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Morris Brown College Reinstates Masks Mandates and other measures for 2 weeks

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posted on Aug, 22 2023 @ 11:48 AM

originally posted by: tamusan

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: tamusan

originally posted by: fotsyfots
a reply to: tamusan

so how can the pcr tests "find" a new varient that came about (allegedly) after the pcr test ?
Surely even those with slip on shoes due to being unable to fathom how laces work will not fall for this b/s again ??

edit---- then again !!

There are online courses that would help you understand how we find out these things.

I'm just reporting a fact. I expect this one will be even milder than omicron, much to my dismay.

Got to ask why is it much to your dismay if it is even milder than Omicron?

As I've stated many times here, I'm a proponent of global depopulation.

So many questions and you know this is coming from a good place, cause I read virtually all of your opinions but...respectfully

Can't you just find somewhere isolated to live happily by your lonesome, instead of arbitrarily wishing people into the cornfield?

Should I tell my daughters to get their tubes tied so as to not inconvenience you?

Not to mention aren't you in your twilight years so to speak?

posted on Aug, 22 2023 @ 11:57 AM
a reply to: putnam6

It's a Reee-peat.

Just authoritarians flexing.

posted on Aug, 22 2023 @ 12:09 PM

originally posted by: RazorV66
a reply to: putnam6

They could be setting the stage for more mail-in vote fraud lockdowns.
Don’t be fooled by this BS.

"Could be?"

"Could be" like hell! That is EXACTLY what is happening.

And "two weeks?" Hmmm… where have I heard that before?

edit on 2023 8 22 by incoserv because: ETA.

posted on Aug, 22 2023 @ 12:13 PM

originally posted by: tamusan

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: tamusan

originally posted by: fotsyfots
a reply to: tamusan

so how can the pcr tests "find" a new varient that came about (allegedly) after the pcr test ?
Surely even those with slip on shoes due to being unable to fathom how laces work will not fall for this b/s again ??

edit---- then again !!

There are online courses that would help you understand how we find out these things.

I'm just reporting a fact. I expect this one will be even milder than omicron, much to my dismay.

Got to ask why is it much to your dismay if it is even milder than Omicron?

As I've stated many times here, I'm a proponent of global depopulation.

It is always cofounding to me how people who say that are still occupying space and sucking oxygen on this planet. It's like a temperance lecturer speaking against alcohol while slamming back tequila shots.

These people should either put up or shut up. If they believe in depopulation so strongly, why not lead by example?

(ETA: For the sake of clarity and civility, I'm not suggesting that anybody off themselves; just pointing out the utter hypocrisy of decrying over population while continuing to be part of the population.)

edit on 2023 8 22 by incoserv because: ETA.

posted on Aug, 22 2023 @ 12:31 PM
COVID 2.0? Biden planning to LOCK DOWN and MASK America starting in mid-September, TSA whistleblowers tell InfoWars - LINK

The TSA official also said next week they will receive new guidelines on how the policy will escalate: by mid-October, mask-wearing will be required by pilots, flight staff, passengers, and airport patrons

posted on Aug, 22 2023 @ 12:34 PM

originally posted by: tamusan

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: tamusan

originally posted by: fotsyfots
a reply to: tamusan

so how can the pcr tests "find" a new varient that came about (allegedly) after the pcr test ?
Surely even those with slip on shoes due to being unable to fathom how laces work will not fall for this b/s again ??

edit---- then again !!

There are online courses that would help you understand how we find out these things.

I'm just reporting a fact. I expect this one will be even milder than omicron, much to my dismay.

Got to ask why is it much to your dismay if it is even milder than Omicron?

As I've stated many times here, I'm a proponent of global depopulation.

You first - I mean if you're gonna talk the talk, walk the walk.

posted on Aug, 22 2023 @ 12:41 PM
a reply to: putnam6

Can't you just find somewhere isolated to live happily by your lonesome, instead of arbitrarily wishing people into the cornfield?

I did just that. I loved it where I live until covid brought everyone from California, Portland and Washington state to my area.

Not to mention aren't you in your twilight years so to speak?

I'm only 51 and in good health.

posted on Aug, 22 2023 @ 12:47 PM
Mask Mandates Return: Lionsgate Employees Told To Wear Face Masks - LINK - LINK2

Lionsgate has told its employees to mask up again as several new COVID-19 variants are spreading in the United States. Workers must remain masked up while working amongst colleagues, and can only be removed for specific tasks such as eating

edit on 22-8-2023 by TarantulaBite because: fix link

posted on Aug, 22 2023 @ 12:52 PM

originally posted by: tamusan
I'm only 51 and in good health.

So, you're still part of that terrible over population problem. You know, no single raindrop feels responsible for the flood.

edit on 2023 8 22 by incoserv because: added a gem of wisdom.

posted on Aug, 22 2023 @ 01:21 PM

originally posted by: tamusan
a reply to: putnam6

Can't you just find somewhere isolated to live happily by your lonesome, instead of arbitrarily wishing people into the cornfield?

I did just that. I loved it where I live until covid brought everyone from California, Portland and Washington state to my area.

Not to mention aren't you in your twilight years so to speak?

I'm only 51 and in good health.

Respectfully you are a helluva lot closer to the end than the beginning, hell I was doing fine till I hit 50, the last 9 years feel like 15-20.

Not to mention watching both my parents grow old, my Mom,83 years old, handles these last 15 years fairly well, but my Dad (RIP), it bugged the crap out of him, the last 7-8 years even before he got sick.

If you are a doer you aren't likely to enjoy it when you have to slow down doing...just saying...

Didn't you see Logan's Run? Wasn't the cut-off 30, TPTB

posted on Aug, 22 2023 @ 01:27 PM
Just a reminder. . . . .

Back when the Chinese Koff-Koff started, a few of us had some cautions and advise.

We were roundly slammed back then but had been proven right.

Don't forget the facts. Don't let media, social media, politicians lie to you.

They did it before, they will try again. Even after the revelations about the made-up social distancing, the fake mask scare, people are still eating this up.

Don't be a sheep.

posted on Aug, 22 2023 @ 01:35 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
Just a reminder. . . . .

Back when the Chinese Koff-Koff started, a few of us had some cautions and advise.

We were roundly slammed back then but had been proven right.

Don't forget the facts. Don't let media, social media, politicians lie to you.

They did it before, they will try again. Even after the revelations about the made-up social distancing, the fake mask scare, people are still eating this up.

Don't be a sheep.

Good words and nice sentiment, DB, but sadly telling a sheep to not be a sheep won't make it stop being a sheep.

posted on Aug, 22 2023 @ 01:36 PM

originally posted by: incoserv

originally posted by: DBCowboy
Just a reminder. . . . .

Back when the Chinese Koff-Koff started, a few of us had some cautions and advise.

We were roundly slammed back then but had been proven right.

Don't forget the facts. Don't let media, social media, politicians lie to you.

They did it before, they will try again. Even after the revelations about the made-up social distancing, the fake mask scare, people are still eating this up.

Don't be a sheep.

Good words and nice sentiment, DB, but sadly telling a sheep to not be a sheep won't make it stop being a sheep.

posted on Aug, 22 2023 @ 02:24 PM

originally posted by: tamusan
a reply to: putnam6

Can't you just find somewhere isolated to live happily by your lonesome, instead of arbitrarily wishing people into the cornfield?

I loved it where I live until covid brought everyone from California, Portland and Washington state to my area.

Covid did that? Don't you mean liberal policies that caused rampant crime, homelessness and runaway taxation?
Because nobody ran away from covid, they ran away from the liberal wrecking ball.

posted on Aug, 22 2023 @ 02:24 PM
a reply to: incoserv

My opinion is based on financial considerations and has nothing to do with the oxygen and I own plenty of space.

Example. We wouldn't have this illegal immigrant problem if there were far fewer of them down where they come from.
edit on 2023 8 22 by tamusan because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2023 @ 03:11 PM

originally posted by: underpass61

originally posted by: tamusan
a reply to: putnam6

Can't you just find somewhere isolated to live happily by your lonesome, instead of arbitrarily wishing people into the cornfield?

I loved it where I live until covid brought everyone from California, Portland and Washington state to my area.

Covid did that? Don't you mean liberal policies that caused rampant crime, homelessness and runaway taxation?
Because nobody ran away from covid, they ran away from the liberal wrecking ball.

Yes, covid did that. It allowed them to work from home. There are not all that many good jobs here for them otherwise.

They are not escaping the liberals here. It's still in Oregon.
edit on 2023 8 22 by tamusan because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2023 @ 03:27 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: putnam6

It's a Reee-peat.

Just authoritarians flexing.

I do hope you are noting the last time you and I had this discussion, I said baaaah, baaaaah it will just be 6-8 weeks.

Forget what you said exactly, but pretty sure I jokingly called you a lying dog-face pony soldier. this was around the Iowa Caucasus was it not?

This time the sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep isn't sick.

posted on Aug, 22 2023 @ 03:29 PM

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: RazorV66
a reply to: putnam6

They could be setting the stage for more mail-in vote fraud lockdowns.
Don’t be fooled by this BS.

Just checked the Georgia dashboard the figures are 51 cases per 100,000 people. If that's the masking and social distancing criteria now. I imagine there will be more cases in the fall.

Can not see this going into widespread effect though its absolutely crazy. are cases determined to begin with? PCR tests??? They don't prove SH!T...and we know it.

And testing based off of what to begin with? Where's the proof of an isolated virus? /

posted on Aug, 22 2023 @ 03:33 PM

The decision comes just a week after classes began and will be in effect for two weeks.

I'm hearing that 2 weeks = 1.5 years

posted on Aug, 22 2023 @ 03:33 PM

originally posted by: TarantulaBite
COVID 2.0? Biden planning to LOCK DOWN and MASK America starting in mid-September, TSA whistleblowers tell InfoWars - LINK

The TSA official also said next week they will receive new guidelines on how the policy will escalate: by mid-October, mask-wearing will be required by pilots, flight staff, passengers, and airport patrons

For anyone to fall for this crap at this point though, they deserve what they get.

I mean, IF masks, testing, lockdowns, etc did ANYTHING of benefit (other than benefit the oligarchy), why wait until October? I have a feeling we'll be witnessing exactly how stupid humans can be.

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