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CAIR wants McDonald’s employees fired for hiding bacon in Muslim family’s sandwiches

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posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 01:20 PM
a reply to: Alien Abduct

Do you have proof?

No, for the simple fact "Muslim" is not a race. The only evidence of racism is the confusing of a religion with a race.

posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 01:22 PM

originally posted by: Deaf Alien
a reply to: TinfoilTP

They punished Holy Land Foundation. Why haven't they done the same to CAIR?

Why did Hillary have Huma all those years?

posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 01:24 PM

originally posted by: Stormdancer777
a reply to: enlightenedservant

And I think you are correct about that, I don't think we follow laws the way we should, take the Sabbath for instance,

But there are also laws I wouldn't think of following, so yes it's a pickle

That's the same way we are. I've probably never met a Muslim who followed every single thing in the Qur'an, much less followed most Sunnah, Hadith, local interpretation, fatwa/"scholarly suggestion", etc. Most sermons in mosques (called khutbahs) that I've heard basically have the Imams trying to tell the congregation to stop slacking on A, B, or C, and trying to convince members to do D, E, and F. They wouldn't have to keep nagging us if we were already doing that.

originally posted by: Stormdancer777

originally posted by: enlightenedservant
a reply to: Stormdancer777

Ah, so your "beef" is actually with the 24 hour media cycle for making it such a big wedge issue? (haha, see what i did there? high fives self)

I don't have a beef, I was just wondering.

Sorry, it was a lame pun. I was just trying to point out that the modern media machine has way more channels, blogs, vlogs, radio programs than before. And they have to fill it with something. Hence, the emphasis on things like this which seem to rile people up enough to keep them tuned in.

originally posted by: Stormdancer777
a reply to: enlightenedservant

Do u think the person should lose their job?

That depends on the other facts in the case.

1. I think people in the hospitality industry that intentionally offend customers should be fired because that's literally the opposite of what their job requires. Waiters, hotel workers, and others get fired for this all the time.

2. Customers at all kinds of restaurants may have allergies or other cultural taboos for their food. So it's good business to let customers customize certain elements of their meals, both to satisfy the customer and to avoid situations like this.

So what happens if a customer orders something with no peanuts and the restaurant intentionally adds peanuts to their meal? That customer may simply hate peanuts; or they may have a deadly reaction to them. Why would a business risk that? And what if the restaurant intentionally puts dog puppy meat, rat meat, or tarantula in the customer's food? All 3 of those are perfectly edible, with roasted tarantulas being normal snacks in places like Thailand and Cambodia. But where I'm from (the US), those are almost blasphemous to put in food, especially puppy meat.

So how would you deal with cooks who intentionally offended the customers in those cases (assuming it was intentional, of course)?

ETA: Here's a basic example. Even those these are perfectly normal treats in Cambodia, Americans would typically get furious, sue, and demand someone get fired if this was placed on their plates at McDonald's. It's the same concept.

edit on 2-8-2017 by enlightenedservant because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-8-2017 by enlightenedservant because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 02:10 PM
a reply to: enlightenedservant

You know we really don't know what we are eating, they have bug count rules.

I guess the best we can do is love one another, then there would be no need for laws and punishment.

posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 04:38 PM
Go back to the first page of this thread and start reading.

Whenever you see the word Muslim, replace it with the word Jew.

Does it change the way you see the "debate"?
edit on 2-8-2017 by Whodathunkdatcheese because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 04:55 PM
a reply to: Whodathunkdatcheese

Go back to the first page of this thread and start reading.

Whenever you see the word Muslim, replace it with the word Jew.

Does it change the way you see the "debate"?

The Jews are ethnoreligious group.

posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 05:05 PM
a reply to: LesMisanthrope

I think the word they mean is "bigot".

posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 05:11 PM
a reply to: enlightenedservant

I think the word they mean is "bigot".


Though, I don't think it is the idea or opinion of Islam people are intolerant of, but the atrocities and injustices committed in its name.

posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 05:12 PM
a reply to: enlightenedservant
You mean there are Muslims in Alabama? I'm shocked!

posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 07:54 PM

originally posted by: enlightenedservant
a reply to: Stormdancer777

Ah, so your "beef" is actually with the 24 hour media cycle for making it such a big wedge issue? (haha, see what i did there? high fives self)

Our beef? I will tell you whats our beef with your people coming here trying to mess with bacon... Although Catholics 1000-500 years ago weren't a role models but... You see WE evolved since, we recognised and we're jailing priest for their wrong doings, do you see Islam jailing imams for preaching jihad and terrorism and its issues and wrong doings? But the problem is islamic folks as a whole didn't evolve, you stayed with the same mentality as you had 1000 years ago because you believe that you must BLINDLY without questioning anything in your holy scriptures and that's where you wrong...

However nowaday:

-Do you see catholics/christian mobs of 50 people attacking and raping women anywhere in masses?

-Do you see any catholic/christian no go zones anywhere?

-Did you ever see a white catholic/christian go on a mass murder spree shouting Jesus is great?

-Do you see catholic/christian killing/stoning women to death for showing her hair or trying to gain any
length of liberty and freedom?

-Do you see catholic/christian killing/stoning homosexuals for their sexual preferences?

-If I or ANYONE goes to any muslim country and ask for bacon will you serve me bacon? And will you be offended by
my request of bacon in a muslim country? Then how is the opposite any different? If I can't go to your country to a fast
food chain and request bacon... why are you supposed to have the right to come here and bitch when you see it?

-Do you see any Catholic/Sikh/Jews/Hindus or any other religion making night mobs beating people that aren't of their religion?

-Do you in fact see any of the atrocities done in countries ran under Sharia law under any other country and religion anywhere in the world at the extend that it is done in Islamic countries?

Do you hear Buddhistophobia , Sikhophobia, Judaismophobia, Hinduophobia or any other so called religion-o-phobia OTHER than Islam here in America or ANYWHERE in the world other than Islam? No you don't because this is a phenomenon strictly
sticking to Islam and for a reason, you can't walk around thinking "all the world is F**** but I'm okay everybody that doesn't agree with me is a hater..."

America has accepted EVERY races.... EVERY RELIGIONS....EVERY COLORS for over a hundred years, in fact we are SO over racial biases (put aside rednecks and weirdos) that the last president was black... Now all of a sudden comes Islam trying to impose its laws... its beliefs...its broken ideology and its crying because everyone isn't bending to their childish caprices...

The truth is simple, if Islam or anything under Sharia Law would work, your people wouldn't have to flee Islamic controlled countries under Sharia Law in masses and we wouldn't have to pay taxes to save your lives, YOU NEED to accept that your system is broken, failed you and millions of your peers and you had to run away from it for something better... And now that you
DID find better, don't try to break it with the one thing you had to run away from to save your lives...

And now that your here... We are supposed to bend to all of your little childish caprices? Buddhism believe in not killing anything not even a flee, yet you will see them in McDonald bitching about bacon? Do they jump around calling everyone whatever-o-phobia?

Just because people don't agree with your mentality or needs doesn't make them racist, you go into another country you assimilate, JUST LIKE THE DOZENS OF OTHER RACES AND RELIGIONS THAT CAME HERE BEFORE YOURS DID...

Others came here, we opened our arms to them, they were intelligent and knew whats right from wrong enough that they learned our culture, became part of it and there was never any problems BEFORE Islam... So balance the odds here, 15 other religions/races came and no issues now all of a sudden Islam..... 2 + 2 isn't equal 50 man... things don't add up don't you think?

Now putting bacon in your cheeseburgers is passive aggressive repercussions because deep down people know its wrong, they know there is something wrong with whats happening but too afraid to speak up not to be tagged racists but that's only the beginning as people are growing in displeasure and getting tired of this sh*t....

In Canada we accepted 20,000 Syrian refugees, we fixed their teeth at 15k a pop..., we put them in school and guess whats happening? Within months in Fredericton, New-Brunswick over 4500 complaints from parents were lodged because the 20-25 years old men what were put in classes at their level of knowledge with 10-12 years old kid were flirting and making sexual advances to 10-12 years old girls... The school buried it because they were afraid of being labelled racist... When they saw that the 10-12 weren't interested they moved to younger classes and started flirting the 8-10 years old... Teachers asking the refugees what they like to do in their countries, they would stand up and act having RPG's on their shoulder, and shoot kids and people in the class...


Your people are starting to get resistance because America as a whole is tired of your religion's prehistoric mentality because the people are getting fed up with reason, it doesn't make any senses... I asked you the same question 10 times and YOU KNOW you can't answer it because according to your Allah killing anyone in here that isn't muslim is totally acceptable and although you won't admit it not to lose face you know deep down you agree with this and this is what makes you people sick... The fact that they can't put ANYTHING in question and just blindly follow writings made by people living in a time where drinking your piss and smothering fecal matter over wounds was top notch medical procedure...

And its only a matter of time before the fear of being labelled racist wears off and when it does... You will hit a serious brick wall...

If you don't like bacon its simple... don't go where they cook bacon... I don't like japanese food so I don't go to japanese restaurants and bitch if I find fish in my plate because I know better and I'm more grown up than this... I can sit down, read something in the bible and see what makes sense from what doesn't because I understand it was written by a ton of people, some where right...some where wrong... doesn't make the whole book and ideology wrong... There's some give or take in anything but the sun doesn't spin around Islam and the world shouldn't reorganise itself around Islam... Islam should conform to the world and to the ground of the country its standing on because if you don't like what you see, hear or eat here the solution is very simple...

Nobody holds you here, the door is wide open... Go back to Sharia Law countries where its raining bombs, bullets and the blood of innocent women washes the dirt of the streets...

**drops mic...**

edit on 2-8-2017 by _R4t_ because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 08:34 PM
a reply to: _R4t_

All this pants-s#ing since yesterday over a thread topic that would be just as offensive if it were a vegan being served a beef burger instead of the veggie burger they ordered.

I think I know what you can do with the mic other than dropping it.
edit on 8/2/2017 by Nyiah because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 08:47 PM

originally posted by: Nyiah
a reply to: _R4t_

All this pants-s#ing since yesterday over a thread topic that would be just as offensive if it were a vegan being served a beef burger instead of the veggie burger they ordered.

I think I know what you can do with the mic other than dropping it.

Not exactly, I know plenty of vegans, we went to a restaurant and once the waitress mixed the orders and gave them mine and she did take a bite out of it before noticing cuz everybody was talking an she wasn't paying attention... and she and her boyfriend at the time just laughed...

Vegans don't believe they will be impure after eating meat they just chose not to and at some point in their lives all vegans did eat meat and none of them believe God would punish them for being disobedient...

No vegan in the history of man have had to run from their country to go try to impose their own beliefs on other people they eat what they want and let other people eat what they want... And when they don't like a restaurant like McDonald they simply dont go.. They don't rape, kill and bully over carrots and lettuce...

So you can shove Mohammed up Allah's.... with a generous portion of bacon... Vegans are civilised...

This is the difference between any other religions out there and Islam...
edit on 2-8-2017 by _R4t_ because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 08:54 PM
a reply to: _R4t_

Ok, Suzie Q. I know vegans, too, and they'd react very differently, especially if done deliberatly to them. Same with my husband, who is anaphylactic allergic to whey. Dairy is a big no for him when eating out, and is not that hard to request to not be used in the meal if it's not a foundation ingredient to the dish. Hey, kind of like bacon! Imagine that!

Suck it up buttercup, people can request whatever they like for medical, religious, or personal preference reasons to not appear in their food. The problems start when someone acts like a jackass and puts it in anyway. I refer you to the dickhead at Panera who slathered PB on a cheese sandwich for an peanut-allergic kid. There'd be no problems, anywhere for anyone, if people wouldn't get a case of the ass and be smug asses over ingredients in the first place.
edit on 8/2/2017 by Nyiah because: Wrong anaphylactic kid in a restaraunt, though the principle remains.

edit on 8/2/2017 by Nyiah because: Scratch that, same kid, anaphylactic reaction.

posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 09:05 PM

originally posted by: Nyiah
a reply to: _R4t_

Ok, Suzie Q. I know vegans, too, and they'd react very differently, especially if done deliberatly to them. Same with my husband, who is anaphylactic allergic to whey. Dairy is a big no for him when eating out, and is not that hard to request to not be used in the meal if it's not a foundation ingredient to the dish. Hey, kind of like bacon! Imagine that!

Suck it up buttercup, people can request whatever they like for medical, religious, or personal preference reasons to not appear in their food. The problems start when someone acts like a jackass and puts it in anyway. I refer you to the dickhead at Panera who slathered PB on a cheese sandwich for an anaphylactic peanut-allergic kid. There'd be no problems, anywhere for anyone, if people wouldn't get a case of the ass and be smug asses over ingredients in the first place.

Righttt righttt.... you do know it was an immigrant that put the peanut butter in there right and not a native american? lol...

If you had taken the time to read your own article you would have noticed "Because of language issues" another that came here, didn't learn english and assimilate as he/she should and yeah this happened... Your just proving my point, there should be stricter language control and immigration policies to ensure that immigrants and especially muslim have met the mental/psychological/verbal and social norms of our country and to teach them raping is bad like sadly Norway have to do... before letting them in...

A course manual sets out a simple rule that all asylum seekers need to learn and follow: “To force someone into sex is not permitted in Norway, even when you are married to that person.”

See when there's a need to create classes to teach muslims that raping is bad... it just highlights how much of a f..... up mentality it is as a whole...

Same thing goes for bacon and restaurants... they/you need to learn that you can't shape the world around you and its the opposite, you need to shape yourself after the world around you... It goes for food and everything else...

Please take time to read your own stuff before posting...

edit on 2-8-2017 by _R4t_ because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 09:27 PM
a reply to: _R4t_
The language barrier is BS. They could make out "peanut", but not allergy" and they expected people to buy that one?
The word "allergy" doesn't differ enough in many languages for a language barrier to be a good enough excuse. Fricking check it you don't believe me. And How To Say 'I'm allergic To Peanuts' in 45 languages, for good measure.

Odds are, if they could figure out "peanut" just fine, "allergy" shouldn't have been a problem, either. Sucks when someone you're trying to debate with already knows this multi-language allergy stuff and you can't claim a win, eh?

posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 09:28 PM
a reply to: _R4t_

1. TL;DR

2. My post wasn't replying to you, so why are you still writing essays to me?

3. Why is it so hard for you to stay on topic? You take every chance possible to turn this into yet another one of your long, lame, Islamophobic rants. We get it, you don't like Islam & you know how to copy-paste.

4. You've shown in this very thread that you don't actually read the things you copy-paste in relation to Halal foods and Islamic law. So what point is there in giving your posts any more attention?

posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 09:34 PM

originally posted by: Nyiah
a reply to: _R4t_
The language barrier is BS. They could make out "peanut", but not allergy" and they expected people to buy that one?
The word "allergy" doesn't differ enough in many languages for a language barrier to be a good enough excuse. Fricking check it you don't believe me. And How To Say 'I'm allergic To Peanuts' in 45 languages, for good measure.

Odds are, if they could figure out "peanut" just fine, "allergy" shouldn't have been a problem, either. Sucks when someone you're trying to debate with already knows this multi-language allergy stuff and you can't claim a win, eh?

Its cute how muslim ALWAYS avoid speaking of the rape and murders right? Same question asked to the same guy over 10 times yesterday he just danced around it cuz yeah... everybody knows why... even you...

I show you an entire country has to put up classes to teach "your people" that rape is wrong as proof that there's a need for your people to assimilate in all aspects of life from food to culture but you just like the other you look the other way because you refuse to recognise the wrong doings under the name of your religion done by your own people in masses...

It just shows that deep inside you, he and all other muslim know its wrong but either you agree with it and you don't want to talk about it or you are too afraid to talk about it and rather bury it, which makes you just as bad as the rapist too, if you can't denounce the wrong doings of YOUR religion the same way I denounced the wrong doings of Catholic/Christian priests raping kids in my religion it just shows how of a problem yours is, that you are aware of the problem but won't do anything about it...

You are a role model of every women that got killed and raped in the name of Islam by morons like this... which I will post again just so you watch it a couple times and let it sink in cuz deep down we both know it makes you sick to your stomach...

How about this???
edit on 2-8-2017 by _R4t_ because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 09:36 PM
a reply to: _R4t_

Aw, you think I'm a Muslim. How cute. Swing and a big fat miss, though. This atheist is quite amused. And still not interested in your OT garbage. It has nothing to do with food.

Edit: You are extremely predictable, at the least. Someone pokes lunar-sized holes in your assumptions and claims, and you deflect to anti-Muslim harping. Makes it very easy to skip over your unrelated walls-o-text.
edit on 8/2/2017 by Nyiah because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 09:46 PM

originally posted by: Nyiah
a reply to: _R4t_

Aw, you think I'm a Muslim. How cute. Swing and a big fat miss, though. This atheist is quite amused. And still not interested in your OT garbage. It has nothing to do with food.

Edit: You are extremely predictable, at the least. Someone pokes lunar-sized holes in your assumptions and claims, and you deflect to anti-Muslim harping. Makes it very easy to skip over your unrelated walls-o-text.

Your name Nyiah is a mostly African name, I have an african friend with the same name, she gave up her muslim roots although her grand-father is mulsim because yeah half of Africa is muslim and the other Catholic/Christian... And has multiple wives for the same reasons we're talking here...

But seeing your "Atheist" and not muslim, let me ask you this question then...

Do you agree with "Talihah" rape games, honor killings and stoning of women not wearing burkas to which Allah states is okay and in other cases demands it in islamic faith?

Do you agree with it or condemn it as wrong therefor stating you do not agree with Allah's view of the treatments of "Kuffar" or infidels?

Agree with it or disagree with it? Don't turn around it... Answer it straight up.... do you agree with Allah's view of treating "kuffar" or infidels or do you disagree with it?
edit on 2-8-2017 by _R4t_ because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 09:50 PM
a reply to: Nyiah

I always knew you were a muslim.


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