posted on Jul, 7 2017 @ 09:53 PM
Oh yes, this is going to go very badly for the people of Syria, and badly for the West.
Putin wants to keep the Assad government in place as it is a strategic interest is there. And I would say with this cease fire, Russia will come up
with a plan, where it may go in with more assets, and be under the guise of a peace keeping force, thus propping up the Assad government and helping
to quell the rebellion and the ISIS threat. Now in the mean time, the propoganda will be that the West has abandoned them.
There will be persecutions and maybe some groups that seem to just disappear, with some reports that will get out. And as Russia will try to control
those reports and or media, along with banning of investigations.
If Putin can get his way, this will end up being a new Russian state, influenced by Moscow and the government a puppet.