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A Fed-Up Eric Holder Goes After Congress: ‘Unprecedented, Unwarranted, Ugly and Divisive’

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posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 06:53 AM
reply to post by generik

You're right, they use the race card constantly. And it works very well. Whenever any human rights violation erupts virally, or when the Libertarian movement gains momentum, the gov-payed trolls hit the comments section of all websites associating pro-liberty ideals with racism. It's effective, and giving Libertarians a $h!t name. There must be thousands of payed troll commentators. And I hate all of them.

posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by Destinyone

I totally agree....this administration is the most racially bias in history..... I know and spoke with several of my black friends the past few days and they are outraged at Holder...saying he is a disgrace to his country and that if the job is too big for him to step down.....What a baby to whine...........

posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by nomickeyshere

Sadly he wouldn't step down, one of his agendas is to stay as long as he can in his position of power, the rest of the agendas are racially motivated and geared, but that is to cover the other more sinister agendas that involve the president and his protection.

He can, like many have shown here, pick and chose what laws to apply and which ones to circumvent, depending the agenda of the day, he have many, I mean agendas.

posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 04:43 PM
Holder is not only a pathological liar, but a dangerous racist who appears to be intentionally destroying our liberty....the Feds actions at the Bundy ranch in Nevada is purely deplorable. Holder should be in jail now, but his partner in crime Obama will surely grant the scumbag immunity. No doubt, this is by far the worst leadership ever. Hard to believe people still support these criminals.

posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 05:55 PM
reply to post by neo96

Gohmert is an IDIOT !! Holder showed EXTREME control by not getting up and punching that moronic 'Congressman' right in the face. Gohmert's the type of politician that's ruining this country's political system. He's the equivalent of an NHL goon. Someone's whose whole job is just to cause problems. He's not interested in making government better for the people. He works for those who want to make things harder for regular people. He's a paid obstructionist.

posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 06:31 PM

reply to post by Destinyone

I totally agree....this administration is the most racially bias in history..... I know and spoke with several of my black friends the past few days and they are outraged at Holder...saying he is a disgrace to his country and that if the job is too big for him to step down.....What a baby to whine...........

Makes me wonder what really goes on in the Bilderberg meetings. After all, Lady Clinton did invite Barry O. to the meeting before he was "elected" president.

In retrospect, I do agree with your comment on the most racially bias, I don't know about in history but, since I can remember. I can recall everyone being elated at a 'Black' president (he's not even black, so what ev.) because having a Black president would bring upon more racial solidarity. Quite the contrary has happened, unfortunately. And Holder is a disgrace... to put it lightly.

posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 06:52 PM
reply to post by humanityrising

to be more accurate what they're pointing out is probably less "racism" and more

To be honest a lot of Right-wing-libertarians seem to come off as classists, disregarding poverty and downplaying the disadvantages that it brings with it. The blind market fundimentalism of some is disgusting in its disregard for the lower classes.

another observation is the things they bring up; they always bring up poor urban people, who are usually black or hispanic, as a subject of shame and ridicule.. Rarely have I heard them go off about how poor rural whites are a" drain on our system and that we should cut them off and leave them to rot in their trailer parks, or actually work for a living instead of doing meth and drinking moonshine." Usually they instead go on about how the "Libruls" want them to support lazy blacks and hispanics in cities, which TV depicts as full of drug-use, gang-warfare, etc. Thus the dreaded "Libruls" are seen by "small town/rural america"as wanting to usurp their life, and corrupt it. (or already has corrupted it, with methamphetamine).

Of course, one could say there is somewhat of an inverse in left-libertarians, and other left-wing-ish concepts; that they focus on garnering support from poor urbanites, and often demonize those that support the right wing. But I'm sure there are plenty of threads already on this site about that.
edit on 11-4-2014 by NonsensicalUserName because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by kimish

Oh please, Alex Jones just harasses rich people at a hotel. You think if there was really a super secret ruling class that meets at a hotel each year, they would ever let an idiot retard moron like Alex Jones know about it?

Cmon! This guy is a short bus all on his own.

And this distraction has nothing at all to do with this subject. It's just your desperation to make Alex Jones remotely relevant.

posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by HauntWok

Hey, I didn't use A. Jones as a source whatsoever. Just the facts buddy.

Holder is an arrogant, racist prick. Sorry but sometimes the truth hurts.

I'm more than confident that other members more knowledgeable than I will chime in.

posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by kimish

Hey, I didn't use A. Jones as a source whatsoever. Just the facts buddy.

Oh don't give me that crap. The only completely retarded person with a microphone and a show in the universe that thinks that the bilderberg group is actually a thing is Alex Jones and his following of brain dead morons.

Seriously, the worlds richest people meeting at a freaking HOTEL? Cmon!

Your last post had absolutely NOTHING to do with this topic, it was just put in to spread the idiocy that is Alex Jones.

Don't muddy the waters of this thread with Alex Jone's idiocy.

posted on Apr, 12 2014 @ 04:24 AM
reply to post by HauntWok

Ok, the Bilderberg meetings are fake. O.o
The first two hits using a search engine known as GOOGLE

posted on Apr, 12 2014 @ 06:38 AM
reply to post by NonsensicalUserName

Maybe so. I just don't see ANY relation between racism and true libertarianism. Maybe that's because I was a Dem before I became Libertarian. I call myself a South Park Libertarian hehe. But regardless, all comments on Libertarian-related websites or news articles are flooded with what must be an army of gov paid trolls, except for your here and there actual racist idiots.

It's interesting though, when I found out about Ron Paul's old newsletter that had some racist elements, it really upset me, but people can change, and even if he is racist I don't care, clearly his personal and religious views to not hinder is devotion to the Constitution, which in itself is a "Support people's rights to do things, even if you hate what they're doing" motif.

posted on Apr, 12 2014 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by neo96

The POTUS and the DOJ are speaking at a function held by a corrupt drug dealing "RAT" what else are they going to say or do but pull the race card ? defend this bottom feeder somehow.

This is what these people do, they have no defense for Sharpton, they have nothing to support there being there other then race baiting and hate for the people that don't agree with them and still retain some measure of integrity... something these two never had.

posted on Apr, 13 2014 @ 05:58 AM
So if we follow the example of our leaders, Obama and Holder, we should just follow the laws we agree with. What a great message to our children. Lie, cheat and break the law...that is just fine! When will the rest of America wake up and get rid of these crooks?

posted on Apr, 14 2014 @ 07:51 AM
reply to post by neo96

The "racist" implications, and the notion that race has anything to do with any of the Obama Admin & Eric Holder scandals is nonsense.

We the People elected the first Black President in our history, thus proving we are Not a racist nation. Are there some racists ? Yes, of course - and they exist on many sides (White, Black, Hispanic, etc.). The reality is that these misguided individuals are most certainly a small minority.

However, suggesting that the Obama-Holder scandals are "phony", and said scandals are influenced by racists is completely disengenuous and a flat out, blatant attempt to deny, distract and displace responsibility so as to avoid providing the American People with the facts and truth.

Think about it in common sense terms. How is racism responsible for Benghazi, and who knew what, and when did they know it? How is racism involved in the IRS scandal, and who knew what, who did what, and when did they know or do it ?
How is racism involved in Fast and Furious gun scandal fact finding ? How is racism involved in the tracking and spying on the journalists that the American people rely on so as to know what our Government is really doing ? How is racism involved in Any of the other scandals ?

The race card that is being played is a red herring, ...a desperate attempt to change the subject for fear that the Truth will be discovered.

All Congress is asking for is documentation and truthful tesimony , so as to establish The Who, What, Where, When, Why and How in the various scandals, so that those involved can be held to account by We the People for their actions and their inactions. It really is as simple as that. If you have nothing to hide, then you turn over the documents and Help and assist with the investigations. If you have something (perhaps many things) to hide, you stall, buy time, distract, deflect, deny and offer up excuses and red herrings in the hope that the people somehow lose interest. Which do you think the American people are entitled to ?
edit on 14-4-2014 by rickynews because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2014 @ 11:53 AM
This man is supposed to be the highest law official in the land. What has he done or not done:
- cover up and not investigate Fast and furious
- Help Arizona defend it's borders from illegal immigration and border crime rather than threaten the state governments efforts to do the federal govt's job
- Move on investigating financial fraud and financial crime by bankers
- Investigate the govt's use of the IRS as a pit bull to intimidate conservatives.
When you cannot attack the message you attack the messenger by pulling out the race card. Works every time.

a reply to: neo96

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