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If You Think AIDS is Man Made, Please Raise your Hand!

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posted on Feb, 9 2006 @ 09:56 PM
OK so I have my conspiracy theories that AIDS is a man made bio weapon, used to disseminate those less desirable to our civilization(Or quote on quote- what the government deems as people not worthy to live on this planet) IE drug users, homosexuals, prostitutes, porn stars ...etc...You get my drift. There is now a new STD amongst us that is basically transmitted during male homosexual relations. its a strain of Chlamydia called LGV, apparently rare making its appearance on US soil.

Now I wouldn't think this would be so weird except that it has been documented in EXACTLY the same Cities as AIDS did back in the 80's. Yes I know they have a higher population of Gays in San Fran and NYC. but those aren't the only places gays are. I'm just kind of suspicious right now considering lately theres been such a hullaballoo about gay marriage and now all of a sudden we have this disease thats virtually undetectable in the gay community? Not to mention rare?
Here's a description of it.

posted on Feb, 9 2006 @ 10:07 PM
This topic has been discussed a few times. I'm sure many people share your opinion. Here is the most recent thread discussing AIDS

posted on Feb, 9 2006 @ 10:17 PM
Actually, I'm not discussing AIDS, I'm discussing chlamydia and the new strain thats just touched us soil. Which that isnt mentioned there.
so I'll keep my topic thank you.

posted on Feb, 9 2006 @ 10:27 PM
you go!!!! keep your thread. i get tired of people doing that.

i have always had a suspicion that the governmant created aids as a population control. also you could slowly introduce it into a foriegn country to try to wipe out its population. ive never heard of this strain of the clap before. so hey thanxs for the info.

posted on Feb, 9 2006 @ 10:36 PM

Originally posted by plague
you go!!!! keep your thread. i get tired of people doing that.

Oh so do I
But yeah, apparrently this strain was only found in Europe, somehow its crossed over here, not too unlikely, given the ablility of travel nowadays. But its just weird how there has been so much emphasis on gay marriage in the news and this is now starting to make its appearance

posted on Feb, 9 2006 @ 10:44 PM

Originally posted by denial28
OK so I have my conspiracy theories that AIDS is a man made bio weapon, used to disseminate those less desirable to our civilization(Or quote on quote- what the government deems as people not worthy to live on this planet) IE drug users, homosexuals, prostitutes, porn stars ...etc...You get my drift. There is now a new STD amongst us that is basically transmitted during male homosexual relations. its a strain of Chlamydia called LGV, apparently rare making its appearance on US soil.

The only problem I have with this is that it's too easy to cure. Spending billions of dollars on a manmade bacterial STD that can be cured with a simple antibiotic seems like a waste. I would think that one of the prerequisties of a manmade STD would be that it's incredibly hard/impossible to cure, like AIDS.

posted on Feb, 9 2006 @ 11:13 PM
I’m pretty new here so I hope you don’t mind me chiming in, but that seems to be the whole point of this site, so here I go. Besides I’d like to keep this thread going if possible.

It’s not far reaching at all to think that most of these diseases popping up in recent years are manufactured. Aids is almost definitely one of these and probably this new strain of chlamydia you have referred too. When you think about it, diseases like the clap, anthrax and the flu have been around for thousands of years in the same form and now all of a sudden (since the development and things like germ warfare) they have develop new “strains”. You can also include mad cow, bird flu, sars and even killer bees to the list. Bird flu for instance was very centralized in one or two Asian countries for quite some time, then all of a sudden, in a matter of about six months, or less, it practically spanned the globe. This all seems very unlikely even in our increasingly smaller world we live in. It’s actually so obvious that there has been man made intervention, that I don’t know how anybody could possibly deny it.

posted on Feb, 9 2006 @ 11:24 PM
yes i too believe that alot of these diseases are man made. how can magic johnson back in the 80's get the hiv virus and still today about or over 20 years shows no signs of aids. yet anyone else who caught the hiv virus during that same time period is more or less dead. but i guess if you have the money and your someone to them you can pay for the cure they have sealed.

posted on Feb, 9 2006 @ 11:43 PM

And because LGV chlamydia doesn’t always cause noticeable symptoms — right away, at least — an unknown number of people may silently harbor and spread it, along with an increased risk of HIV transmission.

from the MSNBC website article
Could be a catalyst to aid the spread of HIV between partners, as another hypothesis. No STD makes people feel safe about not using protection. Look at the various forms of birth control that do not protect against STDs

And youre definately right. I always ask how Magic Johnson is still alive... Hes also a multimillionaire from creating an empire in the food industry as well

[edit on 2/9/2006 by denial28]

posted on Feb, 9 2006 @ 11:49 PM
It was around '91 when he announced he had HIV. 15 years. As far as I know it hasn't developed into AIDS yet. I mean if he's using some form of medication that's keeping it from being full blown AIDS he could live until he dies of natural causes.

[edit on 9-2-2006 by JMOVA]

posted on Feb, 10 2006 @ 12:20 AM

Originally posted by lonewolf37
When you think about it, diseases like the clap, anthrax and the flu have been around for thousands of years in the same form and now all of a sudden (since the development and things like germ warfare) they have develop new “strains”. You can also include mad cow, bird flu, sars and even killer bees to the list.

This isn't an accurate statement.

First, viruses like influenze constantly mutate, this is why they have to create different flu shots from year to year. In areas were different types of influenza (ie. pig, bird, human, etc) are in close proximity to eachother, such as in parts of Asia, the viruses can combine and exchange genetic material. Voila! Instant new virus. Sometimes they are harmless, sometimes the new combination is deadly, it's a crap shoot. As an example, in recent times, there have been "killer flu" outbreaks in 1889-1890, 1900, 1918-1920 (40 million dead), 1957-1958 (1.5 million dead), and 1968-1969 (1 million dead). So, while one could argue that the newest influenze outbreak is manipulated by man, it can be completely explained by science and we are actually long overdue.

For bacteria, such as the clap (gonorrhea) and anthrax, it's a little more complicated. Bacteria have been thriving for millions of years despite changing environmental conditions. They have the ability to combine DNA. So, if one bacteria gains a resistance to an antibiotic or to other environmental factors through mutation, it can spread this beneficial (for the bacteria) mutation to the other bacteria. So again, while you could argue that bacteria such as the clap and anthrax are manipulated, science can explain the mutations.

Further, some virii and bacteria are known to have been manipulated or at least isolated by man to make more dangerous varieties. Anthrax is a prime example of this.

Personally, I don't see any evidence that common diseases such as the flu and most STDs are manipulated at all. It doesn't make sense to me that a government program designed to make bioweapons would even bother with something like chlamydia or gonorrhea. These diseases don't kill, sterility is a worst case scenario for the most part.

posted on Feb, 10 2006 @ 06:36 AM

If You Think AIDS is Man Made, Please Raise your Hand!

Yes. HIV was man-made at Fort Detrick in Maryland.

posted on Feb, 10 2006 @ 06:41 AM
Hello Friends:

I know AIDS is man made, becouse back in 1992
I study to become a E.M.T. in Orlando, Florida in one of
the last classes we were shown a vidio that was about
how the AIDS virus was made by the U.S.A. Army and did
not came from a monkey.

posted on Feb, 10 2006 @ 07:17 AM
I believe it was introduced by the WHO also. But I also think for purely financial reasons only. I'm not sure about wanting to cull the population I'm more convinced it's driven by big pharma to sell more drugs. It's a good example of problem, reaction, solution.

Big Pharma also gets to test these drugs though their agents the WHO. Perfect set up really. The WHO has no liabilty I would assume.

They are also able to manipulate the public by exagerating the dangers and using "advertisements" of sufferers.

WHO knows....

posted on Feb, 10 2006 @ 12:02 PM

Originally posted by BlueTriangle

Originally posted by denial28
OK so I have my conspiracy theories that AIDS is a man made bio weapon, used to disseminate those less desirable to our civilization(Or quote on quote- what the government deems as people not worthy to live on this planet) IE drug users, homosexuals, prostitutes, porn stars ...etc...You get my drift. There is now a new STD amongst us that is basically transmitted during male homosexual relations. its a strain of Chlamydia called LGV, apparently rare making its appearance on US soil.

The only problem I have with this is that it's too easy to cure. Spending billions of dollars on a manmade bacterial STD that can be cured with a simple antibiotic seems like a waste. I would think that one of the prerequisties of a manmade STD would be that it's incredibly hard/impossible to cure, like AIDS.

aids is not quite curable, especially with a simple anti biotic. its aids not a
bladder infection.. they think they have a cure yet millions are still dying from it. also most of the viruses used in bio terror (some not all) can be cured. also aids had been out for so long with out a cure thet yes at one point it was the perfect weapon. not easily recognised and easely transmitted.

posted on Feb, 10 2006 @ 09:20 PM

The History of the Development of AIDS
Chapter Excerpt from “State Origin: The Evidence of the Laboratory Birth of AIDS”
by Boyd E. Graves, J.D.

The true history of the origin of AIDS can be traced throughout the 20th Century and back to 1878. On April 29 of that year the United States passed a “FEDERAL QUARANTINE ACT”.
OK, if you want some real evidence that aids is a man mad disease, then you should read this article.

As an example, in recent times, there have been "killer flu" outbreaks in 1889-1890, 1900, 1918-1920 (40 million dead), 1957-1958 (1.5 million dead), and 1968-1969 (1 million dead). So, while one could argue that the newest influenze outbreak is manipulated by man, it can be completely explained by science and we are actually long overdue.

If you read the above article you will see that disease manipulation goes back at least as far as the time period you have mentioned. Also chemical weapons go way back as well (i.e. mustard gas in WW I). It is possible that these mutations have begun to develop on there own, but I would bet that the initial catalyst for most disease genetic alterations can be traced to human intervention at some level. So does it make sense that governments or other organizations would mutate mundane disease, maybe not. But as in most cases where man starts to mess around with things he doesn't really understand, it quickly begins to get out of hand. Genetic alterations can be traced way back to grafting trees and altering fruits and vegtables for our own interests (seedless grapes, oranges, tangelos, etc). The point is that man has a tendency to get in over his head scientifically. Consider the killer bees I mentioned earlier as a good example.

posted on Feb, 11 2006 @ 01:10 AM
Gay men screw like rabbits in heat. Compared to the average straight guy, the average active gay male has over 100 partners per year or more. Multiply this lifestyle times several million gay men and you have the ability to create a "toxic social disease soup". Viruses and bacteria change because their survival instincts kick in. New York and San Francisco are gay ghettos. They are also the cities that the wealthiest of gays live in. Many gays in these two major cities are transients; always on the go and traveling. It seems foolish to me to introduce a horrible disease to the population through "the less desirables" when any idiot knows damn well that those less desirables also mingle with the rest of the population of the world (the trickle down effect). No one is immune from AIDS. Many married men are bisexuals and live closeted lives; some of these guys are even in our government.

New virulent strains of strep pop up all the time and no one suspects the government of conjuring ways to kill us because of this. Diseases will always pop up no matter what. It's been that way since Adam and Eve screwed up. Whether it's leprosy or whatever.

I think AIDS is a of the big 7. It came to teach a lesson, and the biggest being...if you're gonna live like a whore, than prepare to die like one.

posted on Feb, 11 2006 @ 01:31 AM

Originally posted by plague

aids is not quite curable, especially with a simple anti biotic. its aids not a
bladder infection.. they think they have a cure yet millions are still dying from it. also most of the viruses used in bio terror (some not all) can be cured. also aids had been out for so long with out a cure thet yes at one point it was the perfect weapon. not easily recognised and easely transmitted.

I was referring to the post I quoted in which another member said he thought chlamydia was manmade. I'm willing to admit that there's a fairly good chance that AIDS is manmade.

posted on Feb, 11 2006 @ 01:35 AM

Originally posted by Bobular
Gay men screw like rabbits in heat. Compared to the average straight guy, the average active gay male has over 100 partners per year or more.

I'd like to see your source for these numbers. 100 partners per year sounds like a very extreme number that anti-gay groups would throw around. I mean, that's almost two new partners a week!

posted on Feb, 11 2006 @ 01:40 AM

Originally posted by plague

Originally posted by BlueTriangle

Originally posted by denial28
OK so I have my conspiracy theories that AIDS is a man made bio weapon, used to disseminate those less desirable to our civilization(Or quote on quote- what the government deems as people not worthy to live on this planet) IE drug users, homosexuals, prostitutes, porn stars ...etc...You get my drift. There is now a new STD amongst us that is basically transmitted during male homosexual relations. its a strain of Chlamydia called LGV, apparently rare making its appearance on US soil.

The only problem I have with this is that it's too easy to cure. Spending billions of dollars on a manmade bacterial STD that can be cured with a simple antibiotic seems like a waste. I would think that one of the prerequisties of a manmade STD would be that it's incredibly hard/impossible to cure, like AIDS.

aids is not quite curable, especially with a simple anti biotic. its aids not a
bladder infection.. they think they have a cure yet millions are still dying from it. also most of the viruses used in bio terror (some not all) can be cured. also aids had been out for so long with out a cure thet yes at one point it was the perfect weapon. not easily recognised and easely transmitted.

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