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Iraqi Woman Stands Up to Sheehan

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posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 12:06 AM
Oh yeah, I also find the timing of this woman's appearance extremely convenient. And just because I'm Republican, and supported the war initially, doesn't mean I'm too stupid to see that my party has become a party of the elite and that it's lead by a liar and an idiot.

I still have a flag hanging on the front of my house, and I'll damn near break my neck to prevent it from touching the ground.

I guess while Clinton was in office everyone who hated him as communist?

Grow up.

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 12:08 AM
The last time i checked it is the President who decides to go to war. The evidence of his lies implies that him and his staff wanted the CIA to make the reports work for them. All the intelligence agencies around the world told Bush you are wrong, only now are we finding this out. People in our own intelligence agencies said no that is wrong, they got fired and their wives got outed as undercover CIA agents.

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 12:21 AM
NCM, just a little denial of your may want to sit down for this.

Cindy Sheehan (CS): Casey joined the Army in May of 2000. I was devastated. He was 21, he didn't discuss it with us.

DS: Devastated? Why?

CS: Because he would be leaving home ... we are not a military family and we really didn't understand his enlistment.

DS: How did Casey feel about going to Iraq?

CS: He didn't want to go. He felt the war was wrong and did not support George Bush, but he felt it was his duty to go.

Also from

DS: What do you think true patriotism is?

CS: Seeing that there is something wrong in your country and in the world and trying to make the country a better place.

Hmmmm...seems Casey had it right all along.

Oh my...

DS: Have you lost any friends or family over this? OR, how do your husband and neighbors feel about your sudden rise to prominence in the media and the role you've accepted in those venues?

CS: I have lost almost every friend that I had before Casey died. My husband and I are separated, because he doesn't support my activities, although he knows the war is a lie.

Seems Hubby is fed up with her far left extremism too. Buh-bye.

Oh, hey, look! They aren't trailer trash either, as some of you seem to think all military people to be. These folks come from the 'Burbs!...

DS: Is it because your community is mostly Republican or they support the war or what exactly in your opinion? Have any of them explained why they feel this way about your role and if so, what do they say?

CS: We live near an Air Force base and our economy depends on war. It is a very conservative, republican community. White upper-middle class.
They believe that Bush is keeping our country safe and that I am a traitor for speaking out against a President during time of war.

So NCM, what say you now? Wait....since you are just going to post some tired boring rhetoric instead of some truth or facts, I'll just skip over your leftist bull# reply..........I've heard it before.

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 12:26 AM

Originally posted by staver

I also find it interesting that they group "tree-hugging" and "peacenicks" with communism.

And what the hell is a pinko?

I'm Republican, and I'm embarrassed when people let their ideologies make asses of them.

Well so what? There are log cabin Republicans also, so whats your point?
I am a independant, who voted Republican this time.

Originally posted by staver

I still have a flag hanging on the front of my house, and I'll damn near break my neck to prevent it from touching the ground.

I can REALLY understand that

Originally posted by staverI guess while Clinton was in office everyone who hated him as communist?Grow up.

Not at all, Clinton was a liberal and those that hated him were most likely not communists, they tended to like him.

36+ and still growing (out actually 6'2" I stopped going up)

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 12:33 AM
Army you are avoiding everything i write, if the guy didn't want to go to war then he would not have had to go if he knew that Bush was not telling the truth. So everything his mom is standing up for is right and you should stop your disgusting attack against this women. Thanks for helping me out.

I wish you would answer my questions with yes and no answers, i would really love to see them.

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 01:44 AM
Hey! Those are HER words, not mine! SHE tells us that Casey DID NOT BELIEVE IN THE WAR, and DID NOT BELIEVE BUSH...yet Casey still felt he had a duty to do for America.

What the hell don't you get yet?

When she last met with the President, she was grateful for the passion and understanding he felt for her loss...HER WORDS AGAIN, not mine. Yet suddenly, she is on a rampage of hate for America, hate for GW, hate for the military, and apparantly hate for her son for having his own mind and convictions.

I grieve for her loss, good Lord! She lost her eldest son...but HER passion for this mis-guided revenge tirade has wrecked her marriage, and is destroying her other children (once more, HER words). That the radical leftist goons have enveloped her in their ignorance is also apparant, for she simply spouts their rhetoric and lies about GW, the US government, and Israel....which makes her a tool.

I answered your questions/statements with facts, real quotes, and my own experience in Iraq. I'm not going to tell you what you want to hear, because I don't think like you. I rely on reality.

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 01:51 AM
Oh yeah, BTW Monkey....

You haven't answered my ONE question I asked of YOU!

Have you served in Iraq yet?

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 07:52 AM

Originally posted by TruthWithin
That makes sense if this were survival. This is not. This is about greed, money and oil. Alas, this is a topic for another day...

There is more to survival than keeping the enemy off of your soil. This IS about survival. Do you know what America's chief disadvantage in the global chess game is? We only think 2 or 3 moves ahead- just up to the next election cycle. American policy, and even more commonly, American opinion, often suffer from a lack of 20, 50, or 100 years foresight.

Tell me something, how is it not a matter of survival to ensure that America has access to strategically vital regions to ensure that nobody can threaten the Persian Gulf and cut off our oil? Mark my words, if Iran ever gets the opportunity, they will, and the days where you can just sail into a strategically nightmarish region like the Persian Gulf with no fear of having your forces sunk before they ever see land are well on their way to becoming nothing but a memory. We need access to deter aggression.

And how is it not a matter of survival to obtain maximum access to economic resources at the best possible price? If we let OPEC squeeze us, and let China keep trying to manipulate prices from the demand side to slow everyone else down while they race ahead, our level of survival is going to slip. Maybe you're thinking, "oh it's not so bad, the Europeans are fine."
Get your mind off of Europe- they're only doing so well because they have us to play off of. They get a cut of what we get, and to boot they play both sides against the middle to get a little extra by thumbing their nose at us for people like Saddam. That's not the model we're headed for.
Think about consumer states where there are virtually no domestic jobs outside of resource gathering and or subsistence farming. Think Africa. Think Middle East. That's America in a century or two if we can't secure foreign resources and protect jobs.

NinjaCodeMonkey: Yes, the war was based on lies. You were lied to for your own good. To be honest, the lie was directed more at the international community than at you. If it wasn't for the need to string the world along, especially the UK and Aus, they probably would have just told us that we're doing it because it's whats good for us, and to hell with everyone else.
Keep your eye on the ball people. We already know the the parties are bad for us, are lying, are business crinimals, and in a perfect world would be shot on sight. That's not news. The question here is what exactly is wrong with the general idea of what they did? The main problem I have with what they did is that they didn't send more troops and do it right, and the only reason I have a problem with that is because it was bad for our troops and for our success.

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 07:59 AM

Originally posted by Army
Casey was a Eagle Scout, alter boy, youth minister in his Catholic Church, and according to his sister Carey, would give the shirt off his back to someone that needed it. Which says volumes about his good, honest, character.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but this also says volumes about his good, honest Mother!

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 08:41 AM

Originally posted by NinjaCodeMonkey
What about the 120 000 Iraqi civilians we have murdered
with our "precision" bombs,

Didn't happen. Everyone knows that was a made
up story. Even most of the left wing groups now admit
that the civilian death figure is more around 5,000 ...

(and most of those have been killed by the INSURGENTS!)

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 08:50 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
Even most of the left wing groups now admit
that the civilian death figure is more around 5,000 ...

(and most of those have been killed by the INSURGENTS!)

Oh, really? "Everyone knows" Then you shouldn't have any trouble providing a source.

Iraqi Body Count
Reported Minimum 23589
Reported Maximum 26705

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 08:57 AM

Originally posted by Army
CS: He didn't want to go. He felt the war was wrong and did not support George Bush, but he felt it was his duty to go.

This is another thing that she's spouting that I don't buy.

She claims her son joined the Army to fight for something he
didn't believe in and to support a Commander in Chief that
he thought was wrong. Yeah, right.
is going to join the Army and risk their lives for a war they
don't believe in and for a Commander in Chief who they
don't support. Not if they have the financial means not to
and this man didn't 'need' to join for any financial reasons.

Her son joined the military because he fully believed he was
doing the right thing. He believed in the mission otherwise
he wouldn't have joined. She can't handle the truth of this -
that he died for a cause that she doesn't believe in.
My instinct tells me that she has invented a fantasy world.
She's definately unbalanced.

Here is what she said a few months back - about how
wonderful G.W. was ...

Quote by her telling the Reporter of Vacaville, Calif., - "I now know
he's sincere about wanting freedom for the Iraqis. I know he's sorry and
feels some pain for our loss. And I know he's a man of faith."

Link to quote -

She said this while having her picture taken with him. A picture
where she is hugging the man and he's kissing her on the cheek.
No mother would touch a man who she accuses of killing her son
with a lie, let alone allow him to kiss her on the cheek.

She's wigged out and in serious need of mental health help.

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 09:03 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
This is another thing that she's spouting that I don't buy.

She claims her son joined the Army to fight for something he
didn't believe in and to support a Commander in Chief that
he thought was wrong.

Of course 'everybody knows' that's not true! Do you have one source where anyone says Casey supported the war or Bush? Or does everybody just know this?

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 09:07 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Oh, really? "Everyone knows" Then you shouldn't have any trouble providing a source.

No problem. There absolutely WAS NOT 120,000 civilians killed in Iraq.
5,300 were killed up to liberation day - either by Coalition forces or by
Iraqis themselves. An additional 5,000 - 7,000 have died since then.
Insurgents kill roughly 500 per month.

Iraq Puts Civilian Toll at 12000

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 09:09 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Do you have one source where anyone says Casey
supported the war or Bush? Or does everybody just know this?

Casey joined the military. He didn't have to. He knew he
was going to fight in the war. He knew G.W. was Commander in Chief.
If he didn't support this, he wouldn't have joined. He had no
economic reasons to join the military. He wouldn't have put his
life on the line if he didn't believe in it. It's VERY simple.

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 09:10 AM
link actually has the minimum civilian casualty figures at 23589.

Thats alot more.

Also IBC fails to take inot account indirect deaths caused by shortages of medicines, power failures etc that would have been far less likely to occur before the invasion.

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Iraqi Body Count
Reported Minimum 23589
Reported Maximum 26705

Even if we use your numbers ... which are much higher than most
others ... it still doesn't come anywhere near 120,000. I stand by
my statement that the 120,000 dead Iraqi Civilians story is bunk.

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 09:13 AM
When an American stand against the government used to be call patriotic, now is call traitor. anti american, when a woman stand for the death of a child in any war she is told to be a proud mother and to show support and go and have more babies so she can keep giving them for the country.

In today Mr. Bush presidency when American men and women stands for their country they become targets, and the women are call crazy.

The circus and propaganda that is so typicaly used for political purposes in recent campaign to discredit other political candidates is now in full gear against an American woman that is doing nothing but complaining about her son's death.

Now I will ask, whith all the money used to attack her credibility as a mother, citizen and human being what is she to do?

What will I do if I was in her shoes?

What will any body will do if you have a conviction that something is wrong with our country and with the war?

I tell you what I will do, I will not be able to do the protesting alone, and any help offered will be welcome.

Even if I again will become target for the malicious anti propaganda against my character.

This women deserve the support she needs.

[edit on 16-8-2005 by marg6043]

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 09:13 AM
Her son gave his life for Iraq, he should have a face to face with her. What is he afraid of?

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 09:16 AM
He's afraid of appearing weak at a time when support for the Iraq war is plummeting.

Hes probably also afriad of being confronted with what his idiocy has caused.

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