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Palestine Just Killed Itself

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posted on Jan, 27 2006 @ 08:34 PM

Originally posted by Implosion
I'm talking about the effects of the recent memory of the displacement of up to 1,211,000 people being at the root of the Palestinians anger towards Israel and therefore, a contributing factor in the election of Hamas.

Hello? how do three thousand year old events contribute to recent memory? The point you make has no bearing. Perhaps you should leave the discussion boards until you have some level of reading comprehension.

posted on Jan, 27 2006 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by Implosion

Originally posted by Implosion
I'm talking about the effects of the recent memory of the displacement of up to 1,211,000 people being at the root of the Palestinians anger towards Israel and therefore, a contributing factor in the election of Hamas.

Hello? how do three thousand year old events contribute to recent memory? The point you make has no bearing. Perhaps you should leave the discussion boards until you have some level of reading comprehension.

It was not three thousand years ago that Israel drove out a million people from their homes, and refused to allow them to return.

Israels birth was a time of great sorrow for the non-Jews.

Stern Gang ring a bell for anyone?

No matter if they were forced, or left on their own the people left in fear of their lives.

In violation of their agreement with the UN Israel has for over 50 years defied the world, and refused to allow the people to return to their rightful land.

And don't think its all Muslims.

Christians are discriminated against equally.

posted on Jan, 27 2006 @ 09:05 PM
do what needs to be done. We elect them in privilaged societies such as the US, Isreal, and the UK. Its a mute point to type back and forth convincing 12 year olds that their inexperienced ideas are not well thought out even though they think so just becuase they have an internet connection
flame on!!!

posted on Jan, 27 2006 @ 09:13 PM

Originally posted by Implosion

Hello? how do three thousand year old events contribute to recent memory?

It is real easy to put things out of context, you seem to not want to look at the whole picture. I on the other hand am looking at the whole picture and that includes when the land was originally taken from Israel by the Romans. Kind of compare it to the British Empire years ago where they took over most if not all of the middle east along with other parts of the world and ruled it for years then gave it back to those that it truly belonged too. I doubt you will get the picture since it appears you do not want too, but I do.

This is getting way off topic so I will leave you to argue with yourself and let the topic get back on point

[edit on 1/27/2006 by shots]

posted on Jan, 27 2006 @ 10:21 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan

Originally posted by Attero Auctorita
How about replacing communists with "Soviets" instead of making such a grand generalization that communism is in the same league as Nazism?

[edit on 27-1-2006 by Nygdan]

So if a single capitalist country becomes corrupt and commits atrocities similar to that of the Nazis you would therefore lump the entire capitalist economic system into the category of "evil" with Nazism and communism?

I seem to recall that in the history of our country our forefathers were responsible for quite a lot of injustices towards the Native-Americans, but it seems you think you and our capitalist system is "better" than communism because the few communist countries that exist or existed implemented communism in ways which Marx said would not work - and were inhumane in the process.

Anyway, I hate to get off topic, but I can't let this pass.

I have a problem with the fact that so many despise communism for irrational reasons, reasons that are solely due to cold-war propaganda which nested itself in the weak minded (as propaganda only does).

- Attero

[edit on 27-1-2006 by Attero Auctorita]

posted on Jan, 28 2006 @ 07:04 AM

Originally posted by Attero Auctorita
I may be completely ignorant of the Palisteneans, but does every single one of them really want to kill the Jewish people (as you assert in your sweeping generalization)?

~80% of the Palestinian people voted in this election. Almost all
voted for Hamas ... which has as it's main agenda and reason for
being 'Destroy Israel'.

So yes ... just about all of them want to destroy Israel and
kill the Jews.

I was shocked. I had partially bought into the propaganda that the
Palestinians didn't want what their leaders wanted ... that once they
could vote for themselves and be free of Arafat that most would
want peace. Instead, they voted in war with Israel.

posted on Jan, 28 2006 @ 07:12 AM
For those discussing who owned the land first ...

RIGHT NOW it is officially Israel's. It is recognized as such
by the United Nations and most of the ~ 192 countries on
this planet.

Prior to that doesn't matter anymore. It is Jewish, and
it was Muslim before that , and it was Jewish before that,
and it was someone else's before that, and it was Moses'
before that, and it was claimed by Homo Erectus before
that, and prior to that it was Neanderthal territory.

So what?

It is one tiny spit of land ... the ONLY Jewish 'homeland' in
the world. Muslims have dozens of 'homelands'. The land
is now Israel. It is the world's recognized Jewish homeland.

The muslim countries will just have to GROW UP and recognize
that people other than themselves have a right to exist. They'll
also have to recognize their own misbehavior toward the
so called 'Palestinians'.

posted on Jan, 28 2006 @ 09:26 AM
Israel has over 400 nukes, and the backing of the international communtiy, Israel isnt gonna be wiped anywhere, all you fear-mongering people out there.

Hamas is accused of commiting terror attacks (like the US hasnt?), but they are also doing great humanitarian work in kitchens, housing projects, social programs, education, etc.....well at least thats what CNN says...

And if the Palestinian people used democracy to elect hamas, remember the majority of people voted for them, then you would have to ask yourself why?
Are Palestinians stupid? Palestinians are not stupid people.

The belief in ridiculous fear-mongering, the blind obediance to your corrupt government, now thats stupid......

If the US government ''doesnt negotiate with terrorists'', why did the FBI give Hamas tens of thousands of dollars to ''use it for terror attacks'', according to CBS? Hmmm.....

It seems like they say one thing, and then do it always happens.

[edit on 28-1-2006 by LetKnowledgeDrop]

posted on Jan, 28 2006 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by Implosion
The point you make has no bearing. Perhaps you should leave the discussion boards until you have some level of reading comprehension.

That is just your opinion. Here read this post by TC he made the very same points I have been trying to make. I just wish I could have put it as eloquintly as he did.

posted on Jan, 28 2006 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
For those discussing who owned the land first ...

RIGHT NOW it is officially Israel's. It is recognized as such
by the United Nations and most of the ~ 192 countries on
this planet.

Right now Palestine is not recognized as belonging to Israel.

The West Bank, Gaza, Golon, and Cheeba Farms are considered occupied territories.

Israel is recognized by the UN, but only behind the green line.

Under international law Palestine belongs to no one, and Jerusalem belongs to the UN.

posted on Jan, 28 2006 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by ArchAngel
Jerusalem belongs to the UN.

The 'green line' goes through half of Jerusalem.
However, Israel was attacked and they took
the rest of Jerusalem after they won the war
that was issued against them.

They gained the rest of Jerusalem and those that
started the war against Israel lost it.

The UN still wants that line recognized ... but
there is no precedent for a nation that had
war waged against it winning the war and
gaining land only to have to give it up afterwards.

Israel won the war it didn't want. It has all
rights to the other half of Jerusalem. Those
that started the war also lost the war AND
they lost 1/2 of Jerusalem. It's their own fault
they lost it and they shouldn't be handed it back.

posted on Jan, 28 2006 @ 06:59 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
The Palestinians have now freely elected a terrorist 'government'.

This terrorist government is democratically elected. That tells you where the hearts of the majority of Palestinians are. It appears they want Israel wiped off the map also.

posted on Jan, 28 2006 @ 07:03 PM
they don't want israel whiped off the map, they want the land that they were forced off of back!

they don't care about the nation, just the government which opposses returning land to families that were evicted during the formation of israel.

also, nobody has explained WHY israel has a right to exist.

posted on Jan, 28 2006 @ 08:04 PM

Originally posted by shots

Originally posted by Implosion
The point you make has no bearing. Perhaps you should leave the discussion boards until you have some level of reading comprehension.

That is just your opinion. Here read this post by TC he made the very same points I have been trying to make. I just wish I could have put it as eloquintly as he did.

Thats a very nice post by TC, but I already know the point you are trying to make. I don't have an issue with that, what I have an issue with, is you blatently ignoring my original point, which was the fresh memory of being forced to flee a homeland, and the anger generated by such an act. Why should I give a ha'penny toss about your point, when you show such a lack of respect for mine? I shouldn't have bothered my ass at all in the first place, and will post no more on this thread.

posted on Jan, 28 2006 @ 08:21 PM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
they don't want israel whiped off the map, they want the land that they were forced off of back!

they don't care about the nation, just the government which opposses returning land to families that were evicted during the formation of israel.

also, nobody has explained WHY israel has a right to exist.

WOW! I can't believe that, why does Israel have a right to exist? We are not talking about the dirt that shows up on the map with the word Israel stamped on it. We are talking about actual human beings who are the true Israel.

They want Jewish people dead, that's what they want. You need to see what's really going on in the world.

You also need to start getting informed about the other side of the "Palestinain" issue. We are so used to being told that they were forced off the land that we take it for granted that that is the truth. Start researching the fact that this issue could be a myth as well as their identity.

posted on Jan, 29 2006 @ 04:21 PM
we get the palestinians being nothing but irrational terrorists side from the media, and nothing more.

israel (both the nation and its people) have been treating the palestinians badly, but the palestinians didn't really react in the proper fashion.

i just want to know why the nation of israel has a right to exist.

islam has a history of tolerance towards the jewish and christian people. while christians were torturing and expelling muslims and jews from their countries, muslims were giving christians and jews freedom of worship and rights equivalent to the rest of the population, then they get spit on by the west, and they don't get angry at the jews and christians, but at the ones in THEIR land.

posted on Jan, 29 2006 @ 09:00 PM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
islam has a history of tolerance towards the jewish and christian people.

What news do you watch that you would come up with this? Along with what has happened throughout history it is clear Islam kills and terrorizes those who do not believe as they do.

posted on Jan, 29 2006 @ 09:15 PM
Looks like they'll be imposing Sharia law, among other "reforms":

The Globe & Mail

JERUSALEM -- The incoming Hamas government will move quickly to make Islamic sharia "a source" of law in the West Bank and Gaza Strip and will overhaul the Palestinian education system to separate boys and girls and introduce a more Islamic curriculum, a senior official in the movement said yesterday.

Spelling out the domestic agenda of Hamas for the first time since the group's stunning victory in a legislative election this week, Sheik Mohammed Abu Teir also said Hamas would not go to foreign donors on bended knee if they withdrew aid to the Palestinian Authority.

The armed struggle against Israel will continue as long as Israel continues its occupation of Palestinian lands, he added.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

This is really bad!

posted on Jan, 29 2006 @ 09:34 PM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
we get the palestinians being nothing but irrational terrorists side from the media, and nothing more.

israel (both the nation and its people) have been treating the palestinians badly, but the palestinians didn't really react in the proper fashion.

i just want to know why the nation of israel has a right to exist.

islam has a history of tolerance towards the jewish and christian people. while christians were torturing and expelling muslims and jews from their countries, muslims were giving christians and jews freedom of worship and rights equivalent to the rest of the population, then they get spit on by the west, and they don't get angry at the jews and christians, but at the ones in THEIR land.

Before speaking on this subject again, I think it'll be wise for you to do just a tad bit more reading about the history of the region and the history of the people in that region.
Until then, please stop't stop. You offer great comic relief

posted on Jan, 29 2006 @ 10:15 PM
honestly, you're the ignorant one.

you provide no evidence to the contrary, and insult me for bringing up a point contrary to your narrow eurocentric worldview. you're probably one of the ignorant fools who thinks that columbus discovered america and was the only person who thought that the world wasn't flat.

i've done plenty of research on the region, hell, i was probably born closer to the region than you were (about half of the meditarranean away) and have done extensive research.

if you refute that under turkish and moorish rule the muslims allowed christians and jews to worship freely than you can go (expletive string deleted before i get banned).

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