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Leftist Cities Giving Up on Homeless Support

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posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 08:48 PM
a reply to: ElGoobero

Our government spends more time on band-aides than on a solution.

I will admit there is no easy fix, and unfortunately, there will be pain for many, regardless of the solution. The truth is that any way you look at it, someone is going to be unhappy with the solution.

Letting the homeless live in camps outside the doors of homeowners, with no concern or respect for the living conditions for themselves or for the homeowners, is not a solution.

Until they get to the root of the problem, there can be no fix. We got rid of orphanages, and mental hospitals, thinking it was the humane thing to do. Now we are seeing that there is nothing humane with leaving people to try to live and function without food and shelter.

The poor have always been among us and always will be with us. There is a huge difference between someone that has fallen on hard times and needs assistance to get back on their feet, and a person that is mentally ill or drug/alcohol addicted, that have no interest in working or improving themselves.

I have no solutions that anyone would be happy with. I have worked with others to help a family going through hard times, with very good results. We have also had success with helping those with alcohol/drug problems get through recovery and on their feet, and we have been burned by those that were not ready to make that choice, or that have relapsed.

Many people frown on placing the homeless in designated camps, but they set up their own camps in public areas and in communities among the homeowners were they trespass and make for very unhealthy living conditions all around.

If no camps, or institutions, what is left? What we have now is just not working for anyone.

A month after a homeless camp is swept, neighbors tell Jeff Gianola the situation is even worse than before.

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 08:49 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: ElGoobero

Leftists just figured out that the homeless don't pay taxes and the people that do pay are leaving.

They’re just making room for all the “illegitimate immigrants” ya know. Sheesh!

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 08:57 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: ElGoobero

Leftists just figured out that the homeless don't pay taxes and the people that do pay are leaving.

Politicians require two things, money and votes.
recently homeless have helped them acquire votes for their faux generosity (take $ from taxpayers and be Santa).
now they're losing too many votes and financial $upporters to justify.

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 09:35 PM
a reply to: ElGoobero

Just to think how political rats will play with humanity in order to secure votes and a position of power.

To this political rats we are nothing but numbers.

I feel deeply offended how in our nation of plenty people goes hungry and those that works are stripped of their hard earned dollars in the name of taxes, that goes to finance everything but the wellbeing of the people.

And not I am not a socialist and do not believe in communism, but we got some big thieve in government reaping profits on our hard earned dollars and they do not share.

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 09:45 PM

originally posted by: ElGoobero
my interpretation is 'they're too close to our gated communities ...

Nope!! Somebody in New York has started killing 'em ... and he's getting away with it.

Just like Bernie Goetz, they need to make sure a trend of true justice doesn't start.

The minute the people take justice away from the courts ... is the day TPTB lose all power.

Fire though ... it is fire that cleanses ... people sh*tting on the streets and sidewalks around where we live.

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 09:53 PM
NIMBY, or "not in my backyard." In NYC, this happens frequently such as when for example the City decides to plan a homeless shelter anywhere near a wealthy neighborhood.

At the same time, I worked in NYC on homelessness. The City actually tried to address it, but through cosmetic policies such as increasing housing vouchers beyond Section 8 to local versions as well, trying to get people from shelters to subsidized housing, etc. De Blasio even was trying to ship them out to other cities and states and would pay something like 6 months to a year of rent if they left.

Absurd housing costs, lack of family stability, low wages for working class, mental illness, closing of many mental hospitals, the closing of the single room lodging houses that were widespread until maybe the 80's, drugs, etc, were not sufficiently addressed as causes.

originally posted by: ElGoobero

Increasing numbers of liberal cities like Portland, Seattle, and New York are cracking down on encampments after years of tolerating growing numbers of people living in tents.

Officials justify the moves by citing recent violent homeless outbursts, littered encampments labeled as health concerns, and increasing homeless deaths.

But advocates for people experiencing homelessness have denounced the maneuvers.

They say the homeless crisis is being treated as a blight or a chance for cheap political gains.

my interpretation is 'they're too close to our gated communities and government offices so they have to go'.
well better late than never.

I feel bad for those people and I don't know the solution, but forcing the rest of us to walk over them and hear their demands for money etc is no good.
whatever happened to 'flophouses'?

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 10:01 PM

originally posted by: Madviking
mental illness, closing of many mental hospitals

Stoopid how many violent offenders pretend to be mental. Know how to deal with that?

Bear Spray.

Grab 'em. Spray the whole can up their schnoz.

They'll never pretend again. They'll be good boyz.

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 10:08 PM
It must be really hard to live on the street while hopelessly addicted to alcohol, tobacco, and street drugs. The amount of work and pain they must endure to survive that way has to be as much or more than someone who lives a hard working straight life in their own home.

I wonder if they would endure that much hardship to produce the products that they crave like booze, cigarettes, and street drugs? Create a company town that produces these substances and pays homeless derelicts with a room, meals, and all the drugs and alcohol they need as long as they work in the fields and factories that produce them. They can stay as long as they can work enough hours to earn their keep and get some kind of health care that will keep them productive. If they can't or won't work at the job of making the products of their addictions, they could become voluntary test subjects for high tech experimental medical treatments that are designed to cure their addictions.

Yeah I know, it's called slavery (actually worse), but isn't it more humane than allowing mentally disturbed alcoholic drug addicts to shelter on the street and eat out of dumpsters while they pan handle to get their next fix?

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 10:27 PM
Too bad our homeless are not UN-designated refugees from a foreign country who don't know our language nor our culture and have never paid a dime in taxes. If they were, they would immediately get housing, medical, food, and other assistance.

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 11:21 PM

originally posted by: nachofault
I'm homeless and not one government agency will help due to lack of funds and donating plasma just to get materials to build a truck camper and only got the skeleton made but was unable to continue because of the cost of materials to complete the project. due to the IRS taking too long for the refund process it won't be till December of 2022 to receive it. so much for freedom.

Ummm…look on the bright side…the silver lining…

Your free…

Free from a mortgage…free from rent…free from property taxes…free from the trap of consumerism…

Beyond food and fuel…and some few necessities…your almost living the life of Jesus…

I’ve been where you are now…except my mini home was a 68 beetle that I removed the passenger and rear seat from…so that I could stretch out a sleeping bag…I traveled back and forth across the country…I also spent many a night in shelters…and volunteered my time helping others in a like situation…I look back on that part of my life with a wistful sorrow…

I was free then to pursue the spiritual side of my many natures…I found peace and harmony…found my place within the compass of the whole…

Being without a fixed 911 address isn’t being homeless…perspective challenges me to consider that home was more a metaphor for an inner state of mind…couched in considerations of precisely who and what I actually am…compared to the outer illusion one preens in the presence of…acceptable…social dynamics…


posted on Mar, 16 2022 @ 03:10 AM
a reply to: MichiganSwampBuck

Yeah I know, it's called slavery (actually worse), but isn't it more humane than allowing mentally disturbed alcoholic drug addicts to shelter on the street and eat out of dumpsters while they pan handle to get their next fix?

No offense but that reads like slavery combined with addiction. All it will do is prolong suffering of these people. Have you ever met an alcoholic? The thought about drinking alcohol is enough to trigger their body into cravings, shakes, shivering and withdrawal symptoms.

Give them access to a manufacturing plant or handling and sooner or later because of the addiction someone will get weak. It's actually more cruel IMHO to let them handle the stuff although they are addicted.

It would be much better to setup programs where such people can experience a daily routine afar from the temptations. Like wood working or assembling things, something that keeps the mind and hands busy. At least they keep their dignity and not have to work in the elements and heavy loads. BTW working, someone alcoholic can't take the same workload, you wrote field work. Not sure if you ever worked on a field, working on a field in this case would mean handwork. Like picking strawberries and such, that would probably work but not hard work. Their bodies just won't take it.

When I was in Berlin and homeless, I saw a lot and came around a lot. We have these programs but the one has to subscribe on their own of course. It's a cycle for many though, fall back, get up on feet, fall back. Really think your idea, no offense is one of the worst.
edit on 16.3.2022 by ThatDamnDuckAgain because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2022 @ 11:19 AM
a reply to: ElGoobero

Frankly I see this as sad news; I rather enjoyed knowing that the Fascist Progressive Democrats had to contend with squalor sprawl in their crappy (no pun intended) cities.

However, I highly suspect this effort will prove to be a failure. The homeless and drug bums are crafty buggers.

posted on Mar, 16 2022 @ 11:40 AM

originally posted by: Snarl
Nope!! Somebody in New York has started killing 'em ... and he's getting away with it.

Just like Bernie Goetz, they need to make sure a trend of true justice doesn't start.

How is shooting someone in the head while they're sleeping 'true justice'?

edit on 16-3-2022 by AugustusMasonicus because: Networkdude has no beer

posted on Mar, 16 2022 @ 12:13 PM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: Snarl
Nope!! Somebody in New York has started killing 'em ... and he's getting away with it.

Just like Bernie Goetz, they need to make sure a trend of true justice doesn't start.

How is shooting someone in the head while they're sleeping 'true justice'?

I was about three martinis deep when I penned that.

Still ... makes the point. Can't let street justice become a trend.

posted on Mar, 16 2022 @ 12:38 PM
I believe back in the old days the major fix for the homeless and drug addicts was the vagrancies laws. Caught sleeping on a park bench in the middle of the night and not having a job or a home and they would be ticketed for vagrancy. 30 days in the county jail and repeat offenders would get more time.

Addicts would be petrified realizing they were going to undergo 30 days of cold turkey and would either leave or try to reform themselves. And the homeless would either work vigorously on solving the problem or get used to their new housing arrangements.

Either way the problem would eventually solve itself.

posted on Mar, 16 2022 @ 01:38 PM

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: ElGoobero

This homeless groups were used to capitalized on political gain when they needed the most in democrat rat hole cities.

But now mid term is coming and is not looking pretty for many of this cities, now they want to clean up the mess in order to pander to the party followers that are feed up with the crappy political officials.

The midterms are going to be something interesting to watch.

I think you are right on the money. They are no longer "politically useful" so they have to go. Funny how Democrats are like that. For years they beat men over the head with Title IX to gain the support of women and now the women aren't useful any more so they are promoting men who think that they are women.

posted on Mar, 16 2022 @ 01:45 PM
a reply to: Madviking

People here forget that the "homeless" are a big money maker in some areas. I just saw an article about an audit of the costs of LA's "homeless measures" costing as much as $837,000 per housing unit.

Where's the money going?

posted on Mar, 16 2022 @ 02:37 PM
a reply to: JIMC5499

Democrats and their friends.

But yeah it would be a lot cheaper to reopen poor houses. Plus then the private prison industrial complexes would have a new source of slaves that can be exploited for a dollar an hour or less.

posted on Mar, 16 2022 @ 07:21 PM
Imagine if the US government quit giving all the money to foreign countries and instead used that money to improve the lives of those here who need it.

posted on Mar, 16 2022 @ 08:04 PM

originally posted by: AutomateThis1v2
Imagine if the US government quit giving all the money to foreign countries and instead used that money to improve the lives of those here who need it.

some time back some cynic suggested that the reason we send all that $ to other countries is to prop them up so their people wouldn't come over here.

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