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Religious Right Conspiring Against the Judiciary.

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posted on Apr, 25 2005 @ 06:49 PM
Last Sunday, Bill Frist and other Republican leaders broadcast a message to churches and radios around the country.

What did they talk about?

One senator said that Roe v. Wade was a holocaust in this country killing millions every year.

There was more threatening talk towards "activist judges" bringing churches in on the Republicans fight against the Judiciary.

Terri Schaivo was national news for weeks, and Tom DeLay threatened the judges involved saying,

"The time will come for the men responsible for this to answer for their behavior."

The thing is, churches should not have PAC's nor should they have political opinion.
Why you ask?
Because they are tax-exempt.

It's like that old saw about not having the right to complain about the government if you didn't vote.

The religious right with their many organizations like Focus On The Family, are tired of the rest of us sinners having our way. Together with the Republicans, it seems to me that they are working towards replacing the judiciary with the evangelical church.

Why else these vitriolic attacks?

How long before we see a group like Operation Rescue emerge and start bombing courtrooms, or shooting so-called "activist" judges.

I have no problem with religion or religious people. But when they overstep their bounds and try to replace government with their religion, we sane americans, regardless of faith or lack of faith need to stand together against any group that tries to subvert our constitution.

Let them know what you think.

posted on Apr, 25 2005 @ 06:58 PM
I agree that the evangelicals are on the march, and it's very troubling to a simple heathen as myself.

Political power in the hands of religion has always, always led to tyranny. Political power in the hands of religion will always lead to tyranny.

It would be fantastic if the democrats stripped every single church involved in the political farce that happened sunday night of their tax free status. The only thing a preacher loves more then God is this worlds lucra. Hit them in the pocket book and they will instantly back off.

I honestly fear we are heading for a new dark age if the religious zealots on the right get their way.

Gos help us all.

Love and light,


posted on Apr, 25 2005 @ 07:23 PM
this topic was just mentioned in another thread recently. Maybe it was in belowtopsecret forums? Dunno.

Oh well.
Consider this the battle of the alamo. The christians lose. But when its all over, Christ is coming back and kickin butt.
Chose which victory you want to be part of. You only get one.

posted on Apr, 25 2005 @ 07:28 PM
i always enjoy it when people use over exagerations to attack christianity.i am a christian and neither me nor anyone i know advocate shooting judges
Most churches have political opinions of course but the majority dont take advantage of their tax free status.I have no problem with people who beleive different than me but when they claim that the religious right wants a radical fundamentalis government-that is propaganda.As for topics such as abortion and marriage,etc, i think that these issues should be decided not by some oligarchy of judges but of the american public.

posted on Apr, 25 2005 @ 09:11 PM

Deny Ignorance

[edit on 25-4-2005 by jake1997]

posted on Apr, 25 2005 @ 09:17 PM
once you take over the judicial branch, it doesn't much matter about the other branches of government, does it?

posted on Apr, 25 2005 @ 09:57 PM

Originally posted by Al Davison
once you take over the judicial branch, it doesn't much matter about the other branches of government, does it?

Bingo!!!!!!then you don't really need a two party house for checks and balances, get it..............the master plan.

posted on Apr, 25 2005 @ 10:10 PM

Originally posted by rockonchucktown
As for topics such as abortion and marriage,etc, i think that these issues should be decided not by some oligarchy of judges but of the american public.

Hmm....When's the last time something like that actually happened?

American voters are ignorant for the most part.....They go to the polls with one or two people in mind and then they find they have 15-20 people they have to elect, and then it's time to "Christmas tree" their ballots with names that sound good or names that have the most signs around town....

Those people become elected on muddy campaign policies and have dramatically unstable attention spans with endless amounts of money and power who seek to justify their lives by using their power as a corrupt form of control....

Trusting a politician to interpret the American consensus is like trying to get two faiths to agree on a specific interpretation of a passage in the Bible....And therein lies the problem....Much like America's Constitution (Which should be the true "Bible" of any American) words and phrases get twisted and confused by ignorant fools who then decide that those few "slovos" of mistranslated text must have some fundamental decorum in our society....

Throw in a healthy portion of PR and backstabbing bribery and we all yield a zero return of honesty and faithfulness to what truly matters in this country...which is exactly the point you were trying to make by suggesting that we should simply let the present system handle things....

Our whole system is upside down and it's been done in such a sweeping move that few people have even noticed it....Americans don't vote anymore....They just through their suggestions into a box, and if you're lucky someone will get around to reading it in....oh....a hundred or so years when they're updating the history books....

But just close your eyes and everything will be okay....

No, really....

[edit on 4/25/2005 by EnronOutrunHomerun]

posted on Apr, 25 2005 @ 10:26 PM

Originally posted by Al Davison
once you take over the judicial branch, it doesn't much matter about the other branches of government, does it?

uh, no, the congress can override them still, you know the whole checks and ballences thing, plus states can ignore them and follow their own laws.

posted on Apr, 26 2005 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by rockonchucktown
i always enjoy it when people use over exagerations to attack christianity.i am a christian and neither me nor anyone i know advocate shooting judges

First of all, no where did I attack christianity. I would not like it if ANY religion was trying to influence our government the way evangelicals do. Please explain how I am over -exagerating. Tom DeLay really did threaten judges with that quote.

That broadcast on Sunday really did happen.

How am I exagerating?

You don't think christians shoot and bomb innocent people? Here's a link showing that over 24 murders were commited by anti-choice activists.

Have you never heard of operation rescue?

posted on Apr, 26 2005 @ 07:39 PM
How am I exagerating?

You don't think christians shoot and bomb innocent people? Here's a link showing that over 24 murders were commited by anti-choice activists.

Yes, sadly it is true that there are Christians who commit such atrocities.However when i said that you were exagerating i did not mean that the actions done by christians were exagerated but christianity as a whole does these things.the vast majority of christianity would never do such a thing.

posted on Apr, 26 2005 @ 07:54 PM

Originally posted by mrwupy

It would be fantastic if the democrats stripped every single church involved in the political farce that happened sunday night of their tax free status. The only thing a preacher loves more then God is this worlds lucra. Hit them in the pocket book and they will instantly back off.

I honestly fear we are heading for a new dark age if the religious zealots on the right get their way.

the comments posted above seem to be highly stereotypical."the only thing a preacher loves more than God is this worlds lucra" you have any facts to back this up? i know the preacher at my "religious Zealot" church is not overly concerned with dinero.He must be too busy plotting to overthrow the american government and round up nonchristians for extermination.
No i believe in the separation of church and state.This keeps the church from running the government but ALSO keeps the feds out of the churchs would be hypocrisy to tax the church. this would disregard half of the separation of church and state.
O and by the way, the comment about how the judges will be punished refered to eternity, not physical harm inflicted by humans
P.S even if most americans dont vote they still have the right to run the nation.that is democracy.rule by the is true however that in this sad state of voter ignorance something must be done

posted on Apr, 26 2005 @ 07:56 PM
The judicial branch of our government has tyrannical powers it wasn't meant to have in the original plan. This error was created shortly after the creation of the constitution, and it was a nightmare foreseen by those who were against the proposed constitution.

The supreme court, along with many lower federal courts, has placed itself above the legislative branch of our government, forcing its will upon the people by thwarting the will of the people.

The Christian faith is the faith of the Nation, made clear from the Declaration of Independence, to the words of the first chief justice of the USSC.

I am one of those Christians that seem to be so feared by the non-Christian countrymen. I have blown nothing up, nor have I killed anyone for their heinous acts of slaughtering unborn children (which, by the way, is what "fetus" means, in Latin). I believe that what Ben Franklin said, that this experiment in society will only succeed under Christian principles and ethics, is true and see evidence of this truism every day that I read the newspaper, witnessing the slow moral spiral my nation is taking, into historical oblivion.

Back to the Judicial and Legislative dilemma in which we now find oursleves.

If one were to read the constitution for the united states of America, one would find the limited and specific occasions where a 2/3rds vote is required, and judicial nominations is not one of them. In order to do everything possible to prevent the president from appointing originist judges (ones who compare prays to the court to the original meaning of the constitution, rather than pushing their own agenda)

The courts are now packed with activists who succeed in, as has been said, legislating from the bench.

We are totally free to ignore the sage wisdom of the likes of Washington, Franklin and Jay, but if this is what we choose to do, we should do this through the legislature. This way, it can be said that it is the will of the people, and not merely the will of a minority, through the usurped power of a court system gone tyrannical.

posted on Apr, 27 2005 @ 06:22 PM
Just for the sake of conversation, would you care to be more specific about these "activist" judges?

Which ones are activists?

What decisions do you think qualify as "legislating from the bench"?

And how exactly does deciding on a court case, that can be appealed mind you, count as tyranny?

Do you have any examples? Or are you just spouting rhetoric.

Rocksonchuck. I am aware of that, which is why I specifically said the religious right, who are involved in politics, not christians in general.

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 12:21 PM
left behind. you should learn about your enemy before discuussing it.Most Christians would consider themselvelves conservative therefore making them the "religious right" I am a christian and since i live in the southeastern U.S most of the christians here are the "religious right". however nether MOST of the right nor myself are ivolved in the fanaticism you described.Also you made a comment about christians involved in politics
although their are a handful of radicals most believe in the peaceful undoing of abortion,gay rights etc.I know these things from experience as i live in the culture.You however most likely live far away and beleive only what the media tells you. You shouldnt make generalizations about a people who you dont even know

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
Bingo!!!!!!then you don't really need a two party house for checks and balances, get it..............the master plan.

The master plan, indeed! Now, suddenly, these filibusters are starting to make sense! If Bush can get judges on that would counter the judges making law from the bench, the Democrats would lose a lot of power since the country decided they wanted a more conservative government in the two places they can decide: the legislative and executive branches.

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 12:34 PM
Dude, your splitting hairs, you know what I meant.

If you want to be offended for the sake of argument be my guest, but please don't insult my intelligence.

Just so it's clear, I meant groups of christians with political goals, like the FNC, ok, not all conservative christians.

I only meant the fanatics, who are undeniably working against the judiciary. Ones who believe the stuff that Thomas Crowne posted.

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 07:42 PM
im not offended , i just enjoy a good debate. it was my understanding that you were talking about most or all conservative christians.

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 08:22 PM
So Democrats in Black Churches are OK, but Republicans in church is considered pandering to the religious right.

The only conspiracy in the judiciary is Democrats blocking up or down votes for judges in the Senate. Don't like em? Don't vote for em. But make it public so your constituents can decide if they want to keep you are not.

posted on Apr, 29 2005 @ 02:01 PM
Carseller, it's one thing to go to a church, quite another to have a rally at a church that is broadcast to other churches across the nation.

I don't think anything like this has been done before. We shouldn't have politicians talking politics at churches. They are rallying the fundamentalists behind them in their fight against judicial power.

No party should be playing politics with religion.

No where in my post did I mention democrats, but if they pull any similar stunts I will be just as disgusted.

[edit on 29-4-2005 by LeftBehind]

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