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Who decided being a Racist was Worse Then.....

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posted on Apr, 8 2015 @ 09:41 PM

originally posted by: FormOfTheLord

Kill racism with fire! Its better to burn out then to fade away! Take it out and beat it like a rug before it festers like a mold.

I think sending racists to the loony bin and have them commited would be the best for everyone including themselves.

Then why not do the same to drug addicts, adulterers, communists and anyone who believes in (religion) the Bronze Age mythes of goat herders????

Everyone has a right to think anything they want. As long as you don't cause harm to others it should be your right....

Plus it cost 40k per person per year to jail them.. So let's keep spending mountains of money putting non violent offenders in places that make them worse... Totally efficient..

posted on Apr, 9 2015 @ 12:15 AM
The government that can't afford you anymore. How else did you think they were going to use the minority to kill you before you can collect.

posted on Apr, 9 2015 @ 12:24 AM

originally posted by: LOSTinAMERICA
The government that can't afford you anymore. How else did you think they were going to use the minority to kill you before you can collect.

Money's not real. Labour, materials and know how are real. If some aliens showed up and were gonna "day the world stood still" us if we didn't act stop killin each other on a massive scale, swap to renewables and stop polluting like crazy. We would swap to solar in a year.....if cost wasn't an issue, there is almost NOTHING we couldn't accomplish. But we start worshipping the means rather then the end and see what happens.

( I'm gonna throw that senerio out as a thread. See what happens. :p )
edit on 9-4-2015 by Entreri06 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2015 @ 12:31 AM

originally posted by: Entreri06

originally posted by: LOSTinAMERICA
The government that can't afford you anymore. How else did you think they were going to use the minority to kill you before you can collect.

Money's not real. Labour, materials and know how are real. If some aliens showed up and were gonna "day the world stood still" us if we didn't act stop killin each other on a massive scale, swap to renewables and stop polluting like crazy. We would swap to solar in a year.....if cost wasn't an issue, there is almost NOTHING we couldn't accomplish. But we start worshipping the means rather then the end and see what happens.

( I'm gonna throw that senerio out as a thread. See what happens. :p )

It's real enough to send your children to die in a war.

posted on Apr, 9 2015 @ 01:04 AM

originally posted by: LOSTinAMERICA

originally posted by: Entreri06

originally posted by: LOSTinAMERICA
The government that can't afford you anymore. How else did you think they were going to use the minority to kill you before you can collect.

Money's not real. Labour, materials and know how are real. If some aliens showed up and were gonna "day the world stood still" us if we didn't act stop killin each other on a massive scale, swap to renewables and stop polluting like crazy. We would swap to solar in a year.....if cost wasn't an issue, there is almost NOTHING we couldn't accomplish. But we start worshipping the means rather then the end and see what happens.

( I'm gonna throw that senerio out as a thread. See what happens. :p )

It's real enough to send your children to die in a war.

So was every single religion!! Lol

posted on Apr, 9 2015 @ 02:38 AM

originally posted by: Entreri06

originally posted by: FormOfTheLord

Kill racism with fire! Its better to burn out then to fade away! Take it out and beat it like a rug before it festers like a mold.

I think sending racists to the loony bin and have them commited would be the best for everyone including themselves.

Then why not do the same to drug addicts, adulterers, communists and anyone who believes in (religion) the Bronze Age mythes of goat herders????

Everyone has a right to think anything they want. As long as you don't cause harm to others it should be your right....

Plus it cost 40k per person per year to jail them.. So let's keep spending mountains of money putting non violent offenders in places that make them worse... Totally efficient..

No racists dont deserve to have any rights at all, other than the right to burn in hell.

Dont compare them to drug addics, adulterers, communists. However they could use some hehab, community service, and signed onto Bill Gates depopulation agenda. Racists need to be evicted from the planet permenantly.

edit on 9-4-2015 by FormOfTheLord because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2015 @ 08:01 AM
a reply to: Entreri06

You are so very wrong my friend. My story is a very very true one.

You have to remember this was the 1970's, they still spanked kids with paddles in school.

This was the first year the school was integrated, that's how long ago it was.

And yes it is absolutely true! I don't care if you don't believe me, but calling me a liar is something I will not abide.

This really happened to me, personally to me and is quite real.

I WAS kept in a room by "well meaning liberal college students"
without food and water all freakin day
with them badgering me to say I was a racist
and they refused to let any student out of the room
until they said they were racist.
They felt it was their duty to awaken me and
raise my awareness.

Oh yes my friend this really did happen.

Now I challenge you to go back and read my absolutely
swear on the Bible (I am a Christian, of course since you think I am a liar)
true post grandmakdw
and comment with some respect.

Unless your liberalism doesn't allow you to respect
those who disagree with your world view.

posted on Apr, 9 2015 @ 08:54 AM

originally posted by: FormOfTheLord

originally posted by: Entreri06

originally posted by: FormOfTheLord

Kill racism with fire! Its better to burn out then to fade away! Take it out and beat it like a rug before it festers like a mold.

I think sending racists to the loony bin and have them commited would be the best for everyone including themselves.

Then why not do the same to drug addicts, adulterers, communists and anyone who believes in (religion) the Bronze Age mythes of goat herders????

Everyone has a right to think anything they want. As long as you don't cause harm to others it should be your right....

Plus it cost 40k per person per year to jail them.. So let's keep spending mountains of money putting non violent offenders in places that make them worse... Totally efficient..

No racists dont deserve to have any rights at all, other than the right to burn in hell.

Dont compare them to drug addics, adulterers, communists. However they could use some hehab, community service, and signed onto Bill Gates depopulation agenda. Racists need to be evicted from the planet permenantly.

Why does that specific character flaw hold precedence or all the other examples of @$$holery?

posted on Apr, 9 2015 @ 09:01 AM

originally posted by: grandmakdw
a reply to: Entreri06

You are so very wrong my friend. My story is a very very true one.

You have to remember this was the 1970's, they still spanked kids with paddles in school.

This was the first year the school was integrated, that's how long ago it was.

And yes it is absolutely true! I don't care if you don't believe me, but calling me a liar is something I will not abide.

This really happened to me, personally to me and is quite real.

I WAS kept in a room by "well meaning liberal college students"
without food and water all freakin day
with them badgering me to say I was a racist
and they refused to let any student out of the room
until they said they were racist.
They felt it was their duty to awaken me and
raise my awareness.

Oh yes my friend this really did happen.

Now I challenge you to go back and read my absolutely
swear on the Bible (I am a Christian, of course since you think I am a liar)
true post grandmakdw
and comment with some respect.

Unless your liberalism doesn't allow you to respect
those who disagree with your world view.

Yea, I'm sure barely segregated 1970's racist white parents allowed that to happen to there children.... (Not your parents specifically, but you weren't exactly the only child there, were you... Or really weren't you..)

That is the most unrealistic BS I've ever heard. That wouldn't fly today let alone in 1970!!!

Oh and since when does being a Christian stop some one from commiting any crime or lie? It doesn't! You should probubally keep peddeling your lies to conservatives, they will believe anything if you swear your Christian enough. The rest of us use logic...

PS: that's about as respectful as I get twards some one willing to push such illogical falsehoods and propaganda. 1970 really?!?! At the same time as people were protesting intergration, those same people were completely cool with those same schools, holding there kids against there will without food, water or toiletries until they admitted they were dirty, dirty racists!!!

Who not mentally disabled would ever buy such crazy lies?
edit on 9-4-2015 by Entreri06 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2015 @ 12:11 PM

originally posted by: Entreri06

originally posted by: grandmakdw
a reply to: Entreri06

You are so very wrong my friend. My story is a very very true one.

You have to remember this was the 1970's, they still spanked kids with paddles in school.

This was the first year the school was integrated, that's how long ago it was.

And yes it is absolutely true! I don't care if you don't believe me, but calling me a liar is something I will not abide.

This really happened to me, personally to me and is quite real.

I WAS kept in a room by "well meaning liberal college students"
without food and water all freakin day
with them badgering me to say I was a racist
and they refused to let any student out of the room
until they said they were racist.
They felt it was their duty to awaken me and
raise my awareness.

Oh yes my friend this really did happen.

Now I challenge you to go back and read my absolutely
swear on the Bible (I am a Christian, of course since you think I am a liar)
true post grandmakdw
and comment with some respect.

Unless your liberalism doesn't allow you to respect
those who disagree with your world view.

Yea, I'm sure barely segregated 1970's racist white parents allowed that to happen to there children

That is the most unrealistic BS I've ever heard. That wouldn't fly today let alone in 1970!!!


Who not mentally disabled would ever buy such crazy lies?

I repeat, this is not a lie

it is not a falsehood.

You are just unwilling to accept that it really happened.

That's ok that you don't believe me, but I was there,
I know, it happened to me, it was real and no matter
how much you can't fathom it to be true, it was.

In those days parents didn't question the school decisions.
My parents signed no consent forms for this
and she didn't even know it was going to happen.
She didn't find out until later that it happened.

The administration defended their actions as necessary
for the school, since there was so much trouble
between the black and white's due to the integration.

Let me tell you it was an ugly year.
I don't go to my high school reunions and never have
because the local civilian kids were so ugly to each other
and to the military kids who could not understand their hostility.
I want absolutely nothing to do with the kids I went to
high school with, never, ever.

That fall, 1972 I accidentally bumped into a local black girl
in the hall and said I was sorry.
She screamed at me and threatened me. That is how bad things were.

I know you don't believe it, but it's true. In Virginia in fall of 1972 to be exact.

So quit calling me a liar, you are just being rude and disrespectful
to your fellow ATS'ers when you say the horrid awful
terrible things you said about me in your earlier post.

This is my last post to you, it is really for those who read it,
not you, to understand that regardless of what you call me or say,
my stories are real.

And no matter what ugly things you say in reply to this,
my story is real and did happen exactly the way I
reported it.

You probably can't believe it because you have fallen
hook, line and sinker that liberals are the best people on
earth and would never do such things. Your grammar,
spelling and sentence structure also demonstrate
your reasoning and intellectual abilities. So I can
see where you might be inclined to worship
liberalism and not be able to see its faults.

edit on 12Thu, 09 Apr 2015 12:17:07 -0500pm40904pmk094 by grandmakdw because: deletion addition format

posted on Apr, 9 2015 @ 05:19 PM

originally posted by: grandmakdw

originally posted by: Entreri06

originally posted by: grandmakdw
a reply to: Entreri06

You are so very wrong my friend. My story is a very very true one.

You have to remember this was the 1970's, they still spanked kids with paddles in school.

This was the first year the school was integrated, that's how long ago it was.

And yes it is absolutely true! I don't care if you don't believe me, but calling me a liar is something I will not abide.

This really happened to me, personally to me and is quite real.

I WAS kept in a room by "well meaning liberal college students"
without food and water all freakin day
with them badgering me to say I was a racist
and they refused to let any student out of the room
until they said they were racist.
They felt it was their duty to awaken me and
raise my awareness.

Oh yes my friend this really did happen.

Now I challenge you to go back and read my absolutely
swear on the Bible (I am a Christian, of course since you think I am a liar)
true post grandmakdw
and comment with some respect.

Unless your liberalism doesn't allow you to respect
those who disagree with your world view.

Yea, I'm sure barely segregated 1970's racist white parents allowed that to happen to there children

That is the most unrealistic BS I've ever heard. That wouldn't fly today let alone in 1970!!!


Who not mentally disabled would ever buy such crazy lies?

I repeat, this is not a lie

it is not a falsehood.

You are just unwilling to accept that it really happened.

That's ok that you don't believe me, but I was there,
I know, it happened to me, it was real and no matter
how much you can't fathom it to be true, it was.

In those days parents didn't question the school decisions.
My parents signed no consent forms for this
and she didn't even know it was going to happen.
She didn't find out until later that it happened.

The administration defended their actions as necessary
for the school, since there was so much trouble
between the black and white's due to the integration.

Let me tell you it was an ugly year.
I don't go to my high school reunions and never have
because the local civilian kids were so ugly to each other
and to the military kids who could not understand their hostility.
I want absolutely nothing to do with the kids I went to
high school with, never, ever.

That fall, 1972 I accidentally bumped into a local black girl
in the hall and said I was sorry.
She screamed at me and threatened me. That is how bad things were.

I know you don't believe it, but it's true. In Virginia in fall of 1972 to be exact.

So quit calling me a liar, you are just being rude and disrespectful
to your fellow ATS'ers when you say the horrid awful
terrible things you said about me in your earlier post.

This is my last post to you, it is really for those who read it,
not you, to understand that regardless of what you call me or say,
my stories are real.

And no matter what ugly things you say in reply to this,
my story is real and did happen exactly the way I
reported it.

You probably can't believe it because you have fallen
hook, line and sinker that liberals are the best people on
earth and would never do such things. Your grammar,
spelling and sentence structure also demonstrate
your reasoning and intellectual abilities. So I can
see where you might be inclined to worship
liberalism and not be able to see its faults.

Yes, the same parents who were protesting and cross burning over intergration " didn't question the schools decisions".... No one that hasn't been completely brainwashed be the conservative media would ever buy this.

In 1970, in a public high school, the kids were held against there will with no food water or toiletries until they were all forced to admit they were secretly racist.. That's what's known as a Felony in the real world...

posted on Apr, 9 2015 @ 07:04 PM
a reply to: Entreri06

First, i dispute the premise that being a racist is generally perceived as worse than being a child abuser, or most of the other things in that list.
As a stand up comic, I could get a laugh for prison skinheads by pitting them against a child abuser.
I am less confident that I could get a laugh for a child abuser by pitting him against a racist child.

Second I dispute that racism is viewed to be as incurable as molestation. There are stories of people who put hatred behind them and these stories tend to be celebrated. They can make a movie like American History X, but not even Roman Polanski won't do the same kind of treatment for the story of a sexual predator.

But there is one point where I'll take the question as you put it forward, and that's the comparison of racism and murder. There are several ways in which an unapologetic racist next door could feel equally threatening to someone's safety as a convicted murderer living next door.

1. The most direct connection between the racist and the murderer is that we know they place a lower than normal value on the lives of at least some people. Neither the racist or the murderer may ever put themselves in a position to apply those values to a decision that affects our lives for all we know- maybe they will mind their own. But we can do the math on what would happen if for some reason they couldn't mind their own and it makes sense to be wary of that.

2. There are no individual racists, therefore there are no non-violent racists. You don't get to judge people en masse then set yourself apart from your own group and ask to be judged only for what you have done. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure that your non-violence makes you a credit to your racists, but the fact that you excel among racists at being non violent only proves that as a rule racists just aren't as non-violent as the more civilized groups among us.

3. Besides moral culpability for the actions of other racists, there is also the material support one provides to a movement simply by associating with it. How do you feel about non-violent advocates of sharia law? Suppose that ISIS doubled in size but all of the new members were non-violent... would you be safer or less safe?

The whole problem with racists is mob violence. It's not that they are individually bloodthirsty. You've got 99 people who THINK they would not spill blood over race, and 1 insignificant little man who wishes he were powerful enough to spill blood for any reason at all, but knows he can't on his own. 99 people come to his side and say, "we're with him" and that encourages him to attack someone. His attack itself is insignificant, but it must be weathered with perfect dignity, because of what a mob is. They think they will not attack, but they attack and will not think if the insignificant man can provoke his victim either to run or to fight. One must extract himself with great care and dignity if he finds himself at the center of such a mob- he must shrink away without challenging the crowd but without inviting it to continue hounding him either.

So to be a non-violent racist means that when push comes to shove you will demand a surrender before resorting to violence, nothing more.

posted on Apr, 9 2015 @ 07:37 PM

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