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Quotes From Prominent Officials Implying An Extraterrestrial Presence On Earth

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posted on Mar, 2 2015 @ 08:21 AM
a reply to: DarthFazer

Indeed! But we have ways of figuring out if it is in fact a duck. UFOs by definition are unidentified. Until an alien craft lands somewhere populated and they get out and say "Sup ya'll!" or we establish some kind of communication we can't say for sure.

I personally think aliens exist do exist. Taking in to account the vast size of the universe it's a very large probability. However, the question, "have we been visited?" is a different question altogether

So yes if you believe that we have been visited keep the faith! We need it to keep looking. It all works together in a rather strange kind of dance.


posted on Mar, 2 2015 @ 08:40 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
I read somewhere that the Mercury astronaut corrected his story to say that the UFO he encountered over Minnesota was not 3 feet wide. It was approximately 30 feet in diameter.

Indeed, those are intriguing quotes that the Original Poster has pulled together. The most intriguing modern day evidence, in my opinion, are UFO's filmed by our Astronauts and statements coming out of the Vatican, affirming that intelligent life exists outside of Earth, and visits Earth.

For entirely understandable reasons, the 'astronaut stories' are very popular. Based on my own 20+ years inside Mission Control, I've found them to be a conglomeration of media misunderstandings, popular misidentifications of weird-looking but spaceflight-normal sights, and frustrating ambiguities, with a significant portion of anonymous fabrications and hoaxes. One hopes that the quality of earthside testimony is a lot better, but....

posted on Mar, 2 2015 @ 09:45 AM
There is not one substantiated case of an extraterrestrial vehicle or encounter that has ever been documented.

posted on Mar, 2 2015 @ 10:13 AM
a reply to: Sahabi

Yep, these have certainly been mistaken for UFO's or rather, they were UFO's in those cases.

But they do not even come close to explaining the flight characteristics and flat out weirdness that is so commonly associated with sightings. Not to mention that UFO sightings go way back in history. And there's no way our black projects from the 50's were zipping around like flying saucers doing 90 degree turns at mach 30 speeds.

It's possible that their current black aircraft come closer to typical UFO's but that doesn't explain the earliest of sightings, and it begs the question if reverse engineering was involved or even collaboration.

It doesn't explain the abduction and contactee phenomena either, which really needs to be seriously accounted for since these phenomena are intricately involved with each other. The UFO phenomena itself should be sufficient evidence to lend credence to the abduction phenomena and vice versa, they corroborate and strengthen each other and are based on actual events. I guarantee you military and intelligence have taken this seriously and by now they probably know a great deal.

We really can't gauge the reality of this phenomena by isolating thousands of cases and letting millions of witness accounts stand isolated on their own. Analytically we have to take the whole body of evidence into account and when one does that it quickly becomes very clear that we are being visited. The case is too strong, certain conclusions are evident and have been for the longest. It really is astounding that they've gotten away with convincing the public and academia(especially) that this is all about blinking lights and flares.

You've got people like Neil Degrasse Tyson playing Carl Sagan and failing spectacularly in debunking the phenomena yet he'll be cheered on despite the fact that when it comes to the facts he's making a complete fool of himself. I never did like that pop science public relations goofball but people are hanging on to his every word. And Rodney proved him wrong in Stargate Atlantis, yeah, there's also that.

posted on Mar, 2 2015 @ 10:25 AM
I personally find it so difficult to believe there is nothing out there. Somebody mentioned about a needle in a haystack inside a football stadium filled with haystacks. Okay so the odds are astronomical (I think that is an apt description), but that does not mean we cannot be found, and vice versa.

Whether or not we have ET's on this planet, is something I am still debating with myself even after 2 years of getting involved in all of this stuff.

No matter how hard the TPTB try, there will always be someone who knows what is really going on, and will try and get it out there. The problem is that there are people out there who will literally deny any existence, regardless of how many UFO's they have seen, regardless of how many future/past Presidents say and regardless of how many informed people whistle blow, until a UFO flies into their back garden, a couple of beings walk off the craft and slap whoever straight in the face and say "Believe now?"

posted on Mar, 2 2015 @ 10:42 AM

originally posted by: brace22
....... The problem is that there are people out there who will literally deny any existence, regardless of how many UFO's they have seen, regardless of how many future/past Presidents say .....

Aren't you denying the existence of any thorough examinations of such stories, for examples, the notorious Jimmy Carter report? What do you think, for example, of Sheaffer's analysis? Or does your approach to evidence consist of NOT looking at any particular case too closely?

You brought up presidential testimony. Now defend it.

Sheer numbers don't counterbalance item-by-item investigations. From the number of reports, do you insist that there ARE legitimate occurrences of human levitation, for example? Or messages from dead people? If i've understood your logic correctly, you MUST believe in these phenomena as well.

posted on Mar, 2 2015 @ 10:45 AM

originally posted by: brace22
I personally find it so difficult to believe there is nothing out there. Somebody mentioned about a needle in a haystack inside a football stadium filled with haystacks. Okay so the odds are astronomical (I think that is an apt description), but that does not mean we cannot be found, and vice versa.

This is junior high school logic fallacy #1, prove something by tacitly beginning by assuming it exists. We start out by knowing needles exist and what their properties are. Different situation entirely. Don't you even recognize this?

posted on Mar, 2 2015 @ 10:45 AM
Having been interested in UFOs since around 1960, I still haven't come to any firm conclusions. Yes, there are reports of solid-looking craft and humanoid occupants; but if the aliens come from a distant star system, how can they (the great majority) breathe our air, why (as Vallee pointed out) are there so many reports, why do UFOs often change shapes and even fragment into smaller objects? No, a recent post was correct in saying that there is no single case that proves an ET theory -- but what would constitute proof? A UFO landing in front of the White House and its humanoid pilot publicly claiming to be extraterrestrial? He (or it) might be lying. The sighting might be a clever piece of special effects.

Regarding all the quotes about UFOs. I have no doubt that many top experts are convinced of the ETH, but that may be just a personal view -- it doesn't prove that there is a covert cover-up. If anything, the disiniformation that comes out is strongly in favour of the rather simplistic "aliens from outer space" scenario. I think that is something that began with Roswell. ( I don't want to upset anyone who believes in that much overvaunted case, but would ordering a number of child-sized coffins from a local company really be a good way of covering up the retrieval of small alien bodies?)

I am sure that UFOs constitute a phenomenon of great importance, but I suspect that if we ever get close to a solution it will be something a lot stranger and more disturbing than "aliens", maybe something that will require a huge change in our understanding of reality. I accept that black projects may account for a number of cases, maybe the black triangles, for example, and the evidence for "intelligent earthlights" is also something to be taken into account. Is it also possible that some higher intelligence is projecting the concept of flying discs into our world for its own purpose, or even to stimulate our own thinking? Isn't it odd that the idea of flying saucer craft occurred apparently independently to both Towsend Brown in the US and a number of researchers in the 3rd Reich? And this prior to 1947. Researchers such as Jacques Vallee and john Keel have come up with some dramatically different ways of looking at the phenomenon, and I think it regrettable that they seem to have been forgotten in the current phase of popular ufology.
edit on 2-3-2015 by CarlGrove because: Other posts appeared as I typed, requiring slight modification

posted on Mar, 2 2015 @ 10:47 AM
a reply to: EnPassant

If there's any secret tech, the blueprint came from UFOs. I've always wondered how I'm able to control the characters/avatars on my screen with my wireless controller, giving it life essentially, and just seems downright "magical." It turns out, it was indeed UFO technology.

Also, one thing to note about CGI, while I'm certainly no expert, I believe that in order for an amateur to
create a CGI UFO and movements, he would have to find an image, alter it, then place a source and destination for
the movements, so if the movement looks "stiff," i.e very straightforward, then it's most likely CGI.
Like this infamous CGI video:

Also, the lights are not blinking, which may give a hint, as to make them blink or "morph" is more complex. The rest depends on the texture and blur, but that's rather difficult to tell with these low quality videos. From reading about CGI, it seems to me that you can make one high quality picture look realistic, however, to make them look realistic with complex movements in high resolution is not possible at the moment.
edit on 2-3-2015 by np6888 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2015 @ 11:03 AM
a reply to: CarlGrove

Echo Carl's sentiments, with one add: the question of the presence of ETI observers on this planet is independent of any actual evidence because it's reasonable to postulate that the technology that allows them local access also allows THEM total control over detectability. And yes, even in our 21st century ape brains, there ARE conceivable motivations that would allow ETI to perform engineered deliberate partial detection, but since that explains everything, it also explains nothing. All we're left with is assessing the evidence we have access to, and also creating activist investigation protocols to seek evidence that might exist that we wouldn't normally come across. I'm all for that, because startling discoveries are bound to be along that route, whatever the universe deals us.

posted on Mar, 2 2015 @ 11:21 AM
100% aliens have been and are visiting earth
Many former army and government officials are quoted as saying so, look up project lucifer, funded by the Vatican, they even said they see countless objects everyday through one of the most advanced telescopes in the world and it doesn't bother them in the slightest
By the way it's pretty messed up, a catholic funded project for investigating space named after satan

posted on Mar, 2 2015 @ 11:54 AM

originally posted by: Gianfar
a reply to: TrueMessiah

One of the best posts on this topic ever! You did the homework and that's grand.

No offense to the OP, but had he done his homework, he would have included where the statements in question were made. Sometimes, that's a big problem with UFO quotes is they're attributed to somebody without any context as to specifically where or when they were made. Which to me, makes them useless. An unsourced quote by itself next to somebody's name doesn't do anybody any good cuz you can't verify it.

posted on Mar, 2 2015 @ 12:29 PM

originally posted by: jordan77

originally posted by: Gianfar
a reply to: TrueMessiah

One of the best posts on this topic ever! You did the homework and that's grand.

No offense to the OP, but had he done his homework, he would have included where the statements in question were made. Sometimes, that's a big problem with UFO quotes is they're attributed to somebody without any context as to specifically where or when they were made. Which to me, makes them useless. An unsourced quote by itself next to somebody's name doesn't do anybody any good cuz you can't verify it.

Looks like someone didn't bother to click the link.

posted on Mar, 2 2015 @ 12:30 PM

originally posted by: Rosinitiate

originally posted by: DarthFazer

originally posted by: moebius
a reply to: DarthFazer

Are you claiming to know how extraterrestrial lifeforms "walk, quack and look"?

Because else your duck analogy doesn't make much sense.

What im saying is

It's probably non-terrestrial intelligence given the abundance of information. The duck thing is kind of an old saying. A figure of speech.

Non-terrestrial's visiting earth .
Im convinced that is the case personally from experience. So im no good to the argument anyway.

But they appear, disappear and change shape at the drop of a dime. Where do they go? Where were they seconds before...surely not too far away. It seems more likely they are terrestrial, however, seem to slip into a deminsion we can't quite perceive.

Seems to be of a metaphysical nature. If they are from another dimension winking in and out of ours that would make them non-terrestrial technically. But yeah you are correct for the most part.

Yes the changing shapes thing is most unexplainable. I assume they have the ability to manipulate matter. Id imagine the applications with that technology would be limitless.

posted on Mar, 2 2015 @ 12:36 PM

originally posted by: TrueMessiah

originally posted by: jordan77

originally posted by: Gianfar
a reply to: TrueMessiah

One of the best posts on this topic ever! You did the homework and that's grand.

No offense to the OP, but had he done his homework, he would have included where the statements in question were made. Sometimes, that's a big problem with UFO quotes is they're attributed to somebody without any context as to specifically where or when they were made. Which to me, makes them useless. An unsourced quote by itself next to somebody's name doesn't do anybody any good cuz you can't verify it.

Looks like someone didn't bother to click the link.

I stand corrected, I didn't even see the link at first.

However, even some of the sources are in question. For intance, the Truman quote alleged to be from an April 4, 1950, White House Press Conference is dubious:

I can assure you that flying saucers, given that they exist, are not constructed by any power on earth.

Grant Cameron points out that Truman was at his Key West, Florida residence on April 4, 1950 and did not hold a press conference at the White House that day.
edit on 2-3-2015 by jordan77 because: added comments

posted on Mar, 2 2015 @ 12:39 PM
a reply to: CarlGrove

I am sure that UFOs constitute a phenomenon of great importance, but I suspect that if we ever get close to a solution it will be something a lot stranger and more disturbing than "aliens", maybe something that will require a huge change in our understanding of reality. I accept that black projects may account for a number of cases, maybe the black triangles, for example, and the evidence for "intelligent earthlights" is also something to be taken into account. Is it also possible that some higher intelligence is projecting the concept of flying discs into our world for its own purpose, or even to stimulate our own thinking?

great post

i'm increasingly inclined to suspect that elucidation of the phenomena will come through a greater understanding of mind and consciousness - the (complete?) lack of physical evidence suggests to me that if there is something interesting going on (and i think there is), it probably isn't happening at the 'classical' level

imo 'mind' is to a large extent the unexplored frontier for science, and is likely to be the area where the biggest scientific 'surprises' arise over the next couple of decades
edit on 2-3-2015 by aynock because: filled out

posted on Mar, 2 2015 @ 12:51 PM

originally posted by: CarlGrove
I suspect that if we ever get close to a solution it will be something a lot stranger and more disturbing than "aliens", maybe something that will require a huge change in our understanding of reality. I accept that black projects may account for a number of cases, maybe the black triangles, for example, and the evidence for "intelligent earthlights" is also something to be taken into account. Is it also possible that some higher intelligence is projecting the concept of flying discs into our world for its own purpose, or even to stimulate our own thinking?

What could possibly be "more disturbing than aliens" ? There's even less evidence to insinuate something other than ETs. IMO the "higher intelligence" are extraterrestrials. Or at least I'm more inclined to believe that than anything else.

posted on Mar, 2 2015 @ 01:06 PM

originally posted by: jordan77

originally posted by: TrueMessiah

originally posted by: jordan77

originally posted by: Gianfar
a reply to: TrueMessiah

One of the best posts on this topic ever! You did the homework and that's grand.

No offense to the OP, but had he done his homework, he would have included where the statements in question were made. Sometimes, that's a big problem with UFO quotes is they're attributed to somebody without any context as to specifically where or when they were made. Which to me, makes them useless. An unsourced quote by itself next to somebody's name doesn't do anybody any good cuz you can't verify it.

Looks like someone didn't bother to click the link.

I stand corrected, I didn't even see the link at first.

However, even some of the sources are in question. For intance, the Truman quote alleged to be from an April 4, 1950, White House Press Conference is dubious:

I can assure you that flying saucers, given that they exist, are not constructed by any power on earth.

Grant Cameron points out that Truman was at his Key West, Florida residence on April 4, 1950 and did not hold a press conference at the White House that day.

I don't see the significance of pointing out possible inconsistencies like this when it's obvious that Cameron is advocate for disclosure himself. He has also witnessed sightings. If anything, by giving me his name, you sourced me to even more quotes from officials on this phenomenon.

posted on Mar, 2 2015 @ 01:37 PM

originally posted by: TrueMessiah

originally posted by: jordan77

originally posted by: TrueMessiah

originally posted by: jordan77

originally posted by: Gianfar
a reply to: TrueMessiah

One of the best posts on this topic ever! You did the homework and that's grand.

No offense to the OP, but had he done his homework, he would have included where the statements in question were made. Sometimes, that's a big problem with UFO quotes is they're attributed to somebody without any context as to specifically where or when they were made. Which to me, makes them useless. An unsourced quote by itself next to somebody's name doesn't do anybody any good cuz you can't verify it.

Looks like someone didn't bother to click the link.

I stand corrected, I didn't even see the link at first.

However, even some of the sources are in question. For intance, the Truman quote alleged to be from an April 4, 1950, White House Press Conference is dubious:

I can assure you that flying saucers, given that they exist, are not constructed by any power on earth.

Grant Cameron points out that Truman was at his Key West, Florida residence on April 4, 1950 and did not hold a press conference at the White House that day.

I don't see the significance of pointing out possible inconsistencies like this when it's obvious that Cameron is advocate for disclosure himself. He has also witnessed sightings. If anything, by giving me his name, you sourced me to even more quotes from officials on this phenomenon.

The significance speaks to a larger problem in ufology, which is quality evidence, discussion, and talking points are all mixed in with highly questionable ones purported to be fact. And we wonder why people don't take the topic seriously. This subject can't afford inconsistencies.

I'm not suggesting Cameron's a skeptic. I credit him, because I'm well aware where he stands, I've followed him for some time. The field needs more people like Cameron who believe, but also believe in diligence and accuracy. A lot of things in ufology perpetuate in the absence of truth. The more of the questionable ones we can not use as examples to argue our case and get out of the discussion, the better. It then strengthens the ones that are worth something.

posted on Mar, 2 2015 @ 02:12 PM

originally posted by: jordan77

originally posted by: TrueMessiah

originally posted by: jordan77

originally posted by: TrueMessiah

originally posted by: jordan77

originally posted by: Gianfar
a reply to: TrueMessiah

One of the best posts on this topic ever! You did the homework and that's grand.

No offense to the OP, but had he done his homework, he would have included where the statements in question were made. Sometimes, that's a big problem with UFO quotes is they're attributed to somebody without any context as to specifically where or when they were made. Which to me, makes them useless. An unsourced quote by itself next to somebody's name doesn't do anybody any good cuz you can't verify it.

Looks like someone didn't bother to click the link.

I stand corrected, I didn't even see the link at first.

However, even some of the sources are in question. For intance, the Truman quote alleged to be from an April 4, 1950, White House Press Conference is dubious:

I can assure you that flying saucers, given that they exist, are not constructed by any power on earth.

Grant Cameron points out that Truman was at his Key West, Florida residence on April 4, 1950 and did not hold a press conference at the White House that day.

I don't see the significance of pointing out possible inconsistencies like this when it's obvious that Cameron is advocate for disclosure himself. He has also witnessed sightings. If anything, by giving me his name, you sourced me to even more quotes from officials on this phenomenon.

The significance speaks to a larger problem in ufology, which is quality evidence, discussion, and talking points are all mixed in with highly questionable ones purported to be fact. And we wonder why people don't take the topic seriously. This subject can't afford inconsistencies.

I'm not suggesting Cameron's a skeptic. I credit him, because I'm well aware where he stands, I've followed him for some time. The field needs more people like Cameron who believe, but also believe in diligence and accuracy. A lot of things in ufology perpetuate in the absence of truth. The more of the questionable ones we can not use as examples to argue our case and get out of the discussion, the better. It then strengthens the ones that are worth something.

I understand what you're saying but as long as the general consensus is that UFOs exist, and have been sighted by numerous officials and common citizens, that's all that matters IMO. Sure it would help that all dates, locations, etc. were definite but the waters aren't severely muddied and the phenomenon isn't tarnished to the point of complete dismissal due to minor indiscrepancies. The fact still remains that these occurrences do still exist and are still real. And even if that one quote or date or whatever is deemed unsubstantiated, there are more legitimate cases properly sourced that can take it's place. To me, it kind of comes off as nitpicking in effort to invalidate the phenomenon as a whole. A common debunk tactic. Not saying you're guilty of this though, your support of Cameron is evident that's not your intention.

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