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Scientists can’t explain Puzzling Lack of Coronavirus Outbreaks in Africa

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posted on Sep, 9 2020 @ 04:00 PM

originally posted by: 2Faced
It is probably because of the fact that many people in Africa use anti malaria medicine like hydroxy chloroquine but also nivaquine and paludrine. So if these other brands have similar ingredients like there are in chloroquine, chances are they were pro actively protected.

This is likely the best explanation.

They've been treating people in Africa for decades for malaria. The chloriquine class of drugs is the most widely used (also the cheapest) so it's very likely that there is a prophylactic effect at protecting against COVID.

I believe there was even a post about this previously.

Another tidbit... It was the Chinese New Year at the time this exploded, because Chinese people leave the country and go on a long vacation all over the world. The most visited places were the hardest hit.

Africa is not one of them.


posted on Sep, 9 2020 @ 04:12 PM
a reply to: Waterglass

I could have told you that Coronavirus was the 2nd main cause of the common cold and that no one of any race would be hit hard.

All the numbers you guys use are FAKE.
They were writing down Covid on all these death certificates where it definitely wasn't Covid.

Thats why Africa lags behind because they don't do as much paperwork so less fake certificates exist.

This is proof Cov is a hoax and I'll interpret it to favor my claims.


posted on Sep, 9 2020 @ 04:17 PM
a reply to: SonOfTheLawOfOne

Nah, anything that presents Covid as a "real pandemic" is bogus from the start.

My theory is better.

Our death counts are inflated due lies and agendas. Africa looks more realistic.

If you guys think some white and asian scientists created a genocide virus that did not target Africans you're insane.

Why would whites and Asians want to kill themselves and let Africans take over? That's the dumbest theory to come out of Covid so far.

It has no logic to it.

posted on Sep, 9 2020 @ 05:31 PM

originally posted by: PhyllidaDavenport
I think it less likely Africa has less cases and more likely they haven't the capacity in most countries in Africa to test

They cant medically treat either. So why didnt Africa get hammered? I asked this back in july. Why werent homeless wiped out?

At this point im satisfied saying COViD is a hoax and folks have been dying from flu. Its a virus that threatens human existence. Except if you protest. Or are homeless. Or live in Africa. Or just want to attend a Biden rally.

False positves AND negatives welp beyond a reasonable error rate. How do we know positives arent created by swabs with a reagent that is preloaded and meant to give positive results?

posted on Sep, 9 2020 @ 05:32 PM
Because it's all bull#.

posted on Sep, 9 2020 @ 06:33 PM
Hydroxychloroquine is over-the-counter in Africa. It is used routinely to treat malaria.

posted on Sep, 9 2020 @ 08:16 PM
a reply to: underwerks

Im going to have to disagree with this. Since when does anyone on the bottom of socioeconomic totem pole not have access to healthcare? They are prioritized to receive that subsidy over anyone else. There could be a genetic difference but perhaps its more of a cultural difference? Lots of time spent outdoors to start.

posted on Sep, 9 2020 @ 11:50 PM
a reply to: Waterglass

Sorry, not seeing it. SA alone has had 15,168 dead from COVID-19 and is the eighth country from the top in number of cases.

Perhaps the absence of a runaway peak in African countries was due to their responses to the virus, like South Africa's lockdown that began 18 days after the first confirmed case, and the closure of schools, and travel restrictions, etc, might be the reason?

posted on Sep, 10 2020 @ 01:22 AM

originally posted by: Daughter2
This has puzzled me too. Places like Africa and India should have more cases and more deaths. Social distancing in some of these places is not possible and certain places in Africa do not even have running water.

In these places hydroxychloroquine, chloroquine or quinine is often used for malaria prophylaxis (prevention, or preparation to reduce severity) and treatment. These substances are also much more easily available in these countries, with much less restrictions and manipulations of state licensing boards with their 'get out of jail free' cards-routine (as long as physicians refuse to prescribe HCQ, they won't get into trouble, but oh boy if they dare to go against the advice of state licensing boards in the US for example, long story; kill someone with intubation, Remdesivir and/or so-called "supportive care", no problem, your 'get out of jail free' card won't be revoked. But it's a different story when you use HCQ, then your neck/ass is on the line, if you can even get a pharmacy to fill the prescription in the first place, who also don't want to stick their necks out most of the time).

The main mechanism with which HCQ/CQ and quinine fights malaria, is the same mechanism that can inhibit viral entry into the cell and viral replication of the corona virus. This mechanism or function mainly being its ability to increase the Ph level in the food vacuoles of the malaria parasite, or in the case of corona, the cells, endosomes and lysosomes of the human patients, screwing around with the machinery there, having the earlier effects I mentioned (reducing their function, the processes that go on in these organelles for example, are preparatory steps before viral replication, so if you can stop or inhibit the virus early in its pathway through your body, that obviously helps a lot in reducing viral replication, especially if you can even prevent or inhibit viral entry altogether*).

*: In case of the malaria parasite the effect is a little different, but with the same endresult in helping your immune system by fighting against various key functions that need to be inhibited or reduced in the disease. By screwing around with some key machinery in the food vacuole that are sensitive to Ph levels needing to be below a certain level for them to function correctly, the malaria bacterial parasite is prevented from getting 100% functionality in what it usually does that causes the biggest problems. Its most damaging mechanisms are reduced in functionality so to speak.

It works similarly with the corona virus, also significantly hampered in doing what it usually does to cause problems for patients. And the beauty of the whole thing is, it doesn't completely prevent infection, still allowing for your body's immune system to learn how to fight this virus and develop, at the very least, temporal immunity. But it knows how to fight the virus now, so next time will be easier even if the reports that antibody immunity isn't permanent are really true, and not just used or exaggerated as a marketing tool for vaccines. Which also don't work a 100% of the time as the fineprint in the medical articles that usually isn't emphasized that much in the media will usually admit regarding these, as they come up with high effectiveness percentages based on studies performed by those with a conflict of interest and a stake in the matter, then refuted with much lower suggested percentages some time later when someone wants to bring their newer supposedly 'better', more effective vaccine on the market and has their own clique of so-called 'scientists' backing their play; or even the same team who just want to bring a newer 'better' version of their vaccine to the market, then suddenly the last one wasn't as effective as they earlier claimed, or the virus has supposedly mutated to such an extent that only now it's less effective, supposedly, they weren't fudging and fiddling around with the numbers earlier to give their desired false impression for marketing purposes, oh no, 'nothing to see here'. Pardon my sarcastic semi-rant there at the end, didn't know how to put that.

There's a little more to it, but that just takes too long to type, so I'll go with some videos (the first one also briefly mentions the malaria food vacuole thingy):

Note the phrase "alkaline environment is not liked" at 1:30 below (this is what I was talking about when I was talking about screwing around with key machinery, reducing their function):

Mechanism of Action of Hydroxychloroquine (playlist with more videos and details)
edit on 10-9-2020 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2020 @ 02:42 AM
do you realize that flu occurs in the upper respiratory tract and covid 19 occurs in the lower respiratory tract....that is why people with covid were getting blood clots which DOES NOT happen with the flu..That guy who was in rock of ages on broadway lost a leg from blood clots before he finally died ...and recently a woman got blood clots and was very likely to lose her hands

originally posted by: bigfatfurrytexan

originally posted by: PhyllidaDavenport
I think it less likely Africa has less cases and more likely they haven't the capacity in most countries in Africa to test

They cant medically treat either. So why didnt Africa get hammered? I asked this back in july. Why werent homeless wiped out?

At this point im satisfied saying COViD is a hoax and folks have been dying from flu. Its a virus that threatens human existence. Except if you protest. Or are homeless. Or live in Africa. Or just want to attend a Biden rally.

False positves AND negatives welp beyond a reasonable error rate. How do we know positives arent created by swabs with a reagent that is preloaded and meant to give positive results?

posted on Sep, 10 2020 @ 03:16 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

In the months March - May, SA was using HCQ fairly extensively and they were doing quite well with very few deaths/million pop (they're still not very high if you sort by that tab on, but they are the highest African country), then this happened:

And similar negative marketing/sales-pitches against the use of HCQ with even more impressive credentials and marketinglabels (such as 'gold standard clinical trial') came out afterwards.

You think that might have effected the number of physicians willing to use HCQ in the fight against Corona in SA? Or how about the number of people or Covid-19 (potential) patients that make an effort to get it either for malaria or Covid-19 or any other reason for that matter (one way or another, through asking the physician or perhaps it's even available over the counter there, or a less effective and more problematic alternative like CQ or quinine)?

What we know is that the number of deaths(/pop) started increasing upwards quite sharply (exponentially) in SA as more and more time passed after the Lancet marketing crap and subsequent additional marketing crap against HCQ, misleadingly presented under the marketingbanner and marketinglabel "science".

Anyone done a detailed timeline of events, restrictions and other factors affecting access to and use of HCQ in SA like this lady somewhat did for the US up till March (which has already changed quite a bit by now)?

Context (or how the restrictions and way of phrasing things by pharmacy and licensing boards in their 'guidelines' are affecting the situation concerning access and use of HCQ by physicians and patients):

Dallas Dr. having “remarkable” results treating COVID-19 patients with Hydroxychloroquine (playlist)

A longer version of that interview can be found earlier in that playlist, if you want a fuller context. I also highly recommend the OAN interview with Dr. Ban for that (who also says some key things regarding the problems he's had with getting prescriptions filled and the result this has had on some of his patients). Right now, that would be videos 8-13.
edit on 10-9-2020 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2020 @ 03:21 AM
I'm gonna chime in and suggest the potential affects of the BCG vaccine as a potential reason for the lack of deaths rather than malaria medication.

In many countries, including SA, the vaccine has or was given to the majority of the population as kids

Thats a huge number of the population who are not getting very sick and would contribute to the lack of spread.

Older folk would not have received it, which would account for the deadliness of the virus to those in a certain age group (45+)

In many European countries kids have not received it for the past 12-15 years which may contribute to the higher spread to those who are vulnerable by infected kids and teens.

It's been talked about before, but I haven't hardly seen any discussions in the media of late.

Africa, Korea, Japan, Russia, alot of Eastern Europe and Most of SE Asia receive the BCG it as kids.

USA never had a BGC program

Old article.

edit on 10-9-2020 by TheResidentAlien because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-9-2020 by TheResidentAlien because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2020 @ 03:22 AM

originally posted by: Creep Thumper
Hydroxychloroquine is over-the-counter in Africa. It is used routinely to treat malaria.

In some places, like in Benin, Cameroon, Liberia, Nigeria etc. there are also many black market stalls where you can get all sorts of (illegal and unregistered) medicine, even sold as individual tablets. It is predominantly malaria medicine that is sold from these stalls.

posted on Sep, 10 2020 @ 04:12 AM

originally posted by: Daughter2
This has puzzled me too. Places like Africa and India should have more cases and more deaths. Social distancing in some of these places is not possible and certain places in Africa do not even have running water.

Oh, Dr. Raoult also says something interesting concerning the use of HCQ in African countries compared to "the richest countries" like "France" (excluding those that have less of a marketing campaign against HCQ) after 7:43 below:


Dr. Raoult - Hydroxychloroquine + Azithromycin - latest update of his treatment of 2600 patients

posted on Sep, 10 2020 @ 04:34 AM
a reply to: muzzleflash
My theory is because its not Africa that the Chinese want to infiltrate they are already there and most African countries are now heavily indebted to China.

My belief is and always has been that China want to "take over" the ruined economies of Western nations as is evidenced by the huge numbers of Chinese owning any property or business they can get their hands on, and why some countries have been forced to take measures to prevent take overs by CCP backed investors.

They are doing some serious bargain hunting

posted on Sep, 10 2020 @ 04:46 AM
a reply to: TheResidentAlien

"Currently, no established mechanism of BCG can be reported for protection against SARS-CoV-2." (Siya Kamat and Madhuree Kumari, Department of Biochemistry, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, from an article published on 9 July 2020; I won't bother you with the title, cause the article is marketing in favor of BCG concerning SARS-CoV-2 in spite of acknowledging that little detail in the fineprint, as they try to downplay or distract the reader from thinking about the issue with that inconvenient reality/fact in the very next sentence that starts with "However, ...")

Always read the fineprint.

They sift the facts, exploiting the useful ones and concealing the others. [whereislogic: or downplaying or distracting from the inconvenient ones]

Source: Do Not Be a Victim of Propaganda! (Awake!—2000)
edit on 10-9-2020 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2020 @ 12:19 PM
Heard news in the beginning that it was our BCG vaccinations that helped us out so much.

They said the squatter camps would be wiped out because of the TB and Aids problems. I drive past quite a big squatter camp location at least once a week and not once have I seen anyone wearing a mask.

Not the kids playing on the side of the roads, not the father's drinking beer and eating smileys around fires and none of the mother's carrying their shopping home. Not one mask has been seen. The squatter camp has grown bigger into a river bed that has dried out. Next winter there are going to be at least a thousand people waking up with water washing their homes away.

Not once have the locations been shutdown. Shabeens have been running since the beginning.

But for 3 months I wasn't able to visit my mother.

This covid thing is a varking joke. All the "free" money we got also went to fancy cars and not to combat the virus or help the starving squatter camps. Even if the Chinese virus comes back strong they won't be able to shut down again. Starvation will kill those people faster than any corona virus will.

Africa for the win...

edit on 10 9 20 by Analbumcover because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2020 @ 02:14 PM

originally posted by: whereislogic
a reply to: chr0naut

In the months March - May, SA was using HCQ fairly extensively and they were doing quite well with very few deaths/million pop (they're still not very high if you sort by that tab on, but they are the highest African country), then this happened:

And similar negative marketing/sales-pitches against the use of HCQ with even more impressive credentials and marketinglabels (such as 'gold standard clinical trial') came out afterwards.

You think that might have effected the number of physicians willing to use HCQ in the fight against Corona in SA? Or how about the number of people or Covid-19 (potential) patients that make an effort to get it either for malaria or Covid-19 or any other reason for that matter (one way or another, through asking the physician or perhaps it's even available over the counter there, or a less effective and more problematic alternative like CQ or quinine)?

What we know is that the number of deaths(/pop) started increasing upwards quite sharply (exponentially) in SA as more and more time passed after the Lancet marketing crap and subsequent additional marketing crap against HCQ, misleadingly presented under the marketingbanner and marketinglabel "science".

Anyone done a detailed timeline of events, restrictions and other factors affecting access to and use of HCQ in SA like this lady somewhat did for the US up till March (which has already changed quite a bit by now)?

Context (or how the restrictions and way of phrasing things by pharmacy and licensing boards in their 'guidelines' are affecting the situation concerning access and use of HCQ by physicians and patients):

Dallas Dr. having “remarkable” results treating COVID-19 patients with Hydroxychloroquine (playlist)

A longer version of that interview can be found earlier in that playlist, if you want a fuller context. I also highly recommend the OAN interview with Dr. Ban for that (who also says some key things regarding the problems he's had with getting prescriptions filled and the result this has had on some of his patients). Right now, that would be videos 8-13.

Why did the number of South African cases and deaths increase up until the end of July, then rapidly decrease after HCQ was recommended against by WHO? i.e: why were daily COVID-19 deaths higher when they were using HCQ and lower when they stopped using it?

Please check out the timeline.

Also, South Africa's figures (for example) aren't good. They have the eighth highest numbers in the world. There's no miraculous mysterious resistance going on here.

edit on 10/9/2020 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2020 @ 02:19 PM

originally posted by: PhyllidaDavenport
a reply to: muzzleflash
My theory is because its not Africa that the Chinese want to infiltrate they are already there and most African countries are now heavily indebted to China.

My belief is and always has been that China want to "take over" the ruined economies of Western nations as is evidenced by the huge numbers of Chinese owning any property or business they can get their hands on, and why some countries have been forced to take measures to prevent take overs by CCP backed investors.

They are doing some serious bargain hunting

And what mechanism did China use to achieve this control over the spread of COVID-19 in foreign countries?

Why did they attack themselves first?

posted on Sep, 10 2020 @ 04:31 PM
Africa probably doesn’t have testing for Covid like the west. And if they do, the west wouldn’t care about the death rates, they never do with anything that happens in Africa.

I’d go so far as to highlight that the west keeps Africa as a third world continent.

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