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Only one way to take down the corporate media

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posted on Nov, 24 2016 @ 12:21 AM
The ultimate thing that the corporate media controllers fear is information. That is why there is a war being declared on "fake news" (which there are, yes, but the code word here is that they want alternative news silenced - the news that gives accurate information).

So if information is so dangerous to the elite maybe we need to take up the call. Let's call this "coffee table journalism." Do people realize how many people have become aware of what is going on through watching YouTube documentaries and regular-people-produced videos? Think of the impact if a few thousand more people picked up a cheap cam corder, set up a YouTube channel, and started spreading truth. Even if you only get 50 views per video that is 50 people exposed to your speech. How many times do you get the opportunity to speak to 50 people at once, from all over the world?

The media is down, but not out. Remember the scene in Jurassic Park where the small dinosaurs by the stream went after the guy? We may be small, but if thousands of us get activated we can do wonders.

posted on Nov, 24 2016 @ 05:22 AM
The MSM is trying to muddy the waters. The democrat-owned media platforms were called out as propaganda with biased reporting and "presstitues" colluding with the Clinton campaign. To retaliate, they are the ones labeling alternative and independent news sources as "fake news".

Now the general public who haven't followed the stories but have heard the terms "propaganda" and "presstitutes" pop up will naturally assume these are referring to the "fake news" sources, thus [wrongly] considering the left wing MSM as unbiased and truthful.

posted on Nov, 24 2016 @ 05:35 AM
a reply to: edward777

It's really quite simple: all you have to do is revoke the First Amendment, then no-one can say anything bad about Trump.

posted on Nov, 24 2016 @ 05:38 AM
a reply to: edward777

I approach most alternative media sources the same way as I approach MSM...

With a big pinch of salt.

Yes the MSM has agendas, but so does the likes of Alex Jones. And like politics in America, ones news preference seems to be partisan as well.

It is utter hypocrisy to dismiss a MSM source while blindly believing Alex Jones, or worse, some random guy on YouTube spreading their "truth", full of bias and agendas, just like the MSM that you loathe.

You want to take down corporate media? Fix alternative media.

edit on 24/11/16 by Chadwickus because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2016 @ 05:41 AM

originally posted by: DJW001
a reply to: edward777

It's really quite simple: all you have to do is revoke the First Amendment, then no-one can say anything bad about Trump.

Maybe so however, everyone will still know HRC was the biggest crook to ever seek the highest office of the land.... No one needs to say it, for the informed already know..

posted on Nov, 24 2016 @ 05:48 AM

originally posted by: 727Sky

originally posted by: DJW001
a reply to: edward777

It's really quite simple: all you have to do is revoke the First Amendment, then no-one can say anything bad about Trump.

Maybe so however, everyone will still know HRC was the biggest crook to ever seek the highest office of the land.... No one needs to say it, for the informed already know..

Where does Clinton fit into it? She's old news. Trump needs to accuse the media of being liars because they keep quoting things he says.

Meanwhile, there are "news" sites that publish complete fiction, like the Pope endorsing Trump. Some people accept these flagrant lies as truth, repost them and expand on them. There is nothing the government can do about this because of the First Amendment. The best we can hope for is to educate the public in critical thinking so they can properly evaluate what they read, see, and hear.

posted on Nov, 24 2016 @ 05:55 AM
a reply to: DJW001

And what's your agenda?

This is not even your OP yet you have 1/3 of the posts in this thread.

No one said anything about "alternative news sites" or better yet from your first post "revoking the first amendment".

Please stop trying to derail the thread.
edit on 11/24/2016 by Riffrafter because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2016 @ 06:20 AM
a reply to: Riffrafter

The surest way to take down the media is to revoke the First Amendment. Is that what you want? Or do you prefer a country where everyone has a say, including "alternative media?" (Judging by the fact you object to my contributing to this thread, it's pretty clear you favor the former.)

posted on Nov, 24 2016 @ 07:12 AM
Yes most of the media is propaganda, the issues i have with trump fans and people on the right, is they use fox news and breitbart and call what they post truth.

This is the same news outlet who brought you, santa and jesus where really white, also the yearly war on xmas.

Dont forget, obama will take all your guns, will destroy america with ebole, he was born in kenya, will heocme emperor, fill in fema camps.

So next time you try to tell us the right media is the truth, just remember most of us dont forget.

posted on Nov, 24 2016 @ 07:23 AM
a reply to: Riffrafter

And what's your agenda?

You can read about it here.

posted on Nov, 24 2016 @ 07:32 AM
The problem... well actually not a problem, the realism in watching Johny Doe and Jane Doe making videos spreading "truth" is that everyone should question them as much as any other source. And I for one do not believe that most Johny's and Jane's are 'in the know' of the topics they speak about, most will be just hearsay.

I take corporate media for what it is, corporate media telling the side of the story they want you to know.

You can live in multiple dreams/nightmares before you actually wake up.

posted on Nov, 24 2016 @ 08:45 AM
a reply to: Dumbass

The problem... well actually not a problem, the realism in watching Johny Doe and Jane Doe making videos spreading "truth" is that everyone should question them as much as any other source. And I for one do not believe that most Johny's and Jane's are 'in the know' of the topics they speak about, most will be just hearsay.

Exactly. The positive thing about the internet is that it allows ordinary people to broadcast unfolding events. The down side is that it allows cranks and pranksters to propagate nonsense. Citizens need to learn to be responsible consumers of news.

posted on Nov, 24 2016 @ 07:05 PM
edit on 24-11-2016 by M5xaz because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2016 @ 07:07 PM

originally posted by: DJW001
a reply to: edward777

It's really quite simple: all you have to do is revoke the First Amendment, then no-one can say anything bad about Trump.

Hillary was the one seeking to ban sites critical of her, like Breitbart and Infowars.

Projection alert.

posted on Nov, 24 2016 @ 07:41 PM

originally posted by: M5xaz

originally posted by: DJW001
a reply to: edward777

It's really quite simple: all you have to do is revoke the First Amendment, then no-one can say anything bad about Trump.

Hillary was the one seeking to ban sites critical of her, like Breitbart and Infowars.

Projection alert.

I know you are but what am I? That's all you got?

posted on Nov, 24 2016 @ 08:24 PM

originally posted by: DJW001

originally posted by: M5xaz

originally posted by: DJW001
a reply to: edward777

It's really quite simple: all you have to do is revoke the First Amendment, then no-one can say anything bad about Trump.

Hillary was the one seeking to ban sites critical of her, like Breitbart and Infowars.

Projection alert.

I know you are but what am I? That's all you got?

You are projecting and you are not being factual.
Hillary was the one seeking to ban opponents, going so far as stating opposition has "no right to exist"

posted on Nov, 25 2016 @ 07:23 AM

originally posted by: DJW001
a reply to: edward777

It's really quite simple: all you have to do is revoke the First Amendment, then no-one can say anything bad about Trump.

Don't you ever get tired?

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