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The War on Christmas!

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posted on Dec, 16 2005 @ 07:54 AM

Originally posted by RANT
Think of it. Elves dancing in the streets, greeting us with flowers and song. The brutal dictator Santa Claus of the Christmas regime needs to go. The world will be a safer place without him.

I think we should fight Santa there, so we don't have to fight him here!

posted on Dec, 16 2005 @ 09:37 AM
I'll tell you what is going on, this country is being taken over. By who? look around, 10000 ilegal imagrants come in this country every day. This isnt so bad but they are slowly becomeing in control. In dearborn michigan the arabs play there prayer to alah on loud speaker 4 times a day. Im told if you dont bow down when it plays you will get beaten up or killed. I dont live to far from there but will never set foot in that city. Now they are changing the christian hollidays.

Wait, didnt alah say we are infidales and to kill us????????????????

posted on Dec, 16 2005 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by curme
I'd like to hear more about the super rich liberal elites. What is super rich? Bill Gates rich, or Oprah rich? And how elite? Best schools, country club, etc. elite? Do you know any of their names? Are they a part of this whole "New World Order" we keep hearing about?

Oh, Merry Ristmas, everybody!

I think he just was just using a euphemism for "jew"

posted on Dec, 16 2005 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by Michaeljp86
I'll tell you what is going on, this country is being taken over. By who? look around, 10000 ilegal imagrants come in this country every day. This isnt so bad but they are slowly becomeing in control. In dearborn michigan the arabs play there prayer to alah on loud speaker 4 times a day. Im told if you dont bow down when it plays you will get beaten up or killed. I dont live to far from there but will never set foot in that city. Now they are changing the christian hollidays.

Wait, didnt alah say we are infidales and to kill us????????????????

Please tell me your kidding...

posted on Dec, 16 2005 @ 08:57 PM
Never Mind


[edit on 16-12-2005 by LostSailor]

posted on Dec, 18 2005 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by boogyman

Originally posted by Michaeljp86
I'll tell you what is going on, this country is being taken over. By who? look around, 10000 ilegal imagrants come in this country every day. This isnt so bad but they are slowly becomeing in control. In dearborn michigan the arabs play there prayer to alah on loud speaker 4 times a day. Im told if you dont bow down when it plays you will get beaten up or killed. I dont live to far from there but will never set foot in that city. Now they are changing the christian hollidays.

Wait, didnt alah say we are infidales and to kill us????????????????

Please tell me your kidding...

yeah, you better be kidding. imagine what would happen to companies l(coug cough wal-mart) if all the illegal immigrants were kicked out for a month.

posted on Dec, 19 2005 @ 09:24 AM
Dingell’s HOLIDAY Jingle for O’Reilly and House GOP
Washington, DC - Congressman John D. Dingell (MI-15) recited the following poem on the floor of the US House of Representatives concerning House Resolution 579, which expressed the sense of the House of Representatives that the symbols and traditions of Christmas should be protected. “Preserving Christmas” has been a frequent topic for conservative talk show hosts, including Fox News’s Bill O’Reilly:

‘Twas the week before Christmas and all through the House

No bills were passed ‘bout which Fox News could grouse;

Tax cuts for the wealthy were passed with great cheer,

So vacations in St. Barts soon would be near;

Katrina kids were nestled all snug in motel beds,

While visions of school and home danced in their heads;

In Iraq our soldiers needed supplies and a plan,

Plus nuclear weapons were being built in Iran;

Gas prices shot up, consumer confidence fell;

Americans feared we were on a fast track to…well…

Wait--- we need a distraction--- something divisive and wily;

A fabrication straight from the mouth of O’Reilly

We can pretend that Christmas is under attack

Hold a vote to save it--- then pat ourselves on the back;

Silent Night, First Noel, Away in the Manger

Wake up Congress, they’re in no danger!

This time of year we see Christmas every where we go,

From churches, to homes, to schools, and yes…even Costco;

What we have is an attempt to divide and destroy,

When this is the season to unite us with joy

At Christmas time we’re taught to unite,

We don’t need a made-up reason to fight

So on O’Reilly, on Hannity, on Coulter, and those right wing blogs;

You should just sit back, relax…have a few egg nogs!

‘Tis the holiday season: enjoy it a pinch

With all our real problems, do we honestly need another Grinch?

So to my friends and my colleagues I say with delight,

A merry Christmas to all,

and to Bill O’Reilly…Happy Holidays.

posted on Dec, 25 2005 @ 09:57 AM
Google is now using "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas"...very odd if you ask me.

-- Boat

posted on Dec, 25 2005 @ 02:21 PM
I don't care. I am just about ready to become a JW, cause they don't even celebrate anything. This whole celebration thing has gotten out of hand by everyone. There's a holiday for every day and Christmas, or whatever you want to call it, is just another day.

posted on Dec, 25 2005 @ 03:07 PM
I grow weary of the War on Christmas. I say with the Elven elections at hand, it's time to turn over responsibility to the elves to maintain security at the North Pole. 2006 should be a significant year in bringing our troops home. Hopefully in time for next year's HOLIDAY season.

Happy Holidays everybody! We won!!! Christmas is over!

posted on Dec, 25 2005 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by Zaimless
I don't care. I am just about ready to become a JW, cause they don't even celebrate anything.

Neither do we! You don't have to adopt a different religion to forego Christmas! Or even belong to a religion at all!

This morning, we had breakfast and took the dogs for a walk, I cleaned up the kitchen while my husband worked on his motorcycle and we got wood together for the fireplace. We had lunch while watching the very last Angel (spectacular show!), and then we went to the video store and picked up a couple movies for tonight. We're having tacos tonight while we watch the 40-year-old virgin.

We've had a very normal, regular day of putzing around, with much laughter. No presents, no stress, no problem!

posted on Dec, 25 2005 @ 05:30 PM
My Christmas day is not different from any other Christmas since I have been in the US, everything went well.

My traditional pork roast with Spanish rice and the usual friends, I have a holiday tradition that starts on Thanksgiving and ends with Christmas.

Nobody has stopped me from doing my thing.

So what is the big deal.

BTW tomorrow as usual every year I am bound at 6:00 in the morning for the after Christmas sales.

I am waiting to see who is going to stop me.

posted on Dec, 26 2005 @ 04:39 PM
No one can stop you Marg. Well maybe the lines at the front doors might.

posted on Dec, 26 2005 @ 04:48 PM
I dont understand to behonest, as a non-American i don't know why you have brought this up now. Ive been watching the NFL and American programs for years, you've always called it "Happy Holidays" for aslong as i can remember. I thought that what you've always called Christmas

posted on Dec, 26 2005 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by infinite
I dont understand to behonest, as a non-American i don't know why you have brought this up now. Ive been watching the NFL and American programs for years, you've always called it "Happy Holidays" for aslong as i can remember. I thought that what you've always called Christmas

It was brought up now due to the fact that their are some crazy "libs" out there trying to help non-Christian Americans get through this "holiday" season. Once again some people just think they know what everyone else wants and needs. I wish I could recall what school this happened at but... The name slips my mind right now.

Anyway, it was a long time school tradition to get a big Christmas tree set up in the commons area. Some members of some law club decided that the tree discriminated against the small Jewish population of the college and rallied to get this evil tree off campus. Well, they ended up winning and the tree came down. Not only were the traditional Christian students ticked off, but so were the Jewish students. Some people just seem to "know" what's best for everyone else.

As for as the "Happy Holidays" vs. "Merry Christmas" thing. It used to be you could decide yourself what you wanted to say. It is slowly becoming "un-PC" to mention anything in this country that contains the word Christ outside of your own home. Once again, a minority of people are sticking it to the majority.

*Rant off*

Hope you all had a Merry Holiday... Whatever it is you celebrate. Because whatever you celebrate is OK and one holiday is not better than the other.

posted on Dec, 28 2005 @ 10:50 AM
Here in the UK we are periodically subjected to this kind of 'attack on Christmas' (......and by extension Christianity) nonsense.

Fortunately we still have a few serious parts to our media willing to subject these wild claims to a little examination.

The experience so far is that they tend to stand up for about 30 seconds serious thought; if that.

We have had claims that our local authorities have 'banned' Christmas lights, trees, celebrations and public decorations; none of which have turned out to be true.
In fact what the 'newspapers' (you know the sort) tend to do is ring some pitiably lowly and very minor clerical nobody and get them to say something silly and then run with it as if it is the local authorities' policy.
Shock! Horror!

Most of the rest seems to be either out-right lies (but handily, for those of a certain point of view, dominating the pages and airtime with this rubbish) or ridiculous exaggeration and urban myth based on personnel departments attempting to reduced the incidence of 'inappropriate behaviour' at office parties or firms attempting to avoid exposure or claims on their liability insurance.

I suppose admitting that the kernal/grain of truth in any of this boils down to 'Jesus attacked by capitalism!' doesn't quite convey the message some want to convey.

Those (in the media) who peddle this kind of line seem to prefer to stick to their tedious agenda and grossly slanted moaning about 'PC-ism'/'lefty's'/multiculturalists/socialists/immigrants' etc etc going too far and 'attacking God' (who is, apparently according to their theory.......not to mention weird bloated ego and arrogance, in dire need them to race around 'defending' Him), some people eh?

[edit on 28-12-2005 by sminkeypinkey]

posted on Dec, 28 2005 @ 11:16 AM
Question to Christians who bring up that Christmas is not about the trees or the gifts but about celebrating the birth of Jesus..

You do realize that according to records, the man who was Jesus was born in late spring early summer don't you? It is also pretty much widely known that the organized church used the existing religions Holidays to help with conversion...

soooo.... why don't you celebrate the birth of your messiah closer to the actual time of year of his birth?

posted on Dec, 28 2005 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by MrBunny
soooo.... why don't you celebrate the birth of your messiah closer to the actual time of year of his birth?

Soooo... We should just, up and change 300 plus years of tradition?

That's something that just will not happen. Sorry.

posted on Dec, 28 2005 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by LostSailor

Originally posted by MrBunny
soooo.... why don't you celebrate the birth of your messiah closer to the actual time of year of his birth?

Soooo... We should just, up and change 300 plus years of tradition?

That's something that just will not happen. Sorry.

300+ hu? Well yes I suppose that is accurate… though I guess it is also accurate to say 4+ years of tradition...

I would ask this.. is it preferable to follow a religion who’s primary dates of celebration are based in lies and manipulation? Just because… it’s always been that way… Wouldn’t you think that something even as simplistic as lying about a date of celebration sets of precedent of untruth?

[edit on 12/28/2005 by MrBunny]

posted on Dec, 28 2005 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by MrBunny
I would ask this.. is it preferable to follow a religion who’s primary dates of celebration are based in lies and manipulation? Just because… it’s always been that way… Wouldn’t you think that something even as simplistic as lying about a date of celebration sets of precedent of untruth?

Who's lying? Oh... You think you actually told me something that I - or any other Christian for that matter - didn't all ready know?

The world needs more realists.

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