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Edward Snowden ready to testify!

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posted on Nov, 1 2013 @ 01:32 PM

Snowden sent a letter to hand to the German Chancellor.

edit on 1.11.2013 by grobi77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2013 @ 01:52 PM

reply to post by Wrabbit2000

This is indeed excellent news!

What has puzzled me most about the Snowden leaks is why the info is coming out in tiny bits, almost daily. Imagine the much greater impact on public opinion if everything we know now had come out at once. Anyone have some perspective on that?


If it had all been released at once, the outrage would have been louder, but it would have died down faster. By releasing tidbits here and there, it's like being killed by 1,000 cuts vs one stab.

Releasing the information this way keeps the news stories fresh in people minds for a much longer period of time. Humans have a short attention span, and would forget and move on if it was released all at once.

Snowden appears to be going for protracted, long-lasting damage to the NSA.

posted on Nov, 1 2013 @ 03:17 PM
As things start to heat up, meaning Snowden gets close to revealing everything he knows, or in this case testifying in a court of law, I think the US intelligence community is going to want him silenced. I am on the fence though, as obviously if he was killed, all suspicions would fall on the US government/intelligence community. But if nothing could be proven, or if it could be swept under the rug, maybe they would attempt such an assassination. Or maybe they would do it in a manner that appeared to be natural, or accidental, as opposed to homicide.

There are a plethora of ways they could assassinate a person, but only a handful that would appear to be something other than outright murder. But regardless of what the cause of death would be, everyone would know the truth. So if Snowden starts getting out an moving around, he is going to be vulnerable wherever he goes, in ANY country in the world, for argument's sake.

posted on Nov, 1 2013 @ 06:14 PM

This man will pay with his life by the hands of the Oligarchy eventually. If he does this, do not forget it and do not forgive the perpetrators.

I just don't see it happening at this point. If Snowden turned up dead the whole world would know who was responsible and the finger would be pointing squarely at the whitehouse. There is too much out now for them to silence him. It's pretty amazing when you think about what he has accomplished. One person, standing up for whats right, and he has put the government of a superpower on the ropes.

posted on Nov, 1 2013 @ 09:29 PM

I have been trying hard to stay "on the fence" when it comes to Mr. Snowden. My experience as a SNCO in the USAF involved, at times, matters of national security... I was a security officer. It was my job.

NEVER, however, was I privy to matters that involved spying on our civilian populace...

If I were placed in Mr. Snowden's shoes, so to speak, I would guarantee one thing...

My disclosure would be for the good of my fellow patriots.... and INSANELY heartbreaking at the same time...

Jefferson, Washington, Adams, Paine, Franklin... I weep for what we have lost... S&F

edit on 1-11-2013 by madmac5150 because: Because of the wonderful things he does....

edit on 1-11-2013 by madmac5150 because: ISON is the DEVIL!!!!

Free societies and actions hidden under “a veil of secrecy” are not compatible. Snowden is a hero as are you.

posted on Nov, 1 2013 @ 10:23 PM

Free societies and actions hidden under “a veil of secrecy” are not compatible. Snowden is a hero as are you.

Snowden is nobody's hero. He may be admired by some who are misguided and others who are ideologically unchangeable. I come up just short of calling him a traitor, but there is no doubt he is unworthy of trust.

Let him rot in Mother Russia ... and good riddance.

For those of you who can't get it through your thick skulls, this is what Snowden accomplished:

You will now never be rid of NSA trying to root out any 'suspicions' they can find in your home. You wanna thank Snowden for something ... thank him for that.

posted on Nov, 1 2013 @ 11:50 PM

Okay, I'm the first person to call people nutters but if he actually makes it to Germany without getting "lost" then something is going on. Like this is all song and dance for something.

What happens, world leaders all come together and complain about being spied on so they make up with hugs and a one world government?

Seriously. Something smells odd. Why did he even make it to Hong Kong/Moscow.

And why did Russia not say anything when a Canadian Naval Spy who was sentenced for leaking information about this program to them, before Snowden released it?

(RE:Other Thread)

edit on 1-11-2013 by boncho because: (no reason given)

This is one possibility:

How to Identify a CIA Limited Hangout Operation

We are likely dealing here with a limited hangout operation, in which carefully selected and falsified documents and other materials are deliberately revealed by an insider who pretends to be a fugitive rebelling against the excesses of some oppressive or dangerous government agency. But the revelations turn out to have been prepared with a view to shaping the public consciousness in a way which is advantageous to the intelligence agency involved. At the same time, gullible young people can be duped into supporting a personality cult of the leaker, more commonly referred to as a “whistleblower.” A further variation on the theme can be the attempt of the sponsoring intelligence agency to introduce their chosen conduit, now posing as a defector, into the intelligence apparatus of a targeted foreign government. In this case, the leaker or whistleblower attains the status of a triple agent.

posted on Nov, 2 2013 @ 12:08 AM


Free societies and actions hidden under “a veil of secrecy” are not compatible. Snowden is a hero as are you.

Snowden is nobody's hero. He may be admired by some who are misguided and others who are ideologically unchangeable. I come up just short of calling him a traitor, but there is no doubt he is unworthy of trust.

Let him rot in Mother Russia ... and good riddance.

For those of you who can't get it through your thick skulls, this is what Snowden accomplished:

You will now never be rid of NSA trying to root out any 'suspicions' they can find in your home. You wanna thank Snowden for something ... thank him for that.

Yes he is a hero. Bravery and Freedom go hand and hand. Can you imagine the immense fear he confronted yet he continued on a path in direct defense of the Constitution of this land. He is no traitor he is a patriot of the highest caliber! I am certain he could have provided information that would have cost lives but he did not. He simply spoke the truth against clear violation of laws we Americans have held dear for hundreds of years. He just happened to find himself in a land where truth is treason!

At the end of the day this is a democracy and the NSA will not stand. Those who oust the wrong doing are the heroes here not the FN Gestapo I mean NSA!

You cant have it both ways, you took an oath to defend the Constitution not to keep with secret police and those who would destroy the Liberty and Freedom your fore fathers fought and died for!

Freedom is not free but paid for with the blood of patriots like Snowden! The American public constitutes the largest armed force on the planet and it is well known that all political power grows out of the end of a barrel. This is the USA man not Nazi Germany! We may be slow to start, but once on task there is no stopping the peoples will! Now millions wake to see the Nazi Dogma and it wont stand for long! It is not smart to bed with the losing team!

How many countries have fallen due to a perceived repression? How long can we stand in a world where most non Americans think we committed or allowed 911 as a pretext for aggressive war against defenseless nations. A world where we are seen as the most repressive government on Earth? These actions threaten our children's futures. My children do not deserve a life in the dirt or war in their streets. These are not small issues! Ask yourself why the US exists at all. Was it not founded in defiance of a tyrannical government?

History says one thing over and over, and that is that tyranny either perceived or real will not stand for long even if the cost is millions of lives!

Snowden speaking out is no different than a soldier under orders refusing to mow down children. It is a moral dilemma and Snowden is 100% in the right.
edit on 2-11-2013 by Donkey_Dean because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2013 @ 12:25 AM

Yes he is a hero. Bravery and Freedom go hand and hand. Can you imagine the immense fear he confronted yet he continued on a path in direct defense of the Constitution of this land. He is no traitor he is a patriot of the highest caliber! I am certain he could have provided information that would have cost lives but he did not. He simply spoke the truth against clear violation of laws we Americans have held dear for hundreds of years. He just happened to find himself in a land where truth is treason!

At the end of the day this is a democracy and the NSA will not stand. Those who oust the wrong doing are the heroes here not the FN Gestapo I mean NSA!

You cant have it both ways, you took an oath to defend the Constitution not to keep with secret police and those who would destroy the Liberty and Freedom your fore fathers fought and died for!

Freedom is not free but paid for with the blood of patriots like Snowden!

Brother, believe it or not we are on the same team here. We have a minor difference in perspective is all.

No matter which way you cut it, Snowden is clearly in the wrong. I 'might' be able to get behind him had he just stood up instead of running, but instead, he is guilty of violating an oath of secrecy or he is guilty of treason. He went from a (grudgingly admitted limited) win to a lose-lose situation.

I agree that it's not Snowden's fault that the NSA knows what the inside of my butt-hole looks like (I hope they know what it tastes like too) ... but it wasn't his place blowing that whistle either. Were you really unaware of what the NSA was doing before Snowden made his play?

posted on Nov, 2 2013 @ 01:09 AM


Yes he is a hero. Bravery and Freedom go hand and hand. Can you imagine the immense fear he confronted yet he continued on a path in direct defense of the Constitution of this land. He is no traitor he is a patriot of the highest caliber! I am certain he could have provided information that would have cost lives but he did not. He simply spoke the truth against clear violation of laws we Americans have held dear for hundreds of years. He just happened to find himself in a land where truth is treason!

At the end of the day this is a democracy and the NSA will not stand. Those who oust the wrong doing are the heroes here not the FN Gestapo I mean NSA!

You cant have it both ways, you took an oath to defend the Constitution not to keep with secret police and those who would destroy the Liberty and Freedom your fore fathers fought and died for!

Freedom is not free but paid for with the blood of patriots like Snowden!

Brother, believe it or not we are on the same team here. We have a minor difference in perspective is all.

No matter which way you cut it, Snowden is clearly in the wrong. I 'might' be able to get behind him had he just stood up instead of running, but instead, he is guilty of violating an oath of secrecy or he is guilty of treason. He went from a (grudgingly admitted limited) win to a lose-lose situation.

I agree that it's not Snowden's fault that the NSA knows what the inside of my butt-hole looks like (I hope they know what it tastes like too) ... but it wasn't his place blowing that whistle either. Were you really unaware of what the NSA was doing before Snowden made his play?

From above: How many countries have fallen due to a perceived repression? How long can we stand in a world where most non Americans think we committed or allowed 911 as a pretext for aggressive war against defenseless nations. A world where we are seen as the most repressive government on Earth? Don't these actions threaten our children's futures. My children do not deserve a life in the dirt or war in their streets.

Why does the US exists at all. Was it not founded in defiance of a tyrannical government?

These are not small issues! History says one thing over and over, and that is that tyranny either perceived or real will not stand for long even if the cost is millions of lives!

Snowden speaking out is no different than a soldier under orders refusing to mow down children. It is a moral dilemma and Snowden is 100% in the right. It is our children at stake my friend! The world absolutely hates Nazis and that is how we are perceived in todays world!

The oath you took was to defend the constitution of this land not to be honor bound to systems which stand against it and threaten us all.
edit on 2-11-2013 by Donkey_Dean because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2013 @ 01:06 PM
As a German I would advice Snowden not to come to Germany right now. The bonds between Germany and the USA are strong and Merkel's party feels closer to the USA than any other party.

Ströbele, who visited Snowden in Russia, is an honorable old veteran of the Green party. If it was only him, then Snowden could feel save. But the Green party is not ruling at all. The same is true for the Left. They have published a study, how Snowden could be save according to German laws, but they not only have no power, but also nobody wants to cooperate with them.

Since the last elections Germany is in a kind of interim. So I would not trust any promisses of anybody, since you don't know, where the next government is going.

posted on Nov, 2 2013 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by Siddharta

Dito. I sure hope as well that he stays away from Germany, since otherwise I'm sure he would be extradited in a heartbeat, probably even before he is able to testify anything to keep the embarassment of the US as low as possible. Don't make any mistakes, a few people in Germany might be on a war-path, as one poster put it, but most simply don't care and are happy with beer and TV, while our glorious politicians have been busy downplaying the whole thing. At the moment they are just making a bit of noise to make the people think that they can actually do anything about the whole matter.

Merkel has always been brown-nosing the US and reigns firmly in favor of the global elites. I bet she would think of extraditing Snowden as an opportunity to show her masters that she can be trusted and that spying on her isn't necessary.

posted on Nov, 2 2013 @ 10:46 PM

Okay, I'm the first person to call people nutters but if he actually makes it to Germany without getting "lost" then something is going on. Like this is all song and dance for something.

What happens, world leaders all come together and complain about being spied on so they make up with hugs and a one world government?

Seriously. Something smells odd. Why did he even make it to Hong Kong/Moscow.

And why did Russia not say anything when a Canadian Naval Spy who was sentenced for leaking information about this program to them, before Snowden released it?

(RE:Other Thread)

edit on 1-11-2013 by boncho because: (no reason given)


There is something strange going on here.

Why is he is such a threat is he allowed to live. He should have had an accident by now.

This seems staged for some other nefarious reason. As observers of the game we are always playing catch up since the power players will always be one step ahead of what they want to achieve.

posted on Nov, 2 2013 @ 10:49 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

"Edward Snowden ready to testify!"?

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 12:01 AM

reply to post by Wrabbit2000

"Edward Snowden ready to testify!"?

Love the name, old Whale tune... great Beavis and Butthead episode as well

Let's just hope he lives long enough...

posted on Nov, 23 2013 @ 10:59 PM
And still we wait!!!!

posted on Nov, 23 2013 @ 11:42 PM
Funny thing is this guy simply posted to his friends about walking around Dagger Complex in Germany. It did not take long for the German Police to show up at his house asking about what he posted on Facebook.

They even have a Facebook page now to protest because a simple Facebook post was spied on by them.

And if the Germans were not involved where did they get the information from? But I will admit they were slow on the whole Google Car spying on citizens. It took them three years to get on board.

I all ways find the countries who joined in on the Google Car Spying first are the ones who like the spying idea the most. You notice France, UK, Australia, Italy, Japan,Spain and New Zealand all jumped at the chance. Germany was a late bloomer. Russia managed to hold out a couple months longer.

edit on 23-11-2013 by JBA2848 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by elouina

If I were Snowden I would still choose life in Russia over Germany. Russia is further away from the corrupt world banker string puller influence.

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