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Why the war in Iraq was worth it and a success!

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posted on May, 8 2005 @ 03:02 AM
Only time will tell...
As bad as Saddam was, this war WASNT worth it..
HE ran the country ALOT better tha nanyone else HAS been able to OR WILL be able to...

HE clearly wasnt a threat,
so I ask, why was it WORTH all the deaths to take him out?

So im asking ur Curme,

Why was it worth, all the US deaths, all the IRAQI deaths, all the OTHER deaths from other countries, why was it worth all the carnage, and destruction all the lives ruined? what is the ultimate victory been achieved here? ?

[edit on 8-5-2005 by GlobalDisorder]

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 03:05 AM

Originally posted by GlobalDisorder

So im asking ur Curme,

Why was it worth, all the US deaths, all the IRAQI deaths, all the OTHER deaths from other countries, why was it worth all the carnage, and destruction all the lives ruined? what is the ultimate victory been achieved here? ?

[edit on 8-5-2005 by GlobalDisorder]

I think you misunderstood me, I agree with you. It wasn't worth it.

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 03:13 AM
Sorry my friend I misread your post!
This war is the biggest Idiotic move by a president in the history of the USA.

And just happens that the USA has the biggest most IDIOTIC president of its time..

So where does the blame lie?

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 03:21 AM
I agree with saying that only time will tell whether it was a victory or not. If Saddam had been caught with WMD and maybe a space lazer than i might be in agreement that he needed to be taken out asap. I don't really want to say what is best for the Iraqi people because i feel that they should decide themselves but i sure wouldn't have liked to live in Saddam's Iraq. Although present day Iraq doesn't really sound like a paradise either. The future of Iraq is as it has always been and always will be - in the hands of the Iraqis. They may not have been the ones that overthrew Saddam as would happen in a traditional revolution but now that revolution has started it will bring change, that is the one thing I'm certain of.

[edit on 8-5-2005 by Trent]

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 04:08 AM
Ghostsoldier, communism is the practice of exploiting middle class labor and produce 1 poor class and one elite class. This is the best way i can put it and dont fool yourself into thinking communism is 'better' because all are equal. this is utter 'hogwash'. In Communism individual freedom is sacrificed for collective betterment and if it worked better than free markets why are most communist countrys poor and free markets are among the richest. Even a poor man in america is rich by communist standards. Do yourself a favor and read some of the authors i suggested, and when your in school take an economics class. Marxism is a load of bull. Karl Marx was a spoiled rich kid and why any economist would spend more than the time it takes to explain that he was a fool is beyond me. Read "the Law" i think by bastiat. It helps to explain that the only thing keeping citizens from economic and social advancement is the government. Strong governments doesnt work and feudalism is more closely related to marxism than capitalism.

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 05:24 AM

Originally posted by curme

EDIT: Now here's a picture that the proves it wasn't worth it.

Oh how nice of you! What about the 1991 war dead? The many thousands of Korean war dead? I sure bet the South Koreans sure are thankful "SOMEONE" is willing to fight for those that can't defend themselves.

Crosses on graves at Normandy American Cemetery in Normandy, France

Tell it to the ungrateful French..

Something you Tulipwalkers would never do...

Laura Bush marks grave in the Netherlands.

President Bush is in the Netherlands to pay tribute to the Americans who died during World War II in the fight to free Europe from the tyranny of Nazi Germany. Bush and Queen Beatrix laid wreaths in a cemetery near the southern city of Maastricht, where more than 8,000 U.S. dead are buried.

[edit on 8-5-2005 by edsinger]

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 05:52 AM
Why was this war worth it ?
What did the USA ultimately GAIN from losing all these soilders?

Democracy in the middleeast?
HAH, the elections wernt FAIR.. there were mishaps ALL over the place.
We went in, destroyed what foundations that country had an put a puppet in place.

we killed many innocents, and destroyed much infrastructure.

but hey IT WAS WORTH IT..

We lost men in Europe, Korea for a reason..
They died defending the innocents.

WE are dying, because we are KILLING the innocents.

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by GlobalDisorder

WE are dying, because we are KILLING the innocents.

And that right there is why you don't understand and can't comprehend why?

In war, killing of innocents always happens to some degree, the United States has done more to stop the collateral damage than any other nation in history and still you tulipwalkers bitch.

You will never be content to love your nation, despite its minor faults, you instead will love it hate it. After all its cool to be a liberal here isn't it?

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 10:44 AM

Really nice photo I must admit - shows real feelings and you can almost feel this womans Pain and Happiness, when she went to vote.

She wanted to say with this expression: "Thank You for Your Democracy! Thank You America for your Freedom! Thank You for your Liberation."

Am I Right?

Can You figure why the people on this photos are Crying?

Its very Easy to Manipulate with One Mans feelings with Pictures - especially with Pictures from War. You claim that the War in Iraq is success by posting this Photo of Crying Woman that just voted.

I claim that this War is a Failure - and you know why?

Because it Happened!

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 11:09 AM
This war isnt about now, its about the future.

1945, we droped and Atomic Bomb, on Hiroshima, Killing 65,000+, and another on Honhiroshima, killing 100,000+, not even counting the side effects many years later, all that death in 1 day alone by our hands, What did all this death accomplish? PEACE, which stands to this day.

Yes it does suck our soldiers have died in iraq, but stop pulling that card, THEY signed a peice of paper, which nullifies your argument, Any soldier not willing to die for this country, shouldnt be a soldier at all, by that standpoint, You and everyone of those pos who had the nerve to parade around carrying coffins of these soldiers, have insulted them, and there beliefs.

Setting back doing nothing with the middle east obviously hasnt helped us, look at what happened on 9/11, now we are doing something which could effect the future of our two people, give it a chance, Iraq can and will be peacefull someday if we let it, Those brave people who went out on election day facing death from all sides did more then any of you ever would, heck, look back just a few years ago, when TWO crazy people kept dc,maryland,and virginia, inside ther homes for how many weeks?, afraid to go out, afraid to even pump some gas, afraid to go to the store, Thos iraqis who went out there that day, Are an example of what WE should be.

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by Souljah

Can You figure why the people on this photos are Crying?

2.Saddams mass graves.

[edit on 8-5-2005 by C0le]

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by C0le
This war isnt about now, its about the future.

1945, we droped and Atomic Bomb, on Hiroshima, Killing 65,000+, and another on Honhiroshima, killing 100,000+, not even counting the side effects many years later, all that death in 1 day alone by our hands, What did all this death accomplish? PEACE, which stands to this day.

Do you mean the millions that have died in war during that "peace" didnt die fighting?

Yes it does suck our soldiers have died in iraq, but stop pulling that card, THEY signed a peice of paper, which nullifies your argument, Any soldier not willing to die for this country, shouldnt be a soldier at all, by that standpoint, You and everyone of those pos who had the nerve to parade around carrying coffins of these soldiers, have insulted them, and there beliefs.

No it shows that they dont want them to die.
Is that a cry?

Setting back doing nothing with the middle east obviously hasnt helped us, look at what happened on 9/11, now we are doing something which could effect the future of our two people, give it a chance, Iraq can and will be peacefull someday if we let it, Those brave people who went out on election day facing death from all sides did more then any of you ever would, heck, look back just a few years ago, when TWO crazy people kept dc,maryland,and virginia, inside ther homes for how many weeks?, afraid to go out, afraid to even pump some gas, afraid to go to the store, Thos iraqis who went out there that day, Are an example of what WE should be.

Thats generiliseing.
What was done now has its pro's and con's.
Its given the iraqi's freedom, stopped any terrorists from gaining ANYTHING from iraq, given the US/UK a military presence in the area , caused the death's of thousands, caused more terrorists to be created , given the terrorists a reason to fight, given the terrorists a chacne to grow again and lastly it has also endangered future generations for years.
Pros and cons....

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by C0le

Setting back doing nothing with the middle east obviously hasnt helped us, look at what happened on 9/11, now we are doing something which could effect the future of our two people, give it a chance, Iraq can and will be peacefull someday if we let it,

What does 9/11 have to do with Iraq?

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 11:38 AM
Great political cartoons, ed. They show the true spirit of the whiners in the last US election, and the courageous Iraqis that were not intimidated by the terrorists that day.

And I don't care if the photo was doctored...I saw plenty of the real thing on the election day in Iraq.

Originally posted by ghostsoldier
And I'm glad Iraqi's get to vote - does that mean they are free - HELL NO - look at America and all its supposed "freedom" and "democracy"... America works on a 2-Party system - That are both backed by big companies... Its these comanies that run your country, not the Government....

That is not entirely a bad thing. The less government, the better. The governance of the people belongs in the hands of the people, not politticians.

by KhieuSamphan
Am I the only person who looks upon current 'democratic' systems as tools to provide the populace with a sense that it is they who pull the strings, when, in fact, it is my belief that we are fundamentally just as oppressed as we would be in an overtly authoritarian regime?

I haven't yet decided whether to travel to Florida or California next week. No problem, since I don't have to file a travel plan with anyone.

It won't be till mid week or so, since I'm looking at a few properties to buy closer to home. Nobody is telling me that I cannot buy them.

This afternoon I will go to the shooting range, since I have several firearms that I like to stay sharp on. I'm allowed to own them, you know.

I thought about going to church this morning to say a prayer because it is Mother's Day, but decided not to. I have about a half-dozen different denominations to choose from here in my part of the city. I can choose to worship as I please, or not, you know.

I might go downtown and chew the fat with some of the locals. Sports and politics are favorite topics. We're allowed to speak our minds, you know, without retribution.

Yeah, I feel real oppressed.

To answer your question "Am I the only person..."

Yeah, it must just be you.

What I cannot understand is this...Saddam was a reprehensible leader therefore there must have been a long line of people wanting to take him out.

The line to profiteer from the graft, corruption, and bribes was much longer. It stretched at least all the way back to France, I hear.

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by curme

Originally posted by C0le

Setting back doing nothing with the middle east obviously hasnt helped us, look at what happened on 9/11, now we are doing something which could effect the future of our two people, give it a chance, Iraq can and will be peacefull someday if we let it,

What does 9/11 have to do with Iraq?

Can you not read?

Setting back doing nothing with the middle east obviously hasnt helped us

If you guys wanna pull out of iraq thats fine, you obviously dont remember what happened the last time we did that, we made alot of em hate us because they got slaughtered, We told them to stand up and fight saddam and oust him and that we would have there backs, they did fight back, and we didnt help them, and they got slaughtered, If we leave iraq again It will be the same thing, but this time instead of saddam it will be the terorists, We CANT do this to them again. because whatever chances we have now to right that wrong, will be lost forever if we do.

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 12:25 PM
You hippies really do make me sick. You have absolutely no sense of pride or sacrifice. You'll never understand how many people died fighting to protect the very rights that allow you to make your moronic statements. You will never recognize evil where evil exists. I am so thankful that the American people aren't moronic enough to vote people like you guys into power, because we'd have been wiped off the face of this Earth a very long time ago if that were the case.

No matter how well things end up in Iraq, the tree-huggers will NEVER admit that they were wrong. Just as they've been wrong about every other major issue for the past 50 years (remember Communism, flower children?). I've reached the point where I don't even have the energy to respond to their posts individually, because they'll never get it. I pray everynight that God has allowed us to elect leaders who do GET IT!

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 12:57 PM
Well edsiger, if that’s what you want to think, that’s your opinion and I respect that.

But in my opinion, it was a failure and wasn’t worth it, because democracy is a bad system of government and doesn’t work in my opinion. A system is needed where everyone has their view, not just the majority. So to be honest, I couldn’t disagree with you more. Democracy does not equal freedom.

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by Ishes
Democracy does not equal freedom.

And a dictatorship does?
Ask most Iraq's what they feel now about Saddam being gone. They don't want to go back to a dictatorship. They want a democracy, which will eventually give them a better way of life.
They will not have to live in fear of a regime that has ruled them for decades like the one they used to have.

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 01:39 PM
"You hippies really do make me sick. You have absolutely no sense of pride or sacrifice. You'll never understand how many people died fighting to protect the very rights that allow you to make your moronic statements. You will never recognize evil where evil exists. I am so thankful that the American people aren't moronic enough to vote people like you guys into power, because we'd have been wiped off the face of this Earth a very long time ago if that were the case."

Exactly, people like souljah have no idea about sacrifice,pride, or honor. He sents comfortably in a nice home, sitting on his computer, none of which he had to ever sacrifice anything for. For people like this sacrifice is as an alien idea as democracy. they would prefer we left iraq alone, allowed saddam to continue war crimes and defy international law, which these exact same people claim america has no respect for.

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 01:48 PM
I know a picture is worth a thousand words, but this is ridiculous. You simply cannot post a single picture and say it somehow justifies a geopolitical event a description of the causes and effects of which could fill a library.

Neither can you claim that being against the Iraq war somehow means that you are unwilling to fight for anything. This is no better than telling someone they are a traitor because they won't follow the status quo. Was Saddam a bad guy? Of course. Was this war worth it?

Well, that's a more complicated question. It's been dealt with in zillions of posts here, so I won't go into it now, but I've passed the stage where I form my opinions based on pictures.

-koji K.

[edit on 8-5-2005 by koji_K]

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