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Stream technique success stories

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posted on Nov, 29 2006 @ 10:44 PM

Originally posted by Alien Agenda
As promised here is the quantum image, please ignore the white block on the upper right hand corner.


please concentrate on the center, about your desires and report back here as to what is happening.


1. Is this just another method to get to the same place via the other method you gave us?

2. Are we supposed to stare at this image, OR memorize it in our head and visualize it.

Thanks AA

posted on Nov, 30 2006 @ 01:28 AM

Originally posted by Alien Agenda
As promised here is the quantum image, please ignore the white block on the upper right hand corner.


please concentrate on the center, about your desires and report back here as to what is happening.


I stared at the image for ONE minute, and CANNOT get the image out of my eyes! Its been ten minutes, and the image has burned into what I assume is my retina. Is this supposed to happen? Im lost as to what we are supposed to experiencing. I also remember you posting this image in your original thread about this being a energy reactor of some sort shown to you by "them". So, what is the deal here?

[edit on 30-11-2006 by amongus]

posted on Nov, 30 2006 @ 01:34 AM
Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!! ITS Happening to me too!!!! Ahhhhhhhh, what is that graphic? What does it do? Help!!!!! It's like burnt in focus to my eye, I see a light white circle followed by an inner white and dark circle with an eclipse looking black star.


posted on Nov, 30 2006 @ 01:40 AM
arrrggg, like wtf, that image sticks in your head, grrr, its so cool though.

AA what is it for?

posted on Nov, 30 2006 @ 01:44 AM

There is a demonic symbol of serpants in the centre! Ahhhhhh, it's an evil imprint! It is than imprinted into your memory to I.D. yourself by an entity! OR this demonic depicted entity allows the ENGINE to connect between astral plains (dark magic ETC) !!!!!

** This discovery supports **
Alien Sightings: Abstract clues of a demonic ritual:


[edit on 30-11-2006 by 7Ayreon]

posted on Nov, 30 2006 @ 01:45 AM
I know! Im so confused as to what this image means. AA had mentioned in a prior thread that the image was of some sort of engine. I tried to find his original post, but cant find it. Anyway, I hope it has to do with what we are experementing with, and he can elaborate on what exactly we are supposed to be doing.

If you look close, there are several images in the center of the image. When you stare at it, the ball in the middle seems to float in 3d. Thats it though.

Finally, its out of my head!

posted on Nov, 30 2006 @ 01:47 AM

This is how bright the white and black shades of color look like after it was stuck in my retina. The graphic here is inverted.


posted on Nov, 30 2006 @ 01:50 AM

Originally posted by 7Ayreon

There is a demonic symbol of serpants in the centre! Ahhhhhh, it's an evil imprint! It is than imprinted into your memory to I.D. yourself by an entity!


How do you know its a demonic symbol? Why do you think AA would post this? And what was he referring to when he stated: "OnTheDeck
As promised here is the quantum image, please ignore the white block on the upper right hand corner. "?

Did I miss a post of onthedeck asking for this?

posted on Nov, 30 2006 @ 01:55 AM

How do you know its a demonic symbol? Why do you think AA would post this?

Just by looking at it, I see a demon, it also has the medical symbol of serpants moving up a staff. Though something different, there is a head with black eyes in between the wings. This could also link with UFOs and Demonic rituals theory.


[edit on 30-11-2006 by 7Ayreon]

posted on Nov, 30 2006 @ 01:55 AM

Mine didnt look nearly as vibrant, and I couldnt see color. But I am still confused as to if we are supposed to be staring at it, or memorizing it and using the other method in conjunction with it. Dont know why he'd throw another method into this mix when he hasn't proven this one works yet. Although, we are close. . according to him.

I did have a very strange experience last night though. I started to vibrate again after about five minutes of using the technique. I then got the overwhelming feeling that someone was in the room with me, and that I was being watched. It got to be so powerful, that I chose not to open my eyes and decided to ignore the feeling and shake myself out of vibrating. Here is the strange part. I woke up with a bloody nose, and a bump on the inside top of my left nostril.

[edit on 30-11-2006 by amongus]

posted on Nov, 30 2006 @ 06:15 AM
AA started a thread a month or two ago using this image. Don't worry if the link in the OP doesn't work, it's to the same image anyway. May give some answers.

[edit on 30/11/06 by Prote]

posted on Nov, 30 2006 @ 07:52 AM
Once upon a time there was a mighty race know as the grays who would deliver good will and cheers to all of humanity. They delivered technology and techniques to a primitive race know as “humans”, The biggest challenges we had was to deliver the goods in a way that the human conscious would understand so we decided to provide it in the form of (pay attentions boys and girls) ENERGY. Yes energy is everything and anything in the multiverse…. But in order for ET to deliver the goods humans would have to rise above their conscious which is at the bottom of the evolutionary chain in the multiverse and just simply reach out and grab it.

Some very clever humans reached out and grabbed this “forbidden knowledge” that the power that be would squash and they took this technology and techniques are applying it a wide range of products and services for the betterment of mankind.

Folks the image in this thread is a doorway to CHI (Central HUB of Intelligents) a place where all realities converge. This piece of technology is capable of delivering a WIDE range “things” to people.

The fractal in the middle is the representation of OTD, and the cords at the bottom are his precise cords within the CHI…. He will be experiencing a reality convergence, this is when the reality he desires is superimpose onto this reality.

Call it what you want…. But the fact remains that the grays are very real, and the stream is the means to communicate with them.

You will “ALL” experience it but you must and I say this again you must push yourselves out of the comfortable 3rd dimensional cage you have built and reach up higher than you EVER have and grasp it….

The stream is the Garden of Eden, you are all invited to come and play like a child once again.


I am sane, I am whole, and best of all

I am


posted on Nov, 30 2006 @ 08:46 AM

Originally posted by OnTheDeck
Just imagine you're wearing a flat hat. The colors, whether looking at them from above, or sensing them from below, are in the same quadrants.

Hi OnTheDeck,

Thank you for taking the time to explain this to me. Your "hat" example was a perfect analogy. I will try this technique on my next attempt. I've never had trouble imaging colors, but I've never thought of imaging someone else standing behind me. Maybe this imaginery person could also be an assistant to help me relax, maybe even touching the color quadrants in order. I'll give it a shot.

Thanks again.


posted on Nov, 30 2006 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by Alien Agenda
The stream is the Garden of Eden

AA, I am having trouble to believe that this stream of communication with grays resides in the Garden of Eden because, this is exactly where the grays want to find Adam and Eve's original and pure genetic code for the ability to shapeshift by having more powers so the grays can be a dominent species here on Earth. Though the grays were lied to by the Vulturites and the Reptilians themselves. I hope you are familier with Xee-A-Twelve:

I am having difficulty finding the source of Adam & Eve there, it is somewhere in the list of Amitakh's works.

With respect;

posted on Dec, 1 2006 @ 01:36 AM

Originally posted by Alien Agenda
Once upon a time there was a mighty race know as the grays who would deliver good will and cheers to all of humanity. They delivered technology and techniques to a primitive race know as “humans”, The biggest challenges we had was to deliver the goods in a way that the human conscious would understand so we decided to provide it in the form of (pay attentions boys and girls) ENERGY.

Interesting AA. Riddle me this, and I may be missing something here. . but you first say "They" when referring to the grays. You then switch to saying "we". What are you getting at?

I understand your anology, but you really didnt explain what we are supposed to do here. Do we concentrate on the image for ten minutes on the screen and ask for our desires to come true? Or do we meditate with this image in our heads? What are we supposed to be looking for, and why is this better than your original technique?

Still confused. . .

posted on Dec, 1 2006 @ 06:57 AM

I am sane, I am whole, and best of all

I am


You're kidding right?

posted on Dec, 1 2006 @ 09:21 AM

Originally posted by amongus
Interesting AA. Riddle me this, and I may be missing something here. . but you first say "They" when referring to the grays. You then switch to saying "we". What are you getting at?

If I understand what he's doing, that image was only for OTD? Or at least, the cords, in which case wouldn't be of any use to us? I dunno. I remember when he first posted that image; I don't remember if the cords were the same or not though.

posted on Dec, 1 2006 @ 10:24 AM
OTD decided to answer a set of hummm banded questions, the results of this involvement where posted in the link in my other post. They were from him alone, the effects that some of you felt where the energy signature of CHI…. In essences you felt the source of all creation rolling out into your 3rd dimensional cage. It disrupted your sense of reality. When the user full engages CHI the realities re converged and a new singularity (reality) is born into creation.

Remember that thought, desire and will are the power energy forms in existence, you are literally creating your reality around you all the time you are NEVER not creating your reality…

This is not a new exercise please stay on course this was just a One off for OTD. This is an experiment in alien technology, nothing more.

Interesting AA. Riddle me this, and I may be missing something here. . but you first say "They" when referring to the grays. You then switch to saying "we". What are you getting at?

This is my inefficiently at the English language please pay it no heed.

If I understand what he's doing, that image was only for OTD? Or at least, the cords, in which case wouldn't be of any use to us? I dunno. I remember when he first posted that image; I don't remember if the cords were the same or not though.

You are correct, this is for OTD, it is a model of his convergence reality.


posted on Dec, 2 2006 @ 01:59 AM
Once again AA, when can we expect to get your briefing on what you learned from the stream, and the grays?

posted on Dec, 3 2006 @ 09:32 PM
So far I ahve had no success with this method but I do have a seemingly valid question. Since you have been shown things (referring to you AA) such as ET cities, structures, worlds, etc - can you illustrate this for anyone interested in seeing what you are seeing? Regardless of the idea of looking for proof (which I still can't figure why people seem to think they will find that here) I'd love to know what your visions are.


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