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CAIR wants McDonald’s employees fired for hiding bacon in Muslim family’s sandwiches

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posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 11:13 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy

originally posted by: Nyiah

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: Nyiah

The burka shapes my thighs.

I'm keeping it.

Does this mean you stole my sexy burkini, too??

It worked well with Zazz's shoes.

I heard about that. She loaned you stilettos and when you returned them to her they looked like flip-flops.

posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 11:13 PM
a reply to: _R4t_

Have fun with that deafening echo.

posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 11:14 PM

originally posted by: burdman30ott6

originally posted by: DBCowboy

originally posted by: Nyiah

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: Nyiah

The burka shapes my thighs.

I'm keeping it.

Does this mean you stole my sexy burkini, too??

It worked well with Zazz's shoes.

I heard about that. She loaned you stilettos and when you returned them to her they looked like flip-flops.

You win XD, inhaled coffee hurts

posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 11:14 PM

originally posted by: Nyiah

originally posted by: TerryDon79
a reply to: _R4t_

I'm a fool because I think someones food preference doesn't have anything to do with rape and murder?!

Has logic just completely left this thread?

Yep, it vacated the thread a couple pages ago. Everyone's having fun watching him make a fool of himself, though. A dietary restriction = TEOTWAWKI. And he wonders why I and no one else is not answering stupid questions with no bearing on food restrictions. He can keep hollering, it's like watching an animal in the zoo

It just baffles my mind that someone can somehow try and connect food preferences to rape and murder.

I bet if this story wasn't about Muslims, there would have been completely different reactions from some of the haters on here.

posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 11:15 PM
a reply to: infolurkerdude i go 2 times a week and order 2 double quarter pounder combos plain and every other week i either have everyone on my sandwiches which are labeled plain on the box or they screw up by placing wrong sandwich in the box so when i get home i might have quarter pounders instead of doubles one time i sent my burgers back because they had everything on them when i got them BACK THEY STILL HAD EVERYTHING ON THEM I ASKED IF bOY MAKING BURGERS COULD READ. they don't want to risk eating bacon eat elsewhere

posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 11:17 PM
a reply to: TerryDon79

I'm a fool because I think someones food preference doesn't have anything to do with rape and murder?!

Has logic just completely left this thread?

My IQ dropped 56 points four pages ago.

.... which means my IQ is now sitting at 11.

Thanks alot Obama and Hillary.

posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 11:18 PM
a reply to: proteus33

they don't want to risk eating bacon eat elsewhere

Or, you know, get them to do their jobs right in the first place.

I remember when you used to get fired for incompetence.

posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 11:21 PM

originally posted by: TerryDon79
a reply to: proteus33

they don't want to risk eating bacon eat elsewhere

Or, you know, get them to do their jobs right in the first place.

I remember when you used to get fired for incompetence.

Now a days instead of getting fired they get to piss and moan about how they should be paid $15 an hour to screw up orders and follow visual instructions on how to package pre-cooked, warmed up "food" in little boxes that can only be closed one way.

Oh yeah, America's got some real mental giants running around these days. :rolleyes:

posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 11:27 PM
a reply to: burdman30ott6

I worked BK way back when. Just out of school at 16 and wanted pennies in my pocket while going through college.

Maybe it's just a difference between the UK and America, but if anyone screwed up like this, intentionally or not, they would have been shown the door.

posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 11:28 PM
a reply to: _R4t_

oh FFS get a grip

it does not matter why they [ moslems ] eschew bacon

the crux of this thread is that they said " no bacon "

and the allegation is that bacon was added deliberatly and maliciously

discuss that

posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 11:31 PM

originally posted by: TerryDon79

originally posted by: Nyiah

originally posted by: TerryDon79
a reply to: _R4t_

I'm a fool because I think someones food preference doesn't have anything to do with rape and murder?!

Has logic just completely left this thread?

Yep, it vacated the thread a couple pages ago. Everyone's having fun watching him make a fool of himself, though. A dietary restriction = TEOTWAWKI. And he wonders why I and no one else is not answering stupid questions with no bearing on food restrictions. He can keep hollering, it's like watching an animal in the zoo

It just baffles my mind that someone can somehow try and connect food preferences to rape and murder.

I bet if this story wasn't about Muslims, there would have been completely different reactions from some of the haters on here.

It is not a food preference, there is NO preference, they religion says they MUST NOT eat swine/pork and only under very special circumstances can they get away with it and it must not be wilful...

My point was trying to understand the underlying mentality of never questioning scriptures dating several hundreds years ago, technically their religion state they cannot wilfully consume it and that it was bad for bacon to be in there, yet had there NOT be bacon in there the paddie they would have been eating bacon cuz the paddie was dripping in bacon grease because McDonald won't buy a second hot plate just to cook bacon everything is cooked together in about 1/8" of mixed grease and juice of meat and bacon together...

So you will be eating bacon REGARDLESS... regardless the kid made a mistake or not they would have ate bacon... Their religion state that bacon is impure, then so should be the byproduct of cooked fat dripping over the meat paddy making the meat paddy impure and the request of removing bacon completely obsolete and the firing of that kid pointless... And why even go there in first place?

If you STRICTLY follow what the Qu'ran ask in terms of food for swine they should never set foot in any fast food joint period... So why ignore the meat paddy covered in bacon juice and not the bacon itself? Isn't that hypocrite? There is NO preference here, its an imposed religious law demanded by Allah...

I'm trying to understand the underlying mentality when you clearly are already breaking that Qu'ran law the second you bite on a bacon grease covered meat paddie...

You need to understand this is NOT A PREFERENCE... It a religiously imposed sanction and based upon THAT religious view they want to get the kid fired when if you look at it, there's no ways they could NOT have eaten bacon in there even if there wasn't bacon in the burger in first place...

So why turn a blind eye to the byproduct and not the product and why go to McDonald in first place when you cannot escape eating bacon in there? And turn around making a huge fuss of finding bacon in your food when it will be covered in it regardless...

My question in terms of asking her to agree or disagree with the Taliyah is based upon trying to gauge the mentality of why not question anything from the simplest to the most hardcore things in the Qu'ran and why not simply just use logic...

Why ignoring the logic fact that you will eat bacon whether you like it or not so why make a fuss, contact the news and demand a kid to be fired? You can't escape it and if you eat it, its your fault...

Why try to force everyone to conform to your religious beliefs when your are hypocritically ignoring that your food is already covered in bacon grease and your going there because your loving it?

The Taliyah and honor killing part was simply to show her how ridiculous it is to never question anything from something as simple as ignoring bacon grease to killing people...

In every religion there's some give and take, you need to give some and take some... Don't go ask for people to be fired over something you are about to eat will fully indirectly regardless...

edit on 2-8-2017 by _R4t_ because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 11:38 PM
a reply to: _R4t_

I still don't see how them not wanting to eat something has anything to do with some morons intentionally putting food in an order they requested not to be there.

Is it just because "all Muslims=bad", therefore the morons can do what they like?

posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 11:43 PM
Ironically, I don't mind talking about Halal foods, the restrictions, and the misconceptions. Some of us follow the Qur'an strictly, which in the case of Halal, means that there is very little that we can't eat. However a lot of Muslims and sects go much further than the simple Qur'anic restrictions, with some virtually adopting the Jewish Kosher laws as well.

But most fall somewhere in between since the Kosher restrictions are generally much more strict than any Halal restrictions. That's why it's hard for any one Muslim to say if this situation is completely legit or not; it will literally depend on the denomination & community the individual came from.

I've been a vegetarian for 6 years now, so I don't really worry about it. The only thing I have to worry about now is gelatin made from pork & things potentially cooked in lard. There's always the chance of cross contamination with side items, but I think that fits under the "if it happens without choice or cravings" condition.

My Dad (an Imam) and his associates are pretty much the same. If it's a situation we can control (like in one of our households or if we supply the foods), then we can be 100% sure. But in other situations, we try our best to be compliant and then go from there.

posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 11:46 PM
a reply to: enlightenedservant

So basically like the Jewish folks & their no mixing meat & cheese rule, as it was explained by my husband's best bud's Jewish wife -- don't do so willfully, but not the end of the world if it's unintentional. I think this is what a lot of folks can't wrap their minds around.

posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 11:46 PM

originally posted by: TerryDon79
a reply to: _R4t_

I still don't see how them not wanting to eat something has anything to do with some morons intentionally putting food in an order they requested not to be there.

Is it just because "all Muslims=bad", therefore the morons can do what they like?

ITS NOT A CHOICE!!! this is what you need to understand... whether a muslim LOVE or HATE bacon he CANNOT eat it... And by going to McDonald YOU WILL eat it regardless... There might not be bacon on your paddy but their religion says they cannot eat it because its impure...

So why go in a McDonald and request the impure ingredient to be removed while the rest is cooked in said impure ingredient in first place?

They never should have set a foot in McDonald, the whole thing is about this

“He has forbidden you only dead animals, and blood, and the swine, and that which is slaughtered as a sacrifice for other than God.” (Quran 2:173)

That's what I'm trying to point out... They should have never been in there in first place because its impossible to follow the above religious demand in a fast food joint... you will eat grease which is melted fat from the pork... Whats the difference between this and just putting bacon in your burger period?

Then if you know you are to eat melted pork grease then why throw tantrum if you find bacon in your burger, there WILL be bacon in there regardless...

Why hate the three and not the fruit?

posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 11:48 PM
a reply to: _R4t_

It's a choice because they choose to follow that religion and the conditions that go with it.

What I find ironic is, if this had been a family of vegetarians, it wouldn't have been posted here. It probably wouldn't have even made the news.

posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 11:51 PM
a reply to: infolurker

If they did it knowingly then yes they should be fired. The details of why or the victims being Muslim really make no difference.

1.) They were not doing their job properly. Knowingly or not, if you can't do your job correctly that is grounds for removal.

2.) Giving people food which they have not ordered can have various effects including allergic reactions, so if someone unknowingly ends up eating something they didn't order it can be dangerous.

You don't even have to look at it from any other position than that actually. But the fact that they did it knowingly and on purpose as some kind of act against those customers at all is also grounds for removal. Because of them the business now has to cover court costs, handle the bad publicity, etc.

So ya, I'd fire them.

posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 11:54 PM
a reply to: _R4t_

You really are clueless first burgers are cooked on a grill the bacon they make is in a microwave. The two never meet and if they did they would be shut down. When people order a burger no one wants one covered in pig grease. These employees either screwed up or did it on purpose. Anyone eating and paying for things in a restaurant has a right to have it the way they want If requested.

The employees here broke that rule mistakes happen but mistakes like this could get someone killed. This is not something any restaurant can afford to allow. They could have killed someone and easily be on trial for himicide.

posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 11:56 PM

originally posted by: TerryDon79
a reply to: _R4t_

It's a choice because they choose to follow that religion and the conditions that go with it.

What I find ironic is, if this had been a family of vegetarians, it wouldn't have been posted here. It probably wouldn't have even made the news.

No you don't chose to follow a religion to which your entire family will shun you, your father/mother will disown you or try to honor kill you if you leave it, this is not a choice... There is no choice in there... their own religion demands that should a muslim leave islam he be killed and the honor of the family rest upon their shoulders to go through with it or they will look bad in the entire muslim community...

This is what my point is... I wanted her to come to term with the fact that parts of islam and the qu'ran makes no sense and to try to follow it blindly makes no sense neither... So your better off judging what make sense and what doesn't and use logic... In this case if they didn't want bacon, you don't go in a place where everything is cooked in it... And if you find some in your burger well... don't complain the rest of the burger is dripping in it regardless there's bacon or not...

I'm trying to point out that following it blindly to the point of contacting the news and making a national thing about it is hypocrite and not so bright when they would still have ate it regardless...

posted on Aug, 3 2017 @ 12:00 AM
a reply to: _R4t_

Yes, you can choose to leave any religion. Plenty have and plenty will.

You're making an issue where one doesn't exist. Blaming Muslims for someone intentionally putting something in there food is wrong. It doesn't matter if they're Muslim, Christian, Jewish, white, black, Australian, American, Norwegian or Canadian.

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