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originally posted by: shooterbrody
a reply to: Kali74
So we are clear,imo, there are no good nazis, neo-nazis, white supremacists ect.
imo if that is what you believe in something is wrong with you.
originally posted by: Wayfarer
The most important part to take away from this thread is that in this day and age, there are still posters here even among ATS that support white nationalists/nazi's over the counter protesters, and who continually push a narrative of "the Nazi's aren't so bad, see I can find other bad types in other groups so Nazi's are ok now, right!?"
Truly there are good people on both sides, eh?
Once you start thinking that way about some different sexual attractions and you are already a moral relativist, then what prevents you from thinking that way about the rest? I mean, as the relativist says, who are you to judge.
originally posted by: MarioOnTheFly
a reply to: face23785
sounds kinda...possible. Also...intentional HIV spreading is gaining a foothold. They say it's no longer a biggie
I got one. If you refuse to sleep with a person with HIV.....bigot.
originally posted by: Painterz
Oh please, is anybody actually stupid enough to fall for this obvious manipulation?
... wait...
originally posted by: ketsuko
I don't know. How often did you decide all of the TEA Party were racist KKK members based on a few plants?
Oh, wait ... am I not supposed to bring that up?
originally posted by: theantediluvian
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan
Ah here you go. This is why you don't trust anything on DisinfoWhores. In fact, anything Don Jr likes is probably a hoax.
Alt-Right Frames Protesters as Pedophiles With Fake NAMBLA Sign
The alt-right framed student protesters as pedophiles on Monday night. Within 90 minutes, even Donald Trump Jr. had bought into the hoax.
Mike Cernovich, an alt-right conspiracy theorist, was at Columbia University Monday night to give a speech to the school’s College Republicans club. But when students protested outside the event, trolls posed in front of them with a banner promoting NABLA: the North American Man-Boy Love Association. Cernovich and other alt-right figures quickly copied a journalist’s picture of the sign and tweeted it as evidence that the anti-Cernovich protesters were pro-pedophile.
Offenhartz took a picture of the NAMBLA sign and tweeted it, noting that it was the product of trolls who sometimes plague protests. “Alt right strikes first at Columbia Cernovich event, plants NAMBLA-branded sign in front of protest march,” he wrote.
nside at Cernovich’s speech, the alt-righter also accused protesters of supporting pedophiles. “He kept saying ‘you support pedophilia,’ repeatedly,” Denson said. “He kept saying ‘you just love pedophilia’ over and over again.”
30 minutes after Offenhartz tweeted the picture, Cernovich copied it and posted it without context or credit. “NAMBLA sign at Columbia protests,” Cernovich tweeted, “these people are sick.”
Other alt-right personalities like Jack Posobiec and Watson quickly followed suit, with Watson writing an InfoWars post “Antifa Activists Carry Pro-Pedophile Sign At Cernovich Protest.”
Oh look, Jack Posobiec again. Gosh, who could have predicted that? Oh, that's right, me.
Did you happen to catch Cernovich being interviewed by Vice? Where he admits that he says things that he doesn't believe to be true and then opines that his admission doesn't matter because his fans don't watch Vice?
Don't even get me started on what a PoS Cernovich is.
originally posted by: Urantia1111
So you just need to say "trolls" did it and that explains everything eh?
Not sure why you choose that as credible.
originally posted by: fiverx313
originally posted by: Urantia1111
So you just need to say "trolls" did it and that explains everything eh?
Not sure why you choose that as credible.
you would have to be an absolute moron to think that sign was legitimate for even a second.
it would be like seeing a pro-puppy-killing sign. no one is taking that position, except in your fevered little imagination.
originally posted by: 3n19m470
cut for space