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Kyle Rittenhouse Update

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posted on Oct, 11 2021 @ 03:19 PM

originally posted by: dragonridr

originally posted by: vonclod

originally posted by: dragonridr

originally posted by: vonclod
Under the law there, as I read it..of course I'm not a lawyer, but the impression I got, was even if he shouldn't of had the gun, he was legal to defend himself..all other bullsh#t aside. And he absolutely defended himself.

Thats is the biggest problem you cant use self defence if you were not legally allowed to carry in the first place. This is what is likely to send him to prison. be like me killing someone with a rocket launcher self defence or not im going to jail for killing him with something im not legally allowed to have.

As I read the law..yes you can. In defence of your life..yes. Now, like I said, obviously I'm not a lawyer..I could have misinterpreted.

If that was true then his lawyers would not be trying to use hunting laws which the judge rejected. They would just stick with self defence. Or maye his lawyers are stupid? In which case he needs to fire them

I guess we will see.

posted on Oct, 11 2021 @ 03:42 PM

originally posted by: dragonridr
Thats is the biggest problem you cant use self defence if you were not legally allowed to carry in the first place. This is what is likely to send him to prison. be like me killing someone with a rocket launcher self defence or not im going to jail for killing him with something im not legally allowed to have.


There's cases of children grabbing a weapon and defending themselves or another.

The weapons charge is different than the murder charge. You can defend yourself with anything you can get your hands on. One has no bearing on the other.

If the Judge is implying that it does, all he's doing is setting up grounds for an appeal. Personally I think that's what is going to happen. Too much politics here for a fair trial. Get the verdict that most benefits you politically and then when a higher Court tosses it you can say "I did my job."

posted on Oct, 11 2021 @ 03:54 PM
Kyle should get a medal and a healthy defense fund.

posted on Oct, 11 2021 @ 03:55 PM
a reply to: FunshineCD

Guilty with intent to self defence.
that's it.

posted on Oct, 11 2021 @ 04:04 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
Kyle should get a medal and a healthy defense fund.

Naw, no medal, if he didn't bring the rifle, none of this probably happens. But that aside, he did not initiate any attack or threat on anyone, he was indeed attacked, chased down, and he shot to prevent bodily injury/death.

posted on Oct, 11 2021 @ 04:11 PM
a reply to: dragonridr

Now i dont think he went there looking for trouble i think he just wanted to feel important.

There you go. I think you hit it on the head. Me and likely most on these boards get a vicarious sense of our substance with our postings and rantings and all but to what avail. This kid felt that our nation was being taken away from all the good folk by all the ''thug rioter, looter, arsonist, commie brain-dead leftwing crapheads that conservative media tells him are the root of our problems. He wanted to be part of the solution because just sitting at home pissing and moaning is part of the problem, not enough real engagement. He wanted to be engaged. Add into that all the ''super hero'' inspirations that our populace is fed in movies and tv leads to this notion of wanting to be a hero as well. He just chose way over his head.

I have sympathy for him as an individual but not so much for the armchairs that want to make him out a symbol for their own fantasies.

posted on Oct, 11 2021 @ 04:14 PM
a reply to: TerryMcGuire
I believe that as well.

Now i dont think he went there looking for trouble i think he just wanted to feel important.

edit on 11-10-2021 by vonclod because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2021 @ 12:13 PM

originally posted by: TerryMcGuire

There you go. I think you hit it on the head. Me and likely most on these boards get a vicarious sense of our substance with our postings and rantings and all but to what avail. This kid felt that our nation was being taken away from all the good folk by all the ''thug rioter, looter, arsonist, commie brain-dead leftwing crapheads that conservative media tells him are the root of our problems.

It is being taken away. The Socialist Progressives (elements of the Democratic Party) are following the old Soviet Union's 45 Goals of the Communist Party. Take a look. It reads like the Socialist Progressive playbook. Conservative media is calling it correctly.

He wanted to be part of the solution because just sitting at home pissing and moaning is part of the problem, not enough real engagement. He wanted to be engaged. Add into that all the ''super hero'' inspirations that our populace is fed in movies and tv leads to this notion of wanting to be a hero as well. He just chose way over his head.

I have sympathy for him as an individual but not so much for the armchairs that want to make him out a symbol for their own fantasies.

I'll agree that he didn't make the best choice. I won't agree with the reasons that you give for him making that choice.

If it wasn't for "double standards", we'd have no standards at all. I'm in my mid-50's, but, due to my job I spend a lot of time with people Rittenhouse's age. I help out with the internship program we have at a local University and I also help out with our program at the local Vo-tech School. Up until COVID, I spent quite a bit of time on College and High School campuses. One thing that I noticed were the signs encouraging the students to "Get Involved", "Make Your Voice Heard!" and others. There were notices of "field Trips" and "class trips" to Anti-Trump rallies. Some of the notices at the College level advocated violence. These Students are being indoctrinated into being activists. Some of the things that I've heard about some of the College Instructors would blow your mind. I deal primarily with engineering students. The number of times I've heard them say that they parrot back the instructor's views and keep a low profile.

Now you take a 17 year old high school student being bombarded by this indoctrination. He makes a choice to stand up for what HE believes in. He goes out to protect and defend HIS beliefs. Again I don't necessarily agree with the weapon decision, but, he is doing what he has been told is the right thing to do.

His main problem is that all of that indoctrination is only meant to support viewpoint of the LEFT. THAT WAS WHERE HE WENT WRONG. If he would have gone out there to support the rioters and if the people he shot were "right wing extremists", HE WOULD HAVE BEEN HAILED AS A HERO! This would have been swept under the rug so fast it wouldn't have been funny.

edit on 12-10-2021 by JIMC5499 because: typo

posted on Oct, 12 2021 @ 02:53 PM
a reply to: JIMC5499

First, my apologizes to the thread for continuing with this stream of the conversation. This thread after all is about Rittenhouse.

But back to this conversation.

Let’s take a look at the link you provided.

This list was read into the congressional record by Syd Herlong, a Democrat Congressman and ardent anti-communist at the request of one Patricia Nordman. I could find no more information on her.

The list that she requested came from the book ‘’"The Naked Communist," by Cleon Skousen:

Skousen was a hardline anti-communist who wrote many books about how communism was a threat to western civilization.

I ask you, what else are we to expect from two hardline anti-communists other than anti-communist statements. Propaganda maybe?

But let’s look at that list of communist goals.

1U.S. acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war.

It was less than 20 years since the bombing of Japan. Both the US and the USSR had developed atomic bombs and for the first time in human history, the people of this planet were faced with the threat that we ourselves might blow the whole freeking place to bits. That our warring could easily become the end of us all.

We had gone from the atomic bomb to the hydrogen bomb by 55, a weapon that was up to 1000 times more destructive than those dropped on Japan. No wonder people wanted to find a way to steer clear of that possiblity.

So this was not so much a ‘’communist goal’’ as it was a goal for any rational mind.

Do you have another solution that might have been chosen to avert that atomic wasr?

22. U.S. willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war.

Here we again see concerns over atomic war, but this time stated as a weakness. Rather than considering it as peaceful co-existence, it is couched in such a way as to make it seem that to find ways to avert that potential war was to give into communism. That sounds like propaganda to me. It merely twisted the first goal.

3Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.

Well I don’t know about you, but I never heard of this being espoused by anyone at that time or since as a realistic avenue to avert that atomic war. Again, more propaganda by an anti-communist author.


After WW11 the only industrial nation with it’s manufacturing still in tact was the US. US industry had at it’s finger tips the means to profit from the misfortune of the entire world. But for US manufacturers to profit from world wide distribution of it’s products, those nations would have to be able to not only trade with the US, but pay for the products that US companies wanted to sell around the world. Hence, promote free trade, promote loans, promote and all countries into the world market that the US controlled, including communist countries. That’s not communism at work, that’s good old western capitalism.

9Prolong the conferences to ban atomic tests because the United States has agreed to suspend tests as long as negotiations
are in progress.

Here, is an overture to peace, not communist take over of the US. Suspend atomic testing as long as we are discussing how to stop the proliferation of atomic weapons. We already had enough bombs and missiles to blow the world apart.

10 and on

Having looked at the above from a realistic perspective of averting an atomic disaster rather than the capitulation to communism.
Bascially the rest of the list reads like a bible for modern conservative fears. Yet for the most part those concerns on that list need behind them orchestration from a centralized communist regime. When this was written it was aimed at the USSR, but that has not been a communist country for how long now? Thirty years?

Are we to believe that even though Russia is no longer communist, that they are the centralized power behind the agenda laid out in that list. Maybe China instead?

But is China really communist either? Seems to me that rather than being communist, it is one huge corporation, capitalist corporation, with one supreme leader and a board of directors ruling the whole shebang.

However, if I am not mistaken, your premise is that the centralized orchestrate r of the communist agenda today is the educational system. Which of course is run by the dreaded left wing Democrats. Yes, I saw point 15 that mentions taking control of at least one political party. I get the concern here because it would seem that the other party has almost been lost to the same supposed agenda.. Until Trump came along.

MY question to that is just how did conservatives let this happen. How if it was all so clearly laid out, did conservatives lose control? Back when communism and socialism were still being controlled by the demon USSR, how is it that conservative peoples let it happen. Why were they not organizing to stop it. This would have me believe that they lost in the schools, they lost in the media, they lost in the movie houses and tv boxes and just about every other avenue of the US’s advancing culture.

How did this nightmare scenario come to be?

My quick answer? Because it was aimed at the wrong enemy. To me, a better enemy to focus on is the advancing corporate agenda. Yes, that very agenda that was the real engine behind those points 4-5-6-7-8-. American corporations that after enough time became international corporations with off shoots all across the globe. Setting up shell companies and making deals with foreign companies working in tandem with their profit machine.

I see little difference between the world that is espoused to be the communist goals and those goals that are built into the corporate agenda of the west, and of course now, east as well.

I think we should stop calling this buggabo direction in which we are headed as communism/socialism and call it what it really is, a feudal world being fostered by the world corporate system. And yes, I also saw point 37. Infiltrate and control big business. Ha, that’s a good one. Big Business beat the crap out of communism and now lets everyone call the social products of corporate authoritarianism communism which it is not. It’s world domination by corporate control, the last and final outcome of capitalism.

Now it’s a feudal world we have coming our way not a communist world.

posted on Oct, 12 2021 @ 07:47 PM
Interesting. Has no relevance on the subject at hand, but interesting.

Doesn't address a damn thing that I said.

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 06:06 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm 9w-z0BfKzZyb3oBzjmi2j7f8hmePlyM0i6aFKn-t1tQkppNz8

KENOSHA — Court TV's "Chaos in Kenosha: The Kyle Rittenhouse Case" aired for the first time last night. The documentary takes a look back at the events of August 25th, 2020 and looks ahead to the jury trial beginning in just one week on November 1st.

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 06:08 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

A "documentary" before a trial?

Sounds like jury tampering.

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 06:15 PM
a reply to: JinMI

A "documentary" before a trial?

Sounds like jury tampering.

or Riot inducing...

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 06:17 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Tomato, tamato

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 07:41 PM
Seems an ill advised thing to put out at this moment.

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 07:47 PM
Convict his dumbass. He went there as a minor driven by him mom with a firearm with the intention of shooting someone, and he succeeded in killing someone.

Oh, and given water by the cops.

But he's a white wing supremacist hero because he killed some leftist. Sick.

Throw his ass in jail.

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 07:53 PM
a reply to: SirHardHarry


I've a question.

Do you believe that you are taken seriously with that and many other instances of hysteric drivel?

Your ignorance is on full display and is a great testament to freedom of speech.

You managed to not hit a single significant point of the entire ordeal.

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 08:15 PM
a reply to: JinMI

It was Plain and Simple " Self Defense " . You did not Need a Judge to Determine that . Politics as Usual ............

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 08:39 PM
Basically, a concentual duel when the guy showing his concealed weapon standing over to a guy with very, visible, legal boomstick, walking.
edit on 25-10-2021 by Proto88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 11:35 PM
a reply to: SirHardHarry

Regardless of any of your baseles, fantasy assumptions. It is completely legal to use any means necessary to protect yourself from bodily harm.

He was stupidly attacked while carrying a lethal weapon. The first person who engaged him found that truth to be self evident and expedient.

The next two to engage him just witnessed what happens when you try to attack an armed human who's aware of the danger. (it doesn't end well).

Knowing he had the ability and presence of mind to protect himself from severe bodily harm (probably death), the next two openly and viciously attacked him too.

The only logical reason they had to engage him is that they thought they were smarter, quicker and or stronger than him. Hence could murder him before he gained regained his composure. it is painfully obvious they were not trying to restrain him to wait for the police to take him into custody. They were out to murder.

They tried to murder him, and miscalculated the risks fatally.

With three or more people are chasing people that night intend on bodily harm or murder. Rittenhouse wasn't chasing anybody, he was running away.

Any other crime committed that day by anybody else or Rittenhouse himself should be a separate charge for a separate day. Just because somebody under age is possessing a firearm doesn't give anybody the right to kill them. Norm does it invalidate the right to protect oneself.

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