don't like that take the matter up with Him. Try not to get bent out of shape with me because I have decided to base my life on God's Word. If you don't want to believe His Word for whatever reason that's ultimately going to be between you and Him.

Does he have an office or a phone number I can reach him at?

Originally posted by ViewFromTheStars
As far as supporting the NWO? According to what I believe, God is going to use the antichrist spirit and it's NWO followers for his purpose of judgement and then he's going to flush the whole thing down the toilet into hell. Don't believe me? Read the Bible.

You are being led to the dark side my friend. You should know that the prophecy predicts that the Jedi will return and restore peace in the galaxy. Don't believe me? Watch the Star Wars Episodes I-VI.

Originally posted by ViewFromTheStars
I will fight this ignorance to my grave and if it means being enslaved and killed then I'll be enslaved and killed in the name of Jesus praising His name to the bloody end.

De 30:19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore CHOOSE LIFE, that both thou and thy seed may live:

Now GEE.. I wonder why God said that?

Mt 16:26 For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

Don't you guys get it?

Jas 4:14 Whereas ye KNOW NOT what shall be on the MORROW. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a LITTLE TIME, and then VANISHETH AWAY.

It amazes me how people are so nonchelant about their very soul. I guess it was easy for me way back when, when I was an anihilationists but later it became clear to me that this life is just the 'beginning' and a chance to choose our Creator.. Like I said earlier.. God himself said that he lays before us LIFE AND DEATH and told us to CHOOSE LIFE... He's a God of LIFE. When you die it's too late, why take chances? What if eternity really exists? Jesus said I am the truth, the way and the life. NO ONE comes unto the Father except through ME. Ok.. so there are a million different ways according to the 'world' for salvation.. who are you going to listen to.. the world or Him? Jesus didn't mince words.. He said MEMEMEMEMEME.. I"M the way.. NOT Allah, NOT Buddah, NOT whatever masonry want's to embody at any given moment. Who you gonna' believe?

Ghostbusters! Duda da da da dam.

Originally posted by ViewFromTheStars
Who you going to follow.. You going to follow Jesus or are you going to follow the antichrist spirit, it's NWO system and it's new world "religion"?

The choice is yours to make but the consequences are NOT going to be your choice.

How about we don't follow ANY imaginary entities?

posted on Dec, 20 2006 @ 04:31 AM

Originally posted by Ram
I suspect Vlad and laiguana love violence - thats all i know about people like those kind.

I hate them...

I H a t e T h e m

Small stinky animals on two feet - with no soul or exsistence - They love to break ribs and bones on other people....

hate them forever - because they are useless trash.

I love you!


posted on Dec, 20 2006 @ 04:40 AM

Originally posted by VladTheImpaler
Hahahaha, this post gave me a good laugh. Thanks!

To start, don't associate me with 'laiguana', I don't share his views.

I’ve read that the Global Elite plans to exterminate and kill 80% (4 out of 5) people in the world.

Now, after reading this, I must say, what a wonderful idea!

In my opinion there are too many undesirable groups in the world that I my self would be pleased to get rid of.

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