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Who decided being a Racist was Worse Then.....

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posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 08:30 AM

originally posted by: 3n19m470
a reply to: FormOfTheLord

Really? So what you're saying is, a man who goes his whole life without ever lifting a finger in violence against another person, but thinks certain thoughts in his mind that you do not agree with, this person is just as bad as a man who spends his whole life climbing into the window of little girls bedrooms at night to molest them scarring them mentally and emotionally for life?

Not to mention, you believe in ThoughtCrimes? Like in the book 1984? If you had a magic machine that you could hold up to someone's head to see if theyve had any racist thoughts, would you think it would be the right thing to do, to charge them with a crime as serious as rape and or child rape/molestation on the spot?

Yep thats right they deserve no better than the rest of foulest scum of the earth because thats what they are, scum.

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 08:33 AM
a reply to: Entreri06

OK now I am belligerent angry with anyone even slightly off white including myself!!

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 08:34 AM
a reply to: ItsNeverTheRightTime

If they kept their effed up thoughts to themselves, and took out all their enmity on their own kind, we wouldn't know there was a racist problem. That's far from the case though, and some racists are emboldened enough to think they can spout their crap in public and not be called on it, or not even care if they are.

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 08:37 AM
It's really very amazing the lengths to which some white people will go to downplay the life ruining, bodily and psychologically harmful effects institutional, structural racism has on the lives of people of colour. Like really. Grow up and realise that racism is more than having a bad opinion of people of colour. Understand that people's lives are very negatively impacted and sometimes literally ruined because of the racism and inequality that inlaid and and DYED into the fabric and structure of this society.

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 08:40 AM
a reply to: Entreri06

A simple tenth or eleventh grade social studies class will tell you it was white Western imperialism and the rise of social darwinism.
edit on 16/3/2015 by TheLiesOfEden because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 08:42 AM
a reply to: Shiloh7

Well, for a start and with the greatest respect, there is no nation on the face of the world, in which EVERY "native" person is employed, certainly not any western nation.

In fact, this is a point upon which the ability of the few at the top to earn vast amounts of money while leaving those who do the actual physical work behind, hinges. Further to that, it is important to note, that if our governments departments were not being fleeced by private companies, to the tune of tens of billions of pounds, over charging by three hundred percent plus, for everything from land management to copier paper, then the cost of immigration would be laughed off, alongside many other concerns we currently have. You see, the buildings that HMRC operate from, are not, in the main, owned by HMRC. They are instead owned by a company which does its banking offshore, and rips off the government twice. It over charges for all goods and services it supplies, and does not pay a proper amount of tax.

This is only possible because when the contracts were developed for these deals, the government either had its eyes shut, or were complicit in their creation, knowing full well the effect it would have down the line. These contracts would cost more in legal fees to terminate, than they will to complete, but the fact remains that more than unemployment, and more than any other factor affecting our economy, this is a problem which is serious, and virtually undiscussed by the media.

Think about what those tens of billions in essentially stolen money represent. We have had cuts to public service positions, police forces, ambulance services, nursing, cuts, cuts, cuts, cuts. Those have been NOTHING to do with immigration, nothing to do with the unemployed, or any benefit related matter what so ever. They have been a direct result of only two driver factors worth considering, those being the matter I mention above, and the banking crisis (which we would have been far better able to deal with, if we were not being ripped off by the already rich owners of these outrageous mercenary companies). These factors are what prevents the government from delivering services properly, from employing the correct amount of people to perform the required tasks that are its responsibility to undertake, and from allowing migration to adversely effect "native" populations.

And while we are on the subject, there is a very big difference between someone who is concerned with their ability to get work, and someone who HATES a person, based on their faith, creed, or colour. The two things are separate, not alike, not synonymous with one another. There IS a legitimate reason to be concerned about ones ability to get work, but the real problem is the availability of work, or lack thereof, NOT the origin of the people who might jostle for the same position one might apply for. The lack of work available to people at the moment, is FAR more related to the fact that our governments departments are being effectively robbed, and so are we, than it ever does to do with hundreds of thousands of extra mouths to feed.

No matter which way this issue gets sliced, going after the poor, or the foreign, before we go after the bastards and theives at the top, is a backward way to approach these issues, and will avail us of nothing as a nation, other than constant division and hate, and this I cannot, will not tolerate.

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 08:42 AM

originally posted by: TrueBrit
There ARE worse things than being a racist, in the here and now. But there are few things that prove as harmful in the fullness of time, as racism itself.

Ooh! I really like that! Very true!

originally posted by: IvanAstikov
As the saying goes, you can't reason somebody out of a position they never used reason to get to in the first place.

Another great response!
Some great replies in this thread.

a reply to: TheLiesOfEden

Very well-said!

I see while some of us are being "led" by the media, it's heartening to know that others are forming their own opinions and REALLY thinking critically about this topic, instead of just getting mad because race is in the news these days...

Makes me proud to be an ATS member!

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 08:50 AM

originally posted by: Entreri06

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: 5thNovember
Society bro. Look at the news. It's not hard to see you have to have blinders on to not see that. bet you a neighbor with a white pride ttattoo will make news before a rapist moving into the neighborhood does.

How so, aren't sex offenders often forced to register?

I've known people with white pride tatto's that never made the news.

You could be fired from your job and shunned by your community. If a CEO makes racist statements it's news worthy. If the same guy beats his kids. No one cares.

Can you give examples of that? If a CEO makes racist statements of course it's newsworthy as it belittles any of their staff who belong to the race they have made the comments about, plus the company's customers and potential customers. Lawsuits may be raised, company shares may suffer and the CEO may well find themselves looking forward to either immediate severance, or an early retirement as the company engages in damage limitation.

If they are proved to have beat their kids - proved mind - then you would assume they would be sentenced for criminal assault and if the prosecution is proven they would more than likely serve time and equally as likely they would lose their job. The company would have less need for damage limitation, but may want to affirm that it finds such behaviour is not something they will tolerate from an employee.

You are just trying to justify racism really aren't you?

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 09:01 AM
Because it requires no hard evidence to make stick - only hearsay.
Convenient method for destroying anyone they want.
No proof required!!

If one truly believes in freedom they must also be willing to accept that some people will not like others for whatever reasons. Our thoughts and feelings are our own and the current movement tries to shame and denigrate anyone for what they think or feel. As humans we hopefully evolve as we age, a process which is best left to the person affected. We cannot force people to feel or not feel certain ways about others. It is a constant flow of change with the person that, with a good heart will arrive at the conclusion of love.

Thought crimes, hate crimes and other such nonsense are vain attempts to read the hearts and minds of others, something far beyond the power of mere men to ascertain. Trying to enforce same is to blindly swing a bat in a crowd knowing you will eventually hit a criminal.

Long story short; you cannot force people to not be racist.
edit on 16-3-2015 by Asktheanimals because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 09:51 AM

originally posted by: mazzroth
Racism is all about pointing the finger at "Whitey" and laying blame, if I went to Court and laid charges on someone of non white colour with racism it would get laughed out of there. So were is the fairness here ? racism is a word that means accusing a "White" of racial bigotry, the reverse is ok and condoned by the system.

You have a point.

I was in a high school the first year it was integrated.

This is the true story of my first hand exposure to real (not imagined) racism.

I was a military brat and had grown up in integrated schools all my life and when we moved and I was sent to this freshly integrated high school, I thought all the local kids were nuts, they were so mean to each other.

There was a black young man I admired in my English class, I asked him to go to the park with me so we could discuss poetry, he wrote beautiful poetry. I suggested we ride our bikes to the park. He said he couldn't because he would be beat up by the local kids and that we really shouldn't even talk outside of class, it wasn't safe. That was the environment of the school and I was completely naive to it.

Then the local college sent students in to teach us all how to get along.

They out and out told us that only white people could be racist,
that the oppressed minorities were incapable of being racist
because they were oppressed
and only the oppressor (me) was capable of being racist.

I was literally locked in a room with other white kids
and we were lectured about how racist we were.

Then we each had to admit we were racist to be let out of the room,
and were badgered non-stop to say we were racist.

I refused because I grew up integrated
and would not accept their premise.

I was kept in the room with no food or water
and not allowed out (even to use the restroom)
until the final bell rang for the end of the day,
..........because I would not say I was a racist.

This is a 100% true story.
The mixed race group of liberal college kids
.................literally held me captive
until the last minute trying to force me to say I was racist.

This experience helped to turn me into the conservative I am today.

I'm sure the liberal college kids managed to turn quite a few white kids into racists that day,

kids who had never before even thought about it
(the other military kids in the room, who had grown up like I did).
They badgered us and badgered us over and over and over
until we either said we were racist or until they were forced to let us go at the end of the day.

This happened in Prince George County, Virginia in the very early 1970's.

edit on 10Mon, 16 Mar 2015 10:23:08 -0500am31603amk161 by grandmakdw because: addition format

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 10:04 AM

originally posted by: TheLiesOfEden
a reply to: Entreri06

A simple tenth or eleventh grade social studies class will tell you it was white Western imperialism and the rise of social darwinism.

Yes that is what we teach our children today. You are quite correct in that one!

Perhaps we should also do what was done to me in the 1970's by a group of college kids
who were sent in to raise awareness of racism
and to help children understand the racist within
to combat racism.

Read my post above this one.

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 10:13 AM

originally posted by: ItsNeverTheRightTime

originally posted by: CharlieSpeirs
My dad cheated, split from my mum from an early age, didn't really see him too often...

& yet I still respect him more than I would if he'd stuck around to indoctrinate me with hatred and a superiority complex towards another race...

That just sounds... stupid.

originally posted by: FormOfTheLord
Racists are the scum of the earth period.

Yeah, because we'd rather want a pedophile living next door right?

I don't understand racism, I've experienced it on numerous occasions seeing my wife isn't white. But I'd rather have those people live next door than rapists or pedo's. And in all honesty, racists aren't a big deal to me. So what if they don't like the color of my skin? My wife's skin? The minute they cross the line between thinking their hate and acting on it is the minute I'll have a problem. But as long as they keep to themselves, I could care less about who is racist.

I come from a liberal family with a liberal upbringing. But that doesn't mean I'm going to go on reactionary feelings or react knee-jerkingly to buzzwords.

People seriously need to get a grip!

I'm going to say something racist here, so please fasten your seat belts.

I have lived all over the world, 5 years in Asia, 6 years in Europe.

People have asked me who I liked better, Asians or Germans.

I always said Asians, because

Asians are always polite to you
They may say awful things about you when you are not around
And I have been assured they do
But they are always nice to your face, polite, well mannered
and generally quite pleasant to be around.

Germans on the other hand will come right out
and say horrid things to your face.
On numerous occasions I was scolded about how I
dressed my children, or the stroller I choose to use
or any number of things, by total strangers on the street.
Yes, they were less likely to say bad things about me behind
my back, but they felt quite free to be rude and mean to my face.

I prefer to live with people who let others live in peace and
treat others with respect and dignity
To me how they feel in private is not important and quite frankly
not my business.
But how they treat me in person is important to me
and treating others respectfully is the sign of a civilized person.

So in my opinion, the real problems in society are the people
who ACT upon their thoughts and feel they have a right
to chastise others publicly or ridicule others publicly
for any reason (skin color, political affiliation, etc.)

What people think is meaningless to society,
unless they act upon it.

So trying to ascertain someone's thought process is impossible.
It is simply an exercise in projection of ones own prejudices
We can only go on their actions and can not assume thought processes.

edit on 10Mon, 16 Mar 2015 10:25:08 -0500am31603amk161 by grandmakdw because: addition

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 10:35 AM
a reply to: Entreri06

There's actually not any such thing as non-violent racism. Violence isn't always physical. Racism can be non-physically violent through apathy toward oppression of those you deem lesser or abhorrent.

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 11:04 AM

originally posted by: Benevolent Heretic

originally posted by: Grimpachi
So, because I don't watch cable news and let them get me worked up over irrelevant crap at their whim you say I am sticking my head in the sand.

Exactly! Don't you know we're supposed to listen to cable news as if they have a leash wrapped around our necks and have our opinions swayed by them? We're SUPPOSED to get worked up over what they choose to show us (cable AND internet)... and if you're not, you're not going along with "the program"!

Get with "the program", Grim! Or else you'll end up forming your own opinions on issues and we can't have that!

You can bet I know what's going on in the world, because I DO watch cable news and I DO search the Internet, but I would NEVER be compliant enough to buy most of the crap they're trying to sell me. If a person does that, they are doing WORSE than sticking their head in the sand. They are following "the program"...

It's ridiculous to suggest that one's racist feelings are worse than physically harming or killing another human being! Think about it. Is being racist against the law? No. Beating your wife, abusing children or murder? Absolutely! Why the OP even suggests that being racist is worse just shows that he/she is being guided by the media... So sad...

(I strongly believe this is a race baiting thread...)

Huh? Guided by the media?!? Tho the media does make my point for me. I think society as a whole puts way too much thought and effort into victimless crimes and what people choose to believe. Your actions should be paramount. Nothing else.

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 11:18 AM

originally posted by: IvanAstikov
a reply to: ItsNeverTheRightTime

If they kept their effed up thoughts to themselves, and took out all their enmity on their own kind, we wouldn't know there was a racist problem. That's far from the case though, and some racists are emboldened enough to think they can spout their crap in public and not be called on it, or not even care if they are.

I actually disagree. I think about 90% of the things we think of as racist arnt really racist.

Take the GOP attempts to stop blacks from voting. At first glance you would think it was because they are racist. When in fact race has zero to do with it. They just know African Americans won't vote for them. It has nothing to do with the GOP thinking blacks are substandard. It's a political stratagy. A horrible and should be illegal stratagy, but not a racist one.

Same with police shootings. It's because of a bunch of power tripping , bully cops with crap training. Not a war on blacks by cops. More unarmed whites die by cop every year but that's instead of focusing on fixing the police force, we are trying some imaginary race war where cops are assassins for the "white man". A concept that's fake by any standard, since there are no races. Only tribes. We are all so mixed raced anyway the thought is ridiculous.

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 11:21 AM

originally posted by: Kali74
a reply to: Entreri06

There's actually not any such thing as non-violent racism. Violence isn't always physical. Racism can be non-physically violent through apathy toward oppression of those you deem lesser or abhorrent.

Violence by definition is physical.... There is no "emotionally violent" lol! Feelings should be irrelevant.

Hell we all personally know nonviolent racists. We call most of them grand mother lol!

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 11:22 AM

originally posted by: grandmakdw

originally posted by: ItsNeverTheRightTime

originally posted by: CharlieSpeirs
My dad cheated, split from my mum from an early age, didn't really see him too often...

& yet I still respect him more than I would if he'd stuck around to indoctrinate me with hatred and a superiority complex towards another race...

That just sounds... stupid.

originally posted by: FormOfTheLord
Racists are the scum of the earth period.

Yeah, because we'd rather want a pedophile living next door right?

I don't understand racism, I've experienced it on numerous occasions seeing my wife isn't white. But I'd rather have those people live next door than rapists or pedo's. And in all honesty, racists aren't a big deal to me. So what if they don't like the color of my skin? My wife's skin? The minute they cross the line between thinking their hate and acting on it is the minute I'll have a problem. But as long as they keep to themselves, I could care less about who is racist.

I come from a liberal family with a liberal upbringing. But that doesn't mean I'm going to go on reactionary feelings or react knee-jerkingly to buzzwords.

People seriously need to get a grip!

I'm going to say something racist here, so please fasten your seat belts.

I have lived all over the world, 5 years in Asia, 6 years in Europe.

People have asked me who I liked better, Asians or Germans.

I always said Asians, because

Asians are always polite to you
They may say awful things about you when you are not around
And I have been assured they do
But they are always nice to your face, polite, well mannered
and generally quite pleasant to be around.

Germans on the other hand will come right out
and say horrid things to your face.
On numerous occasions I was scolded about how I
dressed my children, or the stroller I choose to use
or any number of things, by total strangers on the street.
Yes, they were less likely to say bad things about me behind
my back, but they felt quite free to be rude and mean to my face.

I prefer to live with people who let others live in peace and
treat others with respect and dignity
To me how they feel in private is not important and quite frankly
not my business.
But how they treat me in person is important to me
and treating others respectfully is the sign of a civilized person.

So in my opinion, the real problems in society are the people
who ACT upon their thoughts and feel they have a right
to chastise others publicly or ridicule others publicly
for any reason (skin color, political affiliation, etc.)

What people think is meaningless to society,
unless they act upon it.

So trying to ascertain someone's thought process is impossible.
It is simply an exercise in projection of ones own prejudices
We can only go on their actions and can not assume thought processes.


posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 11:29 AM
I resent being called a racist because I prefer people that look like me as friends

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 11:33 AM

originally posted by: grandmakdw

originally posted by: mazzroth
Racism is all about pointing the finger at "Whitey" and laying blame, if I went to Court and laid charges on someone of non white colour with racism it would get laughed out of there. So were is the fairness here ? racism is a word that means accusing a "White" of racial bigotry, the reverse is ok and condoned by the system.

You have a point.

I was in a high school the first year it was integrated.

This is the true story of my first hand exposure to real (not imagined) racism.

I was a military brat and had grown up in integrated schools all my life and when we moved and I was sent to this freshly integrated high school, I thought all the local kids were nuts, they were so mean to each other.

There was a black young man I admired in my English class, I asked him to go to the park with me so we could discuss poetry, he wrote beautiful poetry. I suggested we ride our bikes to the park. He said he couldn't because he would be beat up by the local kids and that we really shouldn't even talk outside of class, it wasn't safe. That was the environment of the school and I was completely naive to it.

Then the local college sent students in to teach us all how to get along.

They out and out told us that only white people could be racist,
that the oppressed minorities were incapable of being racist
because they were oppressed
and only the oppressor (me) was capable of being racist.

I was literally locked in a room with other white kids
and we were lectured about how racist we were.

Then we each had to admit we were racist to be let out of the room,
and were badgered non-stop to say we were racist.

I refused because I grew up integrated
and would not accept their premise.

I was kept in the room with no food or water
and not allowed out (even to use the restroom)
until the final bell rang for the end of the day,
..........because I would not say I was a racist.

This is a 100% true story.
The mixed race group of liberal college kids
.................literally held me captive
until the last minute trying to force me to say I was racist.

This experience helped to turn me into the conservative I am today.

I'm sure the liberal college kids managed to turn quite a few white kids into racists that day,

kids who had never before even thought about it
(the other military kids in the room, who had grown up like I did).
They badgered us and badgered us over and over and over
until we either said we were racist or until they were forced to let us go at the end of the day.

This happened in Prince George County, Virginia in the very early 1970's.

I think it's sad that some one whould claim only whites can be racist. Now because of Americas history the percent of minorities who think of whites as inferior to there own race is almost zero. It still wouldn't take away the ability for a minority to have that position.

That said, until the last couple generations, every white kid was taught they were inherently superior to all other races. While every black kid was taught they were inferior. Which explains why there are so few black racists per capita.

You would really have to put most of the "white devil" types in the conspiracy theory catagory not really the racist one. Since it's not that whites are inferior, just out to get them.

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 11:34 AM

originally posted by: acackohfcc
I resent being called a racist because I prefer people that look like me as friends

Well that is pretty racist... Lol

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