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Report: Shooting at Fort Hood; Multiple Injuries UPDATE2: Four dead, 16 injured...

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posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 10:01 PM
reply to post by Bassago

Yeah, I know. And there were some other alphabet agencies he named that I didn't catch. A PTSD diagnosis does seem to come with a lot of restrictions and stigma, even in this age.

They also said shooter was not a wounded combat vet and served four months in Iraq in 2011. He just transferred to hood and they are investigating his background and record.

They also said it was a female law enforcement officer who engaged him.

I'm out to continue holding my breath.

edit on 4/2/2014 by ~Lucidity because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 10:16 PM

When I was stationed in Germany back in the mid 90's, firearms access was heavily restricted, and people who had them had to lock them up in the arms room. It didn't stop people from killing each other. Instead of firearms, people were using everything from crowbars to katanas (we had one guy just walk up to a dude in a phone booth and whack his head off with a katana near the flight line in Fulda)

People in the military snap all the time, combat or no. I've seen people do weird things.

My dad was stationed near by during the beheading in Fulda. If I remember right, this guy's wife was having an affair with another man. When she was pregnant in the hospital the husband found out about it. The other man was calling the wife from a payphone outside the hospital. The husband came up from behind and beheaded him while he was talking to his wife. Took the head into the hospital, accidentally went into the wrong room. Woman saw the head and screamed. Then went into the room next door and set the severed head next to his wife.

posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 10:53 PM

The guy just said he is not ruling out 'terrorism'.

Of course not. They have to ensure he's not a jihadist first. Allah forbid they call a guy on a jihad a terrorist ... the world might end.

+1 more 
posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 10:58 PM
I just want to say, Thank you all for your support, this was a tense day, mainly for my family. The one thing I worried about was not me, but for my family, what if the shooter decided to go on a driving by shooting spree?
I'm glad its all over, tomorrow is a new day and time to collect the pieces and put them together.
Hooah to all of you.
1-8 CAV "Mustangs", Blackjack out.

posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 11:00 PM


Mirthful Me
reply to post by GreenMtnBoys

The oxymoron of a gun free military base is one of those mind numbing issues. It's an embarrassment that out soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines must rely on civilian "protection" on our military bases. It's outrageous...

I wonder how come we never hear about mass shootings at other government installations like the NSA has.

Or area 51.

Or the CIA,

Or the FBI,

Or the BATFE.

None of those places are 'gun free'.

They just take them away from the men, and women who they send to go fight their wars for them.

Oxymoron is right.
edit on 2-4-2014 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

We had a shooting at CIA-HQ Langley in '93. Two dead, 3 more wounded. Took 4 years to find the shooter, but we got him (Pakistan again - go figure), and he went to claim his virgin prize in the Jihadi sweepstakes in 2002, via chemical cocktail.

To be fair, though, he DID shoot folks outside the gate, rather than on campus, while they sat in their cars waiting to turn in.

posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 11:37 PM
PTSD. Remember when the PPACA included the right to check on homes of soldiers with PTSD and ask questions which would lead to gun confiscation? Too much of this does not add up. Soldier on soldier conflict but he shoots innocents in multiple areas. My only hope is that in the coming days we do not see more of these. Folks it does not have to be related to AQ terror groups to be terrorism. People on base are now on guard and worried. Norfolk and ft hood II?

What is the end game is what we need to ask. I feel he was ID'd to early. Just my two cents here.

posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 11:44 PM

reply to post by Daedalus

Actually, the local station isn't doing badly. Not perfect, but much better IMO than the cable news infotainment shows.

And then there's the other side of the double-edged sword...if they weren't reporting anything people would be screaming foul as well and wanting more news.

I am very proud of our local news channels. They have done a really good job, and made sure to announce what has been verified and what hasn't, and really kept a cool head during this.

Well done KCEN, very well done.

Quite unlike CNN.. I had a friend post on my FB wall terrified, because CNN was reporting that everyone in Waco stay indoors and away from windows.

*eye roll*

Doesn't anyone at CNN know how to read a map?! I mean seriously, just looking at a map will show you they are not the same place. I am about 40 miles north of Killeen and at least a 30 minute drive away. ::facepalm:: Of course they did this with the first shooting, and the West explosion.

posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 11:46 PM

Probably nothing.. but he most certainly DID say "9 mil" when describing the confrontation with the last person...and before he just corrected himself by a media point a moment ago.

Probably nothing...

* Sorry Mirth... I was posting from an earlier point and hadn't even seen your post as what mine was coming right after. The General seemed defensive when correcting himself and saying 'if I'd said 9 millimeter'.
edit on 2-4-2014 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

Wrabbit, he said he misspoke. I think it was just a simple slip up. I can't imagine the stress they are all under right now.

posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 11:52 PM
reply to post by Mirthful Me

The Western liberal ethos and religion of Islam are completely out of sync.

No amount of whitewash can hide the fact that Islam and Western culture do not mix.

The problem is that the West is blinded by greed; and creating a society which has lost its cohesion. All decisions of the elite are based on greed and short term goals rather than the long term success.

posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 11:59 PM
reply to post by Mirthful Me

How unoriginal.

Doesn' the shooter know it's already been done?

posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 01:05 AM
reply to post by Justaposter

I agree... in fact, I posted that.

Yeah, he likely did just slip up. He's dealing with a real rush up in adrenaline and crash down as the immediate incident ended. Those little goofs just seem to be what gets brought up later as a smoking something or other.

Just a couple msgs below the one you mentioned. There are some other weird things about this case though (already) and I'll be very interested to watch how this develops. Maybe it comes out to be a simple explanation, and so much the better. Then again, maybe it doesn't. Time will tell pretty quick I think.

posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 02:38 AM


Wasn't there a shooting there a few years ago? Or am I confused?

Yes .. a big one. Major Nadal Hasan shot down a bunch of people. Killing a pregnant woman in the process. He was shot and his legs no longer work. I think he's on death row. It was an extremist muslim attack ... but the Obama White House calls it 'workplace violence'.

So disgusting.

posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 03:26 AM
reply to post by zetnom

I am just catching up here, and in no way want to derail the thread. But I just can't figure this. How come, guns or not, we don't get UK soldiers who came back from war zones with PTSD reacting like this? I have read stories where they have threatened family members and the family unit have broken down as a consequence. But they get support and help, and yes I know it's not perfect, but even so, I don't recall any military guy 'flipping out' in this way in the UK and it seems to be a fairly regular occurrence over in the US.
Just pondering over my morning brew.

posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 03:49 AM



Mirthful Me
reply to post by GreenMtnBoys

The oxymoron of a gun free military base is one of those mind numbing issues. It's an embarrassment that out soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines must rely on civilian "protection" on our military bases. It's outrageous...

I wonder how come we never hear about mass shootings at other government installations like the NSA has.

Or area 51.

Or the CIA,

Or the FBI,

Or the BATFE.

None of those places are 'gun free'.

They just take them away from the men, and women who they send to go fight their wars for them.

Oxymoron is right.
edit on 2-4-2014 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

We had a shooting at CIA-HQ Langley in '93. Two dead, 3 more wounded. Took 4 years to find the shooter, but we got him (Pakistan again - go figure), and he went to claim his virgin prize in the Jihadi sweepstakes in 2002, via chemical cocktail.

To be fair, though, he DID shoot folks outside the gate, rather than on campus, while they sat in their cars waiting to turn in.

Right ....who's we?

It sounds as if you work for the CIA ...

Just saying ..

Also can you link anything regarding that shooting.



posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 04:32 AM
reply to post by angelchemuel

How come, guns or not, we don't get UK soldiers who came back from war zones with PTSD reacting like this?

We just cast them aside, make them redundant, give them no jobs, no home, no future.
Far too many ex-servicemen and women end up on benefits or homeless with absolutely no support network whatsoever whilst suffering from varying degrees of PTSD and other issues.

....... I don't recall any military guy 'flipping out' in this way in the UK and it seems to be a fairly regular occurrence over in the US.

No, I can't remember any similar spree killings / murder-suicides....but far too many have ended up killing or hurting others and themselves and being marginalised from society.
Perhaps its simply a reflection of one of the differences between our respective countries and societies.

My heart goes out to all those affected by this terrible tragedy.
edit on 3/4/14 by Freeborn because: grammar

posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 04:43 AM
It's interesting how a lot of gun advocates are for the right to bear arms anywhere, be it a school, a business, a church, a bar, etc, but the US military, which has a WHOLE lot of experience with firearms, doesn't allow its personnel to carry weapons and ammo willy nilly on bases, but rather carefully controls access to these items. Yet now some GOP congressman, because of this shooting, wants military personnel to be allowed to carry concealed weapons on base. I'd like to know what current and former military types think about this swell idea.

posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 05:08 AM

posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 05:36 AM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

That's suicides.....not taking other peoples lives....totally different 'mind set'.

I was already aware of the suicides in the UK, and I'm pretty sure there must be the same happening in the US, so thank you for the link in case others are not aware of this other tragic aspect of war.

posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 06:23 AM
First of all, I must protest at some of the things I have heard people saying about this incident.

The place is called FORT Hood, not open plan, Ikea sponsored, happy clappy laa laa land. If you call something a Fort, it should be damned well fortified, all its entrances and exits fortified, and every one hundred meters of its outer perimeter defended and defensible, not to mention guarded... Heavily.

And yet I have heard people suggesting that Fort Hood is just "too big to guard properly"? Yes, perhaps it is too large for say ten people to guard properly, but I have to make a couple of points against this nonsense.

First, the US military has MASSES of people, perfectly suited to that sort of duty. Many more than it ever sends on operations at any one time, and many more than would be required to guard this location, and every other garrison with the word Fort before its name. They ought to get about doing that. Second point to make here, is that the US has some of the most interesting surveillance gear in the world at its disposal, including, but by no means limited to, facial recognition technology, drones, satellite look downs, and technology that can record, identify and track the location of a gunshot using algorithms to track its acoustic signature to within mere feet of its origin.

They are not short the resources technologically speaking, to ensure that threats are responded to within seconds, rather than minutes or hours. Also, if there are large, undefended, UNFENCED areas surrounding Fort Hood, then its name ought to be changed to "Totally Undefended, Fish In a Barrel Type Situation Hood." Either that, or someone needs to invent a solid perimeter of some sort, something which would prevent the perimeter from being totally porous, and remind people within and without that no jackassery will be tolerated.... You could call it a wall maybe?

Now, as to how much any of this would have done, to prevent this PARTICULAR incident, I have no idea. But to say that any location is indefensible, when it is designated as a Fort, is a defeatist, and RIDICULOUS suggestion.

posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 06:35 AM
This is the obvious outcome of giving a bunch of psycho's firearms with the knowledge of how to use them. They aren't even people.

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