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European Islamophobia Report 2015

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posted on May, 13 2016 @ 06:18 PM
3 guys .. you can check their names gang raped 14 years old girl.
you can read writ of summons in here PDF They were DNA linked to the case.

Moroccans arrested for the brutal robbery against 87-year-old woman in her home in Stockholm
Sweden is considering sending maroccoans back

Shocking police statistics 3863 procedures in NRW: How big the problem with "Nafris" is really ( Nafris
= North africans)

Tens of thousands of crimes, nearly 4,000 investigations: A new report reveals how young men from Morocco, Algeria or Tunisia hold the police in North Rhine-Westphalia on our toes.


In the Stockholm region are four of the special priority areas characterized by open drug trafficking, visible manifestations of violence and high insecurity among the residents. These Rinkeby / Tensta, Husby, Ronna / Geneta / Lina and Northern Botkyrka.

There is this also a general reluctance to participate in the legal proceedings, police have difficulty in fulfilling their role and that there are elements of parallel social structures and violent religious extremism.

Sweden Police
These areas in question has immigrant majority .. a bit too late .. But let´s us both hope Police will get these areas in control there.

The group of men harassed passers-by on the bridge last night in blue bridge in Imatra

Group about 10 foreign men harassed passers-by last night highway bridge in Imatra. Suspects are asylum center´s residents.

- We got the contact from two concerned parents about foreign men shouting to their children, says Lauri Perälä Imatra reception center.

The police will explore what happened. Some of the kids had been followed.


There are a lot of more within few days.. if you like to hear more...

Whatever you are doing.. or trying to do.. give it a rest..

posted on May, 13 2016 @ 06:20 PM
a reply to: bobs_uruncle

Comparing religion and ideology is a bit more palatable than equating religion and business. Even though religion is big business lol.

And now we're talking!

No, really! That's a geat point to debate, I don't think it's quite that simple. Given the shere fanatism involved I'd say the War on Terror has the potential for both: religion and business. And we could equally state the same about IS fanatics and the likes, for various reasons. Yeah, call me crazy but whatever. Just another thought shared.

posted on May, 13 2016 @ 06:27 PM
It almost seems like the governments are trying to stir things up and make the citizens fear. They are allowing more strange muslim people to enter the countries. I think this is all a set up myself by the ones who run the governments. They want chaos amongst the people.

posted on May, 13 2016 @ 06:35 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

Yep.. that is what i think is going on.. only time will tell how much more citizens of Europe will tolerate this. Integration has been already tried.. works in small scale fine but in big scale seems to be a catastrophe and i don´t blame intolerance.. Germany welcomed immigrants in open arms and gave teddy bears to them.. and how their open minded, open armed and open hearted welcome has been repaid .. with intolerance i guess.
edit on 13-5-2016 by dollukka because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2016 @ 06:46 PM
a reply to: dollukka

None of that justifies islamophobia, does it? You could actually hate them for being black as well, xenophobia is pretty close. Or for being a complete Dick Cheney, but hate doesn't really change a thing. Where is your success after 15 years War on Terror and more than a million deaths? Actual positive results, please!
Be aware that I'm not trying to justify dumb crap, your rant just has nothing (and I mean nothing) to do with islam. There are crazies everywhere, that's the way I see it. And I'm probably just another one for you, whats the fuzz?

Now take a short glimpse on the repercussions of all the hate- & fearmongering, and I'm talking about actual local news:

Fear & Loathing in Cologne

Rage in the Machine

At least I had some fun with headlines, but that's the topic at hand. And you can ignore it all day long whilst ATS is watching, your choice.

posted on May, 13 2016 @ 06:58 PM
a reply to: PublicOpinion

You have a wrong view totally.. i am not a hater i even helped muslims to buy meat they can eat from grocery store couple days ago, would hater do that ? I hate intolerance as much as any other and believe me if "newcomers" would behave better, have some respect to country and its people who give them shelter and pay extra taxes to support them and these newcomers would not bite the hand which is feeding them.. i guess we could have a chance to live in peace.. but news are telling a bit different story.. doesn´t them?

I know you don´t like to read them and you rather are getting personal in your replies to me.. but i forgive you ( because i can ) no hard feelings.. i am not offended one bit

tolerance goes in both ways.. when it works

posted on May, 13 2016 @ 07:13 PM
a reply to: dollukka

You have a wrong view totally

I'm in love with that Nanny State in your head, but I've got to confess something now: you've lost me there. Totally. Wrong as it may seem, we should agree to disagree then. You don't know a thing about me, really.

Give me a heads up when your tolerance-thread is up, I still don't get why you think dozens of muslim neighbours right here don't tolerate my lazy ass right now. Not one incident for 3 years, not one. In fact quite the opposite is true, must be your lack of charme I guess. And I don't just look like some weird sort of punk, you know I am.

Either way, try to actually speak with one muslim by end of next week and bring up this topic, you'd make silly PubOps very proud!

posted on May, 13 2016 @ 08:30 PM

originally posted by: jon1
Sorry but put them all on a boat and tow them back to where they came from..
90% of them are unemployable and have nothing to offer the country's that they occupy.
If they came here with a humble heart and were thankful for what they get then it would be a different matter..
Just send them back and lets start again without all the do gooders poking their noses in...where are they now? Not looking after them...thats a fact..

Yes and most are illiterate in their own language.

How are they expected to learn hungarian enough to get a job?

And what jobs are there to have?

posted on May, 13 2016 @ 09:04 PM

originally posted by: PublicOpinion
a reply to: BatheInTheFountain

What? Do yourself a favour, stop crapping into your pants and start to actually put something up which isn't the result of mere hyperbole.

All I see are a rise of islamophobia and way more attacks from right wingers on innocent refugees, especially here in Germany. And don't bring up this Cologne BS from New Years eve, just morer hyperbole. Research, maybe? Been there, done that. Trust me or don't, I couldn't care less.

No crapping, too bad, they must have done something to get the bad rep that they have.

Just sitting around and get blamed for bad stuff?

isis has affiliates in 20 countries. But it's just a handful of whack jobs, right?

posted on May, 14 2016 @ 03:14 AM
a reply to: PublicOpinion

So basically you just abuse and insult anyone who criticizes Islam, which is exactly what Islamists do except they tend to kill them also, especially in muslim majority countries like Saudi and Pakistan, incapable of a rational objective discussion. You are probably a muslim apologist propagandist or clueless useful idiot.

So you see no problem with uncontrolled mass muslim immigration into western democracies other than a bit of Islamophobia... well other people do see a problem with that.

If you knew a bit more about the history and doctrine of Islam and what it really is and it's laws you might not be so clueless. Muslim majority countries generally have Islamic laws such as Saudi Arabia the centre of Sunni Islam, about 87% of the world's muslims are Sunni. Or perhaps you want an Islamic state with Islamic laws...
I'm not trying to be mean it's just true and what's wrong with saying maybe the west should look at decreasing immigration from muslim countries, it causes problems of integration and Islamification and terrorism.

posted on May, 14 2016 @ 03:25 AM

originally posted by: LesMisanthrope
The Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research is a think tank funded by the Turkish government.

This report insinuates that any discrimination regarding Muslims is due to racism and "Islamophobic ideology" (there is no such ideology), and not due to an aversion to the Islamic ideology itself and the behavior it illicits in its followers. It insinuates that Islam is disliked because Europe is intolerant, is pathologically racist, and that Islam is an innocent and oppressed party.

It is nonsense.

posted on May, 14 2016 @ 03:28 AM

originally posted by: JimTSpock
a reply to: PublicOpinion

So basically you just abuse and insult anyone who criticizes Islam, which is exactly what Islamists do except they tend to kill them also, especially in muslim majority countries like Saudi and Pakistan, incapable of a rational objective discussion. You are probably a muslim apologist propagandist or clueless useful idiot.

So you see no problem with uncontrolled mass muslim immigration into western democracies other than a bit of Islamophobia... well other people do see a problem with that.

If you knew a bit more about the history and doctrine of Islam and what it really is and it's laws you might not be so clueless. Muslim majority countries generally have Islamic laws such as Saudi Arabia the centre of Sunni Islam, about 87% of the world's muslims are Sunni. Or perhaps you want an Islamic state with Islamic laws...
I'm not trying to be mean it's just true and what's wrong with saying maybe the west should look at decreasing immigration from muslim countries, it causes problems of integration and Islamification and terrorism.

And this too!

posted on May, 14 2016 @ 03:40 AM
people really need to leave the term 'Phobia' to spiders, snakes and other such creatures rather than imposing it upon those who disagree with their stance which is consequently, contrary to most of the Planet.

posted on May, 14 2016 @ 08:25 AM
a reply to: awareness10

No disagreement at all, it's a matter of fear and plain facts. When you think fleeing from war and terror is part of a muslim agenda I'm just sorry for you folks.

But I like how this turned out. Just a few actually gave a sh!t about the actual study while most were merely concerned to legitimize said sad development. And that says a lot.
edit on 14-5-2016 by PublicOpinion because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2016 @ 08:35 AM
a reply to: JimTSpock

I don't care what you think about me or any religion.

This topic is about the prejudices involved with islamophobia and it's implications with regards to the common good. And you can't possibly try to avoid scepticism on this matter with fanatic islamism as a mere straw-man, only very few muslims are fanatic retards. Simple as that.

posted on May, 14 2016 @ 08:38 AM

originally posted by: burgerbuddy
isis has affiliates in 20 countries. But it's just a handful of whack jobs, right?

Christianity has millions of followers all around the world, and there have been thousands of cases of Christians abusing children over the last ten years, how many went unreported before that?

You see, you're another one of those people who desperately tries to tie Muslim with Terrorist, claiming everyone who believes one thing must therefore believe everything else someone else believes. In reality of course, sane people know this is bs, simple minded bs produced by people who combine their hatred of others not like them with their ignorance about the complexities of Human nature.

By your reckoning, all Christians are child abusers and all Christians should be treated as such, right?

posted on May, 14 2016 @ 08:41 AM

originally posted by: awareness10
people really need to leave the term 'Phobia' to spiders, snakes and other such creatures rather than imposing it upon those who disagree with their stance which is consequently, contrary to most of the Planet.

A phobia is a fear of something, you guys are clearly terrified of people of another faith, race or nationality.
I think the word phobia is a good fit here.

posted on May, 14 2016 @ 08:50 AM

originally posted by: dollukka
a reply to: PublicOpinion

You have a wrong view totally.. i am not a hater

Hang on, you're commenting in a thread about Muslim people being attacked and abused in hate crimes, and you're trying to excuse that by saying they are to blame for merely existing, and you DON'T think you're a hater? Seriously?

And as for the stories people on ATS love to repeat in their hateful and ignorant tirades against all Muslims, I estimate that 90% of them have either been debunked entirely as being far-right propaganda, or are based on no actual evidence of anything.

No, random blog posts are NOT proof of anything, YouTube rants by neo-Nazis are certainly NOT proof of anything, tabloid stories by traditionally right-wing press should of course be taken with a massive pinch of salt.

The problem seems to be that because these nonsense stories back up the ignorant racists and islamophobes of ATS they are repeated and shared as though they're entirely factual and totally credible.

posted on May, 14 2016 @ 09:43 AM
a reply to: Rocker2013

In local asylum center police visits and calm down fights between refugees about 4 times a day, and it is not one police patrol they have to have at least 4 to make sure they can do their job... now remind you this is not cheap and tax payers pay this. You refuse to see police reports i guess because you say 90% is been debunked and far right propaganda so are you saying these police reports are wrong and part of far right propaganda?

I know you are muslim apologist and you have stated that christianity sucks.. right? You are titled to your opinion and what i can see most of muslim apologists in here ATS are not as moderate as muslims i know. Sister in law is married to muslim and he is moderate, kind and can talk about these issues without getting upset and have very much same view about immigration what is happening these days. There are a muslims who condamn behavior and ask immigrants to actually respect us and behave. Amirkhani UFC fighter is one of them, he condamned fake ID´s and make a joke about everyone being 17 soon. Another very wise and has a good points in immigration matters is Alan Salehzadeh and writes a blog and is researcher specialized in Midde East and North African geopolitical conflics and he is a muslim too.. we seem to have same views on matters.
Blog sorry he writes in finnish but use translator

Even we take immigrants we don´t have to agree on their behaviour.. or do you think we should ?

Today there were a interview of head of National Bureau of investigation in one tv channel

Reception Centers is the last and this year already lost about 2,500 asylum-seekers.

- I think it involves a big risk if you do not know who these people are, why they have come here and how they made their living, if they do not get asylum and remain here, Palo says MTV News Extra in an interview.

- A serious threat is posed by the fact that among a lot of people who initially have come to the wrong papers or paperless.

L ink

So don´t you think there is definately dangerous material involved in this immigration and behavior pattern EU face today ? Do you agree on view of your fellow muslims i linked or do you totally disagree on their view ? How moderate are you ? Moderate do face the problem as it is .. do you ?

posted on May, 14 2016 @ 09:55 AM
a reply to: Rocker2013

Thanks, Rocker. A ceiling full of stars for you.

The problem seems to be that because these nonsense stories back up the ignorant racists and islamophobes of ATS they are repeated and shared as though they're entirely factual and totally credible.

...cementing prejudices with the dailyfail for example, a weird reaffirmation of 'sanity' with 'facts'. And that joke of a paper is one of the better sources they used thus far.

Well said!

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