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The "AHnunAHki" & the 7 seals Bible Code

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posted on Nov, 5 2006 @ 02:02 PM
Im lost here.
I cant see anything about any of this threads claim to "fact".
This is somehow connected to aliens,planet x,jesus,religion?What did you do?Throw a bunch of conspiracy theorys in a pot and this is what you have come up with?

There is no fact to any of this threads claim.God cant be proven.The bible is a good story at best.The bible was written by man and edited to hell by the catholic church.So all the books of the bible arent even in it.The book of revelations has nothing to do with the future.It was written during Roman times as a story of hope for the christians of its time.The number 666 isnt even correct.Theres a theory tht the number was 616,whuch in roman numerals spelled the emporers name (nero-neo).As you se,christians had to hide their techings in story form.There has never been any proof that that the "great flood"occured either.As the story of the flood predates the bible.and can be found in Egyptain prints.Your best case for any flood,would be the now Dead Sea.Seeing theres no proof of a planet X or God,nothing here is fact,period.Just your spin on a rather confusing "theory". So seeing as your "facts" have nothing backing them up,but blind faith and believe in something that cant be proven,your terms "fact" and "truth" should cease.

posted on Nov, 5 2006 @ 02:02 PM
Sun, get hold of a copy of the bible thats a couple of centuries old and see if its word for word as one published today.

posted on Nov, 5 2006 @ 02:23 PM
This is pretty interesting, Kudos to the gent who spotted the Great Pyramid as the Tower of Babel.
Now think a little on this one. Kufu had a go around with a priest named Dehdi, about the Whetstone Box. Dehdi told Kufu to keep his cotton pickin hands off of it.
Kufu responded by raising a Stele on the Giza plateau with this account.
Kufu wanted to examine the box to get some secrets about the upper chambers in the Great Pyramid, sacred to Thoth. Duh! If Kufu was building the pyramid, then Kufu was paying for the stones; stone by stone. He would have known where they all went, in "his" funery structure.
Dehdi prophesised a descendant of Kufu, coming from far to the West, and using this Whetstone, or flint box, in the final great battle, between good and evil on the planet. Without belaboring everybody, suffice to say that there is a young Egyptian archeologist, named Dr. Fekri Hassan, who now holds the Flinders Petrie chair of Egyptology, at City College, London, U.K., who has one of the two coords, for the present location of this mystical box. So the race is on!
When WSU anthropologist, Prof. Grover Krantz, introduced Fekri to me some years back, I gave him one of the two coords. and then formally denounced him as "Phareoh's Butler". I knew I had to 'give, to get', but about a year later, he was tapped to head up the Ramses II exhibition in Dallas, Tx.. As Ramses's sarcophacus was way too heavy to cart around the U.S.A., like King Tut's was, a couple of years earlier. I had thought that such a denunciation would knock the wheels off of the wagon of fate, in mighty downtown Pullman, but with 20-20 hindsight; 'beyond the fripperies and frapperies of the ancient Egyptian court', Phareoh's butler was naught but a 'gentleman's, gentleman'. Those goofy Texans accorded Ramses's Mummy, all the hoopla, of a visiting Chief of State, but only his butler, Prof. Hassan, really appreciated it.
Interestingly, Dehdi's','Chart Room of Heliopolis' is still on the missing list, and unless someone gets really lucky, with a shovel, it will remain hidden under the sprawlling suburbs of Cairo, Egypt. So Prof. Hassan's coord. isn't even 100% as it runs out into the Western Desert, of Egypt. The tie in to Stanley Rader's notorious, stolen screenplay, 'Ark', with the pyramid, is that both the Whetstone Box, and The box part of the Ark of the Covenant, will precisely slide into the coffer in the "Kings Chamber", which itself, is exactly the same dimensions of the holy of holies of Solomon's Temple in ancient Jeruselam. Add in the tremendous recuperative powers of this Whetstone Box, even from as far away from the Egyptian desert, as North Idaho, and then you can appreciate my call as this being the true "holy Grail". It was intended to be the setting, in the Great Pyramid's shank, or Relicrary to give mankind; 'entree' to the dimensions of the Gods', but our HeavenlyFather, had other ideas.
If you accord the White Horseman as being mercantilism, and colonialism, the red horseman, as being "The Revolution", or Nosty's 'Vulgar Advent', the black Horseman being Fascism, then we are between fascists and the pale yellow horseman, who will probably turn out to be desert bred, and oriental, or asiatic, in race. Pyramid chronology, would give the great step, leading to the King's chamber, as 'far and wide' colonialism, and then the portcullus's three stations would round out the four fold, tribulation.
Please read carefully, the attributes for each of these four horsmen in Revelations, to see the 'sharp sword' of Revolutionary Justice', per the guillotine and a KGB badge, the short burst on the world scene, of the Black Shirts, and the remaining horseman to come. This, of course, leaves the Frogs and the Russkies in a real, sorrowfully bad, place. Thanx for dropping in and reading, my little rant.

posted on Nov, 5 2006 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by magicmushroom
Sun, get hold of a copy of the bible thats a couple of centuries old and see if its word for word as one published today.

Ok.................King James version...............It's the same.

posted on Nov, 5 2006 @ 03:01 PM
Does anyone know what David Koresh's version of the 7 seals was?? are any of the theories in this thread coinciding with his version?

posted on Nov, 5 2006 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by firebat

Seeing how there aren't any 2,000 year old men walking around, yes they did die... and so will you. I know you're scared to die... that's why you cling to this ridiculous hokus-pokus. You have no monopoly on the afterlife, you know no more about what happens to the dead than anyone else.

There's a reason religion is in decline...

Anyways, this is getting tiring, albeit amusing... it's like two elementary school students talking about what to expect in college. YOU AND I HAVE NO IDEA. I'm outta here.


[edit on 5-11-2006 by firebat]

wow..wrong again...elijAH & enocH WERE BOTH TAKEN TO HEAVEN without dying.



[edit on 5-11-2006 by TheSonOfMan]

posted on Nov, 5 2006 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by Sun Matrix
I'm still waiting for you to produce the event where billions of people were killed when the fourth seal was opened.

Did we miss it?

i dont know if it was billions..but yes alot of people died in a mix of war,famine,and natural disasters.

and all of it mostly occured over seas.

posted on Nov, 5 2006 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by greatpiino
It seems to me (and this is nothing personal, just making conversation) that you are taking a bunch of different conspiracy theories and just mashing them all together into one 'prophecy.' I also notice that you're playing on the English language a lot to manipulate words to fit into your belief. For example, your Israel-Is Real...that doesn't work in any other language. I suppose what I'm getting at is, can you please show us all of your research that led up to these conclusions?

Your not kidding friend, these guys are crazy. You guys cannot change the language and make it seem like it means something else.. that is a mind game that your trying to prove real and existing in everyday life, which is it not. you are trying to be a scientist and a psychiatrist all in one, which you are not. you have no base for proof, you have nothing to claim for your selves, you have no sources for your information.

there will never be a 'rapture' let alone on this coming Christmas. X is not a cross either, maybe if you took the time to comprehend the English language instead of manipulating it for your own purpose, you would see.

Reptilian aliens are not going to come down and save you after all the seals in the bible are 'broken'. The seals and all of revelation was in reference to the Roman Emperor at the time. This is why I don't like organized religion, let alone organized religion gone amok with over doses of sugar, to much time, science fiction and possibly a herbal substance to go along with it.

posted on Nov, 5 2006 @ 04:16 PM


i dont know if it was billions..but yes alot of people died in a mix of war,famine,and natural disasters.

Well, I will assure you billions did not die in 2004 lol.

Infant, with proportion to human population and amount of non-natural deaths, there was nothing at all significant about the year 2004.

Actually the last time the Earths population went DOWN - you have to remember just because 1 million die in Africa through war, does not mean the Earths population will not rise the year - the last time it went down was during WWI and WWII, where millions died along with the Spanish flue and the nuclear bombs, but also the deaths in Russia at the hands of Stalin, the holocaust, the military casualties, and the near complete destruction of an entire continent.. If anytime where to be the end times, it would have been then. We where closer 20 years ago to nuclear war then we are today. You have let your political fear mongering get the best of you, you may not like the administration or what ever, but his war is no where near as deadly LB Johnson, Roosevelt's, Bush Sr, Clinton almost could have gone to war with NK, and JFK nearly went to war with USSR, and not to mention the Korean war, where it still has not ended and over 1 million died in the 50's alone. So, is this the end times???? ... please! .. Y2K anyone?

posted on Nov, 5 2006 @ 04:33 PM

Originally posted by Rockpuck

Reptilian aliens are not going to come down and save you after all the seals in the bible are 'broken'. The seals and all of revelation was in reference to the Roman Emperor at the time. This is why I don't like organized religion, let alone organized religion gone amok with over doses of sugar, to much time, science fiction and possibly a herbal substance to go along with it.

Organized religion gone amok!!! That was a pretty funny paragraph.

posted on Nov, 5 2006 @ 04:36 PM
TheSonOfMan you have pieces to the puzzle. Yet they are not coherent. You said your sources are the bible, the interent, books and yourself. Of all those the only source that wouldn't be tainted by a third party is within you, and that's assuming that you have access to the Akashic Records or that you are some how connected to whatever heavenly beings that exist. Which, for all intents and purposes, I am sure you don't.

You sound young and naive. When people challenge you, you retreat and tell them that you are right and they are wrong. I've been following this thread and I've seen that you don't take critisism lightly. You attack those that challenge your beliefs. That is not the way of the seer, of the enlightened one. This is ATS my friend. Your mouth writes checks that your ass can't cash.

posted on Nov, 5 2006 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by Grey
TheSonOfMan you have pieces to the puzzle. Yet they are not coherent. You said your sources are the bible, the interent, books and yourself. Of all those the only source that wouldn't be tainted by a third party is within you, and that's assuming that you have access to the Akashic Records or that you are some how connected to whatever heavenly beings that exist. Which, for all intents and purposes, I am sure you don't.

You sound young and naive. When people challenge you, you retreat and tell them that you are right and they are wrong. I've been following this thread and I've seen that you don't take critisism lightly. You attack those that challenge your beliefs. That is not the way of the seer, of the enlightened one. This is ATS my friend. Your mouth writes checks that your ass can't cash.

If the internet is tainted..then why are you on here looking for the truth like everybody else..are you tainted?

if i had access to those records..then id tell you.

i am young..only 20 years old.

not every seer and enlightened one is the same...but i am related to enoch.

posted on Nov, 5 2006 @ 04:45 PM
But I will give you this. You are on the right path when it comes to the Annunaki. This whole KatrinAH and RitAH where AH is the name of God and 666 and conspiracy bull sh!t though entertaining is for kids. Keep on the right track and don't lose site of your goal. ALWAYS check your sources. ALWAYS. I'm guessing you read whatever comes your way and if it suits your beliefs, you believe it.

Also please keep in mind. Organized religion was created to better control the masses. To believe otherwise is ignorance and stupidity at its apex. You guys really should stop looking to the bible for ALL your answers.

If humanity wasn't so bored with life then these conspiracy theories wouldn't be so abundant. You guys are just waiting for the moon to turn red and the stars to fall and the blood of christians to spill into the streets. You guys are BORED and you need lives.

posted on Nov, 5 2006 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by Grey
But I will give you this. You are on the right path when it comes to the Annunaki. This whole KatrinAH and RitAH where AH is the name of God and 666 and conspiracy bull sh!t though entertaining is for kids. Keep on the right track and don't lose site of your goal. ALWAYS check your sources. ALWAYS. I'm guessing you read whatever comes your way and if it suits your beliefs, you believe it.

Also please keep in mind. Organized religion was created to better control the masses. To believe otherwise is ignorance and stupidity at its apex. You guys really should stop looking to the bible for ALL your answers.

If humanity wasn't so bored with life then these conspiracy theories wouldn't be so abundant. You guys are just waiting for the moon to turn red and the stars to fall and the blood of christians to spill into the streets. You guys are BORED and you need lives.

what do you know about the holy angels?

posted on Nov, 5 2006 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by TheSonOfMan

Originally posted by Grey
TheSonOfMan you have pieces to the puzzle. Yet they are not coherent. You said your sources are the bible, the interent, books and yourself. Of all those the only source that wouldn't be tainted by a third party is within you, and that's assuming that you have access to the Akashic Records or that you are some how connected to whatever heavenly beings that exist. Which, for all intents and purposes, I am sure you don't.

You sound young and naive. When people challenge you, you retreat and tell them that you are right and they are wrong. I've been following this thread and I've seen that you don't take critisism lightly. You attack those that challenge your beliefs. That is not the way of the seer, of the enlightened one. This is ATS my friend. Your mouth writes checks that your ass can't cash.

If the internet is tainted..then why are you on here looking for the truth like everybody else..are you tainted?

if i had access to those records..then id tell you.

i am young..only 20 years old.

not every seer and enlightened one is the same...but i am related to enoch.

First I don't know who or what Enoch is. I'm sure you will enlighten me.

Second I am not on the internet to look for truth. I am on the internet, especially ATS, to watch world events unfold. I believe I am put here to cause change and I view the present as the past, an unfolding and never ending story. I am just waiting, ever patiently, for my time to come. And when I exit this plane of existance the world will never be the same.

I am also on the internet to find others like me. There are others out there like myself who are just waiting. Waiting to change the world. I am on ATS to find those people, if you must know. You may be one of them. But when I think of you I think of confusion. I don't think you even know what you are.

Third, you should try to access the Akashic Records. I've been trying off and on. The way I've been trying it is within my dreams. Lucid Dream and if you remember your intent, you will find your answers. It's really harder said than done, though. I have yet to do it.

Like I said, many sources are corrupt. Please don't believe everything you read. Take them all as half truths, and formulate your own opinion. The essence of science is critism. Approach the paranormal scientifically!

posted on Nov, 5 2006 @ 05:02 PM

Originally posted by TheSonOfMan

Originally posted by Grey
But I will give you this. You are on the right path when it comes to the Annunaki. This whole KatrinAH and RitAH where AH is the name of God and 666 and conspiracy bull sh!t though entertaining is for kids. Keep on the right track and don't lose site of your goal. ALWAYS check your sources. ALWAYS. I'm guessing you read whatever comes your way and if it suits your beliefs, you believe it.

Also please keep in mind. Organized religion was created to better control the masses. To believe otherwise is ignorance and stupidity at its apex. You guys really should stop looking to the bible for ALL your answers.

If humanity wasn't so bored with life then these conspiracy theories wouldn't be so abundant. You guys are just waiting for the moon to turn red and the stars to fall and the blood of christians to spill into the streets. You guys are BORED and you need lives.

what do you know about the holy angels?

Honestly I don't know much about Christianity. I've read parts of the bible and my reason for not looking into it more is partly out of fear. I don't want to succumb to organized religion. If you care though, I'd love to hear what you have to say.

posted on Nov, 5 2006 @ 05:07 PM

Originally posted by TheSonOfMan

Originally posted by Sun Matrix

The world is not looking to George Bush Jr. as the Messiah. The world hates Bush. The Antichrist will be loved.

If you read Ezekiel 38 and 39 you would see the red horse released and Israel at peace living without walls. Israel has just built a wall and has not been at peace since it was revived as a nation.

If you read Daniel 11 vs 40 you will find that the Antichrist comes to power with peace.

If you read Daniel 40 vs. 40 you will find out that describes the red horse of Ezekiel 38 and 39.

Your theory holds no water whatsoever. Is Bush embraced by the world? NO.
Have the kings of the North and South come against Israel? NO

I would start thinking of another Name (TheSonofMan), when Christmas comes and goes without incident you will need it.

Go start your own thread! thats all i have to say..because i promise you ..nobody will agree with you..based on the simple fact your wrong.

leave me alone.

Starts a thread on a debate conspiracy forum, but wants no debate and says all i say is sources as of yet just...."do your research".

You're on the wrong website bro. Oh wise enlightened one that seeks attention amongst conspiricists.

posted on Nov, 5 2006 @ 05:08 PM
Enoch was a prophet, he ascended into the heavens in a fiery chariot (spacecraft) he was shown the earth from space,he descibed the inside of the craft. Before he ascended he told his followers not to get to close to the chariot for they would die in the flames.

posted on Nov, 5 2006 @ 05:17 PM
Thank you MagicMushroom. That clarifies things up a bit.

posted on Nov, 5 2006 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by TheSonOfMan

i am young..only 20 years old.

not every seer and enlightened one is the same...but i am related to enoch.

where have i heard this before.....Oh brother right as he began schizing out. When i went to visit him at the funny farm he said "i am not the messiah, only the messanger." claimed in 2006 the planets would align causing a polarity shift where the new earths axis would be the equator making antarctica the only habitable land...LOL.

And if you believe in the bible, arent we all related, seems how Noahs family was the only one to survive the flood....why dont we all have your 'talents'.

Oh and for psychiatric record, most people schiz out in their early 20's, theres generally a "trigger" of sorts, and its usually not permanent, so son of man, there is hope for you yet, keep on those meds and don't mix alcohol with them...I REPEAT DONT TAKE YOUR MEDS WITH ALCOHOL!

I imagine if god was gonna show the truth to someone, he would at least have to be a good public jesus, Not some cocky kid who gets pissed when people dont believe him.

Meds dude, meds.

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