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Black Florida Sheriff says he is deputizing all the gun owners for the Rioters

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posted on Jul, 3 2020 @ 10:14 AM
a reply to: frogs453

Right, many instances of trained cops loosing their cool and macing, tear gassing, beating, or shooting rubber bullets at protesters who simply were yelling.

If trained cops are losing their cool, there is a much higher chance of untrained gun owners losing their sh!t and killing someone.

posted on Jul, 3 2020 @ 10:18 AM

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: Drucifer

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: Drucifer
Are people even rioting anymore?

I’ve watched very little news in the last 2-3 weeks. I know protests have still been going, albeit, diminished in size and frequency, but I haven’t heard anything about looting or riots in a while.

Arrests are being made to the rioters, they ARE slowing down but yes the last two weeks have been filled with them. The LEO's are finally pushing back is why it slowed down.

A quick Google search didn’t turn up much outside of the NYC Pride parade that turned sour after police intervention.

Any links to your claim? Not pickin’ at ya, I’m just curious as to the current state of the riots/looting.

Arrests this week

More proof

even more, should I go on, I have made my point haven't I?

Eh, not sure that’s an indication that riots are still happening. I’ll give you the second link, even though I don’t see it being the same thing as people just randomly going out and looting stores or setting them on fire. The first one was in relation to 2 people getting caught with explosives to take down a statue and the third was an arrest for something that happened on May 30th.

My point is, there doesn’t seem to be any groups of people randomly destroying everything in sight, setting buildings on fire and robbing them anymore.

posted on Jul, 3 2020 @ 10:25 AM

originally posted by: worldstarcountry
a reply to: Justoneman
And once the election is over and the President secures his second term, you better believe South Florida (Broward, Miami Dade, Palm Beach and Collier) will have been purged of its traitors and sellouts to foreign money and power.

Sure. Just like Hilary and Obama are going to jail, right? I’ll believe it when I see it. Hell, as a Broward County citizen/registered Libertarian who was pissed off during the Midterm shenanigans, I’m begging for it. Snipes is at least out of the picture now, but I have little faith that anything of substance will change here for a while.
edit on 3-7-2020 by Drucifer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 3 2020 @ 10:27 AM
In an urban setting, it's best to use bayonets, when possible. Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley said troops were issued bayonets when the domestic terrorists caused trouble in our nation's capital 2 weeks ago.
edit on 7/3/2020 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 3 2020 @ 11:22 AM

originally posted by: frogs453
Sounds all fine and dandy but what about the gun owners with no training? We've seen that couple with the wife with her finger on the trigger randomly pointed at people, and the husband pointing his at his wife's head most of the time with the safety off. I'm all for responsible gun ownership, but this could be a disaster in the making.

So what, their level of training was sufficient enough to arm themselves and repel armed and violent invaders without firing a shot while you criticize them online anonymously having done nothing yourself.

Im glad they were pointed guns at domestic terrorists, they got the point that this wasn't a bluff and for once feared for their own safety instead of terrorizing others, probably saved a few lives down the road with that scared straight reality check.

edit on 3-7-2020 by circuitsports because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 3 2020 @ 11:31 AM

originally posted by: circuitsports

originally posted by: frogs453
Sounds all fine and dandy but what about the gun owners with no training? We've seen that couple with the wife with her finger on the trigger randomly pointed at people, and the husband pointing his at his wife's head most of the time with the safety off. I'm all for responsible gun ownership, but this could be a disaster in the making.

So what, their level of training was sufficient enough to arm themselves and repel armed and violent invaders without firing a shot while you criticize them online anonymously having done nothing yourself.

Im glad they were pointed guns at domestic terrorists, they got the point that this wasn't a bluff and for once feared for their own safety instead of terrorizing others, probably saved a few lives down the road with that scared straight reality check.

Nothing about the way they handled their weapons was an indication of any level of “training” to me. Especially the wife. That’s not what I consider to be responsible handling of a firearm. The same point could have been made without the limp-wristed pointing of the gun at people. Take the protesters who occupied the Michigan state house a couple months back. No pointing of guns and there point was made loud and clear.

Were these protesters looting or destroying anything leading up to getting through the gate? Seems their intention was to go make a bunch of noise outside the governor’s joint and this couple slowed them down on their way there to stop and taunt the couple.
edit on 3-7-2020 by Drucifer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 3 2020 @ 11:45 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
In an urban setting, it's best to use bayonets, when possible. Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley said troops were issued bayonets when the domestic terrorists caused trouble in our nation's capital 2 weeks ago.

Bayonets serve a dual purpose, a deterrent for people increasingly numb to guns and a deterrent for soldiers who are less likely to kill protestors unless they have become a real threat.

They aren't better in urban or any other environment for stopping people once they have committed to action.

I know I could easily use a rifle, even started training my daughter on the basics of gun safety with an inert rifle very early. I also have a fixed knife that I would use if that was the only option, I'm a little afraid of it and I let my daughter see it 1 time and never touch it. I've seen videos and been told the old axiom "everyone gets cut in a knife fight" but bladed weapons have a level of savagery thats impossible to overlook.

posted on Jul, 3 2020 @ 12:23 PM
a reply to: circuitsports

They were very lucky there were no accidents. The husband had his gun pointed at his wife's head most of the time for goodness sake. She had her finger on the trigger pointing at various people. As a responsible and trained gun owner, yes I'm going to call it out.

The armed and violent invaders were walking by. So they actually had no need to repel them from anything. None of the other neighbors in the 2 or 3 blocks past this couple but before the mayors mansion had any issue "repelling" them.

As a matter of fact 3 dozen of the couple's neighbors sent an email horrified by what the couple did. They understood it was trespassing but were not terrified that they walked past their houses on the way to the mayor's house to protest, they state they support it. Trespass and all. The couple previously pulled a gun on a neighbor who cut across their grass before. Good thing they repelled him also.
edit on 3-7-2020 by frogs453 because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-7-2020 by frogs453 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 3 2020 @ 12:39 PM
a reply to: frogs453

You can tell in this thread who wanted to march with them, bullets travel across lawns - when people marching through the gates they just broke down an into private property to intimidate they started banging loaded magazines, brandishing there own weapons and telling the couple that they planned to occupy the house after a veiled threat of murder.

Ken is a well trained, well educated lawyer - he knows what constitutes the legal use of lethal force - at no point is there conclusive proof he pointed a weapon at his wife, tricks of the lens or perception are just that, if his wife stepped in front of the weapon and pointed a gun at what she perceived a threat, she was in her legal right to do so and any input from her husband could sow doubt, so he let her do her, he knew the entire thing was being recorded.

They stood there ground armed, no one stormed their yard and no shots were fired - people who question their right or jump onto the scared neighbor bandwagon can get on, zero f's for you keyboard cowards.

As far as training, Tyson said it best "everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face"

No realistic amount of training for scared Karen is going to stop her initial and right reaction, you are trespassing and I am not going to threaten to shoot you, I can and if forced immediately kill you, that is my intent.

That was successful.

Now continue on about your gun hands poses and low ready nonsense that you learned from 1 day of front sight videos, if you even actually did any training - reality is 80% of women in violent confrontations using guns have their guns taken and used against them. I'd rather have them attack the barrel, then brandish it and have them wrestle it from me.

Makes me sick these fake American posers siding with the scared neighbors while terrorists take over the country and they talk about hypothetical things they would do, if only they had achieved more and spent 5 million on something they obviously loved, which will never happen.

At some level the house is their child, their dog and there life - people that live in apartments cant understand that it's not the home, its the 40 years of daily sacrifice to get it just to have some children try to destroy it for fun.


edit on 3-7-2020 by circuitsports because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-7-2020 by circuitsports because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 3 2020 @ 01:43 PM
a reply to: circuitsports

In my state training is required to obtain your CPL. Most training is done by retired law enforcement or military. At the time in my county you also had to go to in front of the court to actually be granted the license with a reason, although that has since changed.

I'm unsure of what videos you are speaking of. As I'm friends of the instructor, we just meet up at the range or other areas once a month. I also spend time with my brother who does weapons training for ICE agents when I go out of state to visit him. I have reason to stay up on practice and to be prepared to protect myself and daughters' so maybe I just take it more seriously than some. If needed I will not hesitate although you won't see me on my front lawn pointing at a group of people or walking in front of another raised weapon.

I am not the only one who felt that couple was a bit reckless with their guns. If you take a look at the post about them you may choose to take those men who posted the same thing more seriously than my opinion as a woman.

I would not discuss it, if I had no knowledge of it. It's a shame I have to give a whole history because either you seem to think as a female I have no idea what's going on or because I'm not terrified of protesters that you can't possibly think that I will protect myself if someone tried to enter my home. I certainly will. The laws are strict and I want to make sure when I use my weapon I do so safely and lawfully. We just had 2 people arrested yesterday for felonious assault because even though the female handled the weapon correctly, she should not have pulled it at that time. 4 years time is not something I wanna do.
edit on 3-7-2020 by frogs453 because: added

posted on Jul, 3 2020 @ 03:32 PM
Your friend, your bother, your state is there anything you have done? Doesn't seem like it.

I have done alot of actual training, I have a lifetime membership to front sight and have attended course and events from media day at shot show to a civilian version of SERE taught by ex delta, to long range marksmenship and CQB with simmunition taught by private security experts who carry SMG's at work and am considering becoming certified as an instructor with the NRA for the sole purpose of teaching my daughter the best way anyone knows how, In the last 2 months I spent 3 days of training in harsh desert terrain with full gear - I, not they, them or us.

No one is referring to you are they? no, stop trying to insert yourself into a situation for attention.

There is no merit to your false claims, every DA and litigator that had any chance at that couple would have taken action if they could and since you weren't there standing behind them or doing anything else you cant possibly say for certainty that anything happened can you? no.

You won't stand on your lawn and protect your home when they are firebombing fast food restaurants and random businesses, when the protestors are murdering and raping their own left and right and when kids who just broke down the gates to your community threaten to kill and occupy your home and the home of your neighbors? You sound like an idiot.

edit on 3-7-2020 by circuitsports because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 3 2020 @ 04:23 PM
a reply to: frogs453

You brought me into it when you started talking about my gun hands and videos I watched. Why is my experience with two people any less legitimate than your training?

I never said anything about this couple being charged. Feel free to go on your lawn and shoot people if you wish.

Calling me an idiot does not improve your position on the issue. I won't continue to escalate this issue with you. Have fun.

posted on Jul, 3 2020 @ 06:51 PM
ok so he is stating the law that already is in Florida two part one the same castle law most states have and 2 the stand your ground law .

castle law if someone brakes in you can defend your self and if they die they die .
stand your ground is much more important . You have the right to Not run if someone was to say rob you and shoot them dead if need be .

Now to both types It would be a good idea to make darn sure it was so evident the person was doing a crime that even a Chip could not find against you .

Just because the law states that Does not mien you wont be PUT through the ringer Proving your not guilty in real life your guilty until proven other wise .

posted on Jul, 4 2020 @ 11:10 AM
a reply to: odzeandennz

If it was commonly known that police/citizens didn’t carry guns, what do you think would happen to the armed robbery numbers? Maybe we should take their bullet proof vests away too? Guns are not the method of law enforcement, but they ARE necessary.

posted on Jul, 4 2020 @ 11:28 AM

originally posted by: TomServo
a reply to: odzeandennz

If it was commonly known that police/citizens didn’t carry guns, what do you think would happen to the armed robbery numbers? Maybe we should take their bullet proof vests away too? Guns are not the method of law enforcement, but they ARE necessary.

Armed robbers don't stand around waiting for the cops to show up.

Cops seldom show up during the actual time of a crime. They arrive after the crime is over and has been reported. Also, cops in other countries (Britain comes to mind) are generally not armed with guns and they have effective crime control records in spite of that.

posted on Jul, 4 2020 @ 01:34 PM
When I was a tiny human we lived in south Ontario in a community next to the farms in north Chino - almost every night homes in our neighborhood were getting robbed and it kept escalating until burglars were stealing off the night stand next to people asleep and it would have escalated into murder because there were no police in that area.

First thing the residents of the community made a pact, no more and if one of the burglars ended up being found on the main street, no one knew anything.

I remember people showing up at 2am and asking where LAX was if you answered the door....same place it always was 70 miles west.

Second the head of a gang in Pomona somehow got involved and apparently caught two of them and told them to let it be known that they would be sent back to their families in Mexico in small boxes. Most of the robberies were crimes of convenience, workers at the cow farms, walking 2 blocks, robbing and pawning the goods in Ontario - we tried to engage the owners, they didn't care but many of them fired workers who stole from them too, go figure.

Magically the robberies stopped and we moved out of the neighborhood because many of the neighbors seemed to accept being robbed as a fact and were very against any kind of armed response. We moved into a 2 story so anyone trying to rob us had to make it up the stairs first, my dad had a machine gun at the time, so it likely would not have ended well for them. By then drunk driving became a real problem and some guy drove through our block wall into our pool, so we left vatoville as it used to be called.

Last year near that area a car alarm went off at 2 am and when a guy went out to check he was ambushed by a guy with a machete who tried to hack him to death, even followed him into his home and kept hacking in front of his wife. The police think it was someone trying to get into MS-13 but never found the guy, another neighborhood had 2 cars randomly firebombed by someone who apparently wanted to practice or start his own branch of antifa, never caught almost burned down the home with them asleep inside and on and on. People commenting on it routinely didnt think you should use guns to stop assassination and arson.

The fact is that in 2019 20x more people were murdered by arson than rifles in the US - so these claims that people who are known to liberally kill, firebomb and use bricks at random are somehow inherently peaceful is a lie. Also that rifles are this mind controlling demon that mass murders, is also false.
edit on 4-7-2020 by circuitsports because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-7-2020 by circuitsports because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2020 @ 01:56 PM
Straight. Up. Leadership.

Love it. Makes my day on the 4th of July.

This dude should be the model for every county sheriff in this country.

While men like this still exist, I can still have hope for our country.

posted on Jul, 4 2020 @ 02:04 PM
a reply to: Justoneman

I say all that big talk's worth doodley squat.

posted on Jul, 4 2020 @ 03:05 PM

originally posted by: Ahabstar
Hate to spoil the parade, but the people are already “deputized“ under the second. Because the purpose of the militia is to put down riots and insurrection. And the second is retained by the people not any organization specifically like a sheriff’s department.

In essence, he is only reminding people of their duty to maintain the safety and security of a free state to prevent chaos and quasi-autonomous zones that are at best police states.

Incorrect, you're explaining "vigilantism", which is 180 degrees different from a special appointment as sheriff. As a specially appointed sheriff, you no longer are subjected to castle or stand your ground laws.

Furthermore, militias were not created to put down rebellions and insurrection. Contrary, militias were formed to regulate civilian control over over-reaching tyranny.

You're acting like the leftists who make up their own definitions of words...

posted on Jul, 4 2020 @ 04:35 PM
And people wish to pretend the idiot rioters are just going to quit and leave folks alone.

I think a little up front show of strength does two things.

It makes the crooks/rioters think twice and it get's the word out that someone has balls and is willing to have the kind it takes to live in America and stand for freedom from the tyranny of mob rule.

originally posted by: EnigmaChaser
Straight. Up. Leadership.

Love it. Makes my day on the 4th of July.

This dude should be the model for every county sheriff in this country.

While men like this still exist, I can still have hope for our country.

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