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The Hypocrisy of "Gay" "Athiests" or "alternative" lifestyles.

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posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 11:23 AM

originally posted by: OrphanApology
a reply to: LittleByLittle

Fundamentalist Christians are a minority in America, from my experience. That is unless you're in places like Colorado where those mega churches are quite popular. Then it increases some.

For the most part most Christians are kind of Laissez-faire Christians who don't mess with other people on a regular basis. Most don't attend church regularly. Many haven't even read the bible completely at some point in their lifetime. Most do not follow all the teachings of the bible(thankfully).

Like with anything, the extremists are the most damaging of any group and for some can leave much to be desired. The majority of people though are going to be fine and not badger or harass. That probably is true of any group.

I agree with you 100%.

Unfortunately, in the US we have the ACLA (American Christian Lobbyists Association). This is Christian politics, and they are powerful.

They are very powerful, but they are slowly losing ground in their domination of US control.

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 11:32 AM

originally posted by: flammadraco
Was thinking to create my own thread called “The Hypocrisy of " Anti –Gay Activists who turn out to be gay"

I was shocked to find that in the US the following 10 high profile “Anti Gay” activist actually both politicians and church leaders, ended up being gay themselves, kind of shows that most homophobes are probably closeted homosexuals.

I would suggest you be cautious in using the word MOST. I don't think that is accurate.

Some, several, maybe even many --- but not most.

However, I do think any politician promoting an anti-gay platform should be aggressively investigated and fully exposed if he/she is secretly homosexual.,

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 11:36 AM

originally posted by: NihilistSanta
a reply to: Annee

Equality by force? That is the new party slogan eh? Peace at gun point.

What? You think majority is going to bend over and give minorities full equality out of the goodness of their heart?

I live in the real world.

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 11:37 AM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: flammadraco
Was thinking to create my own thread called “The Hypocrisy of " Anti –Gay Activists who turn out to be gay"

I was shocked to find that in the US the following 10 high profile “Anti Gay” activist actually both politicians and church leaders, ended up being gay themselves, kind of shows that most homophobes are probably closeted homosexuals.

I would suggest you be cautious in using the word MOST. I don't think that is accurate.

Some, several, maybe even many --- but not most.

However, I do think any politician promoting an anti-gay platform should be aggressively investigated and fully exposed if he/she is secretly homosexual.,

Yes clearly no reverse discrimination in the above post. As part of a persecuted minority you are not calling for the persecution of others are you? Please see thread title for more details.
edit on 10-6-2014 by NihilistSanta because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 11:37 AM
a reply to: Margana

So let's stop hating, start realizing we are all the same & work on making a better future.

Hate has now become a politically correct spectator sport.

People somehow have gotten the idea that if you don't hate, you're not normal.

I think all of us need to be deprogrammed somehow...

It's as if all of us are part of a hate cult and don't even KNOW it.

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 11:41 AM

originally posted by: NihilistSanta

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: flammadraco
Was thinking to create my own thread called “The Hypocrisy of " Anti –Gay Activists who turn out to be gay"

I was shocked to find that in the US the following 10 high profile “Anti Gay” activist actually both politicians and church leaders, ended up being gay themselves, kind of shows that most homophobes are probably closeted homosexuals.

I would suggest you be cautious in using the word MOST. I don't think that is accurate.

Some, several, maybe even many --- but not most.

However, I do think any politician promoting an anti-gay platform should be aggressively investigated and fully exposed if he/she is secretly homosexual.,

Yes clearly no reverse discrimination in the above post. Clearly someone as part of a persecuted minority you are not calling for the persecution of others are you? Please see thread title for more details.

Hypocrisy of an anti-gay politician who is secretly gay.

Zero tolerance.

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: Annee

So zero tolerance for the people you deem undesirable? Full blown invasion of privacy and witch hunt for people who oppose your views? So basically only rights for pro-gay people in your opinion? Seeing my point yet?

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 11:48 AM
a reply to: OrphanApology

Not victim blaming at all, just suggesting an ulterior motive for homophobic opinion. The people I listed above fought against the LGBT community for decades and it's then found the real reason why they hold such vile opinions.

Sounds to me that your giving these homophobes I mentioned a reason for their vile actions. I wonder how many young LGBT members committed suicide because of the draconian laws these guys bought about. What about the hurt they have caused, no I do not feel ashamed bashing these people as they should have been "Man Enough" to either come out or # the f""" up about LGBT matters in the first place.

I was using it as an example on how many homophobic ATS members are in the same boat as the list I provided.

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 11:55 AM
a reply to: flammadraco

The large majority of homophobes are not gay.

Stating that homophobes should be looked at with great scrutiny because they are probably secret queers is ignoring the foundation of hatred against homosexuality. It's basically kind of placing the blame on gays. The reality is most of those who hate queers and say hateful things about queers are NOT queers.

There are closet cases that are secretly gay and to be honest I feel pity for them. I really do. How horrible it must be to live your life never getting to fall in love and go out to dinner together. Or have sex with someone you love and are attracted to. Honestly I feel very sorry for them. Their childhood must have been pretty devastating for them to put themselves through such torture just to be accepted by the ones who have loathed them their whole lives.

Also you say they should have been "Man Enough" to come out?


posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 12:01 PM

originally posted by: NihilistSanta
a reply to: Annee

Equality by force? That is the new party slogan eh? Peace at gun point.

Says the person who chose a bloody, chainsaw wielding Santa Claus as their avatar ... I'm sure that's coincidental though.

I have a proactive suggestion, NSanta ... why don't you stop trying to troll the thread by turning around what others here are saying ... and make some statements of your own?

For example, haven't you previously stated that you think that all LGBTQ are perverse, deviant individuals and that what society calls sexual orientation you call a choice? And in your case as well, a sinful choice due to your religious beliefs?

Don't you believe that anyone (even everyday citizens) who actively works for or promotes equal rights is somehow a secret Communist or Cultural Marxist agent? That for people to work toward and demand that they be treated as every other American is somehow, really, trying to undermine America? By destroying traditional values, marriage, family structure, etc??? Is that a fair description of your world view Santa?

I mean, let's be real, you're obviously in this conversation to sidetrack, obfuscate and troll the discussion, given these beliefs, right?


posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 12:11 PM

originally posted by: NihilistSanta
a reply to: Annee

So zero tolerance for the people you deem undesirable? Full blown invasion of privacy and witch hunt for people who oppose your views? So basically only rights for pro-gay people in your opinion? Seeing my point yet?

Do you lack understanding of the active hypocrisy?

A closeted homosexual, publicly and politically forcefully fighting against his own rights of equality.

I stand by zero tolerance, because of the harm it causes to gays openly fighting for their rights of equality.

This is absolutely black and white IMO.

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 12:37 PM

originally posted by: Annee
a reply to: NihilistSanta

Not everything is NWO, and yes that would be derailing the thread.

Persecution of minorities is as old as man himself.

Only "real" enforced laws, desire, commitment, and means to have a voice will force change. And sadly, force is the only means to equal rights of a minority.

I'd say a Christian referring to "alternate lifestyle" is very clear in who believes they are the dominant hierarchy of how everyone else should live.

Ahhh annee, my favorite idealogue hypocrite. In your previous post you mentioned how the majority opinion is being chipped away and no longer dominant and here you are claiming minority rights. What about majority rights? Thats something you feel is bad, right? Chipped away how? Honest discourse? Hardly.
I feel you are claiming your minority opinion is more important than others, the majority, and you need to chip away my rights to become your ideals.

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 12:41 PM
a reply to: OrphanApology

Aye "Man Enough to Come Out" is what I said and stand by. I'm a gay man and I was "Man Enough" to come out nearly thirty years ago when it was frowned upon much more than today. In fact my parents called the police as I was only 15 and left home and the age of consent at the time was 21.

That being said, there have been studies that prove a much higher percentage than you state of homophobic men are in fact either gay or at the very least bisexual.

For the record I never said anything about scrutinising homophobic people in case they were gay, that was another member.

I too feel pity for closeted LGBT members but I have no time whatsoever for LGBT people who are closeted and homophobic because they are fighting their own demons. A homophobe is a homophobe whether they are straight or gay and their actions have an effect on other LGBT members.

I will finally add that I agree with what another member has said in this thread about "Divide and Conquer". The media has us all fighting each other when there's actually a whole lot more we should be fighting together against.

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 12:41 PM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: NihilistSanta
a reply to: Annee

So zero tolerance for the people you deem undesirable? Full blown invasion of privacy and witch hunt for people who oppose your views? So basically only rights for pro-gay people in your opinion? Seeing my point yet?

Do you lack understanding of the active hypocrisy?

A closeted homosexual, publicly and politically forcefully fighting against his own rights of equality.

I stand by zero tolerance, because of the harm it causes to gays openly fighting for their rights of equality.

This is absolutely black and white IMO.

see my previous post. How ironic I call you out on your own active hypocrisy as you must have been typing.the reason hypocrite lying politicians who are closeted is because it gives them active cover for subterfuge and they get to further the divide and conquor scheme their handlers orchestrate. Your getting to rant about it for your personal gains is not their intention

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 12:49 PM
Ahh yes, a perfect example of everyone making fools of themselves with those dirty "opinions", how quaint.

I label you, you label me, now we are all idiots see?

Can't you see the sign?
It says this is a waste of time, ignore it and you'll do fine.

/end on-topic contribution

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 01:21 PM
a reply to: Gryphon66

I am going to ignore all of the baiting in your post and get to the meat and potatoes of it. My religious views have little to do with my views on the politicizing of homosexuality as a form of divide and conquer. Lets look at India and their history. The Indian people were pretty much universally united in throwing out the British so what happens? The British leave after they partitioned the land creating a false division and no more unity.

Look at the example of South Africa halfoldman mentions. It is playing out in America as a new culture war one among many. Some of us see what is going on around us while others think they have hit the lottery.

Gays are not a people or culture. Gays are made up of almost all people and cultures. Gay culture is artificial and manufactured by TPTB to create political and social divisions. Gays are not the only people assaulted in this fashion see thug culture in the African American community. Look at the goth/emo/whatever anti-culture subculture flavor of the month that white youth are assaulted with. All of these artificial stereotypes that are perpetuated in the media are there for a reason.

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 02:19 PM
a reply to: NihilistSanta

The politicizing of homosexuality, as you call it, has been necessary to insure that all Americans have equality before the laws as guaranteed in the Constitution. The division in this country on the subject of homosexuality derives from the religious right's insistence on multiple fronts to keep the "issue" (which is not an issue) irritating the public discourse. The same tactics you deploy here and call "your opinion" i.e. sexual orientation is a choice, any sexual orientation besides heterosexual is perverse, kids are being abused by homosexuals or the mere awareness that there are homosexuals, homosexuals are asking for "special rights," homosexuals are intolerant because they refused to be quiet and accept repression, there is no discrimination against homosexuals, there is no hatred directed toward homosexuals, etc. etc. etc., all of these are the tactics that are being used by the religious right (and whatever deeper political force is using these groups) to sow dissent.

Most Americans have realized that sexual orientation is an innate characteristic, whether as a result of genetics, pre-natal environment, birth order, brain structure and chemistry, etc. etc. Most Americans realize that sexual orientation ranges from pure heterosexuality to pure homosexuality but that people, in the final sense, simply are who they are and they love who they love and there is nothing harmful about it.

Most Americans are in favor of all Americans having equal rights under the law.

You can make claims, NhilistSanta, that there is no gay culture, that there is no sense of a community among gays and lesbians or bisexuals or trans* folks ... but you're just incorrect in your opinion. Many of us are part of those communities, we know that they exist and your comments attempting to deny that culture or eradicate our people springs from the same sources as the rest of the hateful bigoted rhetoric noted above from a certain part of the politicized religious right.

So, since you're obviously a part of that process ... why don't you tell us why you and yours are dividing America and trying to tear us apart as a people?

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 02:39 PM

originally posted by: nugget1
Estimates of the LGBT population in America runs from a conservative 1.7% to as high as 19% according to which poll you read.. That seems like an awfully small group to be making such big waves!

1.7% is considerably small percentage but 19% is very big. It means almost 60 million americans are LGTB. How accurate are this numbers? (which if they were to be true is quite disturbing).

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 02:44 PM
a reply to: Telos

It depends on the data gathering techniques if they are taking into account someone's label or "identity" or actual sexual behaviors.

About a fifth of people in a few of the studies have had same sex sexual experiences in their lifetime even if they don't "identify" as being glbt. In America at least.

Again it just depends on the study. For instance, in Kinsey's studies I think the percentage was much higher. He actually sat down with the participants and formed a comfortable relationship with the people he was polling. The results of something like that are going to be much different than some study where they ask participates "Are you a homosexual?" then at the bottom "Yes/No".

edit on 10-6-2014 by OrphanApology because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 02:55 PM

originally posted by: flammadraco

For the record I never said anything about scrutinising homophobic people in case they were gay, that was another member.

If that was me . . .

. . . closeted politicians and religious leaders ONLY if they publicly and politically promote and push for an anti-gay platform.

I'm not talking about all closeted gays. ONLY the hypocritical ones in a position of power that can and do directly affect the LGBT community.

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