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Today's the Day! Canadians Needed in Ottawa NOW!!! NO CHILDREN!!

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posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 01:56 PM
a reply to: puzzled2

Seems you want to justify the governments ability to control every aspects of people lives.

Yes, I guess it might seem that way though I do not see it as justification, rather just recognition of reality as I have come to know it. Well maybe that is justification. Recognition that reality is not just. Recognition that reality impinges upon way to many of the aspects of life that I would like to live. Government impinges, corporations impinge, religions impinge and social standards impinge. "

And what is the difference between Ottawa and Tiananmen? That difference may be seen in the level of totalitarianism that was put upon those citizens then and what level now don't ya think? Was that level of oppression worse in China than it is in Ottawa? Also, we know what happened there. One guy became the symbol of that revolution standing before the tanks with a rose, or am I mixing symbols here, can't remember. Those tanks rolled and crushed the entire revolution pretty quickly as I recall. I know, if only more people had stood up.. Well then more people would have been crushed beneath the treads. If that's the level of fighting for justice, then count me out.

Try answering a straight question.
Would you be all for a mandate that allowed a knock on the door for your kidney?

Please, you call that a straight question? If so, the answer is no. But you know as well as I do that it was not a straight question.

posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 02:28 PM
Parliament is voting on it today. No word yet on the out come.

posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 02:37 PM
Still reports from on the ground of police presence ramping up. PEOPLE STILL NEEDED IN OTTAWA!

posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 03:10 PM
Why screw around with this government? They're evil.
Just force out the top people. Nothing can stop a few hundred thousand citizens who are determined to take back their country. NOTHING.

posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 03:21 PM

originally posted by: XL5
Nazi Germany did not happen overnight and Hitler had help from the public! That is probably the reason the German people today want to ignore that part of history.

Oh please. Learn some history okay?
Hitler lost votes consequent and the last vote results -before he took power- was 33% and a lot of that was from party affiliates that voted for him in a joint effort, instead of their own party. So while it's not a secret that he had support but by far not even half the population. Sounds familiar to Bidens vote hm?

Kind of getting old and lame being blamed for what my ancestors did. People like you are always so strong on the internet dishing out such claims.

When you do that, you engage in the same tactics the NAZI did: Putting blame on a group of people only affiliated by genetics.

That is probably the reason the German people today want to ignore that part of history.

LOL WHAT? It's not ignoring, we have 1 year history class on WW2!

Maybe we are just fed up about people like you pointing fingers and since the blame of WW2 won't stick, you just blame us for being fed up with it all.

Make a thread about it! Lay down your argumentation and bring forward prove your bs drivel is in alignment with reality

But I get it, cheap accusations will stick because as you use it for arguing against NAZI ideology, everything I will post or say from now on the topic will be painted as defending hushing up NAZI history. Man you want to make me puke.
edit on 17.2.2022 by ThatDamnDuckAgain because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 04:33 PM
Convoy organizer Chris Barber just has been arrested. But they all know the risks. Lawyers are being called. The protest will go as long as necessary to get our rights and freedoms back! FREEEEEDOM!!!

posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 04:48 PM

originally posted by: LoneCloudHopper2
Convoy organizer Chris Barber just has been arrested. But they all know the risks. Lawyers are being called. The protest will go as long as necessary to get our rights and freedoms back! FREEEEEDOM!!!


its a rough ride

GOOD Defeats evil

edit on 2172022 by MetalThunder because: stay united


posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 05:06 PM
a reply to: ThatDamnDuckAgain

I did not say the German people of today have done what the German people of the past did, just that they do not like it being brought up, because it hurts. Just the same way white people get when people talk about white racism of the past, thing is, we don't call current German people nazis. Why so hurt over it if that kind of thing is in the past if all I am doing is suggesting the powers that be might be trying that crap again and that it can happen again? It is not the Germans this time.

Hitler got into power through what ever method, cheating or loopholes (cheating), but the public followed after that. Not all the public, but enough to allow what happened. starting at the 17 minute mark or is that whole video fake or propaganda? If you watch the video, you will see some things that parallel what is happening today 10-11:30 minute mark.

posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 05:25 PM
a reply to: XL5
Cute your observation how it "hurts us".

First have you ever been to Germany and have you ever talked to a German about that topic before? Like in face to face sitting down and dishing out the claims you do?

You would probably get the same reaction from them. Some could not care less though, because they do not associate with that topic at all. Some, like me, are just fed up about arm chair warriors commenting like that on a whole country.

Truth is most don't care but it should not be understood as ignoring history. What you probably do not understand is that we are extensively schooled about that topic. 1 freaking year in History class.

You can trust on every German being educated. But enough is enough at one point. This is the reason why you probably think we Germans ignore that. No we are aware. And most are not ashamed or ignoring it because of some support. We know that.

But we also know that it was not us! So why should we constantly remind ourselves? We are doing that anyways, you foreigner just do not pick it up. And that's how ignorant posts like yours come to life.

Hitler got into power through what ever method, cheating or loopholes (cheating), but the public followed after that. Not all the public, but enough to allow what happened.

Suddenly after I come with facts, it isn't important? Hitler got into power and made sure he can not loose it. Dude you have no idea, people like me would have been shot on the spot. I might soon hold up to my promise taking a photo of my hometowns church wall.

These were ALL German citizens. You spoke up and the blockwarden heard about it, they would come grab you and shoot you ON THE SPOT.

Yes there are videos of thousands of people cheering, this is true. There was support for Hitler even after his election and making sure he stays in power. He used a foreboding mistrust agains Jews. That's a whole different topic and not to say they, or any other group that was exterminated deserved it.

But your response shows me you have very little clue about the dynamics. And the answer you as a foreigner will get from a German, just a hint, will be what you want to hear. Just so we have our peace about it.

For most it's just lip service as we are literally jaded about the topic. We can't hear it anymore is very much different from ignoring it.

Thank you for the attention.

posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 05:32 PM
How is this anymore egregious than when Occupy Toronto was forced to evict St. James Park?

posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 05:37 PM

originally posted by: XL5
Nazi Germany did not happen overnight and Hitler had help from the public! That is probably the reason the German people today want to ignore that part of history.

Trudy probably waited this long to let the public get annoyed enough to garner support in removing the protesters.

I don’t know where you’re from but you are clearly clueless about Germany..
Our eastern neighbours (i’m Dutch, you know, that country the entire world thinks also speaks German) are the most educated nation in the world about WW2, dedicating a great deal of their history classes on the subject. Obviously not because of pride, but to prevent it from ever happening again.
Quite the opposite of ignoring it if you ask me..

In my experience they don’t like jokes about WW2, it’s still “too soon” so to speak. But a serious conversation is no problem whatsoever.
edit on 17 2 2022 by Rolicia because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 05:52 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder

As long as good stands up to evil. And good people are, finally! lol


posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 07:17 PM
a reply to: ThatDamnDuckAgain

I never said in my original post that Hitler had political support and that's how he got voted in just that many of the public were on his side just like it is today. There are too many people who support the mandates and abuse of power! Jaded or not, when some one makes a parallel with what happened in the past to what is happening now they are not making fun of it or pointing the finger at present Germany! Did you think I had the intent of causing hate? If not why the outburst? If some one says "all Mexicans speak Mexican" in a honest naive way and you show them this hate, maybe you will get them to hate instead of being naive.

If I had the money to go to Germany I'd think twice, now that I know how triggering the slightest things can be.

posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 07:46 PM
a reply to: XL5
I even agree with the rest of your post. What I disagree with is pulling a whole nation through the dirt because you think it's needed to support your argument.


Nazi Germany did not happen overnight and Hitler had help from the public! That is probably the reason the German people today want to ignore that part of history.

Also you:

If some one says "all Mexicans speak Mexican" in a honest naive way and you show them this hate, maybe you will get them to hate instead of being naive.

But that's not what you said right? Not even close, not even conceptually close. You made a broad claim about a whole nation's citizens, yet you fail to provide any substantial evidence. And when called out, you obfuscate and sidetrack.

If you are that honest and good minded then by all means, disclose how you get to that broad conclusion? To how many Germans did you talk in real life, have you visited Germany. Where is that impression coming from? If not just a careless written sentence to support your argument.

That's my whole point, you have the audacity to claim that we Germans ignore the part of history where Hitler got support. You used it as a vehicle to bring over your claim. Now I ask you to provide some more info why you think that.

Because I told you already what's up in Germany about WW2 education and why we do not like to talk about it. It's not ignoring we are just fed up. There is no point for us iterating it ad nauseum. Not at all.

posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 07:48 PM

originally posted by: Xcalibur254
How is this anymore egregious than when Occupy Toronto was forced to evict St. James Park?

Did you call that fascist?

posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 09:54 PM

Freedom Convoy organizer Tamara Lich was also arrested tonight. They have lawyers and they were prepared for this BS. The protest will not end until our rights and freedoms are restored!

posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 10:03 PM
a reply to: LoneCloudHopper2

Thank you for the update. Stay strong Tamara, thank you for fighting for ALL of us around the world! I praying for you, all of your team & everyone...especially The Truckers Freedom Convoy! Hoooooooooooonk!!!


posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 11:16 PM

staged fake arrest in Ottawa caught on camera, News media just happens to be there to capture it.

edit on 17-2-2022 by canuckster because: embed not working

posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 12:25 AM

originally posted by: TerryMcGuire
If Trudeau and the Canadian government were really fascist, they would have rounded up those people who have been blocking the streets of Ottawa weeks ago and put them in camps. Or just shot them in the streets and buried them in a hole.
There would be no '' If you are arrested you may be released on bail depending on factors contained in Part 16 of the Criminal Code.”

Just that when the Indian government asked the violent protestors to back off , the Same Trudeau and Canadian government were giving sermons on peaceful protests, right to protest, yada yada ( few police officers and civilians were mowed down by the protestors using tractors back then) . Preaching is very easy , the so called farmers protestors rioted our capital for weeks . Irony is that Canadian government supported violent protests in India and now want to bring down emergency on mostly peaceful protests in Canada.

posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 12:36 AM
a reply to: canuckster

That was interesting. There are supposed to be some fake things done in Ukraine too. Never heard the word "fake" so frequently until 3 years ago.

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