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Obama - Nearly 100% Staged Photo Propaganda - AP Calls Out Media To End This

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posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 09:34 AM

reply to post by jimmyx

Your link doesn't work. I guess that makes my computer racist.

Why does it always have to be about race with you people? Why can't you see that some of us just don't like his policies?

Give it a rest.

took the first link out....thanks... now. ...maybe because the OP doesn't comment on why all presidents have put their feet up on the desk, just Obama...and when HE does it, it shows disrespect, but any other president, that's ok. now why would that be?....oh's because the OP doesn't like his policies...right.

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 09:41 AM

reply to post by Mon1k3r

Yeah and did anyone stop to think after reading this, that this means the disrespectful foot on the desk shot was purposeful? Right in your face folks, right in your face....

edit on 10-11-2013 by elouina because: (no reason given)

Why is that disrespectful???

It's a freaking desk...give it a break.

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 09:49 AM

you mean to tell me that at all the public appearances Obama has had, NOT ONE associated press picture was allowed?...there are cameras going off everywhere, the flashes are constant and furious...this is a load of BS.

The OP, as usual, is very misleading...this is how Obama haters operate.

Obama is photographed all the time...what the AP is crying about is that they aren't allowed to have a photographer follow Obama around 24-7 and have to rely on photographs from the administration during confidential or highly sensitive situations.

In short, the OP is distorting the facts just like she always does.

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 09:50 AM

reply to post by elouina

The more I read about him the more I think I get his personality. I think he is likely an egomaniac. Antisocial personality. Hes pretentious and wants to control every aspect of his image. I bet he gets very angry when stuff comes out and his supporters get upset with him, cracks in the veneer. I doubt he cares about the people, just his image.

You just figured that out?

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 09:53 AM

reply to post by jimmyx

Your link doesn't work. I guess that makes my computer racist.

Why does it always have to be about race with you people? Why can't you see that some of us just don't like his policies?

Give it a rest.

Is there another reason why people are absolutely outraged that Obama puts his feet up on the desk, but all the other (white) Presidents have also done it and nothing has ever been said about it???

Deny it all you want...but illogical hate like what is displayed daily by some members can come from nothing else except illogical racism.

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 10:20 AM
This thread is stupid. It has nothing to do with Communism at all. 80% of all news content in the West is created this way due to Capitalism.

I've been a journalist for years. The West has always used propaganda, they just changed the name to Public Relations at the end of WW2 as with USSR tensions looming they thought the old name propaganda was now a negative word.

PR is used by every single Western company and politician as a means of trying to get the press to only report positive things about them. The press, due to the pressures of Capitalism, parrot these messages (literally cutting and pasting stories from Press Offices most of the time) to minimize costs and time spent.

Freud's nephew Edward Bernays used Freud's theories to develop PR into tapping into the public conscious. In the early days of feminism it was a social no-go for women to smoke cigarettes which big tobacco wanted to change, so Bernays hired several female actors to smoke cigarettes and got the press to take photos of them, telling the press to use the headline 'Torches of Freedom'. From that point on women who smoked were seen as strong rebellious figures in the public imagination with women being encouraged to smoke to gain freedom.

All this was set up purely in the financial Capitalist interests of Big Tobacco - it has nothing to do with Capitalism.

For a detailed and scarily prophetic account of how PR functions have a read of 'Hidden Persuaders' by Vance Packard, which will scare you to the core as everything in the West - from the music played in stores to party politics is all built to subconsciously get you to spend more money and in support of Capitalism.

Packard's Book

Bernays' Book - from 1921 (before the PR rebrand) whihc opennly reveals how the US government uses these techniques to control democracy and public opinion

Exactly the same thing went on with Bush, plus if you look at his speeches he only ever made a 'Bushism' when announcing highly unpopular measures because his Press Team knew everyone would focus on the gaffe and miss the major scandal.
edit on 10-11-2013 by bastion because: (no reason given)


Just read the story, they're right to call for it, but it's hypocritical as most newspapers get the majority of their content by reprinting AP and Reuters copy. Until that is stopped and copy/pasting press releases is banned this is just pissing in the wind.
edit on 10-11-2013 by bastion because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 10:25 AM
reply to post by signalfire

I know, and who cares where his feet are anyway? Where's his head...

And just to be fair, where was Georgie's???

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 10:34 AM



reply to post by Mon1k3r

edit on 10-11-2013 by elouina because: (no reason given)
While the foot on the desk might be disrespectful, I am more concerned with the symbolization of holding a gun in his right hand! If this is a staged photo then what exactly is the message being sent?

right...gee.. it wouldn't be that he was a black president, that he would be getting this type of criticism, would it?

here's an another look at this "disrespect"....republicans still amaze me with their hyprocrisy
edit on 10-11-2013 by jimmyx because: (no reason given)
It strikes me as funny how finger pointers can make claims with NO basis in fact. Although you quoted me you obviously didn't read my post. I clearly stated that my concern was with the fact that if this was a staged photo, then what does the right hand formed to represent a gun symbolize?

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 10:53 AM
reply to post by new_here

But Bush was funny.

It still makes me laugh.

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 11:12 AM
I love it when folks invoke communism to describe their political enemies. It shows me how easy the people are to manipulate these days. Calling Obama a communist is like calling me a jazz guitar player; it's a gross violation of the language. What he is is a lawyer and corporitist, and profit for he and his cronies is the overarching narrative here, just as it is in whatever is left of the former communist strongholds of the world.

This "free country" garbage is hopelessly naive. We haven't been "free" in the way you describe for a hundred years or more, and so long as continue to support a narrow range of choices for leadership roles, vetted entirely by the money, all freedom is narrative, and little more. This was true 10 years ago during the presidency of GWB and it will be true in 5 years, under whatever train-wreck we choose in 2016, from either party.

Single issue politics and gross simplification of complex ideas is the product of a coordinated effort to reduce the power of entire groups of human beings, under any system, and it is the preferred method of leadership for those who desire to control and manipulate the masses. It doesn't matter a lick whether those issues are abortion, guns, the environment or illegal immigration. To argue otherwise, using button words like "communism" belies reality in every way, and betrays the intent of all parties: to reduce inhibition to support and induce suggestibility in the uninitiated.

Same as it ever was.

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 11:21 AM
Most people don't want the truth and the government doesn't want the people to have the truth. Most of the so called news organizations help that cause. Everything is working out as desired.

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 11:25 AM
Let the Marxists control the means of production. The only reliable method of control is - and has always been -- controlling the means (and methods) of (distributing) information.

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 11:59 AM


took the first link out....thanks... now. ...maybe because the OP doesn't comment on why all presidents have put their feet up on the desk, just Obama...and when HE does it, it shows disrespect, but any other president, that's ok. now why would that be?....oh's because the OP doesn't like his policies...right.

I've seen similar photos of POTUS past and they all sound the same meme. Personally, I think putting up ones feet/foot on a desk doesn't show disrespect, just bad manners. That's what ottomans are for.

But I do take issue with people saying "Racist!" just because we disagree with this POTUS.

I didn't like the people that Bush surrounded himself with and I feel the same about Obama as those are the people who advise him. I at least liked how Bush displayed a sense of humor when things screwed up at the spur of the moment, but Obama always seems annoyed. That says a lot to me.

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 12:00 PM

I love it when folks invoke communism to describe their political enemies. It shows me how easy the people are to manipulate these days.

Agreed, it's political spin, AKA Public Relations, AKA Propaganda. They're the exact same thing with a different name.

Go through all the sites reporting this news (apart from sites aimed at journalists) and I guarantee they will have a strong right wing bias or are conspiracy sites.

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 12:52 PM
I am just going to speak to all the nay sayers in bulk here. Do you think I drummed this article up out of my head? The AP is calling out Obama for controlling his photos nearly 100%. You can say what you want, blame whatever you like, but the point still stands. And for those that defend this, maybe you need to look at why you are defending this. So please explain why Obama controls his photos to the point of pure unadulterated propaganda. You do realize that propaganda is the exact opposite of what the US stands for.

And while you are at it, please explain why the White House called up and threatened a Democratic reporter for reporting unfavorable news on Obama. And also tell me why he will only let select reporters report on him. No tough questions, just the questions he wants to answer.

Every dictator president has had their defenders. And if 100% of the people disliked them, they wouldn't have been in office. Well for long that is.

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 01:01 PM

So, I wonder if that one is from his camera guy? Kind of creepy with the emblem behind him looking like a sun and all..
edit on 10-11-2013 by doesntmakesense because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 01:14 PM


So, I wonder if that one is from his camera guy? Kind of creepy with the emblem behind him looking like a sun and all..
edit on 10-11-2013 by doesntmakesense because: (no reason given)

Obviously it would have had to been staged. So Obama wants to be a saint? LOL... Last night I was wondering if we should be posting photos here and examining them NOW that we know they are all staged.

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by elouina

The Tyrant 0vama controlling what the media says and publishes about him...... Not surprised. Not one bit.

Just goes to show how right the "Tyrant" title is.

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 01:37 PM

reply to post by elouina

The Tyrant 0vama controlling what the media says and publishes about him...... Not surprised. Not one bit.

Just goes to show how right the "Tyrant" title is.

You know I feel that Obama will be quite famous in the history books. He will be known as either the president that nearly turned the US communistic, or the one that did.

It just kills me that it has been proven that Obama dabbled in Marxism and belonged to the Democratic Socialists of America. Obviously he wasn't just dabbling in those political ideologies just in the past, they are what he is in the present also. He didn't just suddenly wake up one morning and say, gee I no longer want to be a Marxist. He just woke up one day and said, gee I better hide this.

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 01:47 PM


reply to post by Mon1k3r

edit on 10-11-2013 by elouina because: (no reason given)
While the foot on the desk might be disrespectful, I am more concerned with the symbolization of holding a gun in his right hand! If this is a staged photo then what exactly is the message being sent?
the answer is the location of the right hand...need I say more?

edit on 10-11-2013 by Thunderheart because: (no reason given)

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