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Who decided being a Racist was Worse Then.....

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posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 11:43 AM

originally posted by: TheLiesOfEden
It's really very amazing the lengths to which some white people will go to downplay the life ruining, bodily and psychologically harmful effects institutional, structural racism has on the lives of people of colour. Like really. Grow up and realise that racism is more than having a bad opinion of people of colour. Understand that people's lives are very negatively impacted and sometimes literally ruined because of the racism and inequality that inlaid and and DYED into the fabric and structure of this society.

That would be true... Except it's really more about economic stuff then racism. It's just that (because of Americas Racist past) the vast majority of African Americans are poor. The same could be said for how America treats the fat or ugly.

I grew up poor in trailer parks in mississippi so cops and buisnesses all looked at us like trash white or not.

Blacks dot have the monopoly on crappy treatment. Just a larger percent of poor who society treats crappy.

Trust me bill cosbys and Obamas kids will grow up with every advantage and oppertunity.

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 11:47 AM

originally posted by: Asktheanimals
Because it requires no hard evidence to make stick - only hearsay.
Convenient method for destroying anyone they want.
No proof required!!

If one truly believes in freedom they must also be willing to accept that some people will not like others for whatever reasons. Our thoughts and feelings are our own and the current movement tries to shame and denigrate anyone for what they think or feel. As humans we hopefully evolve as we age, a process which is best left to the person affected. We cannot force people to feel or not feel certain ways about others. It is a constant flow of change with the person that, with a good heart will arrive at the conclusion of love.

Thought crimes, hate crimes and other such nonsense are vain attempts to read the hearts and minds of others, something far beyond the power of mere men to ascertain. Trying to enforce same is to blindly swing a bat in a crowd knowing you will eventually hit a criminal.

Long story short; you cannot force people to not be racist.


posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 11:52 AM
a reply to: Entreri06

I'm not talking about feelings being hurt or feeling insulted. I'm talking about apathy toward oppression.

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 11:52 AM
First double post ever...
edit on 3/16/2015 by Kali74 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 11:52 AM

originally posted by: Entreri06

originally posted by: TheLiesOfEden
It's really very amazing the lengths to which some white people will go to downplay the life ruining, bodily and psychologically harmful effects institutional, structural racism has on the lives of people of colour. Like really. Grow up and realise that racism is more than having a bad opinion of people of colour. Understand that people's lives are very negatively impacted and sometimes literally ruined because of the racism and inequality that inlaid and and DYED into the fabric and structure of this society.

That would be true... Except it's really more about economic stuff then racism. It's just that (because of Americas Racist past) the vast majority of African Americans are poor. The same could be said for how America treats the fat or ugly.

I grew up poor in trailer parks in mississippi so cops and buisnesses all looked at us like trash white or not.

Blacks dot have the monopoly on crappy treatment. Just a larger percent of poor who society treats crappy.

Trust me bill cosbys and Obamas kids will grow up with every advantage and oppertunity.

I think what would be helpful for you is to get yourself some help with that chip on your shoulder. You really aren't providing anything positive so what's your point? Will the children of Clinton, Bush and any non black person who's parents are rich not grow up with every advantage and opportunity? Why are you willfully choosing only to name black people? I know the answer, just want to know if you will actually be honest and admit your bias.

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 12:02 PM

originally posted by: uncommitted

originally posted by: Entreri06

originally posted by: TheLiesOfEden
It's really very amazing the lengths to which some white people will go to downplay the life ruining, bodily and psychologically harmful effects institutional, structural racism has on the lives of people of colour. Like really. Grow up and realise that racism is more than having a bad opinion of people of colour. Understand that people's lives are very negatively impacted and sometimes literally ruined because of the racism and inequality that inlaid and and DYED into the fabric and structure of this society.

That would be true... Except it's really more about economic stuff then racism. It's just that (because of Americas Racist past) the vast majority of African Americans are poor. The same could be said for how America treats the fat or ugly.

I grew up poor in trailer parks in mississippi so cops and buisnesses all looked at us like trash white or not.

Blacks dot have the monopoly on crappy treatment. Just a larger percent of poor who society treats crappy.

Trust me bill cosbys and Obamas kids will grow up with every advantage and oppertunity.

I think what would be helpful for you is to get yourself some help with that chip on your shoulder. You really aren't providing anything positive so what's your point? Will the children of Clinton, Bush and any non black person who's parents are rich not grow up with every advantage and opportunity? Why are you willfully choosing only to name black people? I know the answer, just want to know if you will actually be honest and admit your bias.

I don't have a chip and that's my point. It's no longer about race. It's about money. Something I consider just as bad.

For the most part today racism is a red herring.

We don't stop bully cops from disrespecting or killing citizens because were looking for some illuminatti type war on blacks. When that wasn't really part of the equation in the first place.
edit on 16-3-2015 by Entreri06 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 12:12 PM

originally posted by: uncommitted

originally posted by: Entreri06

originally posted by: TheLiesOfEden
It's really very amazing the lengths to which some white people will go to downplay the life ruining, bodily and psychologically harmful effects institutional, structural racism has on the lives of people of colour. Like really. Grow up and realise that racism is more than having a bad opinion of people of colour. Understand that people's lives are very negatively impacted and sometimes literally ruined because of the racism and inequality that inlaid and and DYED into the fabric and structure of this society.

That would be true... Except it's really more about economic stuff then racism. It's just that (because of Americas Racist past) the vast majority of African Americans are poor. The same could be said for how America treats the fat or ugly.

I grew up poor in trailer parks in mississippi so cops and buisnesses all looked at us like trash white or not.

Blacks dot have the monopoly on crappy treatment. Just a larger percent of poor who society treats crappy.

Trust me bill cosbys and Obamas kids will grow up with every advantage and oppertunity.

I think what would be helpful for you is to get yourself some help with that chip on your shoulder. You really aren't providing anything positive so what's your point? Will the children of Clinton, Bush and any non black person who's parents are rich not grow up with every advantage and opportunity? Why are you willfully choosing only to name black people? I know the answer, just want to know if you will actually be honest and admit your bias.

My bias?!? What bias is that? I'm an evolution guy. The more we mix the stronger the species is. So what just because I don't agree there is some broad conspiracy to keep African Americans down (simply because they are black so inferior)... I'm what? I don't even know what your getting at. .. It seems like your confusing me with a conservative when I'm just being logical. If you take emotion out of the equation what's the real answer? Or problem I guess.
edit on 16-3-2015 by Entreri06 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 12:16 PM

originally posted by: Entreri06

originally posted by: uncommitted

originally posted by: Entreri06

originally posted by: TheLiesOfEden
It's really very amazing the lengths to which some white people will go to downplay the life ruining, bodily and psychologically harmful effects institutional, structural racism has on the lives of people of colour. Like really. Grow up and realise that racism is more than having a bad opinion of people of colour. Understand that people's lives are very negatively impacted and sometimes literally ruined because of the racism and inequality that inlaid and and DYED into the fabric and structure of this society.

That would be true... Except it's really more about economic stuff then racism. It's just that (because of Americas Racist past) the vast majority of African Americans are poor. The same could be said for how America treats the fat or ugly.

I grew up poor in trailer parks in mississippi so cops and buisnesses all looked at us like trash white or not.

Blacks dot have the monopoly on crappy treatment. Just a larger percent of poor who society treats crappy.

Trust me bill cosbys and Obamas kids will grow up with every advantage and oppertunity.

I think what would be helpful for you is to get yourself some help with that chip on your shoulder. You really aren't providing anything positive so what's your point? Will the children of Clinton, Bush and any non black person who's parents are rich not grow up with every advantage and opportunity? Why are you willfully choosing only to name black people? I know the answer, just want to know if you will actually be honest and admit your bias.

I don't have a chip and that's my point. It's no longer about race. It's about money. Something I consider just as bad.

For the most part today racism is a red herring.

We don't stop bully cops from disrespecting or killing citizens because were looking for some illuminatti type war on blacks. When that wasn't really part of the equation in the first place.

You appear to be making this about race, your whole OP is about if being racist is worse than being a wife beater. You seem to be making a problem where a lot of people don't see what you see - and that isn't because they are too blind to see it, it's more about your worldview. You're happy to that worldview, I'll see if I can get you some salt for that chip.

ETA, where is that view that being non white makes someone inferior? It's a comment that idiots will make and will be swallowed up by gullible idiots, but where is the 'illuminati' making that 'war'?
edit on 16-3-2015 by uncommitted because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 12:18 PM

originally posted by: uncommitted

originally posted by: Entreri06

originally posted by: uncommitted

originally posted by: Entreri06

originally posted by: TheLiesOfEden
It's really very amazing the lengths to which some white people will go to downplay the life ruining, bodily and psychologically harmful effects institutional, structural racism has on the lives of people of colour. Like really. Grow up and realise that racism is more than having a bad opinion of people of colour. Understand that people's lives are very negatively impacted and sometimes literally ruined because of the racism and inequality that inlaid and and DYED into the fabric and structure of this society.

That would be true... Except it's really more about economic stuff then racism. It's just that (because of Americas Racist past) the vast majority of African Americans are poor. The same could be said for how America treats the fat or ugly.

I grew up poor in trailer parks in mississippi so cops and buisnesses all looked at us like trash white or not.

Blacks dot have the monopoly on crappy treatment. Just a larger percent of poor who society treats crappy.

Trust me bill cosbys and Obamas kids will grow up with every advantage and oppertunity.

I think what would be helpful for you is to get yourself some help with that chip on your shoulder. You really aren't providing anything positive so what's your point? Will the children of Clinton, Bush and any non black person who's parents are rich not grow up with every advantage and opportunity? Why are you willfully choosing only to name black people? I know the answer, just want to know if you will actually be honest and admit your bias.

I don't have a chip and that's my point. It's no longer about race. It's about money. Something I consider just as bad.

For the most part today racism is a red herring.

We don't stop bully cops from disrespecting or killing citizens because were looking for some illuminatti type war on blacks. When that wasn't really part of the equation in the first place.

You appear to be making this about race, your whole OP is about if being racist is worse than being a wife beater. You seem to be making a problem where a lot of people don't see what you see - and that isn't because they are too blind to see it, it's more about your worldview. You're happy to that worldview, I'll see if I can get you some salt for that chip.

Please explain to this liberal athiest exactly what my world view is?

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 12:24 PM
I really don't care what a racist thinks as long as he/she do not have the ability to affect my life.

Some people can be ignorant and believe a certain hype or stereotype simply because they know no better, but when introduced to facts, new info or just getting to know the other turned out to be fine..< Im generally annoyed but ok with this type for I am patient

Then there is Mr and Mrs superior who believes in genetic determinative, that they are some how superior to the other no matter how much evidence to the contrary or where they find themselves on the economic, educational and social scale. irritant and not worth my time.

And finally the type that really do not believe in any kind of genetic determinative and have all the info about the other that is necessary, but non the less use the bogey man of race to advance ones own interest either in economic , political and social status..< This lot I hate the most and is much more harmful than the first two.

edit on 16-3-2015 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 12:27 PM

originally posted by: uncommitted

originally posted by: Entreri06

originally posted by: uncommitted

originally posted by: Entreri06

originally posted by: TheLiesOfEden
It's really very amazing the lengths to which some white people will go to downplay the life ruining, bodily and psychologically harmful effects institutional, structural racism has on the lives of people of colour. Like really. Grow up and realise that racism is more than having a bad opinion of people of colour. Understand that people's lives are very negatively impacted and sometimes literally ruined because of the racism and inequality that inlaid and and DYED into the fabric and structure of this society.

That would be true... Except it's really more about economic stuff then racism. It's just that (because of Americas Racist past) the vast majority of African Americans are poor. The same could be said for how America treats the fat or ugly.

I grew up poor in trailer parks in mississippi so cops and buisnesses all looked at us like trash white or not.

Blacks dot have the monopoly on crappy treatment. Just a larger percent of poor who society treats crappy.

Trust me bill cosbys and Obamas kids will grow up with every advantage and oppertunity.

I think what would be helpful for you is to get yourself some help with that chip on your shoulder. You really aren't providing anything positive so what's your point? Will the children of Clinton, Bush and any non black person who's parents are rich not grow up with every advantage and opportunity? Why are you willfully choosing only to name black people? I know the answer, just want to know if you will actually be honest and admit your bias.

I don't have a chip and that's my point. It's no longer about race. It's about money. Something I consider just as bad.

For the most part today racism is a red herring.

We don't stop bully cops from disrespecting or killing citizens because were looking for some illuminatti type war on blacks. When that wasn't really part of the equation in the first place.

You appear to be making this about race, your whole OP is about if being racist is worse than being a wife beater. You seem to be making a problem where a lot of people don't see what you see - and that isn't because they are too blind to see it, it's more about your worldview. You're happy to that worldview, I'll see if I can get you some salt for that chip.

ETA, where is that view that being non white makes someone inferior? It's a comment that idiots will make and will be swallowed up by gullible idiots, but where is the 'illuminati' making that 'war'?

Who has the view that being non white is inferior to being white.

You do know race is 100% man made right? That genetically you are probubally closer to some of your opposite race friends then you are to those you think of as your own race. I personally am as mutt as they come. There are no races. There are over 3,000 distinct ethnic groups in Africa alone. None more then 9.2% different then any one of the couple hundred Nordic tribes and I'm an American! We are so mixed the hell up you can't find some one who isn't mixed "race!"

So what exactly are you trying to say? You keep dropping hints and innuendo. Just say what you are getting at this is the net. No one cares.

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 12:33 PM

originally posted by: Entreri06

originally posted by: uncommitted

originally posted by: Entreri06

originally posted by: uncommitted

originally posted by: Entreri06

originally posted by: TheLiesOfEden
It's really very amazing the lengths to which some white people will go to downplay the life ruining, bodily and psychologically harmful effects institutional, structural racism has on the lives of people of colour. Like really. Grow up and realise that racism is more than having a bad opinion of people of colour. Understand that people's lives are very negatively impacted and sometimes literally ruined because of the racism and inequality that inlaid and and DYED into the fabric and structure of this society.

That would be true... Except it's really more about economic stuff then racism. It's just that (because of Americas Racist past) the vast majority of African Americans are poor. The same could be said for how America treats the fat or ugly.

I grew up poor in trailer parks in mississippi so cops and buisnesses all looked at us like trash white or not.

Blacks dot have the monopoly on crappy treatment. Just a larger percent of poor who society treats crappy.

Trust me bill cosbys and Obamas kids will grow up with every advantage and oppertunity.

I think what would be helpful for you is to get yourself some help with that chip on your shoulder. You really aren't providing anything positive so what's your point? Will the children of Clinton, Bush and any non black person who's parents are rich not grow up with every advantage and opportunity? Why are you willfully choosing only to name black people? I know the answer, just want to know if you will actually be honest and admit your bias.

I don't have a chip and that's my point. It's no longer about race. It's about money. Something I consider just as bad.

For the most part today racism is a red herring.

We don't stop bully cops from disrespecting or killing citizens because were looking for some illuminatti type war on blacks. When that wasn't really part of the equation in the first place.

You appear to be making this about race, your whole OP is about if being racist is worse than being a wife beater. You seem to be making a problem where a lot of people don't see what you see - and that isn't because they are too blind to see it, it's more about your worldview. You're happy to that worldview, I'll see if I can get you some salt for that chip.

ETA, where is that view that being non white makes someone inferior? It's a comment that idiots will make and will be swallowed up by gullible idiots, but where is the 'illuminati' making that 'war'?

Who has the view that being non white is inferior to being white.

You do know race is 100% man made right? That genetically you are probubally closer to some of your opposite race friends then you are to those you think of as your own race. I personally am as mutt as they come. There are no races. There are over 3,000 distinct ethnic groups in Africa alone. None more then 9.2% different then any one of the couple hundred Nordic tribes and I'm an American! We are so mixed the hell up you can't find some one who isn't mixed "race!"

So what exactly are you trying to say? You keep dropping hints and innuendo. Just say what you are getting at this is the net. No one cares.

You seem to be backtracking everything you have said. I guess I'm done here as you aren't really backing up your original OP anymore, I hope that means your own views have changed.

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 12:35 PM
a reply to: Entreri06

the vast majority of African Americans are poor.

No the vast majority of African Americans are not poor, the vast majority are working class to middle class.

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 12:57 PM

originally posted by: uncommitted

originally posted by: Entreri06

originally posted by: uncommitted

originally posted by: Entreri06

originally posted by: uncommitted

originally posted by: Entreri06

originally posted by: TheLiesOfEden
It's really very amazing the lengths to which some white people will go to downplay the life ruining, bodily and psychologically harmful effects institutional, structural racism has on the lives of people of colour. Like really. Grow up and realise that racism is more than having a bad opinion of people of colour. Understand that people's lives are very negatively impacted and sometimes literally ruined because of the racism and inequality that inlaid and and DYED into the fabric and structure of this society.

That would be true... Except it's really more about economic stuff then racism. It's just that (because of Americas Racist past) the vast majority of African Americans are poor. The same could be said for how America treats the fat or ugly.

I grew up poor in trailer parks in mississippi so cops and buisnesses all looked at us like trash white or not.

Blacks dot have the monopoly on crappy treatment. Just a larger percent of poor who society treats crappy.

Trust me bill cosbys and Obamas kids will grow up with every advantage and oppertunity.

I think what would be helpful for you is to get yourself some help with that chip on your shoulder. You really aren't providing anything positive so what's your point? Will the children of Clinton, Bush and any non black person who's parents are rich not grow up with every advantage and opportunity? Why are you willfully choosing only to name black people? I know the answer, just want to know if you will actually be honest and admit your bias.

I don't have a chip and that's my point. It's no longer about race. It's about money. Something I consider just as bad.

For the most part today racism is a red herring.

We don't stop bully cops from disrespecting or killing citizens because were looking for some illuminatti type war on blacks. When that wasn't really part of the equation in the first place.

You appear to be making this about race, your whole OP is about if being racist is worse than being a wife beater. You seem to be making a problem where a lot of people don't see what you see - and that isn't because they are too blind to see it, it's more about your worldview. You're happy to that worldview, I'll see if I can get you some salt for that chip.

ETA, where is that view that being non white makes someone inferior? It's a comment that idiots will make and will be swallowed up by gullible idiots, but where is the 'illuminati' making that 'war'?

Who has the view that being non white is inferior to being white.

You do know race is 100% man made right? That genetically you are probubally closer to some of your opposite race friends then you are to those you think of as your own race. I personally am as mutt as they come. There are no races. There are over 3,000 distinct ethnic groups in Africa alone. None more then 9.2% different then any one of the couple hundred Nordic tribes and I'm an American! We are so mixed the hell up you can't find some one who isn't mixed "race!"

So what exactly are you trying to say? You keep dropping hints and innuendo. Just say what you are getting at this is the net. No one cares.

You seem to be backtracking everything you have said. I guess I'm done here as you aren't really backing up your original OP anymore, I hope that means your own views have changed.

No you jumped to conclustion a about what the OP was getting at. I'm just saying that we have decided that being racist is one of the worst things you can be. When really there are far worse. Hell being anti vaccine is probubally worse for the human race as a whole then being a racist who wouldn't hurt anyone.

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 01:03 PM

originally posted by: Spider879
a reply to: Entreri06

the vast majority of African Americans are poor.

No the vast majority of African Americans are not poor, the vast majority are working class to middle class.

In terms of race in 2010 data, Asian American households had the highest median household income of $57,518, European-American households ranked second with $48,977, Hispanic or Latino households ranked third with $34,241. African-American or Black households had the lowest median household income of all races with $30,134.[47]

From Wikipedia on income by race.

30k a year for a household is poor.

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 01:09 PM

originally posted by: Entreri06

originally posted by: uncommitted

originally posted by: Entreri06

originally posted by: uncommitted

originally posted by: Entreri06

originally posted by: uncommitted

originally posted by: Entreri06

originally posted by: TheLiesOfEden
It's really very amazing the lengths to which some white people will go to downplay the life ruining, bodily and psychologically harmful effects institutional, structural racism has on the lives of people of colour. Like really. Grow up and realise that racism is more than having a bad opinion of people of colour. Understand that people's lives are very negatively impacted and sometimes literally ruined because of the racism and inequality that inlaid and and DYED into the fabric and structure of this society.

That would be true... Except it's really more about economic stuff then racism. It's just that (because of Americas Racist past) the vast majority of African Americans are poor. The same could be said for how America treats the fat or ugly.

I grew up poor in trailer parks in mississippi so cops and buisnesses all looked at us like trash white or not.

Blacks dot have the monopoly on crappy treatment. Just a larger percent of poor who society treats crappy.

Trust me bill cosbys and Obamas kids will grow up with every advantage and oppertunity.

I think what would be helpful for you is to get yourself some help with that chip on your shoulder. You really aren't providing anything positive so what's your point? Will the children of Clinton, Bush and any non black person who's parents are rich not grow up with every advantage and opportunity? Why are you willfully choosing only to name black people? I know the answer, just want to know if you will actually be honest and admit your bias.

I don't have a chip and that's my point. It's no longer about race. It's about money. Something I consider just as bad.

For the most part today racism is a red herring.

We don't stop bully cops from disrespecting or killing citizens because were looking for some illuminatti type war on blacks. When that wasn't really part of the equation in the first place.

You appear to be making this about race, your whole OP is about if being racist is worse than being a wife beater. You seem to be making a problem where a lot of people don't see what you see - and that isn't because they are too blind to see it, it's more about your worldview. You're happy to that worldview, I'll see if I can get you some salt for that chip.

ETA, where is that view that being non white makes someone inferior? It's a comment that idiots will make and will be swallowed up by gullible idiots, but where is the 'illuminati' making that 'war'?

Who has the view that being non white is inferior to being white.

You do know race is 100% man made right? That genetically you are probubally closer to some of your opposite race friends then you are to those you think of as your own race. I personally am as mutt as they come. There are no races. There are over 3,000 distinct ethnic groups in Africa alone. None more then 9.2% different then any one of the couple hundred Nordic tribes and I'm an American! We are so mixed the hell up you can't find some one who isn't mixed "race!"

So what exactly are you trying to say? You keep dropping hints and innuendo. Just say what you are getting at this is the net. No one cares.

You seem to be backtracking everything you have said. I guess I'm done here as you aren't really backing up your original OP anymore, I hope that means your own views have changed.

No you jumped to conclustion a about what the OP was getting at. I'm just saying that we have decided that being racist is one of the worst things you can be. When really there are far worse. Hell being anti vaccine is probubally worse for the human race as a whole then being a racist who wouldn't hurt anyone.

Your comments in the OP -

"That said who ever decided that being a racist was the worst thing you could be?

How is being a nonviolent racist worse then being a wife beater, child abuser, drug addict, theif, hell even a murderer in most cases? "

Errrm, not sure how else that could be defined. I'm not aware of anyone who would class a racist as 'worse' than anyone who is committing a different crime - you made the distinction, no one else, and why being an atheist would have anything to do with anything on this subject is beyond me. Oh dear.

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 01:19 PM

originally posted by: uncommitted

originally posted by: Entreri06

originally posted by: uncommitted

originally posted by: Entreri06

originally posted by: uncommitted

originally posted by: Entreri06

originally posted by: uncommitted

originally posted by: Entreri06

originally posted by: TheLiesOfEden
It's really very amazing the lengths to which some white people will go to downplay the life ruining, bodily and psychologically harmful effects institutional, structural racism has on the lives of people of colour. Like really. Grow up and realise that racism is more than having a bad opinion of people of colour. Understand that people's lives are very negatively impacted and sometimes literally ruined because of the racism and inequality that inlaid and and DYED into the fabric and structure of this society.

That would be true... Except it's really more about economic stuff then racism. It's just that (because of Americas Racist past) the vast majority of African Americans are poor. The same could be said for how America treats the fat or ugly.

I grew up poor in trailer parks in mississippi so cops and buisnesses all looked at us like trash white or not.

Blacks dot have the monopoly on crappy treatment. Just a larger percent of poor who society treats crappy.

Trust me bill cosbys and Obamas kids will grow up with every advantage and oppertunity.

I think what would be helpful for you is to get yourself some help with that chip on your shoulder. You really aren't providing anything positive so what's your point? Will the children of Clinton, Bush and any non black person who's parents are rich not grow up with every advantage and opportunity? Why are you willfully choosing only to name black people? I know the answer, just want to know if you will actually be honest and admit your bias.

I don't have a chip and that's my point. It's no longer about race. It's about money. Something I consider just as bad.

For the most part today racism is a red herring.

We don't stop bully cops from disrespecting or killing citizens because were looking for some illuminatti type war on blacks. When that wasn't really part of the equation in the first place.

You appear to be making this about race, your whole OP is about if being racist is worse than being a wife beater. You seem to be making a problem where a lot of people don't see what you see - and that isn't because they are too blind to see it, it's more about your worldview. You're happy to that worldview, I'll see if I can get you some salt for that chip.

ETA, where is that view that being non white makes someone inferior? It's a comment that idiots will make and will be swallowed up by gullible idiots, but where is the 'illuminati' making that 'war'?

Who has the view that being non white is inferior to being white.

You do know race is 100% man made right? That genetically you are probubally closer to some of your opposite race friends then you are to those you think of as your own race. I personally am as mutt as they come. There are no races. There are over 3,000 distinct ethnic groups in Africa alone. None more then 9.2% different then any one of the couple hundred Nordic tribes and I'm an American! We are so mixed the hell up you can't find some one who isn't mixed "race!"

So what exactly are you trying to say? You keep dropping hints and innuendo. Just say what you are getting at this is the net. No one cares.

You seem to be backtracking everything you have said. I guess I'm done here as you aren't really backing up your original OP anymore, I hope that means your own views have changed.

No you jumped to conclustion a about what the OP was getting at. I'm just saying that we have decided that being racist is one of the worst things you can be. When really there are far worse. Hell being anti vaccine is probubally worse for the human race as a whole then being a racist who wouldn't hurt anyone.

Your comments in the OP -

"That said who ever decided that being a racist was the worst thing you could be?

How is being a nonviolent racist worse then being a wife beater, child abuser, drug addict, theif, hell even a murderer in most cases? "

Errrm, not sure how else that could be defined. I'm not aware of anyone who would class a racist as 'worse' than anyone who is committing a different crime - you made the distinction, no one else, and why being an atheist would have anything to do with anything on this subject is beyond me. Oh dear.

Your fired for saying the N word weather your a racist at heart or not, but cheat on your wife or Beat your kids without putting them in the hospital your cool.

How about if you yell a racist slur at work your fired with no chance for rehire, but get caught getting high at work you go to rehab and your jobs there waiting.

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 01:20 PM

originally posted by: Entreri06

originally posted by: Spider879
a reply to: Entreri06

the vast majority of African Americans are poor.

No the vast majority of African Americans are not poor, the vast majority are working class to middle class.

In terms of race in 2010 data, Asian American households had the highest median household income of $57,518, European-American households ranked second with $48,977, Hispanic or Latino households ranked third with $34,241. African-American or Black households had the lowest median household income of all races with $30,134.[47]

From Wikipedia on income by race.

30k a year for a household is poor.

No, $19,090 or less is now officially poor, compared to the 2011 definition of poor for that family being $18,530.

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 01:24 PM
Can we all agree that a non-violent racist is equally as bad as a person who just thinks about abusing children?

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 01:28 PM

originally posted by: IvanAstikov
Can we all agree that a non-violent racist is equally as bad as a person who just thinks about abusing children?

Agreed :p tho that does mean every parent in history lol
edit on 16-3-2015 by Entreri06 because: (no reason given)

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