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Corona Virus Updates Part 6

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posted on Jun, 5 2021 @ 07:16 AM
a reply to: Agit8dChop

Sometimes I think this virus was created to prevent WW3.

posted on Jun, 5 2021 @ 01:29 PM
So now that the lab leak theory is being taken very seriously anyone have thoughts? Fauci's emails are quite interesting in that they had quite an emergency discussion of gain of function research in late January. They seemed to have been VERY concerned and then there was an abrupt turnaround involving several prominent scientists. One in particular Kristian G. Andersen, is insistent that in the days that followed the original panic they got more data and decided it wasn't from the lab. He's now saying "this is the scientific process you are seeing" which makes ZERO sense. You can't decide in 5 days that it's definitely from nature. There's a lot redacted in the exchanges. Trevor Bedford was involved too and his email was about how to word things to the public and that maybe they should find a different way of communicating (implying something like Signal). It's getting very interesting. Andersen sequenced RaTG13 in January and was very excited about it on Twitter. It was a 97% match to SarsCoV2. Days later Fauci emails him about an article published about the bats in the mineshaft which is where that genome came from. Andersen replies that he'd seen it but the problem was that they were unable to determine whether the sequences were unusual at individual residues, except if they are completely off. He also said they found the genome inconsistent with expectations from evolutionary theory.

Then at that point there are emails with "gain of function" as the subject line and need for conference calls and it looks like they are all kind of frantic. Lots of stuff redacted. Then just a few days later.... every thing changes. And that's when Trevor Bedford (he's a big name in the genome sequencing) talks about rewording and is very adamant and suggests they find another place to talk

I'm sucked in. I rarely comment these days but I was here multiple times daily from the beginning. I still think TDawg could be for real. I'm def not 100% sold on it but still plausible in my mind. Anyway the point is that Fauci was VERY concerned about gain of function and lab leak back in Jan 2019 but then did a fast 180. Many suppose the reason for that is because the US is financially involved with gof research at that lab and that has serious implications for the US.

Then there's Dr Peter Daszak who looks REALLY REALLY suspicious and was talking about his gof research in November 2019 and bragging about it. He's in one of the emails profusely thanking Fauci for publicly denouncing any talk of a lab leak. He is deeply tied to that lab and what he said in the interview (on youtube) about what they were doing was pretty scary.

To add more mystery the idea that CoV2 was found in wastewater samples prior to Nov 2019 is resurfacing. A possibility that it was around as far back as March 2019. There is a WaPo article from Aug 2020 citing wastewater samples from July 2019 in Virginia containing the virus. At that time there was a big outbreak of a mystery respiratory virus. So..... the plot thickens.

If TDawg was on the up and up it's possible the seeding of the virus started earlier in the year and then again later in the year. That would kind of create a cover.... but that's just my "maybe/what if" early thoughts. The plot thickens haha!

posted on Jun, 5 2021 @ 02:17 PM

posted on Jun, 5 2021 @ 03:08 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

I dunno. Vaccine commercials are a thing. You need actors for them.

posted on Jun, 5 2021 @ 03:52 PM
So, got my Vaccine (Pfizer) this afternoon.
It went very well.
Barely any wait (it was in a large velodrome) with a lot of booths.

Got in, followed the line for first jab, gave my name, and filled out about 7 questions.
"Have I had a vaccine in the last two weeks", "Have I been a contact-case in the last 7 days", "do I have any allergies to x, y or z".
That was about it.
Went and sat down, then someone came and ushered me to a booth, where a doctor asked me basically the same questions.
(All the waivers were done online when making the appointment I think, but due to the time-slots vanishing rapidly, i rushed through that bit, even though I did read them, and I was not concerned).
Then, I was taken to another booth, with a couple of printouts from the Doctor, and I was given the jab.
Completely painless, no after effects whatsoever.
No sore arm, no headache, no feeling anything at all wrong or unusual.
It's been 6 hours now, and i'm not even tired, or anything.

Maybe i'll feel something tomorrow, I have no idea.
If I do feel different at any point, i'll post an update, for sure

For another experience, one of my colleagues at work, who is older than me, had the Astrazenica last weekend, on Saturday.
He felt crap, slept almost all Sunday, and felt crap on Monday.
He had 'bowel problems' and was sent home on Tuesday, and then felt fine on Wednesday, and all days onward.
We told him to go home on Tuesday, because we're not exactly understaffed, and if he's ill, he should go home rather than give us all something that he has.

We had a few more people back at work this week, and seeing how they are acting, as in cramming into a single lift, all going out to eat together, either at a restaurant terrace, or bringing back food to eat all together in a small room, we're not in good shape.

Our site was voluntarily shut by the company because of these people spreading covid massively, and they are just going back to doing the same again.
Quite a few more people expected back to work monday, so that should be fun.
Its supposed to be a voluntary return to onsite work, but i'm not so sure its that "voluntary".

Maybe the Boss's that have been away for the last 6 months will see what a sh!tshow it is, and will tell people to get their act together.
I hope so.

The "Indian Variant 2", or "Delta2", or B.1.617.2 is still doing really well in the UK.
As i keep on saying, it's THE country to watch, as there have been so many people vaccinated in the UK, it's interesting to see it propagate so fast anyway, but I still don't know if it's really only the unvaccinated that are getting it, or getting ill.
I seem to see everywhere that they talk of the "Majority" of people being unvaccintaed, but 51%/49% is a majority, so is 99%/01%, but one is much worse than the other.

Roll on the 14th, little more than a week now, to see what type of "grand opening" there will be on the 21st in the UK...

I think over here, Macron is just going to hang on until the Summer Hols in July, and tell everyone to "Be careful" and thats it...we'll see.

posted on Jun, 5 2021 @ 03:59 PM
a reply to: pasiphae

Wastewater samples from Virginia with SarsCov2 samples would fit with the theory that it was spread at the "World Military Games" in Wuhan in October 2019.
It would explain all of the major finger-pointing at the Wuhan lab, and China in general.

"It was them, the Warriors killed Cyrus, I saw it!!!" all over again.
Didn't turn out well for that little rat-faced lying b'stard when Cyrus's crew and the truth caught up with him...

posted on Jun, 5 2021 @ 05:51 PM
My left arm is feeling a small amount of pain now, like after a regular vaccine shot.
Just uncomfortable rather than pain.
Shouldn't have lain down on it.
No swelling or anything, or discoloration.
I can barely see the pin prick from the jab.

Possibly a delayed reaction, i usually get this very soon after the injection, like i did earlier this year when I had a flu jab.
We'll see what it's like tomorrow.

posted on Jun, 5 2021 @ 09:20 PM
a reply to: butcherguy

interesting Video for you.
MEdcram very good at explaing and offering treatment.

Don't know if you saw the link a few posts above your new thread that gives links to who is prescribing Ivermectin around the world. How to Get Ivermectin

Jane the video also has RCT proving Essential oils and sniffing them improves the sense of smell. Proving you right - way to go.

edit on 5-6-2021 by puzzled2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 6 2021 @ 03:29 AM
In the U.K. we’ve had to learn the hard way that when this one-time second coming, popularism forebear and snake oil salesman wants something it’s usually a bad idea for the common man & woman.

Now Tony Blair, key Bilderberger (a group of financial, political terrorists its helpful to think of as SPECTRE) has inadvertently added to the case against health passports by lending them his highly soiled support:

“Yes by allowing greater freedom and fewer restrictions to the vaccinated we’re providing a powerful incentive to take up vaccination, but this is a perfectly valid public policy objective. “Other than for medical reasons, people should be vaccinated.”

A senior Government source said: “Once again Mr Blair appears to have learned of things already in the pipeline with the NHS app and decided to publicly call for them. “Nonetheless we thank him for his continued support.”

In 2003 at the height of his power Blair’s ‘dodgy dossier’ on WMDs in Iraq and lies about Saddam’s ability to attack us in 45 ministers via a big gun in the dessert took the U.K. into the Middle East and led to Dr David Kelly being suicided in the woods before he could testify as to the lies and their source:

Indirectly on-topic note: BBC journalist Andrew Gilligan revealed Kelly as his whistleblower on the dossier’s lies. Apparently on the ropes, Blair made a move Machiavelli would’ve been proud of, turning this disastrous Kelly leak into leverage to threaten an end of the BBC...

Ever since then the BBC’s fear of being dissolved has led to them being the mouthpiece of the government de jour; that was the day impartiality died in the U.K. - the inciting incident that led us to this situation in which the BBC have lied and manipulated facts throughout this virus, allowing Boris to remain in power and continue to wilfully exterminate tens of thousands with his venality and ‘let the bodies pile high’ policies. Blair, Gilligan and Kelly were the key players when the BBC turned into The Ministry of Truth.

Blair also bailed out the city of London’s rich bankers in the financial crises, leaving the working class with the bill, leading to a decade of austerity in the U.K.

The man’s a ruthless guardian of the tptb, NWO, whatever you want to call them. Imo there’s probably more than one hard core of rich elite that have a plan to increase their power and wealth by controlling populations and they’re not the first, nor the last. They no doubt all compete and adapt. Blair is the mouth piece for one of them and so if this fanatic is endorsing something it’s a good reason to avoid it at all costs.

If anyone was on the fence about health passports, then do your research on Blair and surely his endorsement is enough to convince that they’re a very bad idea.

edit on 6-6-2021 by McGinty because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 6 2021 @ 03:32 AM
Double post
edit on 6-6-2021 by McGinty because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 6 2021 @ 04:07 AM
So my left arm is still slightly painful this morning.
If I try to touch my left shoulder with my left hand, and then lift, it gets gradually more painful, the more i lift.
No visible signs of anything on my arm, or elsewhere.
No headaches, nothing in the way of aches and pains anywhere else.

Going very well so far

posted on Jun, 6 2021 @ 04:50 AM
a reply to: MonkeyBalls2
Very glad to hear that

Thanks for the updates and being our thread guinea pig of sorts!

I had the AstraZeneca over 2 months back now. No symptoms for about a month. Then hot/cold flushes and tiredness for around 2 or 3 weeks. Now, in the past week or two I’ve got a hot pain between my shoulder blades that’s spread up my neck and down my arm; hot, throbbing, all on the right side. I’m hoping this is down to sitting at my computer working for too long + Stress + working out with weights for the first time in years, rather than a delayed AstraZeneca blood clot.

My second jab invite has come and gone - not sure whether to get it, or not.

Keep us updated, MB2

posted on Jun, 6 2021 @ 06:52 AM
Anyone else picking up a vibe that 'the others' (certainly here in UK) have ramped things up what seems like over night?
To me, it 'feels like' things have suddenly become 'out of control'. We are all on an out of control 'Bullet train' that is out of control and heading for the end of the track with no brakes with regards to the vaccine roll out.

Sorry, It's the only way I can describe the ominous almost panic feeling I am registering.


posted on Jun, 6 2021 @ 07:58 AM
a reply to: puzzled2

Hehe, funny how I call nasal inhalers 'sniffy sticks'.
HOWEVER, the oils recommended, Rose, Eucalyptus, Clove and Lemon have the following contraindications.
Rose (Absolute): Pregnancy, cancer.
Rose (Cabbage): As above
Rose (Damask): As above
Rose (Geranium): Pregnancy, possible skin irritant, not to be used by people on blood thinning medication such as warfarin.
Eucalyptus (Globulus): Pregnancy during first trimester., cancer, high blood pressure, epilepsy, taking homeopathic remedies. Not to be used on children under the age of 6 years.
Eucalyptus Citriadora: As above and BEST NOT USED ON SKIN AT ALL.
Eucalyptus (Dives): As Globulus
Eucalyptus (Staigeriana): Lowers blood pressure, hypotension. Can increase insulin production, care with diabetics.
Eucalyptus (Radiata): Can cause central nervous system and breathing problems in children. Not to be used on or near children under 10 years of age.
Eucalyptus (Smithii): Can cause central nervous system and breathing problems in children. Not to be used on or near children under 10 years of age.
Clove: Embryo toxic skin and mucous irritant. Not to be used in pregnancy or whilst breast feeding, Not to be used on hypersensitive, damaged or diseased skin. Not to be used on or near children at all. On blood thinning medication. BEST NOT USED ON SKIN AT ALL. Not to be confused with Oil of Cloves.
Lemon: Possible skin irritant, cancer.
That would explain some of the adverse reactions some experienced.

Now to the other oils:
Menthol is NOT an EO, it's a chemical component in various oils. Menthol in it's concentrated state has masses of contraindications without the other chemical components to balance it out.
Thyme (White): Pregnancy, high blood pressure, sensitive skin, epilepsy, hypothyroidism.
Thyme (Lemon): Same as above until more research is done.
Thyme (Linalool): Same as above until more research is done, although it is regarded as a safer alternative.
Tangerine: Possible skin irritant.
Jasmine: Pregnancy.
Bergamot: Photosensitive. Unless you have the FCF variety. If you don't use this type, normal Bergamot is highly phototoxic and can cause huge skin reactions (which can result in hospitalisation) even when just inhaled.
Rosemary: Pregnancy, epilepsy, Petit Mal, homeopathy, high blood pressure.
Gardenia and Green Tea are not normally recognised as having any therapeutic benefits at all and are largely used in the perfumery and/or beauty products etc.

The contraindications are if you already have the underlying issues, just for clarification. So for example, where I have said High Blood pressure for Rosemary Essential Oil, it should not be used by people with High BP as it will raise it even further.

OT is very specific to the individual. There are far safer oils out there that can be used for OT. The Blend (as I call it) that I devised as a preventative and aid if you have caught C19 has completely safe oils in it. Wasn't devised for anosmia, but reports coming back from people who had anosmia said their sense of smell came back really quickly. Others reported that they didn't get hay fever as they normally would. This feed back was also from other Aromatherapists who I had shared the Blend with.
Actually smelling an oil is not the issue, it is the anti-inflammatory chemical components in an oil that do the work to restore the sense of smell and taste.

In summary, the right combination of EO's determined by the clients Long Covid symptoms (not all have anosmia) help enormously.
Hope all that helps


posted on Jun, 6 2021 @ 08:10 AM
a reply to: McGinty
And have you reported those symptoms to the Yellow card scheme?
You should otherwise Pharma wont know what they have to 'tweek'.


posted on Jun, 6 2021 @ 08:11 AM
a reply to: MonkeyBalls2
Here in UK a sore arm is classified as an adverse reaction by our blood transfusion service and people are not allowed to donate bloods until 28 days AFTER the siore arm (or any other symptoms) have passed.

posted on Jun, 6 2021 @ 08:29 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Nope, but i'll look into it.

posted on Jun, 6 2021 @ 10:38 AM
a reply to: McGinty

I'm glad if it can help people out.

My arm is feeling a bit better this afternoon, about 10-20% less ache, and even then, it only aches when I lift my arm to about level, out to my side.
If i put my arm out straight in front, i'd have to lift it to a near 'nazi-salute' for it to be in any pain.

I would think your pain is mostly due to the Weights.
A lot of people, mainly when they hit their early 40's, suddenly decide to be 'young again' and start doing weights and exercises that they used to do.
The only problem is that they forget that you have to start slowly, and ramp up again.
A lot of people end up at the Doctors, or in hospital because they have strained or pulled something.

When I hurt my right hand a month or so ago, i did almost everything with my left hand.
I discovered quite a few muscles that I had probably never used before lol

When i used to do weights, i'd warm up doing one or two rounds with just the steel bar for the weights, its 10Kg already.
Then when well warmed up, do a few with some weights on it.

I've been thinking about using them again, I mean i bought the damn things, and they are just sitting in the garage, i'm just afraid i'll do myself mischief, and I can't be doing that.
Summer is here though, so I might get round to it this year, very, very slowly.
It'll probably take me a good week or two before I put any weights on it.

As for the Jab, if you've had the first one, and it went fine, there is literally no reason to not get the 2nd one.
They delayed it for up to 12 weeks or more iirc, so you would still be in the dates for a 2nd jab.

Covid isn't going to go away, it might get worse.
I'm a pessimist, so I go with the thought that we are going to get the worst of the probabilities, and if we don't, thats a happy thing

Better that than expect the best, and find out its all worse, a major downer.

If I was you, i'd get the second jab asap, and in 2-3 weeks, you should be fine for any activity you want to do.
Thats myopinion though, it's up to you to make the decision

posted on Jun, 6 2021 @ 10:40 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

I don't think they classify it as a side-effect here.
More of a general side-effect to a vaccine jab than anything else.

I'll have to have a look again, but I didn't notice anything that mentioned "If you are feeling side effects, call this number" or something like one mentioned it either.
It's almost as if, after 15mins, thats it.

Thats here in France though
with Macron the "Great Epidemiologist"

posted on Jun, 6 2021 @ 11:15 AM
a reply to: MonkeyBalls2
Doesn't the EMA have a reporting system? They must have because that is where I see the European figures of death/adverse reactions.


PS, yes they have here....

edit on am611America/ChicagoSunday2021-06-06T11:16:56-05:0011America/Chicago06000000 by angelchemuel because: (no reason given)

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