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Game , set and Match to Humanity - NWO you lose as you were always meant to.

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posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 11:45 PM
There's a quality about humanity on the whole that's been overlooked by the NWO types.

Its the secret weapon that's in plain sight , if you have the vision to see it.

This vision , this ability to see is determined upon the filters of perception that you perceive reality through.

These filters are built up over time from experiences we encounter , a sort of distortion that we create as a defence against reality.

A simple example of that may be :- A thief will always view others as thieves as well , because his perceptions or filters can only show him what he see's in himself. I steal , so I'm ok and I'm just like the rest , so they are thieves to.
A thief fears far more about his property being stolen , than does anyone else. He is limited by his perception.
Which by the way explains the neurotic stance by the NWO officiates to that of guarding their property.

So the NWO by their very nature of who they are , limit their perceptions of the capacity of humanity to rise up against them.

They are unable to see the much deeper and stronger qualities of humanity because they have filters that block them, therefor they are unable to adjust their thinking to win the match the war against us.

Humanity is an organism just like any other organism and humanity has its way of subtly educating itself against aspects of itself that are not conducive to the overall growth of the whole.
The NWO as it is manifest currently is NOT conducive to the good of the whole.

Humanity is quite brilliant really , how humanity grows and evolves is by expressing aspects of itself externally.

When I say humanity , I also include of course the collective consciousness of humanity.

Now this external expression of the self of humanity may take the form of externalised religious beliefs ( as an example) we have grown through wishing to know who and what we are , through putting that outside ourselves in all
all of its myriad forms.

Only in the externalization and the examination of components of ourselves can we begin to know what we are and what we do not wish ourselves to be and that works on the macro and well as the micro ( the whole of humanity and the individual).

Now in the first expression of this exploration of the qualities of our connection to source/God/all that is , we worshiped the environment around us , we called the Sun God and the wind God and so forth.

As a collective we then began to dig deeper into this exploration of our God essence through externalization.

We created more and more complex religions and belief systems.

The organism wished to know itself and wanted to spread this aspect out on the table if you will to examine it.

To pick the parts that we felt were really who we wanted to be and to throw away those aspects that were not who we as a collective wanted to embody.

Now we are quite ruthless in this search for who we are and we dig very deep and we explore as many variables as we can.

But ultimately in the end we absorb that which is the true reflection of our divinity.

We as humanity are now at that stage with the religious experiment of who we really are and are in the process of re-absorption into both the individual and the collective self.

We are past the stage of externalizing our connection to the divine , we know the aspects that we wish to embody.

The church within now holds the rightful place it always did and was in the very beginning , inside us.

So back to the NWO , they too are an experiment , an externalization of who we thought we were.

We as a collective have spewed this element outside ourselves to view it and decide if this is who we wish to be.

Guess what? NWO ,We have decided that those are not elements of who we really are and they will not form the body of humanity.

Prepare for the eventual breakdown of the experiment , thanks for embodying those aspects which we have chosen from your display, not to take on board, for that we are grateful.
You served your purpose and did a very good job of showing us what we are not.

Another interesting article on this subject but from a different perspective:-

edit on 4-12-2013 by Pinkorchid because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-12-2013 by Pinkorchid because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-12-2013 by Pinkorchid because: addition

posted on Dec, 5 2013 @ 12:09 AM
reply to post by Pinkorchid

Nice thought but they use a supercomputer to predict how we will react to any and every given situation.

The elites are satanists who are the complete opposite of good as far as i can see, the only thing that they may be doing and are therefore good is trapping all the evil entities in our dimension and if we ascend they get left here trapped that is if we even do ascend.

But that is a stretch of the imagination on any day.

posted on Dec, 5 2013 @ 12:15 AM
reply to post by jinni73

Every computer is limited by the perceptions of it's programmers.

Humanity is a natural organism which has a divine connection , computer no matte how super , don't.

posted on Dec, 5 2013 @ 12:15 AM

"how humanity grows and evolves is by expressing aspects of itself externally."

We sure do, which is exactly ideal to propel the data collection boat to maximum knots!

"They are unable to see the must deeper and stronger qualities of humanity because they have filters that block them, therefor they are unable to adjust their thinking to win the match the war against us."

There really isn't much of a war, we as a collective socity already willingly give higher powers what they need for success in endless amounts - information, data and trends.

"We have decided that those are not elements of who we really are and they will not form the body of humanity. "

We have? They won't?

"They are unable to see the must deeper and stronger qualities of humanity because they have filters that block them, therefor they are unable to adjust their thinking to win the match the war against us."

Our perceptions and experiences as individuals and as a society have filters as well, some deliberate, some natural (but mostly deliberate ;- ) ), too; filters, or what some might call misconceptions, disinfo, and/or most of all "information overload" which is what happens when you process and compute so much information about one thing/topic/event or many things/topics/events in a very short amount of time coming from many directions and points of view from many sources, which is prevalent in today's society from all sorts of mediums ie: Google/bing, websites, Facebook, cell phones/texting, e-mail, word of mouth, rumours, news and other media etc, and of course ATS, which is included as a means of sharing/processing mass info and communications like much everything else.
In tern this process of data sharing and communication through mass overload creates a blatant general confusion/skewed perception of what is really happening in reality, eventually (and currently) to the point where people cannot even fathom reality, even if they wanted to. Deliberate? You decide.

edit on 12/5/2013 by unb3k44n7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2013 @ 12:22 AM
reply to post by unb3k44n7

Our collective consciousness is the super computer , they are just running a program.

And we also have virus protection- the divine.

posted on Dec, 5 2013 @ 12:35 AM
reply to post by Pinkorchid

Oh, this is about God/a God(s) and stuff for you because you/we run on a different level/system of purported divinity than other people (made up of the same atoms and molecules as you/we are) whom seek power.

Ok, you win.

posted on Dec, 5 2013 @ 12:46 AM

reply to post by jinni73

Every computer is limited by the perceptions of it's programmers.

Humanity is a natural organism which has a divine connection , computer no matte how super , don't.

I like your optimism and yes we do throw spanners in the works don't we.

posted on Dec, 5 2013 @ 01:23 AM
reply to post by Pinkorchid

That was beautifully articulated.

Through consumerism each person has a chance to change the collective direction and can support community businesses and build channels of internal manufacturing and or distribution of necessities and even frugalities in order to deflate global elite leverage and inflate the local community's prosperity.


Every time you want to turn on the TV, stop yourself and instead do something way better; read a book or watch a video online from a REAL non scripted PERSON.

Start giving your resources to locals and those locals will give you their money for product/services

We need COMMUNITY. COMMUNITY cares about the neighbors. Do you care about your neighbors? If your neighbors have a home invasion are you ready to help them? Would you neighbors help you?

In France over 800 sharia zones exist where the local police dare not interfere or venture; or they risk facing a potentially fatal flanking.

All these people who justify war constantly belittle Muslims to ease their conscious, but look at how much community they have compared to us narcissistic Westerners. Taking Americans will be like taking candy from a baby compared to their extractions in the middle east. Think about it! Most Americans will just say, "oh that's the neighbor's problem. they must be drug dealers. Ya that's why they got taken away. they would never hurt a family like ours. No lets not interfere less we get disappeared too. about time the gov starts cleaning up the streets once and for all "

I don't see why our neighborhoods can't start building community, planning, and relationships so that common people can look out for and help other common people'

If the police know you have eachothers back....i guarantee you they think twice before bullying someone. Why do you think they get so mad when neighbors film their crimes!!

they know the power of community!!!!!!!!!

facefool and instagag helps control all the community in a perfect digital archive...SO BUILD YOUR OWN PRIVATE COMMUNITY NETWORKS

build you own communication backups systems

If everyone prays every night for the World, and prayed for specifics, the world would become a better place. People need to wake up and realize that they are part of the collective consciousness and they CAN and WILL make a difference by doing their part physically and especially spiritually through prayer. Pray to keep thwarting the ZWOs* evil black flag operations; through good men and women who won't stand for it. Pray to keep thwarting all the evil plans by the elite. Pray to raise up righteous corporations that will not stand for evil and who refuses to compromise with the beast system.

Jesus Christ Bless His Children

*zionist world order not to be mistaken with the real Jews
edit on 5-12-2013 by StopThaZionistWorldOrder because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-12-2013 by StopThaZionistWorldOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2013 @ 01:59 AM
reply to post by StopThaZionistWorldOrder

Haha, Really?!
How do you start a long rant about consumerism, Muslims and Jews based on ANYTHING the thread even remotely mentioned.
How in the *$*$*$*
Where am I? Who are you? What just happened?!

I feel like this site is terrible for my mental health sometimes.

posted on Dec, 5 2013 @ 02:10 AM
Wait no, I completely get it now, this thread is about tennis! What an extraordinary revelation! I'm blown away, truly!

posted on Dec, 5 2013 @ 02:31 AM
It makes sense that you see our highest selves (the spirit we can all attain), as the filter to being taken in by the confusion around us. Sites like this one allow us to see the truth, (or contemplate it), and therefore don't make us passive bystanders in our participation in life.

But we must participate none the less. You speak about different filters yet that gets too deeply into the study of psychology to be limited to choice alone. As one example - we have basic needs and must fulfill those (are driven to do so by nature). Nature also creates variations in abilities, the way people think, etc.. A good example is the different religions (way people perceive spirit/God). That all on it's own creates a foothold for people to abuse power and can skew perceptions. Look at the ridiculous nature of the Temple Mount - are these people getting anywhere with spiritual growth? Or are they creating an environment for war and power consolidation?

We can see the truth but getting people on board with that will only be possible through divine intervention. Everyone thinks they know what truth is and look at our world. I would love us all to be unified and wake up but it is never going to happen (again - minus a miricle). Your thoughts about it are nice though.

posted on Dec, 5 2013 @ 02:39 AM
reply to post by unb3k44n7

You misunderstand , some play a negative role to serve the purpose of the whole.

We are all the same all equal.

posted on Dec, 5 2013 @ 03:28 AM

Guess what? NWO ,We have decided that those are not elements of who we really are and they will not form the body of humanity. Prepare for the eventual breakdown of the experiment , thanks for embodying those aspects which we have chosen from your display, not to take on board, for that we are grateful. You served your purpose and did a very good job of showing us what we are not.

This is the way I feel. Gratitude towards them for showing me what it is I do not want. It therefore gives me the freewill not to focus in that direction.

I also agree with the idea that there is no way they can keep up the thinking of humanity, as princess Leya says:

edit on 29am12America/Chicagoam by iamea because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2013 @ 03:31 AM
reply to post by Pinkorchid

I must disagree. Why would a thief see all others as thieves? I contend that there are some that categorize people into victims and prey vs predators and those that will seek to take advantage of the others. Con men see victims. Thieves see potential victims. Politicians see people that can be lied to for their benefit. It's not that people see everyone as themselves, it is often Them and Us and the two being totally different. Poor and rich see each other completely different. Republican and Democrat these days certainly seems to be in effect. Political, religious, economic, color...... it is the inherent tribalism in humanity that keeps us at odds with each other. One group against another.

Much of this can be oddly seen by size as well. You can have a rich side of town, a poor side of town, a neighborhood of different color and culture.... but then that whole town can have a rival town. Or that county feels different than another county... and state, and country, and continent.... these rivalries are possibly encouraged by those that can make a buck off it. Arms manufacturing. Religious groups. Politicians again. People that make a living putting down others of a "different type" in one way or another. Humanity against the NWO? I think the NWO is taking advantage of our leanings towards disunity rather than affinity.

posted on Dec, 5 2013 @ 04:13 AM

I must disagree. Why would a thief see all others as thieves?

I have had a personal experience with this.

A close family member of mine, throughout my life accused me of stealing "things" from him.

I could never understand where this came from. I had shown this individual nothing but respect and honesty.
It was not until later in my life that I became aware of the amount of deceit that this individual was capable of.

He automatically assumed that if he was in my position that he would steal, and therefore because of my situation he accused me of everything.

I was a victim at that time, but I now understand that there is no such thing as a victim in this world we live in, unless we choose to see ourselves or others as that.

In order to explain this concept I will give another example. I had a friend who as a baby was beaten very badly by his father. His skull was damaged, when he was 3 months old. He almost died, and had a near death experience . Now because he had this near death experience at the age of 3 months old, he was able to view the world from 2 different realities. He spent a great deal of his time on another plane of existence, he is a great healer, he also has the ability to see the world from an entirely different perspective than anyone else I have ever met. He is possibly the only person I have ever met that did not really suffer in this life at all, as he was able to take a higher stand as he came across problems, skirt around issues, and understand the true meaning of life, love, family and friends. So I learned that everything is not what is seems in this place we call home. What can happen for some viewing this, they can have an incorrect perception on what opportunity this event has on someones life.

It is not what happens to us that makes us great, It is what we do about it.

posted on Dec, 5 2013 @ 10:28 AM
reply to post by unb3k44n7

It's about the collective consciousness, about community, what do you not understand about that?

See this is a prime example, people spend more time trolling instead of actually READING.

It's pathetic.

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