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Exercise your Second Amendment right, Let’s make the NRA regret giving us the right to bear arms

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posted on Nov, 19 2016 @ 05:49 AM
a reply to: infolurker

Oh for crying out loud!

Look, I am hardly a mouthpiece for the conservative right in ANY location, but this sort of clearly ill informed prattle does left leaning individuals no good at all. For a start, promoting the idea in the heads of ones fellow citizens, that Democrat=anti gun, despite the fact that there are quite a few senators who are liberal in many ways, but vote with Republicans on the gun issue, as would many voters, is a flawed approach, which alienates people and makes "others" of them.

And as for the level of knowledge these people seem NOT to have about the rights and liberties they have access to, and from whence they issue, is absolutely staggering. I mean, I have heard some pretty absurdly stupid things in my time, but an American telling ANYONE that they believe their right to bear arms comes from the NRA is... well its stupid is it not? It should never be the case, that I, sitting on this side of the ocean, with my tea, in the crumbling ruin that is the British Empire, ought to be in better possession of understanding the second amendment to the United States constitution, than someone who lives in that nation and is protesting about it.

It is simply outrageous that people appear not to have done even the slightest bit of homework, before deciding to protest an amendment to the constitution. Its not as if the information one would have to absorb is hard to get a hold of. Its the United States constitution. Its on the net, its in your local library, can be read anywhere, at any time, and I am certain that a pocketised version is available so that one can carry it around in ones garments, should one so wish. That in mind, there can be no excuse for this intellectual laziness!

posted on Nov, 19 2016 @ 06:55 AM

originally posted by: AlbanArthur

originally posted by: Bluntone22
Oh yes, the country's future is just so bright.

I agree. Only have Trump to blame for it though.... ....

If you agree with Trump or not, you can not deny he has caused Civil War I I

I can deny it- and I will.
Ask I see is a bunch on whiney city kids having a fit because they don't like something.

Less than a percent of them would be willing to put their lives on the line to fight for what they believe in.

If this was war between civilians, the large cities would be burning to the ground right about now, burned by their own inhabitants fighting over the last scraps of food.

posted on Nov, 19 2016 @ 10:48 AM
a reply to: BubbaJoe
wow, sounds like he called it spot on? There is nothing wrong with wanting to slap a 100 round drum into the AR, with the exception of how heavy it will be fully loaded. I find that 30 round double mags are the best solution, not too heavy, still easy to handle during change over.

I think you need more guns.

posted on Nov, 19 2016 @ 10:52 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

No child left behind. Most high school kids now a days could never have passed second or third grade in the 70s or earlier! This predecessor of "Everyone gets a trophy" is equally as evil! It doesn't matter if it was a Republican or Democrat in office they have been dumbing our kids down hard since the 80s.

When an employer or trainer must spend 2-3 weeks just teaching teens today how to properly count change and count back money (without the register telling them!) and how to write clearly enough for it to actually be read... well ... this thread topic doesn't surprise me even a little bit.

Also wasn't there some brouha recently about schools today either just glossing over the Constitution or only teaching part of it?


posted on Nov, 19 2016 @ 07:43 PM
a reply to: TrueBrit

Sadly, my discussions with others leads me to assume there are few readers left these days. Most people certainly haven't bothered themselves to read the Constitution or Bill of Rights, or any of the writings by those who formulated America's founding documents. Most people in Britain probably haven't read the Magna Carta either, though its importance to Britain's evolution is without question. The civics and in-depth history classes of yesteryear have been replaced with politically correct propaganda highlighting whatever faux-important concept the Overlords deem most important for that moment.
I had severe asthma as a young child and was unable to run and play with the other children. My companions were books, and I read them ravenously. I did have to teach myself to read books of history and economics, which were not terribly exciting usually, but I believed them to contain things worth knowing and read them I did. But now, when I see how little most know about history, science, economics, etc., I have trouble deciding whether I'm blessed or cursed.

posted on Nov, 19 2016 @ 10:02 PM
a reply to: AlbanArthur

What civil war?

Care to point it out to me, 'cause apparently I've missed it somehow.

posted on Nov, 19 2016 @ 11:48 PM

originally posted by: Bone75

originally posted by: Vroomfondel
This isn't over! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

That was Japan.

Thats kind of the point...

In the movie Animal House Bluto goes on a rant about how the Deltas were being treated. EVeryone was about to give up the fight when he said, "Was it over when the Gernams bombed pearl harbor? No. Nothing is over until we say it is..."

I think it is a fairly accurate portrayal of the knowledge level of our current college students. If that idiot protester actually thinks the NRA gave us the right to bear arms, he probably does think Germany bombed Pearl Harbor...

posted on Nov, 20 2016 @ 06:32 AM
a reply to: Lilroanie

Well now...

I certainly do not think that "No child left behind" ought to mean "entire generation or more left behind". The fact is that it is perfectly possible for a nation to educate its young, all to a high standard, but only if that high standard is actually achievable with the resources in hand, and clearly, it is not. Perhaps more resources would be a good idea, what with some kids in the states as recently as the Bush administration, attending schools which were still using twenty or thirty year old textbooks and source materials.

As you can imagine, that does not work too well if the aim is to give every child an even shot at getting the most out of their education. And that is just one problem with the education system, one of many, many big issues.

posted on Nov, 20 2016 @ 06:35 AM
a reply to: hunamongyou

In terms of your question, whether you are blessed or cursed...tis surely both. You are blessed that you can look upon the day before you through the lens of history, but you are cursed in that all it will avail you now, is the ability to be frustrated with your fellows, as they continue to backslide into chaos, utterly unaware of how predictable their failures are.

posted on Nov, 20 2016 @ 10:11 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

I get that, truly. Bush was the one who signed it in. It has a lot of ideas in it that makes it sound like what you are saying in regards to books, tools etc. But what no child left behind really means is, if a student flunks say, reading (or every class, no joke), the teacher HAS to put them through to the next grade... period. No option to hold them back at all, unless the parent requests it and it is approved by the teacher and the administration and they really only consider it in grades K-2ish.

It does NOT mean get them the best education and books/tools or anything even close to that. It's "everyone gets a trophy" for grades, cause god forbid we hurt little Johnny's feelings by flunking his ass when he can't read at a second grade level in grade 10. Cause ya know he's just as good as that evil old Valedictorian.

If most of our kids came to England you folks would probably stick our seniors in 1st grade (form? The 5-7 year old levels), no joke.There's a reason America is so far down on the list for education standards now, and this is a big part of it.

Seriously, if old text books etc were our only issue I'd jump for joy. I wasn't kidding about kids in the work place not being able to figure out change or count it back without the register telling them the amount, and even then they can not properly count it back.

Our kids are no longer taught how to balance a check book, budget, and they are phasing out handwriting and have zero penalty for poor penmanship and writing skills (example text talk while writing an essay or unreadable penmanship). Just as a few examples.

Or how about in the work place and me having to re-file client folders because they can NOT alphabetize them properly AT ALL. The 3 kids we had last year filed by either first name, first letter forget the rest or by some system of nonsensical BS I still haven't figured out.

American kids today, unless they have parent(s) who actually are home and interact with them and do homework with them are going into the world at 18 barely literate. It truly makes me sick. Obviously there are kids, parents and occasionally schools that are above standard, but overall our kids are being cheated of the most wonderful thing in the world. Knowledge.

Anyway touchy subject for me, sorry for the long post, I could go on all day lol. Thanks for the reply


ETA what I wrote above is the practice of the act not the written intent. I personally think it is the actual intent though.
edit on 11/20/2016 by Lilroanie because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2016 @ 06:20 PM
a reply to: Lilroanie

See, this is what I do not understand.

We do not hold people back a year here at all. Never. Each year above age eleven, one is usually placed into one of a series of groups. When I was at school, it was laid out by subject. Those with a high aptitude for a subject would be in Set 1, those with an intermediate grasp and learning speed in that subject would be in Set 2, and those who showed little to no aptitude at all for the subject would be in Set 3.

This was organised so that classes could be tailored somewhat, to the ability and needs of those studying. And being in Set 3 for something like mathematics or English, would not stop you being in Set 1 for Craft, Design and Technology, or CDT, for example. So tailored was the experience in fact, that I was in Set 1 for Science, because I had a massive thirst for and understanding of the concepts, theories and ways of thinking required, but I was in Set 3 for mathematics most of my time in school.

Of course, that did not help matters at my school. I will not go into it again, since my time at school has been pretty well gone over on this site, at some length. Suffice to say, it remains to this day the most dangerous place I ever set foot in, and I have been some pretty shady places. The environment was damaging to my psyche and to my education, so I made no progress there, and had to resit all my exams at college, in order to attain my basic qualifications in the core subjects. After one year of the resit course, I passed all but one of the exams I took, and all of the exams which I had previously failed.

I am still terrible at mathematics, but I can count change very well. The reality with me though, is that A) I have always done more learning at home than at places of education, and B) if my secondary education had not taken place in what amounts to a god damned warzone, then the chances are that I would have gone on from there, into higher education. Such was not my fate however.

The point is, there are ways to ensure that one gets the education one needs, but they involve a certain amount of effort and yes, somewhere along the line, another crack may need having at the basic qualifications. It's not necessary to hold a person back a year, but it may be necessary for them to complete their education in different surroundings. To my mind, high school is a BAD place to learn. All it teaches you is that psychopaths are going to be effortlessly successful, that your efforts mean nothing because you could die at any second. There is no motivator for anyone to do anything in such environs as I was exposed to.

In a place where one is treated as an adult though, there ARE opportunities for individuals to make the most of their intelligence, and achieve what they need to in order to move forward. Expecting human beings to respond to uniform codes of conduct, speeds of learning, methods of is simply foolish. It does not work, it never did and never will. Until schools are flexible enough, well staffed enough, and SMALL enough that students can get their educational needs met effectively in more than eighty five percent of circumstances, there will ALWAYS be people leaving school who cannot count change, do not know how to write their names, do not have basic abilities common to those expected years ago.

posted on Nov, 20 2016 @ 08:21 PM
a reply to: infolurker

It was a time in America where this type of behavior was not longer considered freedom of speech but a call to anarchy and violence against the government.

People were put in jail also.

That is where this idiot belong.

posted on Nov, 20 2016 @ 09:38 PM
a reply to: seasonal

The NRA didn't give us the 2nd amendment to the Constitution, God did.

wasn't a very clever god if it didn't help you get the Constitution correct the first time around.

posted on Nov, 20 2016 @ 09:42 PM
a reply to: Sublimecraft

Was that Rupert Murdoch?

posted on Nov, 20 2016 @ 09:49 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

So it was the German's who bombed Pearl Harbour, I see. Maybe there is a place in the education system for you as well.

posted on Nov, 20 2016 @ 10:09 PM

originally posted by: TheConstruKctionofLight
a reply to: DBCowboy

So it was the German's who bombed Pearl Harbour, I see.

It's why Lincoln was assassinated.

posted on Nov, 20 2016 @ 11:11 PM

originally posted by: Vroomfondel

originally posted by: Bone75

originally posted by: Vroomfondel
This isn't over! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

That was Japan.

Thats kind of the point...

In the movie Animal House Bluto goes on a rant about how the Deltas were being treated. EVeryone was about to give up the fight when he said, "Was it over when the Gernams bombed pearl harbor? No. Nothing is over until we say it is..."

I think it is a fairly accurate portrayal of the knowledge level of our current college students. If that idiot protester actually thinks the NRA gave us the right to bear arms, he probably does think Germany bombed Pearl Harbor...

Yeah I figured something was flying over my head but went with it anyway. I haven't seen Animal House since I was a kid.

posted on Nov, 21 2016 @ 10:16 AM
Wow. I am really glad the NRA wrote the constitution. Where would we be if they didn't? Sarcasm. Just wow.

posted on Nov, 21 2016 @ 10:46 AM
a reply to: Bone75

Your, not you're...ha....intellectual superiority! Lol

posted on Nov, 23 2016 @ 05:13 PM

“Exercise your Second Amendment right,” he said through the megaphone. “Let’s make the [National Rifle Association] NRA regret giving us the right to bear arms.”

Yeah people the 'NRA' gave us that right!

And they also gave us the rest of the Bill of Rights, and the 14th amendments.

How bout those people exercise their brains more often instead of spewing idiocy?

I know it's asking a lot.

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