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musings on bigfoot's elusiveness

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posted on Nov, 18 2019 @ 08:34 AM
a reply to: karl 12MIB drive split bumper camaros? hot car, they have good taste. that girl is pretty hot too.

posted on Nov, 18 2019 @ 08:55 AM
Greqt post. I totally agree. I have tried many times to photograph animals during chance encounters, and it is very rare to even get a pic at all, never mind one that is cleqr and focussed. Happened last week with a fox. We stared at each other from a few feet away and as soon as I went for my phone, it ran off, I got nothing.
If I bumped into a BF, I would not try and get my phone out, would just be in the moment, assuming I survived! Wanting to prove it to others would be down the list, I would know for sure they were real and that would be enough for me.

a reply to: galadofwarthethird

posted on Nov, 18 2019 @ 09:02 AM
With a hairy coat and much bulk, and let's say a fantastic digestive system, they would not need fire anyway. I think you're right about intelligence, if a species can live and manage perfectly well without needibg to cook, build and destroy as we do, why would they need to change? Dolphins and whales are intelligent, we don't question that, but they don't build anything... a reply to: JohnnyAnonymous

posted on Nov, 18 2019 @ 11:51 AM

originally posted by: StuKE
If I bumped into a BF, I would not try and get my phone out, would just be in the moment, assuming I survived! Wanting to prove it to others would be down the list, I would know for sure they were real and that would be enough for me.

I agree. Anything in your hand means you are armed. Anything you grab could be considered a threat. If you pick up a rock they will think you will throw it at them. There may be no difference between a phone and a rock to them.

Witnesses have described that when they pick up their guns or even turn their guns toward them the Biggies run off. Just like the other native Americans before them, they seem to know, probably from observing humans hunting, that the loud fire sticks are bad.

posted on Nov, 18 2019 @ 12:58 PM

originally posted by: JohnnyAnonymous
Oh wow if you can find the link I'd be gratful or in the least, do you happen to remember the title and I'll try to find it.

Not sure if this is what 78 is talking about. This seems to be different. Big guy shows up behind fire at 1:03.

posted on Nov, 18 2019 @ 05:19 PM

originally posted by: spiritualarchitect
Not sure if this is what 78 is talking about. This seems to be different. Big guy shows up behind fire at 1:03.

Even if it's not what Caver was refering to, that's an interesting video that I've not seen before and am thankful for your post-link.


posted on Nov, 18 2019 @ 06:36 PM
a reply to: spiritualarchitect

You found it!!!

There used to be a guy who had some amazing recordings, his screen name was similar to "Monongalia".
Yes, I know now that my age is hanging out!!!

Seriously, this is like the "golden oldies" of bigfoot.
edit on 18-11-2019 by Caver78 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2019 @ 10:44 PM
a reply to: StuKE
I get deer coming in the back yard every year there is at least one. So even in my back yard which is all bushes and pines, its not easy to spot and film them. A few years ago, i saw one, then it went off a little ways off and laid down in a bush. I walked about 5 feet from it. And even that close the only thing you could see is antlers sticking off. And even at that range if you did not know it was there, you would never notice.

But I suppose it depends as well. Here in the north west, its all tightly packed, on the ranges in Montana, easier to spot things. But either way, there is a reason why professional photographers or those documentary people take months to film animals. Simply because it takes that long to really catch even simple things.

In fact 2 weeks ago, there was this owl, right next to the house on one of the pines. One of the cats killed a mouse and just let it off in the grass. I could see the owl eyeing it, went in and grabbed the camera tried to film it. But even though I could point to what tree it was on and spot without looking, it was a pain in the ass to try to follow it with your camera, and it wasn't moving at all, just from one spot, to another on another tree about 10 feet away.

With the eye its easy to spot and follow, but through the camera vid, its almost impossible to keep track of it, only if its standing still.
edit on 10pmMondaypm182019f1pmMon, 18 Nov 2019 22:48:57 -0600 by galadofwarthethird because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2019 @ 11:12 PM
a reply to: reject

Have you heard the video of the Umatilla Reservation screams?

A good friend of mine lived and worked on the Reservation, and he heard them...he called them the single scariest thing he'd ever heard--absolutely hair-raising.

posted on Nov, 19 2019 @ 02:39 AM
a reply to: seagull

Yeah, I'm familiar with that one.

Thanks for bringing it up.

Good catch.

Someone's nerves got the best of him and fired off a couple rounds.

I had a really good listen.

Oregon is sasquatch country but it really sounds different from the one heard in Ontario, Canada.

That one from Oregon is more shrill compared to the booming deep roar in Canada.

I will probably try to listen again to see if I can have even more clarity but they're really glaringly different already.

I wonder what they were interacting with to make them roar like that.

Maybe those two need to get together.


posted on Nov, 19 2019 @ 03:05 AM

originally posted by: galadofwarthethird
Freaking Bigfoot, seems to be the ultimate nomad. And if you can cross the country from down south to past the mountains of western Washington and Canada going into Alaska. Well that's one hell of a journey for anybody in a car, much less on foot.

There haven't been that many new vids of bigfoot or sightings, but then again haven't looked much. But even some of the old ones, nobody has yet to prove a definite end to them. Or even this vid, I forgot were they were, seen it years ago, and from what I remember off the highway literally going to Canada, I think. There are a few tricouni peak in WA also.

But I could take a ride 30 minutes away and another few hours take a hike and go to local mountain hikes and see expanses as wide as that in my back yard. And some of the mountainous crossings into Canada, sure there are people climbing some of those mountains once in a while, but nobody would be stupid enough to try to actually cross all that on foot with no gear not even a backpack.

I think this may be related.

It's around the same area.

Same year 08/2014.

Could it be the same subject?

Or maybe same kind of animal?

After those daft guys yelled at it, it stopped and looked at them.

Then one of them let out a whoop and the subject picked up speed and I think I can see it flailing its arms above its head.

The guys said they don't think it's a person.

posted on Nov, 19 2019 @ 05:55 PM

originally posted by: Caver78
a reply to: spiritualarchitect
You found it!!!

It took me over 15 minutes to find it. Now if I could only find the long Utah Google Earth Bigfoot travels the military crest video. That one is driving me nuts. Looked for at least an hour but cannot find it.

posted on Nov, 19 2019 @ 06:12 PM

originally posted by: reject

What they should have done was send a couple guys down to the spot where it was walking, then filmed them from the same spot. That would have shown how big the walker was in comparison to these guys.

posted on Nov, 22 2019 @ 06:31 PM
Great discussions going on.

I can't add much other than they are a much, much more intelligent ape than what is commonly perceived. The highest kind of ape we know about that's out there. They've been created with indescribable adaptability, speed and agility. Taller, and immeasurably stronger than us. Can move with 2 and 4 legged locomotion with ease. Perfectly adapted for harsh multiple environments just in the US from swamps to snow to desert to timber to scrub.

Like most any other critter an acute sense of smell, hearing, and camouflage is, imho, their greatest asset.
They'll hear or smell us - or both - before we have an inkling they're nearby which gives them the advantage to set the stage how they want to play it. Probably too, simply sitting/standing motionless is more than enough to 'disappear' into the background even if we're only a few feet away. We arent as clever as we think in the woods.

posted on Nov, 22 2019 @ 07:45 PM
a reply to: AntediluvianSpectator

Those that are indigenous or have lived for a very long time in colder climes are usually larger.

However, there are smaller varieties like the Indonesian "orang pendek."

Philippine bigfoot

Size is somewhat dependent on geography (i.e. insular dwarfism.)

It applies even to humans except humans are itinerant.

Also, native Americans claim these have hybridized with homo sapiens so that comes into play as well.

I strongly suspect something like this (if not specifically) is the basis for these bigfoot apes:

edit on 22-11-2019 by reject because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2019 @ 05:18 AM

originally posted by: reject
a reply to: AntediluvianSpectator

Those that are indigenous or have lived for a very long time in colder climes are usually larger........ Size is somewhat dependent on geography (i.e. insular dwarfism.)

Interesting that on size and geography and temperature elements.

I just got through watching a made for TV Quasi-Documentary on the Australian Yowie as I'm doing some secular research on that particular bipedal. Found some of the anecdotal reports by the witnesses believable. The Torn off heads of the Kangaroo's sounds similar to cases I've heard here in the US with deer.

Scroll to 8:30 and watch up to the 14:00 mark (or you can watch the whole thing it's sort of an entertaining tongue and cheek 45:00 minute long video.. no commercials)

posted on Nov, 23 2019 @ 05:40 PM
a reply to: spiritualarchitect

Didn't find the Utah video you were looking for, but FINALLY found Mongahela's website. The best repository of bigfoot vocals I know of.

Whoever this site owner is, they've been doing this for many years.

posted on Nov, 23 2019 @ 07:49 PM
a reply to: JohnnyAnonymous

One time in the Philippines, these things even left behind blood and was analyzed by the national police.

The incident was pretty serious.

originally posted by: reject

PNP examines creature’s blood


Blood samples of a creature that has attacked three persons and disemboweled about 50 animals in Brgy. Sag-ang, La Castellana, were submitted to the PNP Crime Laboratory for examination yesterday.

Sag-ang Brgy. Capt. Rudy Torres said the result of the examination will determine if the creature terrorizing his constituents is an animal, or a human being.

The man-sized dark hairy-creature was hacked several times after it attacked Eric Lasita in Hacienda Cabungbungan 3, Brgy. Sag-ang, La Castellana, Sunday.
I hope it comes back conclusive one way or the other so this matter can be put to rest.

ats thread
edit on 23-11-2019 by reject because: REFERENCE

posted on Nov, 23 2019 @ 09:05 PM
a reply to: reject
Who knows. To tell the truth this one is a lot closer then the snow one it looks like. Dont know why none of these guys take out there binoculars. I have one in my pack at all the times. Its not the best, I got it mainly because it was more lightweight. But you could spot what that was, a guy or a Bigfoot pretty easy, the one in the snow, even with my binoculars may not be that easy to tell, but it would do the trick to get a better idea on who or what it is.

I would not even take my camera if I go hiking out in the middle of nowhere really, its a waste of ounces, or at least not if I go out there for anything more then just a daily hike and chilling, which I dont do much of anyways. But ya! you would think that all these hikers would pack some binoculars. # at those altitudes and with nothing to block you view, you could see a lot, even by eye, and very far and wide, especially with no trees and greenery to block you view.

The mountain area I talked about earlier were I went to try and spot goats, its I would say from the top of the populous area were people hike to all the time, to Seattle about a little over 50 miles in a straight line as the crow flies to Seattle, if your driving to get to it from Seattle a little over 70 miles I think.

And you can see Seattle by eye from the top easy and clear, or at least on a sunny day thats not foggy. In those areas, anything that is that skylines would be easy to spot. Like I said, that camera sucked if that was its maximum zoom, but then again, unless your carrying pounds and hundreds if not thousands of dollars in hightek spiffy camera equipment.

Thats about the maximum you will get with most cameras.

And again, don't know many real hikers who would be going for any day trips, or much much less a hike, or even any hunters that do spot and stalk for days or maybe week or so, without a pair of binoculars. But in summer which it looks like, and not that far in, could be just another lone hiker. But even that is rare. So who knows.

posted on Nov, 23 2019 @ 09:46 PM
a reply to: galadofwarthethird

Wouldn't you holler back hello?

Although, that seeming flailing of its arms over its head could be him waving hello back.

I guess it's possible.

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