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The issue with atheism

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posted on May, 11 2018 @ 09:39 PM

originally posted by: Woodcarver
I’m just going to start ignoring you

You can't offer anything other than ridicule.
Very sad. I feel sorry for you.
edit on Rpm51118v46201800000002 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2018 @ 10:36 PM
a reply to: Teikiatsu

While I don't consider Atheism to be a religion and therefore nothing to worship, I do believe it is a faith. It requires faith to believe that there is nothing...............

Faith that you live 70-100 years and then nothing; ever.....just a pile dust that joins back with the cosmos, with no hope for the future. It sure must be depressing when somebody close to you dies, they have faith they will never interact with them again, ever. Sad, really sad, especially for atheist parents who lose young kids.

I personally believe in the biblical resurrection of humans, not to hell or heaven, but here on earth, and we will see them again, even if they were bad, because God gives them another chance to set things right with him....even atheists, who will have empirical proof for the first time for their critical thinking skills to digest.

posted on May, 12 2018 @ 12:20 AM

originally posted by: Woodcarver

originally posted by: Raggedyman

originally posted by: Woodcarver

I have been having this same discussion with raggedy ann and randy for years now, so there is quite a bit of history between us.

I have been asking the same questions for all this time. And still, nobody can logically explain why they believe in gods.

Really, "raggedy ann" is that your best, that pathetic woodie
Come on, you are better than that

I can't logically explain my beliefs, never said I could, why should I, justify myself to who you think you are to me

Why be a baby about it
Can you logically explain yours, would you, would you just prefer to act all smug and superior, I am disgusted by fundamentalists, you are one of them

Why would you cling to believes that you cannot logically explain?

Multi verses?
You are a mindless ignorant hypocrite woodie, just unbelievable how someone can be enamoured by there own cleverness but be seen by so many others as so dumb

Please woodie, go learn what science is, you are a child minded know it all

You believe in so much that has no justification and you question me

posted on May, 12 2018 @ 12:31 AM

originally posted by: Blue_Jay33
a reply to: Teikiatsu

While I don't consider Atheism to be a religion and therefore nothing to worship, I do believe it is a faith. It requires faith to believe that there is nothing...............

Faith that you live 70-100 years and then nothing; ever.....just a pile dust that joins back with the cosmos, with no hope for the future. It sure must be depressing when somebody close to you dies, they have faith they will never interact with them again, ever. Sad, really sad, especially for atheist parents who lose young kids.

I don't find anything sad about concentrating on the one life we can prove beyond a doubt truly exists. I fid nothing sad about not taking anything for granted because any moment could be your last one. As for your strawman statement regarding the children of Atheist parents, its a sorrow filled travesty regardless of ones personal views.

I personally believe in the biblical resurrection of humans, not to hell or heaven, but here on earth, and we will see them again, even if they were bad, because God gives them another chance to set things right with him....even atheists, who will have empirical proof for the first time for their critical thinking skills to digest.

That's a wonderful way to look at it but at the same time, it also illustrates a salient point... that there are countless religions that currently exist and there is evidence of faith in higher powers going back to the Pleistocene. Even within a given religion, there are numerous sects or denominations. Hundreds of different interpretations of Christianity yet every Christian believes that they know the one real truth and think everyone else is full of S#. The same thing with Islam, predominantly the discord between Sunni and Shia. Even Judaism has differing offshoots and they have had many others in the past, like the Essenes for example.

Why is Jesus better than Odin or Zeuss? Because that is the faith they were born into. Ones religion and faith are directly correlated with the geographical area in which they were born and the families into which they were born. Your post above provides yet another example of random interpretation of biblical text.

You can't all be correct about what you view as god. Otherwise we live in a world filled with many gods of unlimited potential for omnipotence yet somehow, despite all of the grandiose myth, they don't show us their amazing power today yet thousands of years past they were in frequent communication with the denizens of this planet.

posted on May, 12 2018 @ 12:44 AM

originally posted by: Raggedyman

originally posted by: Woodcarver

originally posted by: Raggedyman

originally posted by: Woodcarver

I have been having this same discussion with raggedy ann and randy for years now, so there is quite a bit of history between us.

I have been asking the same questions for all this time. And still, nobody can logically explain why they believe in gods.

Really, "raggedy ann" is that your best, that pathetic woodie
Come on, you are better than that

I can't logically explain my beliefs, never said I could, why should I, justify myself to who you think you are to me

Why be a baby about it
Can you logically explain yours, would you, would you just prefer to act all smug and superior, I am disgusted by fundamentalists, you are one of them

Why would you cling to believes that you cannot logically explain?


its a hypothesis. However it can be logically explained and Miller and Urey, specifically Miller, created all of the amino acids necessary for life in repeatable laboratory conditions. In fact they created amino acids that we DON'T need for life to occur on Earth


It's an emotion that has quantifiable biological affects on people.


It's affects can be felt, Newton's math works perfectly as does Einstein's. If the math didn't work, we wouldn't be able to have airplanes, satellites, shuttles or space stations because they wouldn't be able to reach escape velocity using Newtons work.


The scientific theory that has the most evidence supporting it.

Multi verses?

they're possible but there's no solid evidence for them aside from mathematical models demonstrating their polssibility


Isn't a belief. The lack of a belief in one thing does not mean that you positively believe in something else. Typical strawman BS


In algebra we can discern the efficacy of truth. Truth isn't some ethereal concept
You are a mindless ignorant hypocrite woodie, just unbelievable how someone can be enamoured by there own cleverness but be seen by so many others as so dumb

Please woodie, go learn what science is, you are a child minded know it all

You believe in so much that has no justification and you question me

he good work old boy!
This is why I love your posts... the irony is so thick that it clouds everything. Keep up the good work there old boy!

posted on May, 12 2018 @ 01:10 AM
a reply to: peter vlar

The atheist view as I just demonstrated is
for cowards. They claim it isn't a belief
so they put nothing on the table. Only to
mock those that do. Atheism is proof
that fairies exist.

posted on May, 12 2018 @ 01:47 AM
a reply to: Woodcarver

I am starting to believe in trolls.

How could you not?

posted on May, 12 2018 @ 01:52 AM
a reply to: randyvs

You are narrow.

I don't mock anyone but you clearly do, why?

It seems you can only provide hate for those who don't believe the same as you do. Kill me then, or hate me, go ahead, i don't care. You don't feel anything but hate or who knows what for people like me anyway

posted on May, 12 2018 @ 01:53 AM
a reply to: peter vlar
Well done PV, you reallllly are a knight in shining armor for poor woodie
You may get a star, endless stars from woodie, he'll I might just give you one myself, stepping up like that, how cool, you are like the fonz
Riding in and hiliting his stupidity

Try, please try
I have faith in God, woodster doesn't.
Woodster has faith in evolution, I don't
Get it

What is true for you is definetly not true to me, you are playing the clown, very well, don't fall into the same hole as woodie

Atheism is a choice, it states by faith, There is no God, without evidence, it becomes a choice. There is circumstantial evidence

Anyway, woodie is as you are, both fundamentalists, the most churlish type.

posted on May, 12 2018 @ 01:59 AM
a reply to: randyvs

I wasn't raised to believe in anything or any religion at all and i was perfectly happy and optimistic, then i went to mass because of friends who talked so nice about it

I was full of questions and when i asked them i was told by the preach i was stupid and to never come back unless i would do it on my knees asking for forgiveness and obeying without questioning something bigger than me. Then he basically told me to shut up and listen and learn and be the same as my friends.

Nice, so much love i could barely handle it

I'm still happy and people seem to hate me because it can't be possible, i gotta have a reason to look up and ask for something i'm missing and feel something lacking inside me. And if i don't then i'm empty and i don't have a soul and i'm evil and will go to hell right?

posted on May, 12 2018 @ 02:05 AM
a reply to: WarriorMH

Well you have judged me wrong as atheists
love to do. Play the victim or do some
research before you judge. You'll see
I only reflect the hate some atheists
dedicate their whole lives to.


edit on Ram51218v22201800000001 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2018 @ 02:14 AM
a reply to: WarriorMH

I'm still happy and people seem to hate me because it can't be possible, i gotta have a reason to look up and ask for something i'm missing and feel something lacking inside me. And if i don't then i'm empty and i don't have a soul and i'm evil and will go to hell right?

I don't know if I believe your encounter at mass
as you describe it. Even tho I have a similar
experience if you would like to read about it
I do have the time.
edit on Ram51218v21201800000011 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2018 @ 02:24 AM
a reply to: randyvs

I don't judge, i'm just who i am. I react to how people treat me and your words are very clear, you hate
edit on 12-5-2018 by WarriorMH because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2018 @ 02:26 AM

originally posted by: randyvs
a reply to: WarriorMH

I'm still happy and people seem to hate me because it can't be possible, i gotta have a reason to look up and ask for something i'm missing and feel something lacking inside me. And if i don't then i'm empty and i don't have a soul and i'm evil and will go to hell right?

I don't know if I believe your encounter at mass
as you describe it. Even tho I have a similar
experience if you would like to read about it
I do have the time.

It happened exactly like that, i know people want to believe it didn't but it did. The exacts words i don't want to remember because i felt rejected and sad and i hated it, i don't want to feel like that again ever

I would like to know more about your experience, if you don't mind

posted on May, 12 2018 @ 02:31 AM
a reply to: WarriorMH

You got it. As a courtesy I'm on my phone so
it will a while.

posted on May, 12 2018 @ 02:32 AM

originally posted by: randyvs
a reply to: WarriorMH

You got it. As a courtesy I'm on my phone so
it will a while.

No worry and thank you, i have days and days and days to spare and read through..

posted on May, 12 2018 @ 02:40 AM

originally posted by: randyvs
a reply to: WarriorMH

I'm still happy and people seem to hate me because it can't be possible, i gotta have a reason to look up and ask for something i'm missing and feel something lacking inside me. And if i don't then i'm empty and i don't have a soul and i'm evil and will go to hell right?


You say i'm wrong but i have found nothing but otherwise

I also have another experience to share

I went to visit a church and i had my baseball cap because i had some issues where i had problems with my right eye and whatever and when i went in i was told to take it off and i explained i could not see very well and had an injury and to please let me keep it and it didn't happen, i was told to either take it off or get out because it was a lack of respect and why is that? can you explain?

This is what i mean, why is that a lack of respect? who will feel disrespected? i don't get it, i was basically thrown out and i don't care because i rather keep my health and privacy than being looked as a freak or get harmed just because of whatever customs religious people have. Doesn't make any sense to me, maybe i'm wrong but i don't see how

posted on May, 12 2018 @ 02:48 AM
I am not sure if I am a true Atheist but I sure as hell not one of these supposed god loving people who seem to be spreading hate and ignorance like they are in this thread.

You claim to believe in a creature that espouses love for all his children yet here you are in this thread mocking and writing hateful replies against those who don't choose to believe the way you do.

I do not follow the man made book that was created to control mankind AKA the bible. I am not sure if I believe in a higher being because they is no proof either way. If you are easily brainwashed then the bible is for you and you can tell a true believer from the brainwashed version by how they interact with non believers and people of different faiths.

The true believe has respect and goodwill towards those who choose to believe different but the brainwashed version will attack and spew hate, if you do not believe the way they do.

Personally, if I was to believe, I choose the belief that all people of true faith believe in the same being but just under a different name. The worshipers of most religions who adhere to a book created by men to control others, usually and always seem to have a warped version of this higher being.
edit on 12-5-2018 by FakeNews9999 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2018 @ 02:57 AM
a reply to: WarriorMH

I want to start by letting you know we are
similar in the way you were raised. My
parents claimed baptist when I asked. But
never once did I cross the threshold of
any church with them. I was for the most
part left to find my own path. Never
indoctrinated never directed. By the time
I was ten, I became very aggressive in my
search the answer to that big Q.

Is there a God?

Before I was out of high school after
wieghing it all for years with an open
mind. It was clear to me that atheism
made the least sense out of everything
I'd ever heard. And to this day not once
has that view sounded remotely viable.
I'll start on my experience now and let
you read this.

posted on May, 12 2018 @ 02:57 AM

originally posted by: randyvs
a reply to: WarriorMH

Well you have judged me wrong as atheists
love to do. Play the victim or do some
research before you judge. You'll see
I only reflect the hate some atheists
dedicate their whole lives to.


Just so you know i don't feel "atheist" in the way you described it, i just don't believe in religion, in any one of those. I don't know what may be out there but i can see, i'm not stupid and religion as it is used and practiced is dumb and evil and i don't see how it can't be something good, i wasn't raised to believe in any of it and i see things from outside and from my point of view everyone in religion is throwing sticks to the guys across the river just because they have different fruits and the grass is a different color and they may or may not have better weather and that's just stupid sorry but it is just like that

I still believe life is good and we must take care of each other and i'm getting bored of this because no one will ever win this converstaion and i don't think it matters anyways

I'm no victim, victims are those who look up for forgiveness and special treatment and wish for something better they have. I don't care, i have what i need and i know what i don't need and i have never wished for better, i'm happy

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