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Are You Preparing For Your Next Life?

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posted on Jan, 24 2020 @ 11:08 PM
It's a depressive topic, for sure. I apologize here just do to so. Thanks all for participating.

posted on Jan, 24 2020 @ 11:13 PM
a reply to: FlyingSquirrel

You are exactly who needs to reply. :/

posted on Jan, 24 2020 @ 11:49 PM

originally posted by: Admitted
a reply to: FlyingSquirrel

You are exactly who needs to reply. :/

Lol, by special request of the OP! Okay

I'm preparing for the rest of this life. I recently turned 37, I have a full-time job that stresses me out and doesn't pay enough, no savings. At least I live in an almost paid off house that I don't have to pay on. It was built in the 60's and it's pretty busted. Basic functionality but rather ugly all around. Ceiling in the living room has a giant hole that's taped up, bathroom is old unfinished wood floor, paint on the walls throughout etc. Central heat and air doesnt work; I use a window a/c and a space heater. Window a/c drips badly in weather over 85-90 degrees, basically all summer. No financial relief in sight to fix any of that.

So, I make the best of it but I'm not posting from a comfy chair with my future secure pondering about how I'm going to enjoy the last 30-40 years of my life while preparing for the next that I wont even have. Who said we reincarnate or even actually have souls, spirits, an afterlife? See, this thread is a can of worms. What if when we die, we're gone and thats it. That's depressing but it has the best odds on being the truth versus all of the rest.

Jesus can help me see the light perhaps. Maybe he'd placate me and make me content that I'm going to happy fairy land after this in eternity for being a good boy even though I was only on the planet for less than 100 years. Eternal bliss for less than 100 years of being a human? At the peak of human comfort no less for most of us. That's an amazing deal. I might even start believing the rapture is imminent and stop caring about this life altogether! Starting to sound tempting.

Alas, I don't have Trinity Broadcasting Network on my digital antenna to leave it on 24/7 for it to sink in. My mother had cable and watched it constantly for a few years before she died in her sleep and I found her. Now that's the way to go. Anyways, I think I have it but it doesn't come in. I'd have to tape the antenna box to the wall or something so I can get Joel Osteen telling me to be positive, that God is watching my every step so nothing bad happens and I might win the lottery.
edit on 24-1-2020 by FlyingSquirrel because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2020 @ 11:51 PM
As Pollyannic as it might sound, you are just here to be. Like a flower, a tree, a bee or a rhinoceros. But you have the gift to understand your relationship to it all. Go out and talk to bees, watch one do its thing. Watch birds, notice that the clouds are changing, sunlight is changing, breath.

Prepare for next life, prepare for the transition. Start now and you will continue wherever you leave off - in Heaven or in another body here. We have eternity...

I know what you mean, I get tired. But I look up and give thanks.

It's a powerful new moon, make a new plan for yourself. Change your look, cut your hair, get a few new clothes even more so if you hate shopping. Read a biography, look at your checkbook and see where your money is going and if you like it. Teach.

We are robbed of peace and awash with anxiety but the closet can be a great place to sit. You're not alone.
edit on 1/24/2020 by BlissSeeker because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2020 @ 11:51 PM

I just got done listening to this book. It was super interesting.
This guy Michael Newton was a past life regresionist and figured out how to guide people to see there life in between lives.

It talks about what souls go through after death and how they chose their lives to experience different lessons on earth to grow as a soul.
I thought it was really good.

But anyway, I do think sometimes that the good deeds i do in this life will help me have a better next life.

posted on Jan, 25 2020 @ 12:00 AM
What is accomplishment in this life? What matters when faced with the ending?

I'd offer the only thing that matters is consciousness.

Have you spent some time to know yourself and another consciousness?

Did you attempt to make them happy?

If yes, then you're fine.

People tend to add unnecessary complexity. Why worry about the perceptions of conscious beings just as lost as they are... or of a conjectured other that judges everything?


Not everyone can go down in history as a savior of humanity. We'd run out of public space for busts.

posted on Jan, 25 2020 @ 12:01 AM
All of this stuff makes you happy and feel peaceful because it removes the fear and inevibility of your eventual death.

Who wants to believe that when they die, that's it? Nothing afterward, no next life, no afterlife. I don't think there's a single human alive that enjoys the thought unless but I'm sure there's plenty out there out of 8 billion.

We're reproducing much, much faster than anytime in human history. 3,000 years ago there might have been 300 million people on the entire planet. Yet, everyone is born with a golden ticket to eternity or reincarnation. I'm not buying it.

I think when that baby gets aborted, that's it. When the kid unfortunately dies from that genetic disease they were born with, that's all the reality they'll get to have. Having children helps because when you're dying, knowing you have them to carry on the legacy is soothing, and they'll hopefully have children and so on as through history up to this point. Alot of branches of families or entire family trees die out too.

You're on your deathbed. You have firm beliefs in an afterlife, spirituality, reincarnation, something. You have children.

You're on your deathbed. You're an atheist with no children.

posted on Jan, 25 2020 @ 12:02 AM
a reply to: FlyingSquirrel

Ok. I appreciate the response. But, clearly you don't presuppose that there is something more beyond this life. That's fine. I wish you well.

My question for this thread, though, was what are you doing to prepare for the next life? If you don't believe there is one...that's ok. I do.

posted on Jan, 25 2020 @ 12:05 AM

originally posted by: BlissSeeker
As Pollyannic as it might sound, you are just here to be. Like a flower, a tree, a bee or a rhinoceros. But you have the gift to understand your relationship to it all. Go out and talk to bees, watch one do its thing. Watch birds, notice that the clouds are changing, sunlight is changing, breath.

Prepare for next life, prepare for the transition. Start now and you will continue wherever you leave off - in Heaven or in another body here. We have eternity...

I know what you mean, I get tired. But I look up and give thanks.

It's a powerful new moon, make a new plan for yourself. Change your look, cut your hair, get a few new clothes even more so if you hate shopping. Read a biography, look at your checkbook and see where your money is going and if you like it. Teach.

We are robbed of peace and awash with anxiety but the closet can be a great place to sit. You're not alone.

I love your words!

I really do! But they are more of the same. There are no answers here.

Why are we here? Why am I working to support my family so my family can work to support theirs...forever...?


posted on Jan, 25 2020 @ 12:13 AM
If you've meditated on an afterlife and believe it to be fact, it's rooted in your physical brain matter made up of organic cells that die and decay once blood and oxygen no longer flow to it, as you're nearing death, it'll make the experience multitudes easier. You'll be at peace. It's terrifying to imagine dying without it and that's where I'm headed. Should I sign up for something before it's too late? I don't know, I'm rather pessimistic and rooted in cold, hard reality. Pain and suffering that has no meaning and isn't fair.

All other animals though, they don't get to live on. The billions of pigs, cows, chickens that we eat, our pets. Oh, but the pets have character and we have emotional attachment to them so they get to live on. In Heaven, my relatives and my dogs will be waiting to greet me. I just have to make it through the tunnel to the light with the demons attacking me like the NDE people say they experience. They all get the same thing when almost dying so it's real right?

They believed it to be true after reading and watching it, so while there brain still had life in it and they "almost died", they thought of it and experienced it before getting to come back to life so they could share their story with everyone else. When you really die, you don't experience or think of anything because your brain is dead. There's no juice flowing to form the thoughts of paradise.

But, if you believe it enough up to the moment of death, you'll be thinking of it when you go and ignorance is bliss. To you, your end will really be going to heaven before the lights permanently shut off and for all intents and purposes, that's where you went except you really didn't.

posted on Jan, 25 2020 @ 12:15 AM

Yeah, I've given up hope.

This has been my favorite song since it came out in the late 90's.

Look up the lyrics. They have more substance than you will find anywhere.

Thanks for the responses!

posted on Jan, 25 2020 @ 12:24 AM
Every enlightening or spiritual experience you have is via flesh. When you have a moment, it's a product of chemicals and neurotransmitters firing in your brain. You feel good when there's combinations of certain ones in varying amounts and bad when they're lacking.

A man gets on medication, even natural remedies that boost and balance brain chemicals, starts viewing life positively, is happy, and finds spirituality. Rolls with it for years, believes it. Your perception for better or worse of all things is a product of your brain and what you put into it.

Thoughts, experiences, and interpretations of them are flesh. Inspiration and depression, everything. A person is inspired so their good chemicals are flowing and they keep the levels up by living good life so they remain positive with a good balance of them.

posted on Jan, 25 2020 @ 12:24 AM
a reply to: FlyingSquirrel

Exactly why I said YOU needed to respond. Thank you.

I see it as such. We all die every night.

If we can't survive sleep, dreaming, how can we hope to survive death of our body?

You speak of organics dying and all our thoughts and hopes dying with it...I agree. There is that.

But I also feel something more. Not just lucid dreaming but take it as an example.

I can survive (my being/my knowing/me) the sleep of my physical body. I've learned how. I can travel in it. But the death of my physical body? I'm not sure.

I won't enter Heaven, if it exists, in any form of comfort. Will you? I don't see that you believe at all, which is fine.

posted on Jan, 25 2020 @ 12:44 AM
I actually have a bigger question for this thread. Which I hope someone can step up to.

I have a daughter. She is 10 and a half. I have a bleak outlook. She is very excited about everything.

I love guitar and stringed instruments. She plays french horn...and I've been trying man! Really! But God I hate horns. the meaning of life...I just don't care...but I want her to care...I really do.

How do I help her care about something I don't? I want her to love life.
edit on 1/25/2020 by Admitted because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2020 @ 01:12 AM

originally posted by: Admitted
a reply to: Lumenari

I spent my 20's in a group trying to work out "living in the now".

I really felt something there. I still do. But that obscure group was just the same as all religions I've come across.

The "now" is ever-elusive. It takes a constant dedication that few, if any, have...I certainly don't.

I just want a taste, a feeling that I've done something, anything, in this life.

It isn't a religion.

There is no requirement to believe in a higher power to be able to stop and listen.

Or taste.

Or smell.

It's how you actually LIVE life.

Most people don't take the time to do it.

I gave you an answer to your question.

Up to you to do what you want with it.

edit on 25-1-2020 by Lumenari because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2020 @ 01:20 AM

originally posted by: Admitted
a reply to: Lumenari

Hm...yeah! That's more than I can do!

...I could play guitar in a Wal-Mart parking lot like a mf'er...but...I don't have an RV to plug into.

And to end my part of the conversation here on this thread...

Nothing that I posted is impossible for you to do.

It's more than you are willing to do.

You've accepted your boundaries.

No wonder you're depressed.

You're not living.

posted on Jan, 25 2020 @ 01:22 AM
"Your life is not an audition for the afterlife, and if you can stop worrying about that, you just might have time for other things. Things like loving one another and living your life"......

posted on Jan, 25 2020 @ 01:24 AM
a reply to: Lumenari

This is where we part. Religion is a way of life for me. It's the definition of the word.

It's how I live my life. I'm no better than you or anyone, I'm ... messed up ... I was asking for a something more. Sometimes in life I feel I've known God. I'm certain of it. Other times, like now, I need belief. I'm not so sure.

My thread...I want to know where to go here.

I believe. I know enough...I just can't maintain.

I'm not trying to be a D Lum...thank you so much for taking time to respond.

posted on Jan, 25 2020 @ 01:25 AM
a reply to: Plotus

I'm not so great

posted on Jan, 25 2020 @ 01:57 AM
a reply to: Admitted

Yes I am. It's a very important duty to me.
All my preparation is spiritual in nature.
I won't be taking anything else from here with me.
I have a long way to go too, but I imagine I'll be ok when the time comes to pay the piper.
To each thier own, live and let live, et al. I say.

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