posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 09:35 PM
a reply to:
I'm sure you've heard the saying "you are what you eat" ?
From what I have gathered in my experience, there are times that it is inevitable to taking in the negative energies unwillingly unless you are adept
at countering it. It is draining for most to do this and I am guilty of just 'going with the flow' at times.
It is best, for me at least, to approach with a humorous attitude and not let it affect me in these ways. Not sure it is as easy for others.
My professions have centered around being a care-giver mostly to animals that are not always in need but there is a calming when being around those
that are older and have lived full loving lives. You can really tell how they feel by just their body language alone and it has helped me gain an
understanding of a deeper bond with life forms not so unlike us humans.
In the past it was really difficult to surmise what was what, energy wise, and the direction or source they were radiating from. With time it has
shown me and taught through others that there are other aspects of existence most ppl choose to ignore.
edit on 19-4-2016 by Inarismessenger because: mobile f$%& up