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Are the "Baby Boomers" at odds with social inclusion and equality hypocrites?

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posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 04:52 AM
a reply to: theabsolutetruth

With age comes wisdom

Yet you speak of wisdom like it's something that is automatically bestowed upon folk once they reach a certain age.

Wisdom has nothing to do with age.

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 06:47 AM
The reason why I do not support sodomites:
In the nature things that do not reproduce is a dead end.
So millions of years of evolution, and energy spend and sacrifices being done by humans being throw away.
So you sodomites are enemies of the human species because you prevent future humans of being born.
Keeps with it and there won't be humans anymore!
So in resume, abortionists, feminists, and sodomites are all in the same basket, because shoots society in the foot.
All this branches of thought reduce the fertility rate and means genocide.

In nature nothing is equal, trying to force it is the worst form of oppression.
Only delusional people believe in equality.

America and western societies don't use arguments based on logic and reason anymore, now just watch it burn down as history has show for the last 14.000 years of the exactly the same situations.

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 07:27 AM
a reply to: Reidhos

Okay, let's use logic.

There is homosexuality in nature - has been for eons. Nature is still here.

There has been homosexuality in mankind since the beginning of mankind's existence. Mankind is still here.

Women have been aborting unwanted pregnancies since the beginning. We are still here.

Prove that any one of my logical statements is wrong.

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 07:49 AM
a reply to: beezzer

Ahhh,pearls of wisdom from my favorite bunny.

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 09:12 AM
a reply to: kaylaluv

There is murder, rape, incest, cannibalism, and other destructive things in nature as well that we should not promote.
People kill each other and humanity still here because we do not promote it.

That's what differentiate us from the rest of animals. And the reason we are in the top chain.

Since the institutionalization of abortion the fertility rates dropped below sustainability. Look at the graphical charts of demographics. If was not the mass immigration masking the effects all the cities would already be empty.
Now think if it happen in all the planet?

edit on 2-7-2015 by Reidhos because: Spelling mistakes from non native English

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 09:47 AM
a reply to: Reidhos

1. All those things you list involve victimizing someone against their will. Two gay people who are consenting adults does not involve victimization, and thus, cannot be compared.

2. Prove this please. Has the world population been going up or down over the last 100 years?

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 09:57 AM

originally posted by: Reidhos
The reason why I do not support sodomites:
In the nature things that do not reproduce is a dead end.
So millions of years of evolution, and energy spend and sacrifices being done by humans being throw away.
So you sodomites are enemies of the human species because you prevent future humans of being born.

Is not the problem that too many humans from perfectly heterosexual non-"sodomites" go unloved in this world? Perhaps you should be more worried about excessive breeding than what two people who love each other do?

I do feel more and more that I want to at least help in some small way in the future when I'm in my 30s by getting married and adopting a child.

Keeps with it and there won't be humans anymore!

The same could be said of overpopulation.

Ask your self this question: Is the world's population rising or falling??????

And then ask: Is our ability to support those who are already born increasing or decreasing?????

America and western societies don't use arguments based on logic and reason anymore, now just watch it burn down as history has show for the last 14.000 years of the exactly the same situations.

You mean things like witch hunts were based on logic and reason? That's news to me.
edit on 2-7-2015 by JadeStar because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 10:45 AM

originally posted by: kaylaluv
a reply to: Reidhos

1. All those things you list involve victimizing someone against their will. Two gay people who are consenting adults does not involve victimization, and thus, cannot be compared.

2. Prove this please. Has the world population been going up or down over the last 100 years?

1. I'm talking about destructive behavior in general. Not about victims. Sodom destroy societies future by preventing new generations been born.
2. World don't have sodomite wedding. But the western societies who do have a negative native demographics grow (don't count immigrants they don't come from sodomites countries)

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 11:03 AM
a reply to: JadeStar

Love is an abstract concept and can't be use as argument.
You can love anything you want.

There is no overpopulation, there is plenty of space.

World don't have destructive behavior promoted as "equality".

Only countries that promote equality have population problems. Equality agenda creates more side effects than the benefits of it making the situation worst.

Which hunt is not based on logic, its religious make up stuff.

The rise and fall of nations is recorded and you can follow it to see where society is going. This social justice warriors are the last stage of destruction.

Read the book :
Sir John Glubb

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 11:34 AM
a reply to: JadeStar

Not an adnomim attack please, I'm trying to help.

The problem of millennials is that they have more hybrids (cross breed) like your case. Which means they have more hard time to identify themselves of what culture they are because their parents have different cultures backgrounds. So I understand that you may be confused and call yourself "trans". Because you don't see yourself reflected in the older generations.
So you desire to change society.

And in order to eliminate culture and being able to compare between different cultures behavior and effects we should use logic.
edit on 2-7-2015 by Reidhos because: Spelling

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 03:24 PM

originally posted by: Reidhos
a reply to: JadeStar

Not an adnomim attack please, I'm trying to help.

The problem of millennials is that they have more hybrids (cross breed) like your case. Which means they have more hard time to identify themselves of what culture they are because their parents have different cultures backgrounds.

And this is a problem why?

I've heard older people say this but I fail to see how this is a problem.

Let's see... before us millennials plenty of people closely identified themselves with one culture or another and plenty of people died in all sorts of ways "defending their culture".

Would it not stand to reason that those of us who have more of a global view of who we are rather than be manipulated by old provincialism, mistrust and hatreds might, idk, help make the world transition to a slightly better place if nothing else, simply by existing?

Is it better that everyone has very well defined "cultural" biases (and thus can be motivated to act on them)?

So I understand that you may be confused and call yourself "trans".

Oh, I am not confused at all. But I think you may be confused as to what I meant by trans.

[quote[Because you don't see yourself reflected in the older generations.
So you desire to change society.

I don't follow. I do see myself reflected in the older generations. I even made a post which explained how it all hit me at once how were it not for the work and sacrifices of those older generations going back to WWII, I would in all likelihood not exist.

And in order to eliminate culture and being able to compare between different cultures behavior and effects we should use logic.

Logic would seem to indicate that most of this planet's problems have been a result of too much cultural identification rather than not enough.
edit on 2-7-2015 by JadeStar because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 06:56 PM
a reply to: JadeStar

Sorry girl don't take too serious what I say, I was just in a bad mood

I wish you a really nice life, and all the good things.

And you are doing more to help the world than me.

Good job and keep it up !

posted on Jul, 3 2015 @ 09:03 PM

originally posted by: Reidhos
a reply to: JadeStar

Sorry girl don't take too serious what I say, I was just in a bad mood

I wish you a really nice life, and all the good things.

And you are doing more to help the world than me.

Good job and keep it up !

Thank you. i will try my best to do what I can. That's all any of us an do really.

posted on Jul, 24 2015 @ 09:17 AM
JS you are likely an Echo Boomer. Your generation has huge shoes to fill. I am one of those Baby Boomers you talk about. I hope your generation does a better job with this world than we did.

We didn't have a lot to go on. It was, "damn the torpedoes and full speed ahead" thinking, in almost every new endeavor, because we knew if we took the time to weigh the possibilities, we would never get anything done. So we took our chances. We screwed up a lot of things, but over all I think we didn't do as bad as you think. We have a lot of pig headed members in our lot, but if it wasn't for the pig headed ones, so much would never have even been tried.

Our biggest mistake was trying to protect our children from the world, and trying to give them the things in this world we dreamed about, but "we" never had the chance to have. It was selfish of us, but we thought we were doing the right thing. We raised a bunch of children that saw the world from a self-centered point of view, and we did them a horrible disservice. Well, since your numbers out number ours, and the majority of you have secondary educations or higher, you are a lot smarter than we were. I hope it works for you.

Let me add that I grew up in the country. You would think that being in the country would isolate you from the big bad wolves of the world. It doesn't. People are people, the world over. We had homosexual men and women in the country. Everybody knew it, and you may be surprised that no one gave a damn. It was unfortunately, a pretty much given, that what you did behind your closed doors, was nobody's business. This is not true in all circumstances. It was well known, cases of sexual and physical abuse took place in some homes. Yep, even in the country. Back then if it was behind closed doors, folks didn't get involved.

I remember when that started to change a bit. The young child was just lucky enough that her abuser, who also happened to be her Father, mistreated the child at the only gas station in town, but it gave Alec the opportunity to intervene, and beat the crap out of the Father. This brought the sheriff in, who just happened to be Alec's brother. So the children were finally rescued, but it went on a whole lot longer than it should have. Doesn't sound like country folk, right?

Trust me young one. This world is comprised of people. It doesn't matter what color, what language, what religion, what culture. Just people. Good, bad and every stage in between. How we choose to live our lives. What we choose to believe and what we chose to fight for, is all that matters in the end. You alone can't save the world, but if each of us saves one person or one piece of it, well, that will be a legacy to write about.

Published in 2010-

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