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The Indigo Children

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posted on Nov, 16 2004 @ 10:32 AM
I am often asked what is an Indigo Child, or how do I know I am an Indigo Child. There seems to be a lot of confusion about who we are, and I feel obliged as an Indigo child myself, to answer this question for you.

The short answer is; Indigo Children are the next stage of human evolution, they are here to make a positive contribution to the world, and bring about a positive change in the global consciousness.

The human being was is more than a physical being, he is a complex multidimensional entity, with a whole array of senses and a limitless potential. The five physical senses we are all accustomed with; sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch are only a tip of an iceberg of the capabilities of a human being.

The human being receives data from his physical and subspace senses, as well as his intellects, that interconnects to his physical conscious and subconscious mind, as well as his subspace mind. His subspace or subtle abilities originate from the soul, which is the higher self existing beyond space and time, and is entangled with the universal consciousness. The subspace mind is constantly receiving information from the non-physical channels, and filtering it to the physical mind, of which most is lost as it passes from the universal consciousness to the subspace mind - to the subconscious and then to the conscious
mind. This information is of three types; divine, spiritual and psychic

Divine information is information that originates from creation, or the universal consciousness.

Spiritual information is information that originates from the spiritual realms, from discarnate entities.

Psychic information is information that is obtained from the etheric realm and the etheric records.

All humans beings receive this information, in the form of thoughts, revelations, imaginations and intuition but their link to their higher self and the universal consciousness is weak. Indigo is just a label for a particular breed of humans beings that are born with a stronger connection and link to their higher self, with innate knowledge, direction and abilities. In the same way a child is born with an innate knowledge of science or music. The more there are of us, the more positive our global consciousness becomes, and eventually when there is a critical mass of Indigos, humanity as a whole will transision to the next stage of evolution, as an effect of morphogentic field, where all our children will be born as Indigos.

However, you do not have to be born an Indigo Child to be an Indigo Child, it is only a state of mind and being, that we all can attain. That is the role of an Indigo Child, to teach others how to attain this state of mind.

Indigo children are very inventive, intelligent, imaginative and intuitive. They are usually very sensitive, emotionally and psychically and lead socially reclusive lives, because they find it inherently difficult to
relate and indulge in normal human rituals, and are often confused about their own individual identity and purpose, but have a knowing at a deeper level of being, that they have a very special purpose - it's just finding it. They are naturally attracted to esoteric and creative fields from as early as their heydays. Many are also very sexual and experiment with their sexuality. Indigo Children are especially very rebellious, and do not bode well with rules and regulations, especially if it infringes and impedes on their free will and creative sensitivities. Most are naturally concerned for the ecosystems, the world and animal life. Many are vegetarians(not always true) and love the company of animals.

When an Indigo Child finds himself/herself, they shine like a star and their radiance becomes infectious. You will feel the brilliance of their aura in their vicinity. They are like angelic humans that can brighten up and bring a smile to anyone�s face, much like a child. When they speak, they will speak poetry and play with words with complete ease and abandon, with a soothing and harmonious tone. This is why they are naturally
teachers and love to teach and enlighten others.

However, an Indigo Child�s life is usually very hard, lonely and traumatic. They require a lot of love, nurturing, caring and intellectual and spiritual stimulation. They flare up like a volcano at the slightest provocation. They are extremely irritable and anger prone, and absolutely despise stupidity and generally have misanthropic(hate people) attitudes. If they are not handled and stimulated properly in their early days, they will begin to develop a whole range of psychological problems, and thus their performance in life and in academics becomes severely impaired. This leads to suicidal tendencies, and if there is no resolve to their life in sight, they will likely commit suicide.

This is why a group has formed called the "Indigo Children" it partially answers the identity and purpose we are seeking and gives us direction in life, and it also allows for us to intermingle with like-minded people.

[edit on 16-11-2004 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Nov, 16 2004 @ 11:36 AM
Indigo, could you post some links on the groups? It would be much appreciated.

Thanks, Jiffy

posted on Nov, 16 2004 @ 01:39 PM
So how do you know your an indigo child?

posted on Nov, 16 2004 @ 03:52 PM

Originally posted by Aether
So how do you know your an indigo child?

If you are an Indigo Child, you will have a knowing.
Here some defining characteristics of an Indigo Child:

In my particular case, I exhibit every characteristic.

posted on Nov, 16 2004 @ 05:55 PM
that reads just like my horoscope...

...except the american dream, not too sure why that would apply to me

posted on Nov, 16 2004 @ 06:52 PM
I'm but the information on that webpage is completely inconclusive. Those characteristics can and do apply to almost anyone. As for dreams and precog abilities everyone has their fair experiances of Deja Vu. The problems with electrictiy are far to subjuctive to outside sources to be reliable. People seem to read into things, why do you think horoscopes are so affective your psyche has an inherant want to connect what you see to past experiances therefore you can make the most seemingly abstract occurences and characteristics connect closely with your own life, not because they do but because your mind and psyche feel it healthy to do so. If your going to claim to be the next stage of human evolution you are going to need to back it up with hard scientific evidence that can be duplicated and reproduced almost at will.

posted on Nov, 17 2004 @ 04:16 AM

Originally posted by IndianaJoe
I'm but the information on that webpage is completely inconclusive. Those characteristics can and do apply to almost anyone. As for dreams and precog abilities everyone has their fair experiances of Deja Vu. The problems with electrictiy are far to subjuctive to outside sources to be reliable. People seem to read into things, why do you think horoscopes are so affective your psyche has an inherant want to connect what you see to past experiances therefore you can make the most seemingly abstract occurences and characteristics connect closely with your own life, not because they do but because your mind and psyche feel it healthy to do so. If your going to claim to be the next stage of human evolution you are going to need to back it up with hard scientific evidence that can be duplicated and reproduced almost at will.

I personally don't read horoscopes, for exactly the reason you pointed out. I also disagree the sum of these characteristrics apply to everyone, it applies to few actually. I think it is you who are tailoring it to your own life, by selectively choosing conforming character traits. Further, I have not tailored this list to fit my life, it already fits my life. I knew I was "something" since I was a child before I even heard the concept of Indigo Children.

However, what you don't understand it's not "we" that are the next stage of human evolution, it's the Indigo mindset that is the next stage of human evolution, that we just happen to be born with. Much like, some children are born with high IQ's. It also makes sense because our minds are becoming stronger, and as a result, our connection to the universal consciousness is stregthening. We are at a time, where a certain segment of society are rekindling their spirituality and psychic abilities, and where the physical sciences have bridged the gap to metaphysics. This is transforming our consciousness, and as consciousness is what manifests our reality, as we ascend the vibratory scale, so does the immediate reality transform. This is all preprogrammed in our DNA, that activate when it recieve the signal from creation.

We are at a point of transition now, where we start to become a much more advanced, positive and deity like race.

I'll give you an example from science fiction. In Star Trek, there are certain species, that are very psychic. However, they were not always like that, their powers were only activated at a cruical point in their evolution. We, humans, are very complex multidimensional entites, not just physical organisms, we are already have powerful abilities, and preprogrammed to become psychic or deity beings when we reach a certain stage in our evolution. In other words, when we are mature enough to have them.

It is my belief that time is cyclic, and we have gone through several cycles of our creation and destruction. I believe thousands or millions of years ago human civilization was very advanced, both technologically and spiritually, and after a great cataclysm, we were destroyed. Then we started to spiritually devolve, and lost our connection to the universe.

Here are some article on Indigo children. They are called various names "Indigo Children", "Star Children" "Star seeds" "Homo noeticus"

Here are a few articles on it, take what you want from them:

Sorry, scientific data measures observable and objective phenomena, while the mind is a subjective phenomena, and there exists no form of measurement for it. In the end I am not trying to prove anything to you, I am just explaining for the sake of some people, what Indigo children are. In the end whether you think you are an Indigo Child, is your own belief, most of us just have a knowing.

It would be nice if everyone else was an Indigo too, then we might not be so screwed as a species.

posted on Nov, 17 2004 @ 05:02 AM
Indingo Children, The Movie

There is a movie playing one day in alot of the major cities.

Atlanta, Baltimore, Boston, Charlotte, Chicago, Columbus, Dallas, Denver, Detroit, Houston, Jacksonville, Kansas City, Los Angeles, Miami, Minneapolis, New Orleans, New York City, Norfolk, Orlando, Philadelphia, Phoenix, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle, St. Louis, Tampa, Washington, DC (for a list of the specific theaters, please go to IF YOU ARE NOT IN ONE OF THESE CITIES, YOU CAN HELP US ARRANGE A SHOWING NEAR YOU. We are declaring January 29th "WORLD INDIGO DAY."

posted on Nov, 17 2004 @ 05:40 AM
Indigo Child,

I made a post about this on the media section, I must tell you, and please do not take offence to this....... "Indigo" is a code word meaning to "Indicate". The powers that be have entered into the scene with this to target and identify potential NWO opponents.... I would keep to yourself what you are capable of.

The movie 'Indigo' has New World Relgion and End Times programming, it will trigger and activate people with these types of programming.

I do not have further information on this subect...sorry

Kind Regards

posted on Nov, 18 2004 @ 05:56 AM

Originally posted by Merger
Indigo Child,

I made a post about this on the media section, I must tell you, and please do not take offence to this....... "Indigo" is a code word meaning to "Indicate". The powers that be have entered into the scene with this to target and identify potential NWO opponents.... I would keep to yourself what you are capable of.

The movie 'Indigo' has New World Relgion and End Times programming, it will trigger and activate people with these types of programming.

I do not have further information on this subect...sorry

Kind Regards

Excellent point to keep it personal, thank you.

posted on Nov, 18 2004 @ 07:09 AM

I made a post about this on the media section, I must tell you, and please do not take offence to this....... "Indigo" is a code word meaning to "Indicate". The powers that be have entered into the scene with this to target and identify potential NWO opponents.... I would keep to yourself what you are capable of.

The word Indigo was coined by researcher who noted the auras of a certain breed of psychic children, were all "Indigo" I personally think this is baloney, but that is where the term originates from.

You really need to read all my threads of NWO. The NWO knows I am an opponent. In fact, anyone who cherishes their rights to freedom, is their opponent.

The movie 'Indigo' has New World Relgion and End Times programming, it will trigger and activate people with these types of programming.

I have no idea what this movie is about so far. Will check into it, I just finished watching "What Dreams May Come " and honestly I was so touched by this beautiful, surreal and magical movie, possibly one of the best movies I've ever seen.

posted on Nov, 18 2004 @ 07:24 AM
Used on everything from people, plants, and animals.......

"Kirlian photography is a means of taking pictures of the nonmaterial world
without a camera. It provides a way of viewing the unseen patterns of
energy and force fields that probably permeate all substances. It offers
us a tool with which to view both art and science. The technique can serve
as a medical diagnostic instrument, too. The Kirlian effect is useful for
recording energy balances and harmonies in all forms of life.

The equipment which produces the Kirlian photographic effect uses no light
but only the radiation spark discharging from an object being photographed
on a film emulsion. The equipment consists of a metal plate and a generator
or oscillator that produces a high voltage field of variable pulse and frequency.
Film put in contact with the plate and with the object on top of it causes a
photograph to be produced. Depending upon the type of film used - instant
color film, 35-millimeter black and white film, or something else with
an emulsion that records images - different colors or shadings appear
in a brilliant corona surrounding the object."

Tesla invented it!

[edit on 18-11-2004 by Tesla]

posted on Nov, 18 2004 @ 04:56 PM
Alright, so some people are born as Indigo children, but you dont have to be born as one in order to be one, correct? Meaning, you can become one later in life? What is the mechanism behind this? Who is doing the choosing for the children being born Indigo? How do you know that some people are born with naturally higher IQs? I dont agree with that, but im curious as to why you believe this.

posted on Nov, 18 2004 @ 06:24 PM
I have no idea what this movie is about so far. Will check into it, I just finished watching "What Dreams May Come " and honestly I was so touched by this beautiful, surreal and magical movie, possibly one of the best movies I've ever seen.

I just thought I'd Mention my experience with What Dreams May Come...

When I saw that movie I had a complete breakdown emotionally. There is something subconscious deep within in that I have yet to understand regarding life after death and heavan. When exposed to this kind of scinematic representation, plus some theatre reproductions of life after death, the subconscious clicks and the water works flow from my face. I don't quite understand why.

On a related note, I had seen that movie with my then GF, and she had to turn into the man of the relationship, holding my hand, and kept asking are you ok hunny? lol


posted on Nov, 19 2004 @ 07:29 AM

Originally posted by Alec Eiffel
Alright, so some people are born as Indigo children, but you dont have to be born asone in order to be one, correct? Meaning, you can become one later in life? What is the mechanism behind this? Who is doing the choosing for the children being born Indigo? How do you know that some people are born with naturally higher IQs? I dont agree with that, but im curious as to why you believe this.

The mechanism of becoming an Indigo Child, is the same mechanism behind
personality transformation, which can be facilitated by changes in attitudes and beliefs and spiritual and psychic development. Your mind is your reality, your subjective universe, and it your thoughts, attitudes and beliefs that paint it.. If you change those so that they encourage your well being and your latent abilities, you are becoming an �Indigo Child� because you've made the first realisation of truth.

For you to understand, why certain humans are born with innate knowledge and ability, you will have to accept that consciousness exists separate from the physical body. And here follows a spiritual explanation:

We all are souls, that have has incarnated innumerable times in the physical world, and have built up a body of knowledge and experiences. The soul has a purpose and an order to it�s journey of life. It�s purpose is to reunite with the creator or the light. It does this by experiencing creation in all it forms and manifestations. All souls have had their own unique experiences and assembled their own bodies of knowledge. However, some souls are more evolved than others, and some souls have evolved to the highest levels of ascension, like Jesus, Buddha and Krishna.

The Indigo Children are such evolved souls, children of light, that have been guided by creation to incarnate here. What this means, is that our state of mind is the fruit of our evolution. However, evolution need not be an eternally long process, it can be as short as a moment. We all learn at our own pace, and this is true in the spiritual realms too.

I can teach you how to become an Indigo Child, because for me, it a very simple truth. However, if you are not ready to accept this teachings, then nothing I say, or do, will make you an Indigo Child. This is why being an Indigo Child is about knowing.

As I said, this is your own personal universe, and it is entirely your own choice, how you paint it, and it is entirely your responsibility what your reality is. I really suggest you see the film �What Dreams May Come� because it touches on some of the issues I have described to you.

The proof of children being born with higher IQ's and abilities you will find in many scientific and psychological case studies of intelligence and gifted children. Mozart, was a gifted child, for instance.

[edit on 19-11-2004 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Nov, 19 2004 @ 08:00 AM

Originally posted by ADHDsux4me

I just thought I'd Mention my experience with What Dreams May Come...

When I saw that movie I had a complete breakdown emotionally. There is something subconscious deep within in that I have yet to understand regarding life after death and heavan. When exposed to this kind of scinematic representation, plus some theatre reproductions of life after death, the subconscious clicks and the water works flow from my face. I don't quite understand why.

On a related note, I had seen that movie with my then GF, and she had to turn into the man of the relationship, holding my hand, and kept asking are you ok hunny? lol


I was not moved to the point of tears, but the vision of the afterlife and the representation of many spiritual concepts seemed so real, that I honestly thought, that it's probably not that far from the truth.

I loved how it portrayed the relationships between souls, with the son and daughter, assuming the roles of guardians for Chris, after his passing. I was struck by the irony of the role reversal. They are a family, interconnected, yet they are all equal. The manner in which they talked to each other, was as if they were honouring their past lives together, but in a way that was detached. As they say, each soul is on it's own journey.

The depiction of hell, was in one word, brilliant. That really made sense to me. Annie, was not an evil or bad person, but she went to hell for commiting suicide. She was not in hell because she was evil, because she was not, she was in hell because she let herself fall in her own blackhole of remorse, denial, self-pity and berating. It was her personal hell. In the same way, everyone else that was in hell, trillions of people completely self-absorbed in their own lives and their own pain. All you could hear in hell was their constant screams and moans about them self.

I honestly could relate to that. That is what everyone is like this day. They are self-absorbed, selfish, ignorant, screaming and moaning about what they have or don't have, and once they die, they do not realize they are dead, because they are soo deeply deluded with their own illusions. That is why they can spend an eternity in hell, unless they are saved.

Anyway, I don't you think should be worried after the afterlife, leave that for the day you die. Instead, concentrate on the now, because the now needs you.

[edit on 19-11-2004 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Nov, 19 2004 @ 08:42 AM
Sounds to me like another tailor made new age philosophy to make all the misundertood, socially inept, maladjusted, lazy, slacking, no job getting, whiney, cry baby, cant cut it in the real word loser's to feel special.
Its not me its the world that has the problem.
I didnt get bad grades becuase I was stupid or lazy its because the educational system is broke.
I'm not stuck at a dead end job because I have no skills its because I don't do well in a hierarchical structure.

Losers make excuses winners make things happen

posted on Nov, 19 2004 @ 09:23 AM
That may be true if it weren't the case that a lot of the so-called Indigos get fantastic grades and achieve an incredible amount with the minimum of effort. Doesn't seem in my eyes that anybody is excuse making.

posted on Nov, 19 2004 @ 09:46 AM
Has anyone ever had a conversation with the source of all creation before?
That's what indigo children are. We are more in tune with our "god" conciousness...Usually a negative force has tried to break us down in our lifetime..We all have to last through our tribulations, it's our test.

posted on Nov, 19 2004 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by mwm1331
Sounds to me like another tailor made new age philosophy to make all the misundertood, socially inept, maladjusted, lazy, slacking, no job getting, whiney, cry baby, cant cut it in the real word loser's to feel special.
Its not me its the world that has the problem.
I didnt get bad grades becuase I was stupid or lazy its because the educational system is broke.
I'm not stuck at a dead end job because I have no skills its because I don't do well in a hierarchical structure.

Losers make excuses winners make things happen

Sadly, that is how many Indigo Children and children with psychological problems are perceived by society. Because society is cold, arrogant, intolerant and ignorant, and anyone that is different or cannot survive in the system, is branded a loser. What you have just said, is a fine example of this. I am not surprised that people react like this to Indigo Children or gifted children or any kind of alien, partially because they are outraged at the mere suggestion that someone is "better" than them in something.

This is reality, where people do not get along, but fight with each other.
I have heard the term loser used over and over again, for people who have mental and learning difficulties, for people who have difficulty socializing, for people who are not so endowed aesthetically, to even people who enjoy their hobbies. And everytime it makes me laugh, because people who feel the need to put others down, are not doing it to put others down, but to hide their own inadequacies. Such people are miserable cold, and honestly, and in every sense, a loser.

When people forget, how similar they are to others, and how their life is no more different than a string of choices, they lose the very essence of what they are, humans. In fact the further you alienate yourself from others, in your own mighty pride of being superior, the more you are alienating yourself from who you really are. You create your own personal hells, and burn in your own malice, hate and arrogance.

I know of a begger, he just died recently, he was always smiling and playing his one song on the xylophone on the pavement, and he played so terribley, and people just walked by him. When he died, hundreds of people came and paid their respects to him and laid flowers. That begger, had nothing at all, yet the love and respect he got was more than many get. He had the most richest thing in the world, and that was his smile and his happiness.

You sound like a very miserable person, and while you may think you have grades(papers) possessions, money, you don't even have close to what that begger did. It is so ironic, that in many ways, you are more poor than a begger.

An Indigo Child has a choice he can make, and as an Indigo myself, I have made the choice of joining a human created system of captialism, inequality and corruption and socializing with such people, but everytime I have, I have felt empty and lifeless. This is not an emotion I chose for myself, it was instinctive, I just couldn't do it. Because I was different, I was different from the age of 2. I have spent some 23 years of my life, trying to find myself, who I am, and I was almost lead to suicide. This was not because, I was not capable of being succesful in life, I had the options like everyone else and the intelligence to do it, but it was wrong for me. And contrary to what you said, I do not blame anyone for my choices, because the first realization an Indigo makes, is that he is alone responsible for his/her reality. Do you know what it feels like to do something that is not you? It destroys your soul.

You cannot judge me, or any other Indigo Child or basically anyone for that matter. You do not know us, you do not even know yourself. So instead of spouting such widespread hate and venom for people you do not know, why don't you introspect yourself, and you may just find, what you are accusing others of, is actually the real you. You cannot understand the complexity of your own life, so don't bother with ours.

I have gone through a lot of trauma in life from as early as a child, and I am not going to spill it out for you here. I am just telling you, life is to experience and to learn, and we all need to make mistakes to learn what the mistakes are. So let us live, the way we want, and you do the same, but unfortunately while you can live without us, we can't without you. We have to tolerate and survive in your system, and it kills us inside.

I look at this world today, created by the system you espouse, and what really are you proud of; war, famine, disease, poverty, ignorance or hate? Forgive me, that I want nothing to do with such a system. I am a free soul, and I am here to learn and experience and grow as a spiritual being, I am also here to teach people I encounter, true values, my time here is only a heart beat in the universe, and that I shall be and that I shall do, and no one can deny me my god given rights. Not you, not society, not the government, not your pathetic system.


[edit on 20-11-2004 by Indigo_Child]

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