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Explain this on maui

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posted on Sep, 1 2023 @ 11:38 PM

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: anonentity

Things Colored Blue Did Not Burn.............Hmm...........

They mapped the area with LIDAR, then superimposed county tax maps that shows all ownerships of properties, and then last week used a DEW to selectively burn this area avoiding VIP's. It has to be a lawless element of the CIA/NSA military to be brazen enough to do such a diabolical thing. The weapon uses Blue/UV as a carrier wave for other wavelengths beyond light. It's why blue things may not have been affected. Orange and browns, reds would be the most affected. The winds and weather was a bonus. Plus they expect government lovers to ridicule anything like what has happened.

That's my theory/hypothesis

But where's your EVIDENCE? Anybody can make up a wild hypothesis. It takes evidence to turn the idea into a theory.

Why would they need to map the area with LIDAR? There are very good and detailed maps on the county GIS system accessible to everyone. It's pretty easy to find where all the VIPs live. Everybody on the island pretty much knows anyway.

I'm surprised how little brainpower folks here put into actually crafting a plausible conspiracy theory. No one has mentioned that the US Space Force has a facility on a mountain on Maui that is part of the Directed Energy Directorate of Air Force Research Lab. Or that the US Navy shoots down missiles with directed energy weapons from ships not too far from Hawaii and tracks the tests from here. I know it is POSSIBLE to start fires with DEWs. But there are much easier ways to do it that are far less observable.

posted on Sep, 2 2023 @ 02:10 AM
a reply to: moscowbell

The videos linked from the OP.. Did you ignore those? Witnesses who lost EVERYTHING many lost children are talking about all the anomalies they saw and experienced.

posted on Sep, 2 2023 @ 10:23 AM
People have been wondering if these Chin balloons could carry a laser capable of starting fires. We know they were over Canada. Canada is on fire.

posted on Sep, 2 2023 @ 10:51 AM

originally posted by: TamtammyMacx
People have been wondering if these Chin balloons could carry a laser capable of starting fires. We know they were over Canada. Canada is on fire.

I have no doubt that any of the foreign actors targetting the idea of America havd tried, are trying and will try to damage the country.i would find it mpre surprising of China didn't have a delivery system like a balloon.

Still, without proof showing otherwise, lets point to China using this logic.

1. Last confirmed reports i can find of foreign balloons over Canada were reported in the Feb-March time frame. Roughly 6 months ago.

2. Their are active forest fires in Canada.

3. "People" worry that China balloons could be culprit because 1 + 2.

If their is some proof even in a peripheral way that opens up your scenario then lets have it. Otherwise it is Nature doing what Nature has done since the dawn of time. Granted now it is mixed with the worst excellerant ever and that is called Mankind.

The people that live in Maui have enough suffering and chaos without others worrying about a foreign countries attack.

posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 08:55 PM
Here's a vid that shows an example of how different laser wavelengths work on different targets. If they are the same color as the beam, the energy is not absorbed. People said some blue things were not burned, while everything else around was destroyed.

I use 3 different lasers at work and so sometimes it can be a problem with different materials.
edit on 4-9-2023 by NoCorruptionAllowed because: edit

posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 11:07 PM
a reply to: NoCorruptionAllowed

Also the state owned MSM like the AP wire services attempt to debunk that using the same propaganda techniques they used for the 2020 election. "Baseless conspiracy theories".

Laser energy loses potency (power) over distance, but with enough power to begin with, could still start fires quickly just like the example video shows above. So whatever paid experts the AP wire services used to "fact check" any claims that it couldn't have been a laser weapon is patently false.

Whether or not it actually happened that way is not the point as much as their assessment to debunk the possibility, is false.

posted on Nov, 2 2023 @ 09:33 AM
Its been about 2 months, there was a lot of talking about how far away the US military was from having these types of weapons.

US military hints it could use laser and microwave weapons to fend off attacks on its bases near Israel

"I don't want to go into the specific capabilities that we're using to protect our forces, other than to say we have a wide variety which does include directed energy capabilities," Ryder said.

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