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Beyonce's Formation what's Your Reaction.

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posted on Feb, 10 2016 @ 11:53 PM

Ok usually there are political themes to a lot o music sometimes hidden in the back ground, this is not one of them nothing is hidden, but the reaction is huge, and her release timing the day before the Superbowl spot on, now I get that some, perhaps most folks here are not big Beyonce fans and I am not that big a fan either but she is stirring up a lot of controversy with both her single release and her Superbowl performance.

Here is Giuliani slammer her.

In the vid the allusion to Katrina is shown as a symbol of neglect but most powerful for me was a black kid wearing a hoodie getting a line of Cops to hands up with him. and the 60ts Blk fist in the air of the Olympic and Blk Panther's regalia.

Btw the performances at the Superbowl also had another political theme thrown in the rainbow image was also present .

Hi Mods I wasn't sure where to best place this thread, it is music but with huge political and social overtones.
edit on 10-2-2016 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2016 @ 12:10 AM
It was brilliant if you ask me, free commercial ,free publicity,and she got paid and the message was understood,She came out big from a business point of view…big!

posted on Feb, 11 2016 @ 12:14 AM
Puttin on the popcorn for this one!

nom nom nom....

nom nom...

edit on 11-2-2016 by Volund because: removed the Thats Racist kid, the thread could be explosive enough.

+13 more 
posted on Feb, 11 2016 @ 12:23 AM
I was definitely not impressed by it. Not really a fan of her music, though I do like her husband's.

However, had a white singer evoked the dress of a white extremist group (since I believe the FBI does label the Black Panthers as one, though I may be wrong) do you think it would have been met with the same praise and ovation?

+1 more 
posted on Feb, 11 2016 @ 12:25 AM
Kinda offtopic because I dont really give a fk about her music or the show and wont comment on that but as a non american I think its silly ...anytime I see such things I get the feeling that especially black women would so love to be the next front women in movements like BLM. IMO many of them would sell their parents if they could be the next MLK...

Its funny because a year ago I felt pretty offended from the "police brutality" in the USA and the more videos I watched from BLM where everyone seems to think that you win any argument if you only shout load enough (from my impression again ...mostly women) or violent racism against "white supremacy" (because you cant be a racist if you are black and it is perfectly acceptable to shout at white b**** until they cry) or all this micro-agression nonsense at "missou" the more I understand your cops.
edit on 11-2-2016 by Whatever08152 because: spelling

posted on Feb, 11 2016 @ 12:28 AM

originally posted by: cmdrkeenkid
I was definitely not impressed by it. Not really a fan of her music, though I do like her husband's.

However, had a white singer evoked the dress of a white extremist group (since I believe the FBI does label the Black Panthers as one, though I may be wrong) do you think it would have been met with the same praise and ovation?

Not everyone is crazy over both the performance and the vid, and yes the FBI did considered the Black Panthers of the 60ts a terror org, but that's where the battle lines were drawn, police vs community policing, and we must take care not to link the old Black Panthers with the New Black Panthers which is indeed a racist group.

posted on Feb, 11 2016 @ 12:30 AM
Almost up there with Janet's boob.

Controversy. Ooo la la.

posted on Feb, 11 2016 @ 12:37 AM
a reply to: Spider879

Ah, I really didn't know there was a difference between the two. I thought it just died down then made a resurgence. So is the current form of the Black Panthers not considered an extremist group by FBI?

posted on Feb, 11 2016 @ 12:43 AM
i'm afraid i was too busy 'scoping' her to care about any underlying (or overt) politico-social message. phwoar!
edit on R2016th2016-02-11T00:44:40-06:0020161am414 by RoScoLaz4 because: addition

+5 more 
posted on Feb, 11 2016 @ 12:54 AM
She is cashing in on racism, helping it perpetuate probably so she can cash in some more later and keep on cashing in.

posted on Feb, 11 2016 @ 12:59 AM

originally posted by: Spider879

originally posted by: cmdrkeenkid
I was definitely not impressed by it. Not really a fan of her music, though I do like her husband's.

However, had a white singer evoked the dress of a white extremist group (since I believe the FBI does label the Black Panthers as one, though I may be wrong) do you think it would have been met with the same praise and ovation?

Not everyone is crazy over both the performance and the vid, and yes the FBI did considered the Black Panthers of the 60ts a terror org, but that's where the battle lines were drawn, police vs community policing, and we must take care not to link the old Black Panthers with the New Black Panthers which is indeed a racist group.

I told my wife the same thing. The old black panthers tried to clean up their communities of drug dealers, They believed in getting an education and helping out their communities. They taught their kids it was ok to be black in a time when there was a lot of turmoil between whites and blacks. They protected their own!

The new black panthers can be seen holding clubs and intimidating voters, Calling for the murder of white babies, The rape of white women. Over simplifying complex police situations regarding anyone black, Calling for riots not protest, Calling for the murder of only white suspects who killed a black person "funny thing is George Zimmerman wasn't all white he had a black girlfriend and was a registered democrat but the hate gets pushed on white republican wasp's huh? They preach black supremacy over all other races!

They helped spread a lie of racism that lead to a white man losing his job at a college, a white football coach resigning after backing his team to have that man lose his job. They cried about having reporters question them "needing safe space" then turned around and cried when the media attention drifted away from their cause. And tweeted about how their problem was more important then an terrorist attack on France.
and yes I consider the BLM movement part of the new black panther ideology.

posted on Feb, 11 2016 @ 01:00 AM
It's just a manufactured political controversy... is it "Black Power" because of her ethnicity? It is a well known symbol of revolution and solidarity of people and has been around a long long time... I think it's more likely to show support for Bernie Sanders as he has used it as a solidarity symbol during his campaign, than hate speech that people want to balloon out of proportion... to be able to create division instead of the peace and solidarity it represents.

History of The FIST

posted on Feb, 11 2016 @ 01:13 AM

originally posted by: Lysergic
Almost up there with Janet's boob.

Controversy. Ooo la la.

Janet's boob has more talent than Beyonce does. She kind of peaked with Put A Ring On It, and it's been downhill since. JMO.

I don't give a rat's ass what the "message" in Formation was, the entire damn song was just terrible.

posted on Feb, 11 2016 @ 01:25 AM

originally posted by: Spider879

originally posted by: cmdrkeenkid
I was definitely not impressed by it. Not really a fan of her music, though I do like her husband's.

However, had a white singer evoked the dress of a white extremist group (since I believe the FBI does label the Black Panthers as one, though I may be wrong) do you think it would have been met with the same praise and ovation?

Not everyone is crazy over both the performance and the vid, and yes the FBI did considered the Black Panthers of the 60ts a terror org, but that's where the battle lines were drawn, police vs community policing, and we must take care not to link the old Black Panthers with the New Black Panthers which is indeed a racist group.

I agree. I would've supported the original Black Panthers. But I steer very clear of the "New" ones, who've been publicly disavowed many times by surviving members of the originals. I actually think the "new" group is a "honeypot" sham organization that's used by law enforcement to keep tabs on people like that.

posted on Feb, 11 2016 @ 01:33 AM
From a european point of view:

It s hilarious what the superbowl is. It seems to be a huge thing.
The half time show, the planned scandals (nipplegate!!!! Queen B is political!!!!) and the ads get instant fame.

Who played? Who won the game? No one knows.

posted on Feb, 11 2016 @ 01:35 AM
a reply to: svetlana84

Who played? Who won the game? No one knows.

Who played the World Cup? Who won?

But your point is valid. As good a game as football is, the Superbowl doesn't really count.

edit on 2/11/2016 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2016 @ 01:38 AM
It's a good song with a strong, positive message.

However, Bey singing about her Jackson Five nostrils having visibly had a nose job to minimise that very feature seems a bit hollow.

Like a lot of things rich people do, it's a case of "Do what I say, not what I do". Missed opportunity.

posted on Feb, 11 2016 @ 02:02 AM
Halftime is for restocking the snacks and beverages and taking a bathroom break.

The Superbowl has two general types of fans: Those interested in the game, or those interested in the commercials and halftime show.

It's clear some people want manufacture some outrage over the halftime show, I guess ...but why?

edit on 11-2-2016 by Leonidas because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2016 @ 02:06 AM
a reply to: Phage

Germany Won against Brazil (truth to be told i only know since it was so brutal :-)

I am generally not that much into watching sports, prefer doing sports.

posted on Feb, 11 2016 @ 02:11 AM
a reply to: KingIcarus

As well singing about her 'afro' while having blonde hair...

I think the fashion industry profits more from the song then anybody else -

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