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More gay teens than ever are taking same-sex dates to prom.

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posted on Sep, 14 2003 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by THENEO
You are what you are.

But being gay should not be seen as being 'cool.'

Increasingly this is being promoted as a cool lifestyle.

This is not good for the established order of society, the thing that produced you.

Actually it's a good thing, the more gay people there are the less children are being born and the less over-populated we are.
I think gay people are cool, and I'm not gay.

posted on Sep, 14 2003 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by SandMan
There is no such thing as gay animals.


There has been extensive research on this and it has been proven that male sheep can develop part of their brain like a female sheep (no not by choice), this makes them mount male sheep, even when given the choice of mounting a female sheep.
Also, have you never heard of Bonobos? Along with chimps they are our closest relatives and they'll # anything that is put in front of them, male or female.

[Edited on 14-9-2003 by �any]

posted on Sep, 14 2003 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by SandMan
There is no such thing as gay animals.

Of course not.

Please crawl out of the box you've been living in.


posted on Sep, 14 2003 @ 12:31 PM
Ok, I don't think there's anything wrong with gays personally, I've known some decent ones, but, I do think that this issue illustartes the degredation of American society and values. Although it doesn't seem very harmful on the surface, this kind of thing adds on to other things (other problems in society, such as sex on TV during the day, Popstars being made out to be "Idols" and gods) and leads undeniably to the downfall of a generation. It breeds weirdos, sickos and psychos however you look at it.

Even though I have no problem with a lot of societys "problems" personally, I do admit that they can only do harm to the general mindset of a whole generation.

Thats my 2 cents

posted on Sep, 14 2003 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by chebob
and leads undeniably to the downfall of a generation. It breeds weirdos, sickos and psychos however you look at it.

Normally I stay out of this... but to me, it's weird, sick, psychotic, and just plain mean/evil to attempt to prevent someone from finding a life partner they care about. It's hard enough to find someone with whom you have a deep emotional connection... if someone finds that in the same sex... then wonderful. Attempting to prevent that from happening, because of your own opinion, is just plain mean.

posted on Sep, 14 2003 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by William

Originally posted by chebob
and leads undeniably to the downfall of a generation. It breeds weirdos, sickos and psychos however you look at it.

Normally I stay out of this... but to me, it's weird, sick, psychotic, and just plain mean/evil to attempt to prevent someone from finding a life partner they care about. It's hard enough to find someone with whom you have a deep emotional connection... if someone finds that in the same sex... then wonderful. Attempting to prevent that from happening, because of your own opinion, is just plain mean.

Excellent point. I can't stand homophobes, I think it's really wrong to be predjedice(can't spell) about any group of people.

posted on Sep, 14 2003 @ 02:25 PM
Just to reiterate, I am not Homophobic, I see no problem with it. I just think that in our current society it only adds to our problems - it causes divisions, hatred, and pain for all involved.

I don't want 2 men who love each other to be denied that love, but I don't think that it helps at all in out current situation, it only makes things worse.

posted on Sep, 14 2003 @ 02:53 PM
Someone said it earlier, but I'll say it again, most men go ewww, gay sex, but then watch a lesbian porno. Why is it they will allow and want to see two women yet not two guys?

Besides, I have freinds of all different walks of life. Unless you knew them or were to ask you wouldn't be able to tell from my gay male freinds to the straight males ones or the bi male ones. Same with the female freinds of mine. Hell, one of them is wanting to marry her girlfreind but according to some of the people here that is wrong and immoral. Why? Because they won't let you watch? Why is love wrong? She's been with her girlfreind for over two years now and they have started looking for places to get married, most likely Vermont or Canada.

I swear, just because you can't get anyone to love you or your invisible person says it is wrong doesn't mean it is, just means the people are ignorant and prejudice.

posted on Sep, 14 2003 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by chebob
Just to reiterate, I am not Homophobic, I see no problem with it. I just think that in our current society it only adds to our problems - it causes divisions, hatred, and pain for all involved.

I don't want 2 men who love each other to be denied that love, but I don't think that it helps at all in out current situation, it only makes things worse.

Does the homosexual wanting to live his/her life as equal with everyone else CAUSE our problems, our hate, our separatism? Or, does society's hatred and prejudices cause the unwanted separation and pain experienced by those involved? How can a consensual sexual act between 2 people in their own home, or the mere sight of a gay couple in public cause "the downfall of a generation. It breeds weirdos, sickos and psychos...".
Personally, I've never questioned my heterosexuality, even though I've been around a fair share a lesbians, and the freaks/sickos I've come across have usually been homophobic.

How insulting it is to think that one's freedom to marry or be romantically involved, regardless of sexual orientation, can cause our entire societal structure to crumble. If it's that easy, maybe we weren't as true to our so-called personal "values" as some have claimed. Maybe we just needed a scapegoat to hide our own shortcomings as a society. I think we should look at ourselves a little more closely, before we place the blame for all of our civilization's woes on a small minority of people who only want to enjoy the same rights and privileges as everyone else.

posted on Sep, 14 2003 @ 11:09 PM
I never reply to this topic when it appears as all it generates is hate and discord.

This appears to be just another thread of it.....

posted on Sep, 14 2003 @ 11:33 PM
I had two cats that kinda messed up. I caught them, uh, in sexual play. One cat ran away, never to be seen again. The other cat I gave away. I got a call later from the animal shelter saying that my cat had cat HIV, which was why he always had a running nose. Animals can be gay.

posted on Sep, 15 2003 @ 03:09 AM
Here's some sites for ya:" target="_blank" class="postlink">" target="_blank" class="postlink">" target="_blank" class="postlink">
here's a big list:" target="_blank" class="postlink"> Spirituality/Christianity/Perspectives/Sexuality/Homosexuality/

posted on Sep, 15 2003 @ 06:21 AM
...anyone else notice how its predominately Heterosexuals who get all carried away and hardcore focussed on Homosexuals...

...what...grass greener on the other side?? Worry about ya own backyard...

posted on Sep, 15 2003 @ 06:43 AM
Funny when we were kids we thought that dogs just wanted to hump anything they could, including our legs.

Did we think they were gay?


Has anyone ever asked a dog if he was gay? or a cat? or an ape?

We just thought the animal males were always horny and always in search of relief, guess they don't know about self-satisfaction.

The females on the other hand were rarely horny due to biology and spent the rest of the time fighting off males.

Even as kids we knew better.

But we knew who was gay in town. Didn't care, just be carefull you don't give them the wrong impression regarding your own interests.

Regarding gay lifestyles, gays themselves talk about the drugs, the numerous partners, the drinking, the unprotected sex, the partying etc.

In a strange kind of way, gay men have become the new heterosexual men, the way heterosexuals used to be but can't be now because that way of life is now looked down upon for them.


posted on Sep, 15 2003 @ 01:13 PM
Regarding gay lifestyles, gays themselves talk about the drugs, the numerous partners, the drinking, the unprotected sex, the partying etc.

Sorry should I then post about heterosexual *swingers* who talk about drugs, numerous partners etc and make a blanket generalisation about straight society.
Whatever accusation you level at the gay community you'll nearly always find it's parrallel within straight society too. Good, bad or indifferent. That's the luxury of being part of the majority, one of you does something wrong, that's just the individual at fault, when someone from a minority screws up that's indicative of the whole group!

posted on Sep, 15 2003 @ 04:33 PM
Ahem... who the # cares, they have their rights

posted on Sep, 15 2003 @ 11:37 PM
As long as two guys are not making out in front of me im fine........but if two hot girls are making out.....well that is a different story.

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