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Stream technique success stories

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posted on Dec, 3 2006 @ 10:03 PM
I've been doing AA's meditation about two or three times a week for two weeks and I'm not sure if this is truely an alien communication technique, but it is a powerful self-hypnosis system. After a few cycles of the color pattern I become deeply calm, but getting this calm actually makes me anxious. It's like I get to a very comfortable place, realize it then jolt back into normal consciousness. This jolting is more like a reflex spurred by a thought than a conscious decision to exit the hypnosis. If AA or anyone else has any thoughts about this, I'd appreciate it.

posted on Dec, 3 2006 @ 10:10 PM
As much as I hate AA's attitude, this does seem to work. The 4 colored exercise, that is. I was able to see an entity (not going to jump to say it was an alien) in my room, as just ONE of my experiences. I also had what I believe to be an abduction.

posted on Dec, 4 2006 @ 02:05 AM

Originally posted by Gunney
I've been doing AA's meditation about two or three times a week for two weeks and I'm not sure if this is truely an alien communication technique, but it is a powerful self-hypnosis system. After a few cycles of the color pattern I become deeply calm, but getting this calm actually makes me anxious. It's like I get to a very comfortable place, realize it then jolt back into normal consciousness. This jolting is more like a reflex spurred by a thought than a conscious decision to exit the hypnosis. If AA or anyone else has any thoughts about this, I'd appreciate it.

And what makes you so sure its a self-hypnosis technique? You seem to be pretty convinced. As far as being jolted back to normal consciousness. . . why dont you try not LETTING yourself be jolted back? Have you heard the stream yet? Have you seen the white screen yet? If not, let your mind relax and ask for help getting to the stream once you reach the very calm state. I know it sounds rediculious, but it works. . once you get to the white viewer, you should hear the stream and see things on the screen. Once you reach this point, ask for the blue orb with the bright white center. Believe it or not, I had to actually say "please" before I was shown the blue orb. It flew in front of me, but too far out in front of me to grab it. I have yet to get back to that point. For some reason it takes me twice the effort to get back to the beginning, and has been very frustrating to me. I also had a very strange occurance the last time I tried where I had the overwhelming feeling of being watched while in deep VL, and waking up in the morning with a bloody nose with a bump (which I still have) on the inside of my left nostril. No, Im not saying I was abducted or anything like that. It just makes me think. . . . what happened?

Originally posted by WildFenchman
As much as I hate AA's attitude, this does seem to work. The 4 colored exercise, that is. I was able to see an entity (not going to jump to say it was an alien) in my room, as just ONE of my experiences. I also had what I believe to be an abduction.

Can you explain why you believe you may have been abducted? What point did they show themselves to you after the exercise?

posted on Dec, 4 2006 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by amongus
And what makes you so sure its a self-hypnosis technique? You seem to be pretty convinced. As far as being jolted back to normal consciousness. . . why dont you try not LETTING yourself be jolted back?

"Self-hypnosis" - 20 minutes into my first try at this technique I felt waves of energy flowing over me, deep concentration that would make my body feel paralyzed, and I was very open to suggestion. Going deep into concentration I was very calm then a feeling of fear washed over me. I then decided that I was going to be happy instead, and instantly the fear was gone. This itself worried me. I seem to be stuck on this pattern.

Originally posted by amongus
Have you heard the stream yet? Have you seen the white screen yet? If not, let your mind relax and ask for help getting to the stream once you reach the very calm state. I know it sounds rediculious, but it works. . once you get to the white viewer, you should hear the stream and see things on the screen. Once you reach this point, ask for the blue orb with the bright white center. Believe it or not, I had to actually say "please" before I was shown the blue orb. It flew in front of me, but too far out in front of me to grab it. I have yet to get back to that point. For some reason it takes me twice the effort to get back to the beginning, and has been very frustrating to me. I also had a very strange occurance the last time I tried where I had the overwhelming feeling of being watched while in deep VL, and waking up in the morning with a bloody nose with a bump (which I still have) on the inside of my left nostril. No, Im not saying I was abducted or anything like that. It just makes me think. . . . what happened?

No I haven't heard anything besides a loud ringing in the ears (which I usually have when trying to sleep anyway). Besides that, thanks for the suggestions.

posted on Dec, 4 2006 @ 02:58 PM
I have not reached any stream or had contact with any alien,i have had some positive results i can relax more than i ever have before, its a shame i fall a sleep meditating at night i have tried day time meditating with little results.To concentrate on the colors has become nearly impossible i seem to be drawn into the third eye and view distant shapes from there.Now i know this method works faster for some so i am happy to follow this experiment,i have felt some very strange sensations with this type of meditation mostly good apart from the headache that lasted ages.So for about a week i had been telling my wife i have a bad feeling someone is going to hit the rear of the car driver side rear bumper you know that feeling you get something bad is looming on the horizon,well we decide to visit my sister first time in a month,on the drive there new car with the driver side rear bumper hit it happened three days before we visit, strange but true.

posted on Dec, 6 2006 @ 02:17 AM
It has been over two months now since Alien Agenda promised us proof positive of alien communications. There have only been two or three people who have experienced something out of the ordinary with this method, despite hundreds of posts/tries by many people. AA also promised to provide his own proof of his personal communications with the grays, and has not done so. I am even starting to question if what I am experiencing isnt some sort of self hypnosis instead of contact with the grays. That being said, I am concluding this thread by declaring Alien Agenda and his technique fraudulant.

It is an interesting technique, indeed. However with his outright refusal to post his own findings (which he claims to have many) like he has promised coupled with ZERO posts from anyone claiming to have had contact with the grays, how can we conclude anything else?

One last time Alien Agenda. POST WHAT YOU PROMISED! Or have you disappeared for good like a fraud normally would?

posted on Dec, 6 2006 @ 08:45 AM
I'm waiting to hear from AA on something, but I believe he is either out of the area (i.e. away from home), or he's working on something.

Don't jump to conclusions. He's just not answered yet. I'm sure he will...

There's nothing to hide from. He's been forthright and open this entire time.

There is a possibility that he's been banned from, or blocked from ATS, but it's a remote possibility. I wouldn't see why...If a mod or admin. can verify this either way it would be helpful...

posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 06:14 PM

As promised here is the quantum image.

Quantum Image

Folks you are looking at an engine that has the power of the universe at the users command.

OTD is the first to experiement with it....

please concentrate on the center, about your desires and report back here as to what is happening.


posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 06:28 PM
The centre began to move side to side - apologies for the one liner, but what do you see AA?

posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 06:46 PM
I gave it a short try and only got a kink in my neck, I will try again later. I am tired at the moment so I might let it go until I am more aware.

posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 06:58 PM
The image is for OTD, it has all of his information in it, i have ask for him to look at it and report back.

If anyone else feels anything its because they are feeling the very source of creation spilling out onto them....


posted on Dec, 9 2006 @ 10:55 AM
I've been looking at the center, both the very small center for a while, and the larger center with the yellow curved pieces.

I have been concentrating on my original intention/desire as I focus on the center. I've been sitting and looking at it on and off for about 5-10 minutes at a time...

I just sat, relaxed, and looked at it for about 5 min., just relaxing and looking at the center with my intentions running through my head and nothing happened.

I've felt relaxed, but other than that, after focusing on the center and my intentions after 20 - 30 min. or so, I'm not seeing or feeling anything significant.

I could say that I may not be receptive or intuitive enough, but I think it would be fair to say that the geometric design just didn't work for me. If the effects are supposed to be immediate and clear, nothing of the sort happened.

If I'm supposed to focus on it for short periods over a longer time frame, and the effects will be more subtle and cumulative, then that's a diff. story, but for this afternoon, other than being relaxed, I don't have anything to report...

[edit on 9-12-2006 by OnTheDeck]

posted on Dec, 9 2006 @ 01:50 PM
This is a question for AA, I have been trying this for a few weeks now on and off. First off I would like to ask a few questions, I have noticed that when doing this my mind constantally cycles the colors in the figure 8 as you have explained. let me explain this when doing this i do the cycle in my minds eye a suddenly feel relaxed and start asking questions as Im asking questions Im aware of my mind cycling through the figure 8 like its running in the back ground very strange feeling of my mind multi tasking.
Ok now I also feel a strong at peace feeling it allmost makes me want to stop but I keep pushing on. Now my bigest question is, is it normal to enter R.E.M. during this I'm awake through the hole thing but this happens allmost every time I try this and it inhibits me from pushing on its very distracting.



posted on Dec, 11 2006 @ 02:10 AM

Originally posted by AlBeMet
This is a question for AA, I have been trying this for a few weeks now on and off. First off I would like to ask a few questions, I have noticed that when doing this my mind constantally cycles the colors in the figure 8 as you have explained. let me explain this when doing this i do the cycle in my minds eye a suddenly feel relaxed and start asking questions as Im asking questions Im aware of my mind cycling through the figure 8 like its running in the back ground very strange feeling of my mind multi tasking.
Ok now I also feel a strong at peace feeling it allmost makes me want to stop but I keep pushing on. Now my bigest question is, is it normal to enter R.E.M. during this I'm awake through the hole thing but this happens allmost every time I try this and it inhibits me from pushing on its very distracting.



AA would tell you to ask for help in your head. I dont know what you mean about the multi-tasking part, do you mean you are thinking about other things while concentrating on the colors?

For some reason, AA has chosen to sit in the background and watch what everyone is saying instead of offering advice anymore, since I have had success entering the stream I'd be more than happy to offer you advice on how to progress. I am still confident that this technique is more about self hypnosis though. I did have some strange experiences however and the technique definately is worth trying to master, if nothing else to see how far this "rabbit hole" goes. It could also be a way to remote view, but proof positive of aliens it's not!

AA-Still waiting for your bible of what you've learned through your alien friends. Any update on when we can expect it? If you dont want to post it, please u2u it to me for review.

[edit on 11-12-2006 by amongus]

posted on Dec, 11 2006 @ 04:33 AM

Originally posted by amongus

AA would tell you to ask for help in your head. I dont know what you mean about the multi-tasking part, do you mean you are thinking about other things while concentrating on the colors?

Amongus yes It is when I am asking for help the colors are running in the background.

Also I havent been able to atemp this do to a quite distracting chest cold for the last week.


posted on Dec, 11 2006 @ 11:55 AM
I have yet to get the colors to do their thing automatically, but know that every time I succeed at getting to the stream, its like 10 times harder to get back the next time. My success comes when Im able to clear my head and am able to focus on each color for a minute or two at a time. Dont let it go automatically, slow down, breath deeply and focus on each color. The buzzing and the vibrating in the back of your head should start right before you begin to fall asleep, which will wake you and keep you concious.

posted on Dec, 11 2006 @ 12:32 PM
Iv tried "seeing" these colors and i just cant do it. i don't see the color red,blue,green, or gold. it just doesn't happen. my mind goes a mile a minute all i hear in my head is my voice thinking of things. he gets really annoying some times. when i do get the voice in my head to shut up. i see vivid things but i can never get a color.

any help would be nice. im a very relaxed person i never get anxious or anything. so im very confused.

posted on Dec, 11 2006 @ 12:38 PM
I'm not sure trying to contact grays are such an good idea, as they seem kinda demonic, make people feel fear when they are near you, same goes for the reptilians (annunaki/vulturites). I would suggest you try to contact spirits of the Light instead.

[edit on 11-12-2006 by InSaneTK]

[edit on 11-12-2006 by InSaneTK]

posted on Dec, 11 2006 @ 12:43 PM
I don't really care who streams something to me, as long is it happens that's fine by me. ill shoot for the good guys first. i have read that the grays are just workers, genetically engineered to do work. who knows if thats right or wrong. still need help with my above post.

posted on Dec, 11 2006 @ 01:53 PM
lol the name (thedangler)...couldn't help it...

You're experiencing a very rudimentary and preliminary aspect of sitting still, and that is that you are able to witness what goes on in your head all day and night - incessant thought.

Your first order of business, before trying to throw more thoughts into the mix by imagining colors, etc., is to calm the chorus of thoughts that are arising first. Starting with relaxation breathing is important.

I would suggest just sitting cross-legged, or on a chair or couch - whatever - and taking several deep breaths into your stomach, holding them for a couple of seconds, then blowing them out and holding for a couple of seconds before breathing in again (someone can offer how many seconds to count breathing in, how many to hold the breath, and how many to breathe out, etc.) Repeat four or five times.

What this does is focus your mind on the sensation of breathing, but also works to slow it down. You should begin to feel relaxed and at ease, and the chorus of thoughts will start to diminish.

The idea is not to fall asleep, or to try to force the thoughts to stop, but to just be aware of them; detached awareness; not being bothered by them, but just recognizing them as arising from nowhere and returning to nowhere. The goal is relaxed awareness/attention.

At first, this practice will seem boring to you, and you may want to just fall asleep. It's ok to do this, but you want to stay awake through this boredom, because there are rewards on the other side. If you are able to sit, doing nothing but being aware of your breath and your thoughts, you'll actually begin to feel more awake and aware.

There are, in fact, simple meditations where you just focus on your breathing to calm and focus your mind. You can just take several deep breaths in this fashion, and then just breathe normally through your nose and focus on that sensation for awhile.

You can't force your thoughts to stop. It's important to note this. But they will decrease, and you'll be able to get them to slow. Soon enough you'll be able to witness the emptiness between your thoughts, and the calmness you experience by witnessing this will naturally create more of a space between your thoughts.

It is here, in the space between thoughts, that your visualization of these colors will be the strongest, and where you will be able to "see" and "experience" things that you KNOW are from deeper aspects of yourself, or from another source; in other words, not just your run of the mill, random, "busy" thoughts.

When you're able to see your thoughts decrease - when the chorus of thoughts begins to slow - then it'll be easier for you to focus on the mental images from this exercise.

The idea also is to sit as still as possible. Thoughts arise easily enough on their own, but physical movement instigates more thoughts. It will also take some time to get used to sitting still, as your body is not used to this and will "create" sensations just to get you to move it. This is something else you just want to have a detached awareness of, but not respond to. Unless you are in great physical discomfort you really should just remain as still as possible...

I have more guidance on this technique itself on page one and two of this thread...Good luck!

[edit on 11-12-2006 by OnTheDeck]

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