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Over 123% of Sevastopol residents vote to join Russia!

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posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by Xcathdra

First of all I am not trying to keep any narrative going . What I am trying to do is understand what went down and why .The Nuland F/EU statement coming from the state dept. clears that up for me .I am not sure what agreements were talked about from different parties and at which point about looking into the sniper narrative .The last I heard about that is that the new Regime wants nothing to do with a investigation .They may have softened their rhetoric towards that like Bush Jr. did on the 911 investigation .Maybe in order to buy time to get their people in place to put out the official story . You do bring up some things that could be asked as to why Putin said this or that . That may be a legitimate question to look at . It still does not answer to the 2 phone calls and how Ukraine has someone trying to run their country who they themselves did not elect .And who we can assume was Washington's choice despite that there was someone more popular who could have been the interim leader until the elections in may .

So before we go into other things that could be looked at lets keep what we know to be closer to the truth then picking at other threads that may be this or that . Remember it was the NSN that was controlling the Narrative up until people started pointing out things like Russia did not invade Ukraine and had a legal right to be there ...peace

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 10:13 AM
edit on 18/3/14 by mangust69 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by mangust69

Thanks ..not a mirror of this but one that the US was the first to jump up and recognize .Tit for tat it might be .

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 10:42 AM

reply to post by mangust69

Thanks ..not a mirror of this but one that the US was the first to jump up and recognize .Tit for tat it might be .

Russia was also a part of that and in fact worked hand in hand with the UN and NATO. Russians military units were a part of the KFOR contingent.

Secondly how is this comparable to Ukraine?

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by Xcathdra

I guess deciding your future as a separate group within a larger demographic .I had mentioned to you about Quebec in Canada earlier and how as a province could have a legal referendum that was not sanctioned by the Federal arm of the country .You had been crying foul and declaring illegal at that time .

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 11:26 AM

reply to post by Xcathdra

Seems legit

This election did better than North Korea.
Great Leader Jr only got 100%

edit on 17-3-2014 by SLAYER69 because: (no reason given)

Where *do* you get all of these great GIFS?!?

Consider it appropriated.

National Security and all that you know...

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by Xcathdra

Your source is the (euro)maidan "fan" website? Why you need that, if the mainstream media is on the same viewpoint:

As the Ukraine crisis continues to deepen, the mainstream U.S. news media is sinking to new lows of propaganda and incompetence. Somehow, a violent neo-Nazi-spearheaded putsch overthrowing a democratically elected president was refashioned into a “legitimate” regime, then the “interim” government and now simply “Ukraine.”

Mainstream US Media Is Lost in Ukraine

Yet, the danger of false narratives – as the American people saw in Iraq and almost revisited in Syria – is that policies, including warfare, can be driven by myth, not by fact. The real story of Ukraine is far more complex than the black-and-white caricature that the New York Times, the Washington Post and others are presenting. It is in the truthful grays that responsible policies are shaped and bloody miscalculations are avoided.

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by Xcathdra

Voting fraud happens ALL the time in America... yet no one really takes action about it. Our presidential elections are rigged, yet no one really cries "Foul" about it.

I don't really care that ~90,000 more people voted in the Crimean Referendum than a 2013 pop. survey suggests. Until they can prove that they were double or triple votes from the same people it seems that 90,000 in a vote that was approx. 95% in favor of joining Russia doesn't matter.

Chances are if you removed those 90,000 the vote would have still passed. But that's after you prove that the 90,000 were in fact voter fraud and not like others have suggested Ukrainian residents fleeing into Crimea to avoid the Nationalist/Fascists.

I'm skeptical of ANYTHING that comes out of Ukraine that is anti-Russian. The Ukrainian puppet government is doing exactly what American politicians would do.

This whole situation is utter lunacy.
edit on 18-3-2014 by WCmutant because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by maghun

Apparently you ignored the Russian link as well as the fact the maiden website did not work the story. Some blogger used the voting statistics released by the Crimean people.
Ill repost it since you had issues seeing the blue hyperlink in Cyrillic in the same post -

Over 123% of Sevastopol residents vote to join Russia!
PRAVDA - За злиття з Росією проголосувало 123% севастопольців

now, what's the next argument you will give to try and discredit the article?
edit on 18-3-2014 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 03:03 PM

reply to post by Xcathdra

Voting fraud happens ALL the time in America... yet no one really takes action about it. Our presidential elections are rigged, yet no one really cries "Foul" about it.

And you would be wrong.. The voter fraud is investigated when it is brought to light. The issue I think you and others seem to be having is in the US we investigate it and then forward it to the PA / AG office. They will decide if charges are warranted.

We don't throw a hissy fit and scream secession while trying to get Canada to invade to protect us from democrats.

If the elections are rigged, and you know this as fact for all of our elections, why have you done nothing to stop it? Or is this one of those times where you try to compare the US to the BS Russia pulled when they invaded Ukraine to serve as a distraction in hopes people dont realize the counter argument being made is not supported by anything at all? Let alone even on topic.
edit on 18-3-2014 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by Xcathdra

The simple fact is that more people voting than a previous population census suggests doesn't 100% mean voter fraud. 90,000 out of the 474,000 (ish) total statistically speaking will also not change a 95% in-favor of joining Russia outcome. That's also assuming that ALL 90,000 voted in-favor.

Here's what I see in this article:
1. Screen captions of population census of Sevastpool.
2. No actual reports of the number of YES vs. NO votes to join Russia.

I see a reference to and the bottom reference to In the blog entry and at they reference "livejournal" and both the Euromaiden blog and the Pravda website nearly verbatim just grabbed Teh-Nomad.livejournal story.

I'm not saying it's correct or incorrect. But I'd like to see ACTUAL polling numbers and not a 2013 population census.

This seems all too easy and again - 90,000 out of 1,724,000 (the total supposedly voting in the Crimea Referendum) is 5% of the total voters. That means if you remove them all together you are still in the neighborhood of 85-90% of ALL the other voters supporting the merge with Russian.

Dirty tricks. I feel it's a convenient attempt to stall the Crimean annexation by Ukraine rather than voter fraud by Russia. Why? I already stated it - 90,000 doesn't change the outcome. But if used to claim "voter fraud" Ukraine could attempt to stall the Referendum.

As for our voter fraud and rigged elections:
Bucking the system yields very bad results for people that speak the the truth and advocate real change (not Obama's version of change). While I believe in the idea that "one man can change the world" I've already faced reality that changing the corrupt American system is not possible without severe backlash or worse.

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 06:26 PM
Great job CIA.
125% LOL

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 07:46 PM
Can you explain why Russian troop based in Crimea was allowed to vote along with people living in Russian then?

Locals In Crimea have reported to the Press that 30% of the population turned out?

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 07:56 PM


reply to post by Xcathdra

I have to ask, did they buy the voting equipment from the US and have Jeb Bush program the sucker? I mean seriously, there was so much voting fraud in the US elections last time and the time before, I guess it's just normal now. Kind of a shame because it really does blow the old "Your vote means something" crap right out of the water.

Or is this more propaganda by a paid shill hired by the whitehouse?

Cheers - Dave

The voter fraud allegations were / are being investigated with a number of people who engaged in it serving prison time. The United States allowed UN observers during the 2012 elections.

As for ballots and voting, nothing along those lines occurred in Crimea. Kind of hard to vote your conscious when you have armed "secret" military personnel hovering over you at the voting booth.

Now, as with the poster above, do you have anything to contribute to this thread that in any way shape or form supports your claims or is this one of those attack the poster because you cant attack the facts?

Granted I can see how hard it is to challenge the facts when they come directly from Crimea / Russian sources but you should give it a go anyways.

I believe I asked two questions and there is a wealth of information on ATS concerning voting fraud in the US. I am not attacking the poster at all. So, what was your point?

Cheers - Dave

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 08:48 PM
reply to post by bobs_uruncle

Oh wow

What gearporn do you have in the rack

Frap frap frap

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 09:37 PM

reply to post by bobs_uruncle

Oh wow

What gearporn do you have in the rack

Frap frap frap

Going a little off topic here (or a lot), that would be a Vantage 800 Bass, an Ibanez RG321MH with an ultrafast neck, Keyboards are a Roland MidiComposer Sequencer and Yamaha PSR730 with the XG engine, an Electrix MoFx, Electrix Filter Factory, Alesis DM5 Drum Synth, Yamaha TG55 Rack Mount Synth, Echo Layla 16 channel ADAT/Analogue interface (hard drive recording), a Behringer MDX4600 Quad Compressor/Limiter/Peaker/Expander, an Opcode Studio 128x MIDI Controller, 2 48 channel patchbays, an Akai Z8 Sampler with 120g hard drive and 512m of RAM, Behringer 2442X-Pro Mixer, Behringer PHM3000 powered mixer, Behringer B1520's, Cerwin Vega 6's (12") and Dalquist & Infinity monitors and the three computers are a 4U dual core 3.2ghz (studio engine with about 1 terrabyte in UDE/SATA and another terrabyte in 15krpm SCSI's), a 2U dual core 3.0ghz (web and FM channel broadcasting engine/server) and a 2U dual core 3.2ghz for running my server apps. The beast on the bottom you can't quite see is a dbx-bx3 4 channel 1200wrms amplifier (about 70lbs, that's why it's on the bottom lol) and there is the Fostex AP2130 amplifier as well, it's only 1350wrms though with a 1.7kw draw on the ac lines. The entire system runs word clock, ADAT fiber, a midi network and the computers run on a 1ghz backplane through two class C firewalls and TCP/IP Wrapper. Recording is generally done at 96khz, 24 bit but I can go to 192khz, 32 bit if necessary, the computers have m-audio sound cards.

I also have a Sevegio Acoustic/Electric dreadnought, an older showroom quality acoustic Silvertone and a Nova Strat style electric that I am incorporating in my XG guitar synth project using Samsung ARM Cortex and TI Stellaris processors. I also have a really sweet original 1968 Fender Pro Reverb in showroom floor condition as well with less than 50 hours on it.

So there you go, I have a few toys to play with when I am not doing other things LOL

Cheers - Dave
edit on 3/18.2014 by bobs_uruncle because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 10:23 PM


reply to post by bobs_uruncle

Oh wow

What gearporn do you have in the rack

Frap frap frap

Going a little off topic here (or a lot), that would be a Vantage 800 Bass, an Ibanez RG321MH with an ultrafast neck, Keyboards are a Roland MidiComposer Sequencer and Yamaha PSR730 with the XG engine, an Electrix MoFx, Electrix Filter Factory, Alesis DM5 Drum Synth, Yamaha TG55 Rack Mount Synth, Echo Layla 16 channel ADAT/Analogue interface (hard drive recording), a Behringer MDX4600 Quad Compressor/Limiter/Peaker/Expander, an Opcode Studio 128x MIDI Controller, 2 48 channel patchbays, an Akai Z8 Sampler with 120g hard drive and 512m of RAM, Behringer 2442X-Pro Mixer, Behringer PHM3000 powered mixer, Behringer B1520's, Cerwin Vega 6's (12") and Dalquist & Infinity monitors and the three computers are a 4U dual core 3.2ghz (studio engine with about 1 terrabyte in UDE/SATA and another terrabyte in 15krpm SCSI's), a 2U dual core 3.0ghz (web and FM channel broadcasting engine/server) and a 2U dual core 3.2ghz for running my server apps. The beast on the bottom you can't quite see is a dbx-bx3 4 channel 1200wrms amplifier (about 70lbs, that's why it's on the bottom lol) and there is the Fostex AP2130 amplifier as well, it's only 1350wrms though with a 1.7kw draw on the ac lines. The entire system runs word clock, ADAT fiber, a midi network and the computers run on a 1ghz backplane through two class C firewalls and TCP/IP Wrapper. Recording is generally done at 96khz, 24 bit but I can go to 192khz, 32 bit if necessary, the computers have m-audio sound cards.

I also have a Sevegio Acoustic/Electric dreadnought, an older showroom quality acoustic Silvertone and a Nova Strat style electric that I am incorporating in my XG guitar synth project using Samsung ARM Cortex and TI Stellaris processors. I also have a really sweet original 1968 Fender Pro Reverb in showroom floor condition as well with less than 50 hours on it.

So there you go, I have a few toys to play with when I am not doing other things LOL

Cheers - Dave
edit on 3/18.2014 by bobs_uruncle because: (no reason given)

My god and you wrote it like a gearporn pro, I want to come round for a perve

Oh yeah, guilty... I probably spend more time on here recently rather than perusing my hobby and annoying the mrs and neighbours..

I currently have

Windows 7 ultimate 64bit running on
AMD 8 core 4.0hhz
16GB vengeance
GeForce 660 Ti 2gb gpu
Crosshairs v formula z Mobo
Top specs all round tbh

Dual samsung Flatron 22" monitors

RME Fireface 400

Event 20/20 BAS b3 as main reference monitors

Eve Audio sc204 second monitors

Access Virus Ti2 Polar

Moog Minotaur

Roland V station Gt

We're defo Off topic but who cares

edit on 18-3-2014 by TritonTaranis because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 10:56 PM



reply to post by bobs_uruncle

Oh wow

What gearporn do you have in the rack

Frap frap frap

Going a little off topic here (or a lot), that would be a Vantage 800 Bass, an Ibanez RG321MH with an ultrafast neck, Keyboards are a Roland MidiComposer Sequencer and Yamaha PSR730 with the XG engine, an Electrix MoFx, Electrix Filter Factory, Alesis DM5 Drum Synth, Yamaha TG55 Rack Mount Synth, Echo Layla 16 channel ADAT/Analogue interface (hard drive recording), a Behringer MDX4600 Quad Compressor/Limiter/Peaker/Expander, an Opcode Studio 128x MIDI Controller, 2 48 channel patchbays, an Akai Z8 Sampler with 120g hard drive and 512m of RAM, Behringer 2442X-Pro Mixer, Behringer PHM3000 powered mixer, Behringer B1520's, Cerwin Vega 6's (12") and Dalquist & Infinity monitors and the three computers are a 4U dual core 3.2ghz (studio engine with about 1 terrabyte in UDE/SATA and another terrabyte in 15krpm SCSI's), a 2U dual core 3.0ghz (web and FM channel broadcasting engine/server) and a 2U dual core 3.2ghz for running my server apps. The beast on the bottom you can't quite see is a dbx-bx3 4 channel 1200wrms amplifier (about 70lbs, that's why it's on the bottom lol) and there is the Fostex AP2130 amplifier as well, it's only 1350wrms though with a 1.7kw draw on the ac lines. The entire system runs word clock, ADAT fiber, a midi network and the computers run on a 1ghz backplane through two class C firewalls and TCP/IP Wrapper. Recording is generally done at 96khz, 24 bit but I can go to 192khz, 32 bit if necessary, the computers have m-audio sound cards.

I also have a Sevegio Acoustic/Electric dreadnought, an older showroom quality acoustic Silvertone and a Nova Strat style electric that I am incorporating in my XG guitar synth project using Samsung ARM Cortex and TI Stellaris processors. I also have a really sweet original 1968 Fender Pro Reverb in showroom floor condition as well with less than 50 hours on it.

So there you go, I have a few toys to play with when I am not doing other things LOL

Cheers - Dave
edit on 3/18.2014 by bobs_uruncle because: (no reason given)

My god and you wrote it like a gearporn pro, I want to come round for a perve

Oh yeah, guilty... I probably spend more time on here recently rather than perusing my hobby and annoying the mrs and neighbours..

I currently have

Windows 7 ultimate 64bit running on
AMD 8 core 4.0hhz
16GB vengeance
GeForce 660 Ti 2gb gpu
Crosshairs v formula z Mobo
Top specs all round tbh

Dual samsung Flatron 22" monitors

RME Fireface 400

Event 20/20 BAS b3 as main reference monitors

Eve Audio sc204 second monitors

Access Virus Ti2 Polar

Moog Minotaur

Roland V station Gt

We're defo Off topic but who cares

edit on 18-3-2014 by TritonTaranis because: (no reason given)

Yeah, we be driftin'. Nice toyz! Definitely like the Moog, but then I've always loved Moog ever since I designed my first synth in 1978. What's you're noise floor like? I am running around -119db but I had to replace a lot of the stock capacitors with mylar and film capacitors plus I added extra internal shielding on the wires. I wanted the work I did with the labels to sound like there was nothing on the CD's until the music started. BTW, I play guitar and synth, and I mainly do backing cover tracks for other labeled artists and karaoke suppliers, in my spare time of course. We have to have our hobbies and toys, right?

BTW, I still say the Crimea voting system was probably about as real as the US, Canadian, UK or any other voting system, which in straight up terms just means "Fake as 3 dollar FED note."

Cheers - Dave

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 01:14 AM
Considering this is supposed to be a site about uncovering truth there seems to be a lot of MY COUNTRY HAS BIGGER PENI$ than yours. Lots of misinformation, lies and propaganda. The only thing I can say about that is, well done in blind faith for your country and don't let the facts worry you about that.

The Referendum in Crimea was always going to be in favour of splitting from Ukraine. The people of Crimea did not want to remain in Ukraine after the coup. All respected media outlets knew the vote would be in favour of indepenance. When you have 60% of the population being Russian there was no contest... it dosent help the fact that a large % of pro Ukraine population didn't bother to vote. This is why the US and supporters did not want the vote to go ahead.

You don't fix an election you are going to win. Dur ... think about it. I just read the entire four pages of comments and the amount of links from pro this or pro that sites was disturbing.

You can put lipstick on a pig, but its still a pig.

Please try to stick to the facts or you look like a flag waving patriot with a myopic view of the world and maybe you should be looking at a more nationalistic one sided site.
edit on 19-3-2014 by Reinmax because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 01:51 AM
nickname nomad korovanov with the filing of this blogger - jew from Lvov went lie about 123% 1 +2 +3 = 6 favorite number kabbalists globalists

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