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PR Cop says "Carmen Yulin (mayor) is not allowing PPL to receive the donations"

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posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 12:23 PM

originally posted by: jtma508

originally posted by: trollz
There's a port in Puerto Rico packed with thousands of trailers (news is saying 9500) full of food and supplies that aren't going anywhere. The mayor is just letting the supplies sit there with the excuse that they can't contact their truck drivers. We have military and first responders there doing everything they can to help, so there's no reason those supplies can't get out to people, unless they're being intentionally held up for political reasons.
I'd say it's time for the military to take over and get those supplies to people.

These are commercial containers that belong to private businesses (supermarkets and stuff). They are not relief supplies and were in the port before the hurricane. Should the PR gov't just go in and seize private property?

So what if they do? Do you seriously think those supermarkets and drug stores are forbidding the mayor from dispensing the supplies to people? No, I highly doubt it. Even if every single one of those containers belongs to supermarkets, your point is completely invalid. And yes, they are relief supplies on account of the fact that people desperately need them due to, you know, a hurricane wreaking havoc.

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 12:46 PM
It's worth letting a few of their citizens die from starvation so they can print t-shirts about how evil and nasty Trump is.

Let that sink in.

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 04:53 PM

originally posted by: trollz
So what if they do? Do you seriously think those supermarkets and drug stores are forbidding the mayor from dispensing the supplies to people? No, I highly doubt it. Even if every single one of those containers belongs to supermarkets, your point is completely invalid. And yes, they are relief supplies on account of the fact that people desperately need them due to, you know, a hurricane wreaking havoc.

You make it sound SO easy. Only the shipper even knows what's in those containers. They could be ball bearings, cardboard boxes, any manner of things. And what, you think the PR gov't can just throw them all open and take what they want? It's THAT easy? Why wasn't the National Guard dispatched on day 2. They have all the manpower and equipment needed to stabilize the island. They could easily setup supply. But the 'logical' thing is to loot containers with unknown contents instead when there is no distribution available? You think truck drivers are going to abandon their families who have been wiped-out and are essentially homeless to go drive on mostly impassibly roads? Give me a break.

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 05:24 PM

originally posted by: Konduit
It's worth letting a few of their citizens die from starvation so they can print t-shirts about how evil and nasty Trump is.

Let that sink in.

She could have received a big cash payment, along with pre-printed shirts from the DNC in one of the big "relief" boxes.

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 05:25 PM
a reply to: 1337Kph

Well hell shes probably been on the phone non stop to the DNPC since the....well before the thing hit even.

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 05:26 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
Here's an interesting story........

All roads were open, and supplies were being delivered to all points of the island until communists tied to Hillary Clinton ordered the truckers to stop moving


Send in a division of USMC to supervise this BS.

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 05:35 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

You seem to find all the breaking news on "news" sites that no one has ever heard of before. Hmmmm

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 05:45 PM

originally posted by: Regnor
a reply to: xuenchen

You seem to find all the breaking news on "news" sites that no one has ever heard of before. Hmmmm

Well if CNN won't give the full story, who should?


posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 06:07 PM

originally posted by: jtma508

originally posted by: trollz
There's a port in Puerto Rico packed with thousands of trailers (news is saying 9500) full of food and supplies that aren't going anywhere. The mayor is just letting the supplies sit there with the excuse that they can't contact their truck drivers. We have military and first responders there doing everything they can to help, so there's no reason those supplies can't get out to people, unless they're being intentionally held up for political reasons.
I'd say it's time for the military to take over and get those supplies to people.

These are commercial containers that belong to private businesses (supermarkets and stuff). They are not relief supplies and were in the port before the hurricane. Should the PR gov't just go in and seize private property?

Wouldn't there be some type of eminent domain laws that could be used to seize the private property? And it's currently of NO value to the Supermarkets (And stuff); so knowing that one day they will be compensated for the loss would easily get them on board. At this point even a verbal understanding would probably be enough.

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 06:34 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
Here's an interesting story........

All roads were open, and supplies were being delivered to all points of the island until communists tied to Hillary Clinton ordered the truckers to stop moving


Now your posting Fake News from Dating sites???

You have no shame and less than no credibility.

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 06:35 PM
edit on 1-10-2017 by mOjOm because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 07:26 PM
Don't you hate it when facts disprove memes, especially when the memes are partisan political lies.


By Friday, Crowley projects to have 4,100 commercial loads on its terminal ready for pickup containing a variety of needed products, including food, beverages, construction materials, clothing and much more.

And from TOTE marine,

Over the last few days, we have seen more and more containers leave our facility in San Juan but there are still many at the terminal. Of the more than 2700 containers at the terminal (and more keep coming with each full ship);

on Monday, 88 left
on Tuesday, 110 left
on Wednesday (yesterday), 180 left

Unfortunately, only about 400 containers have left our facility since September 19.

These are containers with aid not previously shipped private commercial goods.

The bottleneck is land distribution and unfortunately also looking like it's more political in nature than actual inability to deliver the loads as information leaks out bit by bit.

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 10:05 PM
a reply to: trollz

Aside from the issues that there's no roads to drive the trucks on, or fuel supply lines to get the trucks moving. Communications to get truck drivers reporting to work is an issue too, though less of one.

That's why we should have sent the Navy in sooner, they could actually move supplies via helicopter. But, they would rather unload everything at a single port that's unable to move any goods, and then blame the mayor for it, when she says the help is inadequete.

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 10:07 PM

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: jtma508

originally posted by: trollz
There's a port in Puerto Rico packed with thousands of trailers (news is saying 9500) full of food and supplies that aren't going anywhere. The mayor is just letting the supplies sit there with the excuse that they can't contact their truck drivers. We have military and first responders there doing everything they can to help, so there's no reason those supplies can't get out to people, unless they're being intentionally held up for political reasons.
I'd say it's time for the military to take over and get those supplies to people.

These are commercial containers that belong to private businesses (supermarkets and stuff). They are not relief supplies and were in the port before the hurricane. Should the PR gov't just go in and seize private property?

Dont seize it, buy it at cost from the companies that do own it.

Not going to easy,but its something to look at. Get the manifests for the containers pay the owners compensation, distribute as best you can. Aren't a lot of the supermarkets damaged and powerless anyway and might be that way for weeks? Not saying its going to easy at all, but seems some of the supplies getting sent isn't getting where it needs to be

What funds are they supposed to buy it with? Puerto Rico is broke. The federal government could step in and buy the supplies, but even then you have an issue of distribution. Supplies don't do any good unless you build a supply chain to traverse the entire territory. The supply chain in PR was wiped out.

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 10:10 PM

originally posted by: annoyedpharmacist
This is pretty damning, if the videos posted above are genuine. I mean, if those container sitting there are food and supplies, there should be people there working 24/7 to get it to people who need it now.

With the power grid down, the logistics of communication to get the deliveries of the supplies coordinated would be difficult. But there has to be a way. Bashing Trump for this is pretty heinous imo. But hey, politics uber alles eh?

No. Bashing Trump is 100% appropriate. He's the one who could order Navy vessels to the region to act as relief. The Navy has massive capabilities. Floating hospitals, floating airports, the ability to get goods to shore without a port, the ability to transport goods.

All of that could be done, but instead a stand down order was given. What the mayor of San Juan does is totally irrelevant here.

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 10:15 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
Here's an interesting story........

All roads were open, and supplies were being delivered to all points of the island until communists tied to Hillary Clinton ordered the truckers to stop moving


This is worse than your usual sources. You should be ashamed of yourself for posting that. Unless you're so far gone that you can't tell that it's fake news from actual real news. In which case, you need professional help.

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 10:20 PM
a reply to: Aazadan

Just so's there is no misinformation -

There are 6 airports open all around the island.

4 seaports open no restrictions and 4 seaports with restrictions (restrictions being daylight movement)

The seaports are also all around the island.

Just so nobody gets some cockamamy idea that everything must go through San Juan and it's inept mayor.

Here's a convenient link with factual information and a map of ports and airports open which by the way was two days back,

edit on 1-10-2017 by Phoenix because: Add link for misinformed people

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 10:56 PM
a reply to: Aazadan

Could be something there. I mean its not like the Clinton's arent wide openly connected with PR's communist FLN terrorists. Oh, wait, they are snarf snarf. I've heard crazier tales about Russian Hotel rooms held up across the site as gospel handed down from the holy mountain on stone tablets, so you never can be too sure about anything anymore.
edit on 1-10-2017 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2017 @ 09:47 PM

originally posted by: trollz
There's a port in Puerto Rico packed with thousands of trailers (news is saying 9500) full of food and supplies that aren't going anywhere. The mayor is just letting the supplies sit there with the excuse that they can't contact their truck drivers. We have military and first responders there doing everything they can to help, so there's no reason those supplies can't get out to people, unless they're being intentionally held up for political reasons.
I'd say it's time for the military to take over and get those supplies to people.

The liberals are intentionally pushing for Marshall law.

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