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The American Civil War of 2005 as predicted by John Titor

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posted on Mar, 6 2005 @ 09:09 PM
If you've happened to come across me on these boards you know that I'm curious in a little character called 'John Titor'. For those of you that don't know, let me give you a brief rundown.

A few years ago, a guy by the name of 'John Titor' surfaced on the internet claiming that he was a time traveller from the year 2036. Pretty extraordinary claim for anyone, yet he displayed that he has somewhat of an impressive scientific background and backed his story decently (complete with photos, diagrams, and a literal manuscript of statements/predictions that have either come true, been 'misinterpreted', or still waiting to actualize)

Out of the many predictions stated by John Titor, he claimed that the USA will be thrown into a Civil War beginning in 2005.

Earlier this year I had a thread suggesting that the onset of this war may be sparked at the Presidents inaugural speech. While there was civil unrest throughout the country, no Civil war occurred. However, 2005 is no where near complete.

Recently, I've been checking out the predictions of a few popular psychics. I was somewhat stunned to see that Titor's prediction of war in 2005 has correlated with the predictions of popular psychics. This is not a confirmation of an imminent civil war in 2005. But it is damn interesting…

'Civil war in the US in fall 2005.'

- Sean David Morton
Monday 15th November 2004

'World War III has already started and the climax to this is the scariest thing he has ever remote viewed.'

- Ed Dames
Saturday 1st January 2005

While not exactly a Civil War, Titor claimed that a World War would eventually occur and that we will only realize this when it is far too late.

'2008 another major terrorist attack. Major events that will define the next 36 years of human history..'

- John Hogue
Saturday 3rd July 2004

Terrorist attack, this does not rule out a domestic terrorist attack which could be implicated in an American Civil War. Note, John Hogue states 'Major Events that will define the next 36 years of Human History'. From those who have read up upon the 'Titor-like future' then you will agree that

1.) Something extreme happened
2.) It defined human history as we know it

Now Titor claims that he lives in 2036, if in 2008 there is an event that changes the next 36 years of history, then this change will ultimately begin in 2008 and end in 2044. All that we know of Titor claims is bound by the year 2036. We do not know what comes in the next 8 years. However we do know that in the year 2036, life is drastically different that what we are accustomed to.

'2004 - 2008 It will be confirmed that we have reached peak oil production. This means that World War III is close.'

- Aaron C. Donahue
Sunday 15th February 2004

Donahues predictions align well with the predicted date of our eminent Civil war as well as WWIII.

'Population of the Earth will drop dramatically. 4 billion people will be lost around 2011. The people who survive will be smarter and more understanding.'

- Joseph Noah
Monday 10th November 2003

Could this dramatic population decline be from a Global War? I do remember Titor stating that the world's population will decline after the War, can anyone confirm the exact numbers?

'Mad Cow Disease is worse in the US and Canada than we are being told.'

'Terrorism in the US. Serious problems in 2005. There will be an attack this year. Concerns about a dirty bomb in a major city. There will be a sad event if not in 2005 but early 2006.'

'Time travel is real.'

- Hans King
Tuesday 14th December 2004

Titor warned us about the recent Mad cow outbreaks:

'I have tried to tell people about CJD disease and it seems to be 'catching on' in Europe. '

'1 Do not eat or use products from any animal that is fed and eats parts of its own dead. '

His second statement can be applied to incidents of 'Domestic Terrorism' which could spark/fuel a Civil War in 2005.
I've included his final statement regarding time travelling because...well, why not?

Well there it is people, another Titor thread for all those that are interested. Tell me what you think.

posted on Mar, 6 2005 @ 09:11 PM
I think we have tons of threads on this, don''t you? Why not just add to an existing one? Why start a while nother theard

posted on Mar, 6 2005 @ 09:15 PM
Simulacra, since you are in the UK, I have to take an issue with this here.

Americans do not need or want a civil war and it wouldn't be good for the UK either. I can expound on why civil war would totally suck for America, but I don't think I need to. It's not an idea I like to contemplate.

I invite you to read the post below for my opinion on Titor. It's a bit different from yours. It makes the argument for disbelief in Titor based on the fact that he was a jerk. :^)

The John Titor Haters Club

posted on Mar, 6 2005 @ 09:19 PM
Hopefully we'll only have to endure one more year of this Titor BS LadyV!

I think a U.S. civil war anytime in the moderately near future is practically impossible. Even the detonation of a terrorist nuclear device in an American city would not cause this IMHO.

[edit on 3/6/2005 by djohnsto77]

posted on Mar, 6 2005 @ 09:24 PM

'2008 another major terrorist attack. Major events that will define the next 36 years of human history..'

This quote above by John Houge is almost word for word from what John Titor predicts isnt it?? Just the date has been changed. Does anyone think thier is a link here? Jont Titor/ John Houge

Or is Hughes just a rip off of Titor?

[edit on 6-3-2005 by Justmytype]

posted on Mar, 6 2005 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by smallpeeps
Simulacra, since you are in the UK, I have to take an issue with this here.

Americans do not need or want a civil war and it wouldn't be good for the UK either. I can expound on why civil war would totally suck for America, but I don't think I need to. It's not an idea I like to contemplate.

I'm not European, I'm American. And who said that we need a civil war? I'm just presenting some information.

[edit on 3/6/2005 by Simulacra]

posted on Mar, 6 2005 @ 09:28 PM

Originally posted by LadyV
I think we have tons of threads on this, don''t you? Why not just add to an existing one? Why start a while nother theard

Because believe it or not, this thread is unlike any current ATS Titor thread that we have. And yes, I did expect you to be the first person to respond to this. Your Titor radar is contantly jacked on 'High'.

March woudn't be proper without another Titor thread anyway.

posted on Mar, 6 2005 @ 09:33 PM
You know I always thought that if the US ever did split,where would the boarder lines be?Most likely the west on its own.capitol Denver.(boarderline missippii river)

The North on its own.Capitol,Washington D.C.(boarderline from virginia upwards to missippi river.

And ofcourse the South(where you all probably guessed where the boarderline is)Capitol Atlanta.

Ofcourse the US will never split but i wonder how these nations will cope with the split in the event that it might happen?

posted on Mar, 6 2005 @ 09:40 PM

I'm not European, I'm American. And who said that we need a civil war? I'm just presenting some information.

Your location says Wales tho'. In any case, this continued attention to Titor is only going to foster the ideas he presented which is ultimately that of Russia saving the world through nuclear first strike. That's a problem for me.

Titor was a jerk and giving him continued press coverage ain't helping anybody.

posted on Mar, 6 2005 @ 09:56 PM
When I come from John Titor is the laughing stock of all time. We dug him up, cleaned the dirt from his bones and reconstructed him from what was left over, just so we could point laugh and taunt him about how he never came from our town. Suffice to say, our town was a little different than what he claimed it to be. Christ come on, do you think we need machines to get to the nearest or furthest towns. As for Civil War 2005, as much as I would like to say it happens, the truth is it doesn't, when it comes right down to it, the average American is too lazy and lacks the compunction for real revolution. No my sad little friends, your great shinning beacon of civilisation just lays back and lets every two bit shiester scum sucking fascist oops patriotic politician walk over it until the cows come home as you chant groupthink-like 'We're number one...we're number one'. If you think W is the best and worst you get, wait until you get a taste of Florida, he is a shocker. It will have you almost wishing that there was something to the 2012 end of the world movie....but no such don't think you get out of it that easy do you? So come on America...get out in that car and help us melt the ice caps down, it won't take much, we don't want total destruction, many of your kind a semi-decent hard workers saps like the rest of the worlds semi-decent hard working chumps...just help us raise the sea level to a point where it makes fighting corporate wars economically unfeasable and irrelevant in the face of an international shared concern and infrastructure re-tooling. Or you could march towards the enevitable 'Operation OMG We bit off a bit more than we can chew fighting India and China both at the same time' .

posted on Mar, 6 2005 @ 09:57 PM
I am yet to see any "psychic" prediction that I would put any stake in, or believe, since most "popular" psychics are basically frauds.

And titor was a fraud as well. Havent you read all the flaws with his photos and story?

posted on Mar, 6 2005 @ 10:09 PM

Originally posted by smallpeeps

I'm not European, I'm American. And who said that we need a civil war? I'm just presenting some information.

Your location says Wales tho'.

Location, not Nationality. Large difference.

Originally posted by smallpeeps
In any case, this continued attention to Titor is only going to foster the ideas he presented which is ultimately that of Russia saving the world through nuclear first strike. That's a problem for me.

Where have you dug this up?

Originally posted by smallpeeps
Titor was a jerk and giving him continued press coverage ain't helping anybody.

But it informs people, ATS wouldnt have a portion of the site dedicated to his predictions if it wasn't interesting. And why is Titor a jerk?

posted on Mar, 6 2005 @ 10:16 PM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
I am yet to see any "psychic" prediction that I would put any stake in, or believe, since most "popular" psychics are basically frauds.

I completly agree with you.

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
And titor was a fraud as well. Havent you read all the flaws with his photos and story?

Skadi you know as well as I do that anything (whether truth or fiction) can be debunked into being false. It's called Hyper-Debunking and I actually wrote a thread about it. Anyway, if someone is doing research with the intent to prove and that it is wrong, then there findings will ultimately support that it is indeed 'false' or a 'fake'.

posted on Mar, 6 2005 @ 11:11 PM

Where have you dug this up?

From Titor. He said that in his future (our future, if you believe him) the only solution was to have Russia nuke the US and this is what improves the world. You read the postings of Titor, right?

He's a jerk for the fact that he called our whole planet a bunch of sheep and said that we'd be better off dead. C'mon man you gotta know this if you're posting John Titor stuff.

posted on Mar, 7 2005 @ 03:02 AM
the guy was a fake... he claimed that if he went back to Jesus' time Jesus may not even exist, but if that was true than that would mean that Adam and Eve would still be in the garden of Eden, because once they sinned it became inevitable for Jesus to come... i can't wait til he is wrong about a Civil War in the US. Why would there be a civil war in the US, over what? Yeah people may be mad at the election and the war, but who is displeased enough to say lets create a new country? Seriously, think about that statement... the US would be splitting trying to create a NEW country! If you look at a US map in terms of the election, and i mean a county by county US map, you would see just little blue specs all over the place, and the rest of the map would be red... most counties in the US voted Bush... even in Illinois we had almost every county vote Bush except for the college counties, and cook (corrupt) county. You may hate bush, but it is 4 years and then he is done, people would understand that before they tried to seperate and create a brand new country, which would utterly destroy the US, and since almost every US citizen is extremely proud of their country it isn't really likely... whatsoever!


posted on Mar, 7 2005 @ 09:35 AM
Putting aside the issue of whether Titor is real or a fake, an American revolution occurring in the very near future is nearly impossible. For one thing, Americans aren't particularly divided right now. Of course, segments of the population will always be strongly opposed to the politics of the other. Just during my lifetime I can think of far more internally troubling (and polarizing) periods, such as the fight over civil rights, the Vietnam War, Watergate etc.

posted on Mar, 7 2005 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by Simulacra

Your Titor radar is contantly jacked on 'High'.

More like complaint radar then Titor radar if you ask me.

posted on Mar, 7 2005 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by Ryanp5555
the guy was a fake... he claimed that if he went back to Jesus' time Jesus may not even exist

I think you are confusing Time Travelers. Titor never claimed that he went back to biblical times but there was a Time Travel that claimed he did.

Not only this, but he provided a polaroid of Jesus Christ on the cross. When the Pope got wind of this, he stole the picture and burned it in front of an audience to negate this Time Travelers statement. However, they've carbon dated the picture to near or around the biblical era.

But the story is not done yet. This mysterious Time Traveler was murdered shortly before he provided evidence of his journey. I remember reading the story in Fortean Times a couple of years ago but I've long forgotten this persons name. Does anyone remember this event?

posted on Mar, 7 2005 @ 01:32 PM
Wait a minute... some person allegedly took a Polaroid of Jesus on the cross and that picture was carbon-14 dated to have come from Biblical times? Forget that the whole concept is ridiculous how do they explain the carbon-14 anomaly? A piece of film manufactured in the 20th century is brought back to the 1st century and its carbon isotope breakdown accelerates to match those existing at the time. But the camera, batteries and emulsion don't similarly age? Sounds like hyper-kaka to me.

[edit on 7-3-2005 by jtma508]

posted on Mar, 7 2005 @ 01:50 PM
You can't even carbon date a polaroid picture. It only works on organic materials, not manufactured ones.

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