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Trumps says US could sever all ties with China

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posted on May, 17 2020 @ 06:47 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

The idiot keeps bumping his gums about a vaccine by the end of the year.

And the fool also says your back with or without a vaccine.

Like i said the R rate is the ticket. x

posted on May, 17 2020 @ 06:51 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

I will do as i feel free, i don't care what you want, as to the rest, you are simply one individual fool.

I would prefer a cure but there simply is not lightly to be one that's safe for the next 1 or 2 years, possibly indefinitely.
edit on 17-5-2020 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 17 2020 @ 06:54 AM
a reply to: Scapegrace

More like nature, China just happened to be the postcode were the horrible disease may have originated, but even that has been up for debate as of late.

posted on May, 17 2020 @ 10:56 AM

originally posted by: blueman12
Im for it because China does so many immoral things (althought the u.s. does too). But it would definitely hurt the economy badly.

Prepare for $2000 iphones and $1000 xboxs. Unless u.s. companies can find other areas for slave labor quickly.

U.S. should also cut ties with saudi arabia. And any other human right's abuser.

Trump is no moralist, so not sure where his strategy is going. Or if he even has one.

There will price increases but there will also be less money for shareholders and upper management. A study was done on how much it cost to make an iphone including labor and it came out to $200 dollars. $800 dollars is a huge markup. They can only charge what people are willing to pay.

I took a look at many of the items that used to be made in the USA and the prices are about the same. It is extra money for shareholders and upper management when they move to a slave labor country. Why would they lower prices for consumers? To be kind? They are in business to make money. They are going to charge the maximum people are willing to pay.

Look at the prices of appliance and products that just moved in the last 5 years. Prices are the same and the quality has dropped. The only beneficiaries from trade with slave labor nations are the wealthy corporations and banksters.

posted on May, 17 2020 @ 11:05 AM

originally posted by: blueman12
a reply to: Jay-morris

Very true. U.S. companies export their slave labor to china to provide cheap products. What a sh!tty world we live in where slavery is still happening financially and literally.

The u.s. supports both. I guess empires can't have morals or ethics.

There are quite a few organizations where business leaders from around the world get together a couple times a year to discuss strategies to further their interests. You have the CFR, you have the Bilderberg Meetings, you have many think tanks orgs and so on.

What we need just like business has, it global worker groups and meetings where we can discuss our interests in order to give the business class a taste of their own medicine. If all workers are on the same page with the same rights globally, then the cheap labor express will have no countries to run to and exploit the people.

posted on May, 17 2020 @ 11:15 AM

originally posted by: Edumakated
a reply to: TheRedneck

It won't happen over night for the reasons you state, but it can happen.

Consumers, business, and government have to work together... (Yeah, probably a pipe dream).

Consumers have to accept that cheapest is not the best and be willing to pay a premium for made in the USA. Consumers have to vote with their dollars and show companies they are willing put made in America before price.

Businesses have to think beyond shareholder return and short term gains. They have to understand their brand equity depends on putting America first.

Government has to create an environment that rewards businesses for putting America first with low taxes and a friendly regulatory environment. We have to use policy to encourage our companies to manufacture stateside.

The problem is, a country where people have rights and freedoms and free market capitalism are always going to be more expensive than workers under Communism where unions are banned. Countries where people do not have any rights are always going to be more attractive to big business.

During the cold war, we compared the workers in the Soviet Union to workers in the USA.
The workers in the Soviet Union were slaves, standing in breadlines, living in a box.
A worker in the USA was part of a union, had a car, house and could support the whole family on one income.

The problem in this country is we have let greedy business owners have to much say over our domestic and foriegn policies. They are not interested in the well being of the USA, their only concern is profits.

posted on May, 17 2020 @ 11:38 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

China makes around 80% of all the ingredients to make our medications! Not a great idea to sever ties with China.

posted on May, 17 2020 @ 12:33 PM

originally posted by: camain
a reply to: camain
PS, I would also implement a $5 fee on every call center call take not in the USA. to be paid directly to the state in which the call was centered. AKA if someone from california calls tech support and gets India, the state makes $5 dollars on that call. I would charge $2.50 if the call is handled in a different state. What this does is force businesses to spread out their infrastructure to all states, so that the calls originating in that state is handled by that state, while at the same time, if their not, the state doesn't lose revenue by not having those jobs in the USA/state. If a business wants to ignore Alaska for example, they can, but there 400k people calling would still generate revenue to the state.


Good posts.
The only way to get business to act in the best interest of this nation is to hit them in the wallet.

posted on May, 17 2020 @ 01:35 PM
I agree and I do remember a time where there was a lot of Made in the USA stuff. Trade can be a good thing for countries, when it equally benefits them and is complementary. But when a country uses slave labor and cheap materials businesses see that as opportunity. To be honest I'd rather pay more to have something made and not dependent on a foreign country for essentials.

There is a study that some of the PLA released in '99 where they went through scenarios on how to tackled a country that is militarily superior, like the US for example. It was called Unrestricted Warfare, and went through different means of causing a country to collapse. One of the ways was economical, another was using laws, as well as another way using terrorism.

posted on May, 17 2020 @ 01:39 PM
a reply to: jacobe001

The problem is, a country where people have rights and freedoms and free market capitalism are always going to be more expensive than workers under Communism where unions are banned. Countries where people do not have any rights are always going to be more attractive to big business.

That is indeed a concern.

I have for years been wishing for a tax schedule that could combat this problem, without taking away rights. It's a little complex in the calculations, but in theory it is simple. Subject every corporation that does business in the US and has over 50 employees, no small business exception for businesses which operate primarily on investment or as a holding company, to a tax based on their participation in the US economy. Make the minimum tax extremely low... heck, take it to zero! But make the maximum tax rate something like 80%, astronomically high. Now calculate that rate based on several factors: percentage of US employees versus foreign employees, median wage in the US, ratio of imports versus exports, etc. The fewer US workers one employs, the higher the tax rate. The less the median wage (excluding management), the higher the tax rate. The more one imports instead of exports, the higher the tax rate.

We use the tax code to punish/reward behavior all the time. Anyone who smokes (and doesn't roll their own) is paying literally more in taxes now than they do for the cigarettes. Alcohol is pretty close to that. Go green and put up solar panels? The government will drop your taxes to help pay for it. Those are all means to change behavior... so why not use it for corporations? If someone wants to pay everyone they employ minimum wage and have 20 times as many jobs overseas than they do here, all the while importing products form overseas as well, fine. They can do that. It's their right. But they also get to put back into the economy that they are using to build on, one way or another.


posted on May, 17 2020 @ 04:54 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

A lot of American consumers and workers would like that.

posted on May, 17 2020 @ 05:24 PM

originally posted by: openminded2011
a reply to: JAGStorm

A lot of American consumers and workers would like that.

I'd love to think that, but I don't think it's so.

Many people choose cheap over all else.

posted on May, 17 2020 @ 05:27 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Many people don't have a choice but to purchase cheaper products considering what they are paid compared to the cost of living.

posted on May, 17 2020 @ 05:43 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

It's one way to avoid paying the Chinese Central Bank the $200 million he owes them, I suppose.

posted on May, 17 2020 @ 05:44 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: JAGStorm

Many people don't have a choice but to purchase cheaper products considering what they are paid compared to the cost of living.

I like to look at it a little differently.
My mom always said, cheap is expensive. Meaning many times, a more expensive item will often outlast cheap items ten times over. I think that was the case for many years, and for many American made items. Shoes are a perfect example of this.

It also can mean, cheap now, but other problems later, like polluted water, air, expensive health issues.

People use the cheap argument for food all the time. Some of the most healthy food is often the cheapest, vegetables, fruits, whole grains.

I should have rephrased my response to say, Many people choose the cheap now because it is easier.

posted on May, 17 2020 @ 05:47 PM
a reply to: Whodathunkdatcheese

I don't think it works that way, the bankers always get paid no matter the nation, and the knock-on domino effect from defaulting on loan payments would only create other problems.

posted on May, 17 2020 @ 05:50 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

I would tend to agree with your mother most of the time.

Then again a lot of people simply don't have the luxury of looking at it that way the cost of living being what it is.

You can only buy what you can afford else end up in debt, which is also all to easy.

posted on May, 17 2020 @ 06:26 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm

originally posted by: openminded2011
a reply to: JAGStorm

A lot of American consumers and workers would like that.

I'd love to think that, but I don't think it's so.

Many people choose cheap over all else.

I agree with you, but they choose what they choose largely because its the only choice. If they could buy something made in their own country, of better quality than Chinese goods, even if it was a little more expensive, I am betting they would buy American.
edit on 17-5-2020 by openminded2011 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 17 2020 @ 08:03 PM

originally posted by: Bhadhidar
a reply to: JAGStorm

And if you can figure out how and why this would be such a really bad idea for America and Americans, even in just the short term, why is it that Trump would think that such a suggestion (or truly lame threat?) would be taken seriously in any way?

It just seems churlish, childish, and embarrassing...

Unless your understanding and expertise with regard to world geopolitics is no more sophisticated than that of a 14 year old.

If he can’t manage to “Be Best”, at least he could try to “Be (even a little bit) Better”.

And this is the same fool hardy thinking that led to Pearl Harbor tho this time we might not be able to win as our industrial power is crap at the moment.

WE MUST REBUILD OUR INDUSTRIAL MIGHT. Its critical for national security and Trump knows that more than anything else.

posted on May, 17 2020 @ 08:27 PM
a reply to: RudeMarine

If you did manage to somehow rebuild your industrial base, it would probably need to be automated, almost completely so, to compete with and replace the cheap manufacturing goods and products China and other worldwide competition supplies.

Americans won't work for $3.60 an hour, the average salary for a Factory Worker being $12.55, nor will they tolerate the horrendous health and safety conditions that exist in the likes of China.

It's hard to compete with what amounts to essentially a slave race(not that we are not all slaves.) of 1.39 billion people that are willing to work for peanuts.

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