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Who decided being a Racist was Worse Then.....

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posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 12:03 AM

originally posted by: Entreri06
You could be fired from your job and shunned by your community.

That isn't making the news.

If a CEO makes racist statements it's news worthy. If the same guy beats his kids. No one cares.

Plain old hyperbole.

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 12:09 AM

originally posted by: DYepes
my mom is a rather ignorant racist. She is a very lovely mother, but it was not hard for me to see by middle school how ignorant of a racist she was. Funny she likes to accuse an entire people based on their skin color who she never even socializes with of rampant criminal behavior, but the only two times my mother was a victim of a crime was by light skinned Americans.

Rather funny. I actually have friends who are rather racist, they are light skinned Americans of European ancestry. I dont hate them because they are racist. In fact their ignorance is rather entertaining even as I point it out to them. And the funny truth, many racists actually have really good friends that are of the race they claim the harbor ill will towards. Such is life.

I wont refuse to chill with a person if they are racist, but I would hardly take anything they say seriously.

I think I may actually be coming around to bringing my mother to the light, but she is a stubborn lady I tell you.

See racism should and really is defined as thinking one or all other races are inferior to yours. Which almost none actually do. You could say some thing racist or have a racist view on an issue without really being a racist. It's easy to be decieved by the crazy right wing media.

Kinda like with drugs or alchohal. It shouldn't matter that you were high/drunk when you killed some one. It should matter you killed some one.

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 12:17 AM
The same people who decide the price of oil and the same people who can convince you to drink bottled spring water.......the real problem is us and our willingness to just linger.

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 12:25 AM
The only explanation that comes to mind when I try to understand racism is, it must be a form of mental illness with ignorance and stupidity mixed in. Hating someone based on just the shade of their skin when you really think about it is really ludicrous .

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 12:43 AM

originally posted by: Stylez1
The only explanation that comes to mind when I try to understand racism is, it must be a form of mental illness with ignorance and stupidity mixed in. Hating someone based on just the shade of their skin when you really think about it is really ludicrous .
Might have been an evolutionary advantage at one time. Just part of our tribal nature.

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 01:23 AM
a reply to: 5thNovember

That said who ever decided that being a racist was the worst thing you could be?

You tell me. Who did?

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 01:27 AM
a reply to: daskakik

Plain old hyperbole.

Would have made an excellent title for this thread too.

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 01:51 AM
a reply to: Entreri06
If some grand wizard of the kkk teaches his kids to hate I think that is just as damaging as if he beat his wife and abuses his kids. Another example is the kids of the Westboro church they teach them to hate. It is just another form of abuse but not as noticeable. If you want to know how racist people are go in the rant section of Craigslist. It's pretty bad in my area but it shows underlying racism.

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 02:42 AM
Racists are the scum of the earth period.

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 03:03 AM

originally posted by: CharlieSpeirs
My dad cheated, split from my mum from an early age, didn't really see him too often...

& yet I still respect him more than I would if he'd stuck around to indoctrinate me with hatred and a superiority complex towards another race...

That just sounds... stupid.

originally posted by: FormOfTheLord
Racists are the scum of the earth period.

Yeah, because we'd rather want a pedophile living next door right?

I don't understand racism, I've experienced it on numerous occasions seeing my wife isn't white. But I'd rather have those people live next door than rapists or pedo's. And in all honesty, racists aren't a big deal to me. So what if they don't like the color of my skin? My wife's skin? The minute they cross the line between thinking their hate and acting on it is the minute I'll have a problem. But as long as they keep to themselves, I could care less about who is racist.

I come from a liberal family with a liberal upbringing. But that doesn't mean I'm going to go on reactionary feelings or react knee-jerkingly to buzzwords.

People seriously need to get a grip!

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 03:16 AM
a reply to: Entreri06

While I understand your reasoning, and agree with it to an extent, I also understand what it is about racists that makes people want to vomit acid into someone's face, while repeatedly gut punching them.

You see, racism by its very definition, hurts people. Those who carry racist views live their lives in ways that are harmful to persons whose ethnicity diverges from that of the racist. It does not matter that all they might do is avoid a part of town, or ramp up tensions by shooting their mouths off, and spouting their ignorant doggerel into the air all over the place, or flying Nazi flags from their flag poles... These people do harm by operating their preferred world view, and accepting hate as their defining word. This necessarily affects those around them. Whether that be an effect on their own children, raising generations of poorly educated, indoctrinated bigots, and thereby ruining the lives of their own offspring, or an affect on those who are the target of their hate, the effects are substantial.

They also fail entirely to learn from what has come before, in that they do not understand, despite the huge amount of unquestionable evidence before us, that being a racist, xenophobic bigot is harmful, foolish, and shows a lack of understanding of the real world, and what is going on in it. They fail to understand that all the free peoples of the world, have a common enemy, that whether one is black, white, Jewish, Christian, or Muslim, we have common enemies in the shape of those who broker power and prestige at a level which surpasses government, law, order, and operate outside and throughout those things.

Racists also fail to understand that their entire worldview contributes to the species being held back from progress, and by that I do not mean the kind of progress that sees quaint villages destroyed by out of town stores, or an influx of tourists. What I am talking about here, is the continuation of a mindset that just by existing, prevents the optimum flow of progress between people and cultures, a flow which should by rights involve more communication and better understanding, not less, as time progresses. It is progress of that sort, which will render unto the human species as a whole, the progress that we need. Because you see, we have a destiny of sorts, as a unified entity, known collectively as the human race, one which we need only reach up to grasp. That destiny, I believe, is to learn to travel the stars, to move amongst them with as much aplomb, or more, than navies currently ply the routes around our planets oceans.

This goal is attainable, I believe. But with people too busy hating people, who for all but some pigment or a different religious background, are more alike than they are different, whose needs are almost identical, whose sorrows are recognisable, with people hating foolishly and blinded to the common features that make all humanity kin to other humans, that destiny, attaining that point in human experience and exploration, gets pushed back, or made less likely.

You see, that destiny I mentioned is but one path along which the flow of history may take us. If hatred and intolerance continue to flourish without being countered, if these cancerous thought models are allowed to be bought along for the ride to the future, then that destiny I spoke of will either not come to pass at all, or it will be bad for us all when it does. I can think of no worse thing for the human race to do, than to get out into the universe before we learn to conquer our own hatred. For all that we are capable of great love and humility, our species is also capable of monstrous acts of barbarity, depravity beyond measure. We must ensure that the parts of our psyche as a collective whole, which are bought with us as we march forward into the future, are the parts which have served us best, and made our lives more fulfilling.

Hatred fulfils no one. It consumes people, from the inside out, and sometimes from the outside in. Hatred does not bring people together in peace, but divides them by violence, even when hatred is passive. It is baggage which should have been left behind with the gutted remains of the last Reich, and to carry it in ones heart so blindly as people do, is an offence not just against one minority, or all minorities, but against the human species as a whole, and our children, and our children's children, and against the future they will inhabit.

There ARE worse things than being a racist, in the here and now. But there are few things that prove as harmful in the fullness of time, as racism itself.

edit on 16-3-2015 by TrueBrit because: Grammatical error removed.

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 03:18 AM

originally posted by: ItsNeverTheRightTime

originally posted by: CharlieSpeirs
My dad cheated, split from my mum from an early age, didn't really see him too often...

& yet I still respect him more than I would if he'd stuck around to indoctrinate me with hatred and a superiority complex towards another race...

That just sounds... stupid.

originally posted by: FormOfTheLord
Racists are the scum of the earth period.

Yeah, because we'd rather want a pedophile living next door right?

I don't understand racism, I've experienced it on numerous occasions seeing my wife isn't white. But I'd rather have those people live next door than rapists or pedo's. And in all honesty, racists aren't a big deal to me. So what if they don't like the color of my skin? My wife's skin? The minute they cross the line between thinking their hate and acting on it is the minute I'll have a problem. But as long as they keep to themselves, I could care less about who is racist.

I come from a liberal family with a liberal upbringing. But that doesn't mean I'm going to go on reactionary feelings or react knee-jerkingly to buzzwords.

People seriously need to get a grip!

Racists are just as bad in my opinion they need to be sent to the same hell pedos and rapists go to they deserve no better.
edit on 16-3-2015 by FormOfTheLord because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 05:06 AM
a reply to: Entreri06

Well time some honesty camne into this equation that has been forced throughout our schools and espcially our universities - which makes it political brainwashing as opposed to something that people can make a personal choice about.

I actually hate racism in the context that one should be able to choose the right friend, work applicant etc etc regardless of skin and race. However I draw the line hard on being swamped by foreigners with precious little in common with my culture flooding into this country as they think they have a right to do so.

I also am highly suspicious about what appears to be a deliberate conspiracy to dilute my culture into some sort of soup. Yep every culture needs new blood but having people flood your health system, education system, housing stock whilst your government makes you, as tax payers all your lives here, face cut to the services you have already paid but are suddenly too expensive thereby getting snatched away is not acceptable when you realise that: one, even ex menbers of parlaiment exploit cheap foreign labour to make them more profit in their farming exploits as with Labour's John two jags, but worse for me is two - where the governbment won't put in the infrastructure to accommodate these extra people and ensure they integrate instead of merely creating a little home from home with laws and ideas that are completely non British especially when it comes to the status of women.

I did hate hearing the sadness of the people in the detention centres but in all honestly do you have to come to a small island that is packed to capacity when there are other countries with considerable more land space to allow the expansion that the UK does not physically have? Go compare the size of France, Germany USA etc etc

I know a number of you won't agree with me but I do believe we're all entitled to our opinions and the freedom to say what they are - perhaps its time for more honesty as many of our political decissions are made by liberal leftists who are so far up the ivory tower they don't live with the public on whom their decisions are inflicted on and no idea of the stresses and strains their policies actually create. Also a side note in that Syria needs the world's attention and effort in order to get her people back home and safe again. Investment there would be of benefit to people and get their damn lights back on and their infrastructure and security rebuilt - at least the USA is thinking of talking to ASSAD now that they have not been able to destroy the man his people obviously back.

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 05:18 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

Whereby I see your view and the principals you talk about I just think the practicalities of mass immigration without an economy that can employ each and every one of its workers is purely asking for trouble. You have to face up to the fact that with the last mass of Bangladeshi's immigrants (and we face yet another mass wave if the papers are to be believed) 35% are unemployed which means they are claiming benefit without putting a penny in the pot. Don't you see people have a right to be adsked if they want to pay for people who have literally gatecrashed their country?

You have to have the infrastructure to take these huge numbers of people and we don't in fact if you ignore our economy - and I don't believe a word osborne and cameron spout - simply look at France with its million s+ immigrants - they are on the brink of their economy nose diving and then you will see the French attitude come for the fore - those people know how to protest and heaven help them all. If it goes rogue you will see civil war - we experienced that and it never ends well.

Its fashionable to shut people up by the politicians who made this mess and who have covered their asses by making laws against racism but in truth its something that has to be faced honestly and practically and are we really truthfully saying we can take everyone who wants to come here and remain a viable couintry with a thriving economy? I can't see it. IMHO

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 05:26 AM
a reply to: FormOfTheLord

Really? So what you're saying is, a man who goes his whole life without ever lifting a finger in violence against another person, but thinks certain thoughts in his mind that you do not agree with, this person is just as bad as a man who spends his whole life climbing into the window of little girls bedrooms at night to molest them scarring them mentally and emotionally for life?

Not to mention, you believe in ThoughtCrimes? Like in the book 1984? If you had a magic machine that you could hold up to someone's head to see if theyve had any racist thoughts, would you think it would be the right thing to do, to charge them with a crime as serious as rape and or child rape/molestation on the spot?

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 05:28 AM
a reply to: 3n19m470

Well put as its absolutely on the nail.
edit on 16-3-2015 by Shiloh7 because: forgot to finish the post sorry.

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 05:37 AM
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

As the saying goes, you can't reason somebody out of a position they never used reason to get to in the first place.

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 05:39 AM
a reply to: Shiloh7

There is a sharp and huge divide between actually really disliking someone purely because they are a foreigner and actually disliking someone you really don't like who is of your same race. That's a point that is being missed here. People have a chemistry with some and not others which laws can't change - I loathe cameron, osborne and blair - absolutely loathe them I have that right but who says I can't operate it on someone from abroad? (actually I suspect all three are Scots - Shiloh dashes from the scene.

Watever ide of the discussion one is on you can't get away from the fact that the majority of us have friends who have settled here in the past and fully integrated into this country. Sure they have kept their religions and many characterits etc and we all celebrate their different special days together as they do ours but today we are doing too much immediately without the tools to deal with it adequately.

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 05:42 AM
a reply to: Shiloh7

35% are unemployed which means they are claiming benefit without putting a penny in the pot.

If the system is currently being shaped so that even white as white, born and bred UK residents are put off claiming benefits because of the strictness of the qualifying conditions, I don't see how wet behind the ears Bangladeshis are going to cope any better.

edit on 16-3-2015 by IvanAstikov because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 08:27 AM

originally posted by: Grimpachi
So, because I don't watch cable news and let them get me worked up over irrelevant crap at their whim you say I am sticking my head in the sand.

Exactly! Don't you know we're supposed to listen to cable news as if they have a leash wrapped around our necks and have our opinions swayed by them? We're SUPPOSED to get worked up over what they choose to show us (cable AND internet)... and if you're not, you're not going along with "the program"!

Get with "the program", Grim! Or else you'll end up forming your own opinions on issues and we can't have that!

You can bet I know what's going on in the world, because I DO watch cable news and I DO search the Internet, but I would NEVER be compliant enough to buy most of the crap they're trying to sell me. If a person does that, they are doing WORSE than sticking their head in the sand. They are following "the program"...

It's ridiculous to suggest that one's racist feelings are worse than physically harming or killing another human being! Think about it. Is being racist against the law? No. Beating your wife, abusing children or murder? Absolutely! Why the OP even suggests that being racist is worse just shows that he/she is being guided by the media... So sad...

(I strongly believe this is a race baiting thread...)
edit on 3/16/2015 by Benevolent Heretic because: (no reason given)

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