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Two FBI Agents Shot Near Ferguson Protests

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posted on Nov, 26 2014 @ 11:22 AM
a reply to: hangedman13

Eye witness testimony is not a deal breaker since two big factors come into play. First the fact that people tend not to recall details all that well and the honesty of the witness.

Thats why you have people testify when it matters, in Open court. Everything up till then is subject to suspicion. Especially second hand by the prosecuting attorney in a "statement".

Its completely different to say something behind closed doors than to swear an oath before everyone. You also get cross examination, corroboration among witness statements and how they do or don't match the forensics. But above all fair and impartially in a court trial.

Especially if there is conflicting testimony. Double especially.

posted on Nov, 26 2014 @ 11:29 AM

originally posted by: grandmakdw

Report: Body Found Shot to Death, Set Fire Near Apartment Complex Where Michael Brown Died

The body of a black male was reportedly found near Canfield Green Apartments in Ferguson, the same complex where Michael Brown was fatally shot by officer Darren Wilson during an altercation Aug. 9.

KTVI-TV reports that the man, in his 20s, was shot to death and set on fire.

Hospitals report having treated at least 14 people who were injured during the unrest. Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis says it admitted two injured people and treated and released five others. It didn’t disclose the nature of the injuries. Christian Hospital, near Ferguson, says it treated six people for minor injuries, and Saint Louis University Hospital says it treated one person. Many Ferguson-area districts cancelled classes out of concern about the safety of getting children to and from school.

Is this how people who want their voices to be heard
about how they feel they have been unjustly treated behave?

This body is a young black male.

So to protest the killing of a young black male.
They go out and kill a young black male.

How civilized.

We really should take these people seriously now,
they hate it when people kill young black males and want it stopped.


They want an excuse to riot

They want an excuse to steal

They want an excuse to hurt other people

They want an excuse to act as horribly as they possibly can.

All they have done is shown the most evil, most terrible, most deranged inner side of themselves as human beings.

That is the message I take away from all that has been happening in Ferguson.

i am beginning to think the same thing. nothing says grieving like stealing a bunch of air jordans and as many flatscreens as you can pack in the back of your car. nothing says victim like beating up random people and behaving like a mafia thug. these people are NOT victims, they are opportunists. they see a chance to get away with doing bad stuff and they dive in because michael brown. this isnt about michael anymore, its about breaking the law while everyone is too busy to do anything about it. and people wonder why michael got shot. maybe because this is what officer wilson dealt with on a daily basis and we were too busy pointing fingers at the government to look around and think maybe we are part of the problem. if ferguson wants this to stop, every idiot on the street should go home and sit for a few hours and not do a damn thing but pray in front of a candle. because clearly rioting and looting and vigilantism is doing jack for them right now.

edit on 26-11-2014 by TzarChasm because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-11-2014 by TzarChasm because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2014 @ 12:04 PM
a reply to: BornAgainAlien
It begs the this one cop not getting reprimanded REALLY worth all this BS and loss of life?

If law enforcement would rather get shot up and seen as criminals instead of just letting bad apples pay for their crimes then I really dont know what to say beyond "have at it".
Get shot at and hated and shoot back and hate yourselves right back at the public.

Me? I would arrest this guy myself...even if it was over tax evasion ....this one cop being protected will get countless others killed...and many more than that seen as criminals ...soooo

Have at it.

edit on 11 26 2014 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2014 @ 12:09 PM
a reply to: tadaman

some people just dont get it. all these guys wanna do is enjoy the spoils of a criminal lifestyle without having to worry about law enforcement. is that really so much to ask?

posted on Nov, 26 2014 @ 02:25 PM
a reply to: grandmakdw

Oh so you know beyond a shadow of doubt who killed the young man in the apartment complex? You should probably call the Ferguson PD and make a statement.
edit on 26/11/14 by WhiteAlice because: statement not report

(post by DrakeINFERNO removed for a manners violation)

posted on Nov, 26 2014 @ 02:50 PM
could they not get cops to look like they got shot?

posted on Nov, 26 2014 @ 03:03 PM
a reply to: intrptr

Thought you were out?

Anyway, I really don't understand why so many people on here seem to have such a problem with grand jury. It's not a sideshow. It's part of the legal process. Anybody who testifies does so under oath. Questions are asked. Evidence is introduced and reviewed. Then probable cause is decided.

posted on Nov, 26 2014 @ 03:51 PM

originally posted by: Cancerwarrior
a reply to: BornAgainAlien

somehow we doubt the authorities would voluntarily seek to inflame tensions any further.

Riiiiiiiiiight, now why would they ever want to do that?

All they have done since this whole nonsense started is fan the flames.

Very succinct. Yes in deed, and they're still fanning the flames.

Rebel 5

posted on Nov, 26 2014 @ 04:10 PM

originally posted by: Taggart

originally posted by: grandmakdw

Report: Body Found Shot to Death, Set Fire Near Apartment Complex Where Michael Brown Died

The body of a black male was reportedly found near Canfield Green Apartments in Ferguson, the same complex where Michael Brown was fatally shot by officer Darren Wilson during an altercation Aug. 9.

KTVI-TV reports that the man, in his 20s, was shot to death and set on fire.

Hospitals report having treated at least 14 people who were injured during the unrest. Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis says it admitted two injured people and treated and released five others. It didn’t disclose the nature of the injuries. Christian Hospital, near Ferguson, says it treated six people for minor injuries, and Saint Louis University Hospital says it treated one person. Many Ferguson-area districts cancelled classes out of concern about the safety of getting children to and from school.

Is this how people who want their voices to be heard
about how they feel they have been unjustly treated behave?

This body is a young black male.

So to protest the killing of a young black male.
They go out and kill a young black male.

How civilized.

We really should take these people seriously now,
they hate it when people kill young black males and want it stopped.


They want an excuse to riot

They want an excuse to steal

They want an excuse to hurt other people

They want an excuse to act as horribly as they possibly can.

All they have done is shown the most evil, most terrible, most deranged inner side of themselves as human beings.

That is the message I take away from all that has been happening in Ferguson.

No one defends the looting but at the same time the flames have been fanned.

YOU and others shouldn't condemn a whole group of legitimate protestors for a few bad apples
who are a product of their environment.

It's easy to get the pitchforks out and call people animals, I prefer looking at it and thinking "How can this change"

and more importantly "What caused this...... Why did they release the news a 10pm?"

It's pretty obvious which side the fence you are on, I'd also probably guess the colour of your skin from your attitude.

You might have a point about legitimate protesters if there were any shown in the media.

All we have seen is riots, looting, shooting, beatings, violence, and wanton destruction of property .

I have seen no MLK type leading a real protest that could change things, calling for peaceful protests, meaningful protests, rather the the wanton destruction and violence against - other people of color (great irony there).

Besides, why no protests over the hundreds of black children killed
by black people every year?

Why don't people care about that?

Actually over 90% of black children or
close to 3000 black children per year who are murdered -
are murdered by other blacks, and no one seems to care
to protest, to riot, to loot, to destroy property because of it.

To me this says the issue is not the killing of black children, that the community doesn't really care about the deaths of black children per se. This says the community wanted an opportunity to loot, steal, etc.

When you brought up my race, I need to inform you that there have been many blacks that I have heard say exactly the same things I have said.

What side of the fence am I on?
The side that decries the institutional virtual slavery
by the government
of the black community
in exchange for votes, power, and cheap labor.

Read my other posts to see my description of the slavery that the rioters are held in by the American government.

or read what a black man has to say about how black people on welfare are really slaves

edit on 4Wed, 26 Nov 2014 16:17:52 -0600pm112611pmk263 by grandmakdw because: format spelling addition

posted on Nov, 26 2014 @ 04:26 PM
I watched a bit of the news last night, and I know the mass majority of people are morons, but the news took it to great heights because for about thirty minutes I heard nothing but African American this Black that and on and on and on and on. It's like they're purposely dividing whites and blacks and its hilarious. Hilarious because that moron majority will eat it up like Little Debies.

posted on Nov, 26 2014 @ 04:48 PM

originally posted by: Flesh699
I watched a bit of the news last night, and I know the mass majority of people are morons, but the news took it to great heights because for about thirty minutes I heard nothing but African American this Black that and on and on and on and on. It's like they're purposely dividing whites and blacks and its hilarious. Hilarious because that moron majority will eat it up like Little Debies.

Of course they are trying to divide us.

Before the whole trayvon and michael ordeals many people, including msm, were bragging on the advancement of race relations in our country. That though things may not be perfect that they have come a LONG away compared to days passed.

Tolerance in our country in regards to most minorities having advanced greatly.

Trust me...I live in the Deep South and I can vouch with COMPLETE certainty that race relations have gotten better. My grandparents used to be open racists. The older they've gotten the more they have realized the ignorance and bigotry that had plagued their existence before they became "aware". I remember when a biracial couple couldn't walk down our towns main street and not get yelled at or verbally/physically assaulted.

But what has been happening of late does not fall at the fault of our populous which HAS made progress.

Thank the f'ing government, msm and ignorant minority leaders for that. This blood and animosity, like or it or not, falls within the confines of their intentions and plans.

And damn it I'm tired of it!

posted on Nov, 26 2014 @ 11:00 PM
a reply to: Shamrock6

Thought you were out?

If you keep calling me back…

Anyway, I really don't understand why so many people on here seem to have such a problem with grand jury. It's not a sideshow. It's part of the legal process. Anybody who testifies does so under oath. Questions are asked. Evidence is introduced and reviewed. Then probable cause is decided.

"Grand" juries purpose is only to decide if it should go to trial. Kind of hard to expect the cops to put each other on trial… isn't it?

posted on Nov, 27 2014 @ 07:30 AM
a reply to: intrptr

Since the cops aren't the ones running a grand jury, it's a moot question. The grand jury is there to decide whether there's probable cause to proceed to trial. If you can't even establish probable cause, what makes you think you can get a conviction?

posted on Nov, 27 2014 @ 07:40 AM
a reply to: grandmakdw

Yea its like a prison riot.....always a good time to settle an old score or just kill someone and hope it all just gets lost in the confusion.

posted on Nov, 27 2014 @ 09:41 AM
a reply to: Shamrock6

Since the cops aren't the ones running a grand jury, it's a moot question. The grand jury is there to decide whether there's probable cause to proceed to trial.

The cops present the evidence through the head cop's (DA) office, thats impartial as hell.

If you can't even establish probable cause, what makes you think you can get a conviction?

If I can't see the evidence presented in open court then how can I tell?

All I got is a behind closed doors "presentation" of so called evidence. A "presentation" where the head prosecuting/ defense attorney even let the suspect testify on his own behalf…

posted on Nov, 27 2014 @ 11:58 AM
a reply to: BornAgainAlien

There had to be a lot of anger been building up for a long time for these kind of things to happen.

But they cannot place the blame where it firmly rests. They see it as a race thing instead of a PTB against the rest of us thing.
Why do you think it was so important for the Democratic Party to have the first black guy be POTUS? It's not just to keep their numbers high, but to get more support for socialist agendas like socialized healthcare, net neutrality (which is just a mask for highly regulated and taxed Internet), Common Core Standards, Agenda 21 style Urban Renewal programs, and things they didn't get passed but wanted to.
Anything this Prez said, the people were for even if it was the same stuff they hated Bush for. See how that works. Blame Bush for everything....(I'm no fan of Bush either) for the way everything is today..... and yet unemployment is higher than ever since the Great Depression, more people on Food Stamps than ever before, more and more people having to choose between laundry detergent and toilet paper, in fact everything has gone up in cost because the government is spending. People just don't see the connection between government spending and the cost of butter. they don't see the cost of intrusive government regulations and understand how it affects their businesses.
If Republicans were to run Ben Carson in 2016, do you think there would be a massive shift of black Democrats to the Republican Party to support him, or liberal whites who want everyone to believe how unracist they are? Do think Oprah and Denzel will endorse him? I think not, and it will be because it's really all about the socialism and Big Government. In fact I bet Democrats will trash Carson as much as they trashed Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachman.
edit on 27-11-2014 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2014 @ 12:14 PM
a reply to: intrptr

So, a GJ of 12 people pored over the evidence and decided there wasn't anything to indict on. Are you really going to suggest that the cops leaned on those 12 jurors to not indict? I think you've been watching too many Hollywood flicks, like that one with Demi Moore, but even that movie should have taught you that misconduct in Jurors is grounds for immediate dismissal. Why are you and others here pushing this propaganda? Because it serves your purpose of division and victimhood? Do you think it's going to improve black neighborhoods or change anything if Wilson were to be indicted and brought to trial and convicted? There would be no positive change at all, but Al Sharpton's pockets would be lined, and so would the attorneys who are either in denial or know that they are pushing a propagandistic agenda and they don't care if some white guy takes the fall for it.The current POTUS has done nothing but use race as a divisive tactic and it is simply despicable. Oh before I forget, Valerie Jarrett seems to have been in conference with the Democrat governor of Missouri during the time when the Natl Guard should have been deployed but wasn't. And they kept the lt. governor out of the loop. The lt governor was unable to contact the governor. So put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Missouri Governor Jay Nixon adamantly denies that the White House pressured him to resist sending in the National Guard in response to violent protesters unhappy with the Michael Brown shooting decision. It is clear, however, that Nixon has been in close contact with President Obama´s senior advisor Valerie Jarrett as the chaotic situation unfolded. According to the White House, Jarrett spoke with Nixon the first night of the protests as well as the morning after. Deputy Press Secretary Eric Schultz confirmed that Jarrett received “updates” from Nixon, “promising to stay in close touch” as the situation continued. “Valerie spoke to

edit on 27-11-2014 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-11-2014 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2014 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to: ThirdEyeofHorus

That boy earned what he got. for every michael brown there are a dozen more thieves and rapists and thugs that don't see more than a few months jail time. and thata just a short vacation for them. Darren wilson was the end of tolerance at the expense of innocent hardworking folks. you rob a store and assault an officer of the law and refuse to listen to his warnings, damn tootin' you're gonna catch a bullet. was this mixhaels first offense? Or did he have a history? keep poking that bull in the eye and you've earned the horns.

posted on Nov, 27 2014 @ 12:50 PM
Back on topic ...

Two FBI agents were shot at a barricaded home just miles from the protest-wracked St. Louis suburb of Ferguson early Wednesday, police said. Both suffered non-life threatening injuries after the shooting in north St. Louis County. The incident occurred around 3:15 a.m. local time (4: 15 a.m. ET), NBC station KSDK reported.

So likely unrelated? But still not much information about how this played out.

Edit: Better source here

An FBI official told NBC News that it may have been an attempt at "suicide by cop."

The shooting was "not directly related to the Ferguson protests," said an FBI spokeswoman in St. Louis. An FBI official in Washington said the suspect was accused of firing at police Tuesday night.

edit on 27-11-2014 by InvisibleOwl because: (no reason given)

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